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good, bad and the ugly, preseason addition


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when 90 % of the people on said venue dont really give a **** then maybe you should stick to the topic rather than try to piss people off . Those with a brain can understand how the word was used. Not being the best typist in the world I look for short cuts, as most do on a regular basis. Im sure my posts are not being graded for proper grammar.

here's an english lesson for you.


Hahahaha, now your is a shortcut for you're? Good grief.

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well one because your a retard for asking the question when you obviously know Im joking around with you, and 2 because you know I have complained about Holmes since the guy put on a Jets uniform.

He's not worth the money he was paid and it kills me we have to deal with an over rated pile of sh*t when we could have spent the same money for a legit top 10 WR . if you think holmes is anywhere near top ten then your just fooling yourself

Good job avoiding the part about your contradicting yourself.

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Our detente will be in full effect when bball training camp starts, but I have to question you about the bolded. Besides Sanchez inherently sucking, how was he "bad" last night? He played well in avoiding pressure, hitting receivers 20+ yds away and moving the offense. Many thought he played well, including the beat writers and fans on other boards. His INT was a result of Stonehands Hill.

He didn't really look any different IMO. He had better receivers on the field, so yes, that made a difference, but almost every pass play he was still locked on to one guy. He wasn't moving particularly well in the pocket, as usual, either. That he hit some of those passes after 3-4 seconds had passed is nice, but that's going to be the exception this year and not the rule. Carolina had the worst defense in the league last year, and by the looks of things they still suck.

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He didn't really look any different IMO. He had better receivers on the field, so yes, that made a difference, but almost every pass play he was still locked on to one guy. He wasn't moving particularly well in the pocket, as usual, either. That he hit some of those passes after 3-4 seconds had passed is nice, but that's going to be the exception this year and not the rule. Carolina had the worst defense in the league last year, and by the looks of things they still suck.

OK, thanks. But that also doesn't bode well for Greene. He looked like trash against Carolina.

Remarkable that Tanny & Rex talk about Ground & Pound and they don't have the running game to do it.

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OK, thanks. But that also doesn't bode well for Greene. He looked like trash against Carolina.

Remarkable that Tanny & Rex talk about Ground & Pound and they don't have the running game to do it.

The whole thing is just an abortion. Outside of a very small handful of guys I don't know if any RB's would fare significantly better than Greene does with Sanchez under center. Everything with him directly effects all the other facets of what an offense can or can't do. I can't for the life of me understand what this organization was thinking in bringing back almost an identical offensive roster from last year and assuming that everything would just fix itself. It's becoming pretty clear that scoring points is going to be a distant second to mitigating turnovers this season; and that it's going to be mind-numbingly awful to watch.

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The whole thing is just an abortion. Outside of a very small handful of guys I don't know if any RB's would fare significantly better than Greene does with Sanchez under center. Everything with him directly effects all the other facets of what an offense can or can't do. I can't for the life of me understand what this organization was thinking in bringing back almost an identical offensive roster from last year and assuming that everything would just fix itself. It's becoming pretty clear that scoring points is going to be a distant second to mitigating turnovers this season; and that it's going to be mind-numbingly awful to watch.

Grounds for immediate dismissal. Of course Sanchez will put up something like 58%, 22 TD, 13 INT, and we'll go 10-6 and make the playoffs and beat some bum-ass team like the Chiefs and everyone will talk about Sanchez taking the next step and everyone keeps their job and hey look it's Chad all over again.

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Grounds for immediate dismissal. Of course Sanchez will put up something like 58%, 22 TD, 13 INT, and we'll go 10-6 and make the playoffs and beat some bum-ass team like the Chiefs and everyone will talk about Sanchez taking the next step and everyone keeps their job and hey look it's Chad all over again.

Coples, Wilk, and Ellis look like they'll save his job IMO. He'll get credit for at least trying for a QB and the last two draft classes working out well. Which will be bull, you don't get points in the pros for trying and those picks were obviously all Rex anyways.

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OK, thanks. But that also doesn't bode well for Greene. He looked like trash against Carolina.

Remarkable that Tanny & Rex talk about Ground & Pound and they don't have the running game to do it.

My issue with Greene is that lack of hit in his technique. Everyone knows a running game can be limited when the guys up front are not great and the QB doesnt scare anybody, but the guy doesnt run with a purpose. The QB was worse in 2009 but Jones approached things differently. Im certainly not the biggest Jones fan in the world, but if you needed a yard he knew to at least get low to the ground, take the beating and keep the legs moving. Greene sees a bunch of bodies and looks like he is tightening up and bracing for the hit. He stays high and never gets down. I blame the RB coach as well because some of that has to be technique and Conner does it as well. I remember at one point last season the median yards per carry for Greene was 1 yard. Thats ridiculous.

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The whole thing is just an abortion. Outside of a very small handful of guys I don't know if any RB's would fare significantly better than Greene does with Sanchez under center. Everything with him directly effects all the other facets of what an offense can or can't do. I can't for the life of me understand what this organization was thinking in bringing back almost an identical offensive roster from last year and assuming that everything would just fix itself. It's becoming pretty clear that scoring points is going to be a distant second to mitigating turnovers this season; and that it's going to be mind-numbingly awful to watch.

