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Lets Start the Chant


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are you one of the idiots that ESPN has showed booing after every Jets draft pick since Kyle Brady??

Idiot? Me....see here we go with throwing around name calling. But to answer your question..No I am not. I would like to ask you what you will be saying when Tebow wins us 1 more game than we did last year though.

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I have sometimes heard the phrase "Felt a little bit Gay." before. Now being the man's man that I am I have never known the feeling. But if I was to chant "Go Tebow" after my beloved J-E-T-S chant. Yep that just might do it.

Are you feeling Gay dude? That's too much info for me.

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The chanting will stop when he throws into the dirt 5 times in a row and then kills a fan in the stands with a wild pass.

So, that's 6 errant passes, huh? So...by that logic, Sanchez would throw five and a half errant passes based on last years numbers. Got it.

****ing MIRACLE they finished with the same YPA last year.

Unless, of course you forgot to add the Sanchez scenario in your post. You can do so now if you want.

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hahaha so ridiculous! I will never understand those fans, unless they truly are not fans and just like seeing Tebow go in and flail his arm back with that crazy ass release he has and throw the ball 5 yards short of our receivers or 20 feet above them. Or maybe they love the plays where he runs in circles in the backfield, "keeping the play alive", when he actually could have thrown it to 5 different players already.The guy is garbage as a QB but if they use him how they claim then i have zero problem with it.

Sanchez is just as big piece of garbage as Tebow. Just as big. You agree, I hope? Or you have some evidence that he's not?

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Sanchez is just as big piece of garbage as Tebow. Just as big. You agree, I hope? Or you have some evidence that he's not?

Damn didn't realize I would get someone so angry...my bad dude!

I've been reading these boards long enough to know you have blind hatred towards Sanchez and are one of those pessimistic negative posters here so I'm not gonna get all into this with u but there's plenty of evidence that Sanchez CAN throw and be effective. Has he performed up to his potential? I don't think so but this year is it. If he sucks I'll gladly agree but Tim Tebow is not even close to the passer that Sanchez is, based simply on the eye test, if you chose not to see that then that's on you.

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Sanchez is just as big piece of garbage as Tebow. Just as big. You agree, I hope? Or you have some evidence that he's not?

Are you really try to insight an argument over two pieces of crap at QB? Based on pretty much every single statistical measure, Sanchez is actually the better QB. That's what actually makes the whole thing so pathetic, Tebow is sucked off so endlessly and yet he's still significantly worse than one of the league's worst starting QBs. This is not even meant to be the slightest endorsement of Sanchez, but rather an indictment of how truly awful Tebow is at playing QB.

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Idiot? Me....see here we go with throwing around name calling. But to answer your question..No I am not. I would like to ask you what you will be saying when Tebow wins us 1 more game than we did last year though.

The fact that you're already trying to fully credit Tebow for wins that haven't happened should show you how ridiculous your point is.

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Damn didn't realize I would get someone so angry...my bad dude!

I've been reading these boards long enough to know you have blind hatred towards Sanchez and are one of those pessimistic negative posters here so I'm not gonna get all into this with u but there's plenty of evidence that Sanchez CAN throw and be effective. Has he performed up to his potential? I don't think so but this year is it. If he sucks I'll gladly agree but Tim Tebow is not even close to the passer that Sanchez is, based simply on the eye test, if you chose not to see that then that's on you.

Oh, the famous EYE test.

And no, you're reading comprehension is obviously at fault here. If you actually see what I respond to and post about you will find I respond to crap about Sanchez being "much better" than Tebow and that Tebow "can't" throw.

But yeah, Sanchez is not good. And neither is Tebow.

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Are you really try to insight an argument over two pieces of crap at QB? Based on pretty much every single statistical measure, Sanchez is actually the better QB. That's what actually makes the whole thing so pathetic, Tebow is sucked off so endlessly and yet he's still significantly worse than one of the league's worst starting QBs. This is not even meant to be the slightest endorsement of Sanchez, but rather an indictment of how truly awful Tebow is at playing QB.

Your definition of significantly is obviously different than mine. If turning the ball over 26 times is significantly good, then yeah, you might have a case.

If completing one more out of every twelve passes for the same amount of yardage is significantly better then yeah, you might have a case.

If running for 700 yards less is the sign of a significantly better quarterback, then yeah, you might have a case.

If having the same YPA, as the guy you are completing one in ever twelve more passes than is significantly better, I agree, apologize and will shut my mouth forever.

If being a sulker instead of a leader is significantly better for a football team, then you are dead on.

They both suck at this point, but neither significantly more than the other, which has been my point all along.

I have my own eyeball test, it's called looking at results, not arm angle.


