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Cimini: Rapid Reaction


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The word that comes to mind is trust...as in Mark would continue looking his way because he would trust Tone to continue to work to get open when the play breaks down. I don't see that. I also don't see enough designed plays to Tone when the Jets really need a first down. I don't see that. Whatever it is...I don't see Mark and Tone on the same page enough that makes me think he's Mark's "go to" receiver. Can't really explain it better than that. Just my impression.


That's not really fair. It's a new offense and Holmes was on the field for what? 15 plays? Besides, that is part of the "not gameplanning" bull that is probably true. I agree they should be trying to get the ball to Holmes, but the fact that we haven't seen it is not an issue. Yet.

Disagree with everyone on Hill. I like him so far. All the criticism has merit, but I don't see any great problem with the way he catches. Jets have tended to have some body catchers lately. I was happy to dump Ellard for Lal. Hopefully that will help, but I like Hill. No opinion on Jeffery.

Agree on Cimini. Cheap shot at Slauson and the BS with LT, though it is possible that there was more to what LT said than reported by NBC. Also agree that they "spoke" beyond week 13 or whatever it was.

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cimini isn't the first to suggest the Jets would be better with Plex. they probably would be, in the short term. In the long term it's better for Hill to get the Reps and get better. Signing Plex would kill the kid's improvement. Better to let him have key drops in preseason and hope it resolves itself. All this Holmes talk neglects that he has been a clear mentor to Hill and other youth in the WR corp. His attitude looks like a full turn around form last season.

overall yesterday was kinda what we are gonna see from the Jets. Bad offense, great defense and tight games. just like in 2009. They probably aren't gonna blow teams out. But they are going to take the air out of the ball, and get the game done in 3 hours or less.

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All this Holmes talk neglects that he has been a clear mentor to Hill and other youth in the WR corp. His attitude looks like a full turn around form last season.

Yes - he's fine for the moment till he doesn't get his way. Then he'll revert back to what he really is - a punk who's a one hitter away from wearing street clothes.

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The Jets are going to eventually be throwing the ball around like they did last year. You cant just run the ball to run the ball....eventually you're going to have to get first downs. When Green goes for a total of 4 yards on first and second down....Sanchez is going to be dropping back. And when the second half starst and Greene has been totally ineffective....its going to be Sanchez tossing the ball around, especially when theyre losing.

They need a better running back, but we've been over this a zillion times.

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LT is a ****ing punk. Straight up. **** that dude.

I highly doubt this too be true. 13 games LT? They didnt say a word to each other? ****ing unreal. I'd love to punch that ****er in the mouth.

Cause you would know right? Cause you were totally there in the huddle and with the team to prove that LT was lying right? Yes I think we should totally believe the guy bitching behind a computer instead of the guy who was actually there...

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Cause you would know right? Cause you were totally there in the huddle and with the team to prove that LT was lying right? Yes I think we should totally believe the guy bitching behind a computer instead of the guy who was actually there...

lmfao - are you serious with this?

If you've read the thread you'd have already found out that he was miss quoted by Cimini because thinking something like that could actually take place is absolutely moronic. So congrats on your part there buddy.

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that's one way of describing him. another way is super bowl MVP.

He's undoubtedly a quality WR, but I think there's little argument at this point that the fact that he still needs to try to live off the hype of one game 4 and 1/2 years ago suggest he's maybe not as amazing as some would have you think.

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Co-sign. But Cimini wouldn't get it, since he would never get involved in backing anyone up. He's the run and hide type. You can find him cowering in a corner with his skirt hiked up over his head.

It's funny, but all I've ever seen him say as it relates to Ellis is that he's not ready for a big load or he's not ready to step up. I'm sorry, he's been a huge surprise this preseason and has played pretty beastly at times. Cimini is, and always will be, an idiot.

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The Jets are going to eventually be throwing the ball around like they did last year. You cant just run the ball to run the ball....eventually you're going to have to get first downs. When Green goes for a total of 4 yards on first and second down....Sanchez is going to be dropping back. And when the second half starst and Greene has been totally ineffective....its going to be Sanchez tossing the ball around, especially when theyre losing.

They need a better running back, but we've been over this a zillion times.

Why? Why does Sanchez have to drop back on 3rd and 2? That's the problem. Greene gets 4ypc. He didn't break any long ones last year, which pretty much means those were a legit 4+ every carry.

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Why? Why does Sanchez have to drop back on 3rd and 2? That's the problem. Greene gets 4ypc. He didn't break any long ones last year, which pretty much means those were a legit 4+ every carry.

Greene through like the first 8 games wasnt getting 4 ypc. The Jets want to get first downs running the ball on first and second down and if the preseason is any indication, they're going to have a lot of trouble doing that with Greene.

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Greene through like the first 8 games wasnt getting 4 ypc. The Jets want to get first downs running the ball on first and second down and if the preseason is any indication, they're going to have a lot of trouble doing that with Greene.

admit the running game hasn't looke good in the preseason, but IMO they were throwing it around more to start 2011. Then they started to try to reign it back in when it wasn't working. Absent the Giant Air Fiasco. I think another problem was that the D was weaker and they HAD to air it out more. I don't think that will be the case this year.

Chicken or the egg? Greene had his best ypc when he had the most carries. Was that Schottenheimer intelligently using him less when he couldn't run successfully or does he do his best work with more carries? I think it's probably a bit of both.

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So it's okay to talk when you are with the team, but once you are let go you have to keep your mouth shut?

Someone supposedly did. Holmes. Problem is, Holmes is a body catcher too. I liked what I saw from Hill last night. Sure there was the one bad one, but he was getting open more and I think he will be a weapon. Looks like an upgrade over Burress already between the 20s. Now if only we could get something going in close.

I like Hill a lot. I fear he will get deep and Sanchez willnot be able to get it to him. He is that fast. I just fear him being a dropper. He will put some points on the board though.

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