Honestly its Rex. Hes so hung up on his defense that when asked what they need offensively his response is less turnovers and the Wildcat. Go back to last season when people asked him what was wrong with the offense and he said they missed Brad Smith and he meant it as the next week he made Kerley start taking snaps. So they go out and get a wildcat coach, bring in Tebow, and thats that. Just dont put the defense in a bad spot and they will get it done.

Its bad because every interview from Sanchez on down treats the preseason results like a joke saying that nobody has seen the full bag of tricks. That trick is Tebow inside the 10 with the idea you never know where he will line up. Maybe it will work for a week or two but the problem is the Jets dont think its a gimmick. They think its a long term solution. Rex is telling everyone that and if it blows up the confidence on offense is going to go down the tubes and there will be a legit offense/defense split, which is already brewing when you listen to the secondary guys talking about the team.

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Honestly its Rex. Hes so hung up on his defense that when asked what they need offensively his response is less turnovers and the Wildcat. Go back to last season when people asked him what was wrong with the offense and he said they missed Brad Smith and he meant it as the next week he made Kerley start taking snaps. So they go out and get a wildcat coach, bring in Tebow, and thats that. Just dont put the defense in a bad spot and they will get it done.

Its bad because every interview from Sanchez on down treats the preseason results like a joke saying that nobody has seen the full bag of tricks. That trick is Tebow inside the 10 with the idea you never know where he will line up. Maybe it will work for a week or two but the problem is the Jets dont think its a gimmick. They think its a long term solution. Rex is telling everyone that and if it blows up the confidence on offense is going to go down the tubes and there will be a legit offense/defense split, which is already brewing when you listen to the secondary guys talking about the team.


Looking more and more like Buddy Redux. Persistence is a value until it becomes stubbornness. I have to think Rex is at that stage now.

But hey. We were top 5 in defense again. My legacy is complete.

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Coples, Wilk, and Ellis look like they'll save his job IMO. He'll get credit for at least trying for a QB and the last two draft classes working out well. Which will be bull, you don't get points in the pros for trying and those picks were obviously all Rex anyways.

If that turns out to be the case, I hope he's smart enough to know that he missed the axe by a ****hair and actually gets ahold of a big-boy QB, whether it's a mid-rounder or a vet FA.

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Honestly its Rex. Hes so hung up on his defense that when asked what they need offensively his response is less turnovers and the Wildcat. Go back to last season when people asked him what was wrong with the offense and he said they missed Brad Smith and he meant it as the next week he made Kerley start taking snaps. So they go out and get a wildcat coach, bring in Tebow, and thats that. Just dont put the defense in a bad spot and they will get it done.

Its bad because every interview from Sanchez on down treats the preseason results like a joke saying that nobody has seen the full bag of tricks. That trick is Tebow inside the 10 with the idea you never know where he will line up. Maybe it will work for a week or two but the problem is the Jets dont think its a gimmick. They think its a long term solution. Rex is telling everyone that and if it blows up the confidence on offense is going to go down the tubes and there will be a legit offense/defense split, which is already brewing when you listen to the secondary guys talking about the team.

Micro sense I agree. Rex has a lot of Buddy in him, and his attitudes on offense range from clueless to neanderthal. But in the macro sense I think he gets the value of an elite QB. The first thing he did when he got here was trade up for Sanchez, which was the wrong decision but the right idea. He's talked about Brady and Manning numerous times with a mixture of awe and envy and didn't hesitate to throw Sanchez under the bus when he pissed away last season. Could just be wishful thinking on my part, but I think if Sanchez doesn't take a major step forward Rex will demand that the FO find someone who can.

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Micro sense I agree. Rex has a lot of Buddy in him, and his attitudes on offense range from clueless to neanderthal. But in the macro sense I think he gets the value of an elite QB. The first thing he did when he got here was trade up for Sanchez, which was the wrong decision but the right idea. He's talked about Brady and Manning numerous times with a mixture of awe and envy and didn't hesitate to throw Sanchez under the bus when he pissed away last season. Could just be wishful thinking on my part, but I think if Sanchez doesn't take a major step forward Rex will demand that the FO find someone who can.

I dont disagree with that but those types of QBs dont grow on trees. I think Rex knows those guys are a cure-all and if he gets one thats great because he wont have to spend any time with the offense. But given that Manning said no thanks Im sure the options were laid out for Rex. I have to assume the options were Garrard, Orton, and Henne but knowing that Sanchez was going to be much less likely to reduce his cap figure if those guys were brought in which would impact the ability to upgrade at safety and possibly pigeon hole the team into drafting offense if you go with a Garrard or Orton since both would be on borrowed time. Maybe a real outside shot at Flynn too with Sanchez being cut. I have a feeling that with what is out there Rex is simply going to be in the "stop the turnovers" mode until either a better vet hits free agency or trade in the next year or two(Schaub? Romo?).

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