We are talking about two quarterbacks that went head to head last year. One could not move the ball if his life depended on it. The other? Couldn't move the ball if his life depended on it. EXCEPT one was nice enough to help the other along by GIVING him seven points, while the other TOOK seven points when the game was on the line.

But this is another of these insignificant things we talk about sometimes here in the real world.

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Your definition of significantly is obviously different than mine. If turning the ball over 26 times is significantly good, then yeah, you might have a case.

When did I ever say it was good? I actually went out of my way to make the point that Sanchez was not in fact good, which made Tebow's ineptitude that much more ridiculous. It's not a good start when you have to change someone's argument to counter it.

If completing one more out of every twelve passes for the same amount of yardage is significantly better then yeah, you might have a case.

You can try to minimize it all you like, but can you name one other QB in the modern era of the NFL who had a completion percentage in the mid-40s? Not to mention, the difference in completion percentage was actually over 10% and trying to dismiss that as an insignificant difference is laughable.

If running for 700 yards less is the sign of a significantly better quarterback, then yeah, you might have a case.

It's just too bad they play QB and not RB, huh?

If having the same YPA, as the guy you are completing one in ever twelve more passes than is significantly better, I agree, apologize and will shut my mouth forever.

Yeah, you already used this one. It's not a good sign when you need to start repeating stats after only two. Do you realize that your only evidence is that because Tebow was the same as Sanchez in one category (a category, mind you, that Sanchez had the worst number of his career), while being significantly worse in every single other quarterbacking category?

If being a sulker instead of a leader is significantly better for a football team, then you are dead on.

When their sideline facial expressions is part of your evaluation of someone's QB play, you don't do a whole lot to help validate your evaluation process.

They both suck at this point, but neither significantly more than the other, which has been my point all along.

Except all but one number says completely otherwise. Sanchez no doubt sucks, but Tebow absolutely sucks worse.

I have my own eyeball test, it's called looking at results, not arm angle.

Yes, results. The results which, once again, favor Sanchez.


We are talking about two quarterbacks that went head to head last year. One could not move the ball if his life depended on it. The other? Couldn't move the ball if his life depended on it. EXCEPT one was nice enough to help the other along by GIVING him seven points, while the other TOOK seven points when the game was on the line.

But this is another of these insignificant things we talk about sometimes here in the real world.

The Sanchez-led Jets offense scored 13 points. The Tebow-led Broncos offense scored 10 points. Sanchez certainly cost the Jets with that pick-6, I'm not going to argue that for a second. Although I'd be curious to hear your explanation as to how Tebow is somehow directly responsible for the Jets defense failing to take advantage of the same exact opportunities Tebow presented to them as Sanchez did the Broncos. Sure those type of things average out over the course of a season, but you're the one choosing to use one head-to-head matchup as the be-all/end-all over years worth of evidence. Again, the point is not that Sanchez doesn't suck, the point is every piece of evidence out there suggests that Tebow sucks even worse, as Sanchez had not only the better QBing statistics, but the far more successful offense (in spite of the Bronco's having a much better running game). Neither are the answer to the Jets problems, but while one of them falls in line with your typical crappy NFL QB, the other doesn't even seem fit to play the position, but rather is more of a gimmick player, and his current coaches seem to agree.

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When did I ever say it was good? I actually went out of my way to make the point that Sanchez was not in fact good, which made Tebow's ineptitude that much more ridiculous. It's not a good start when you have to change someone's argument to counter it.

You can try to minimize it all you like, but can you name one other QB in the modern era of the NFL who had a completion percentage in the mid-40s? Not to mention, the difference in completion percentage was actually over 10% and trying to dismiss that as an insignificant difference is laughable.

It's just too bad they play QB and not RB, huh?

Yeah, you already used this one. It's not a good sign when you need to start repeating stats after only two. Do you realize that your only evidence is that because Tebow was the same as Sanchez in one category (a category, mind you, that Sanchez had the worst number of his career), while being significantly worse in every single other quarterbacking category?

When their sideline facial expressions is part of your evaluation of someone's QB play, you don't do a whole lot to help validate your evaluation process.

Except all but one number says completely otherwise. Sanchez no doubt sucks, but Tebow absolutely sucks worse.

Yes, results. The results which, once again, favor Sanchez.

The Sanchez-led Jets offense scored 13 points. The Tebow-led Broncos offense scored 10 points. Sanchez certainly cost the Jets with that pick-6, I'm not going to argue that for a second. Although I'd be curious to hear your explanation as to how Tebow is somehow directly responsible for the Jets defense failing to take advantage of the same exact opportunities Tebow presented to them as Sanchez did the Broncos. Sure those type of things average out over the course of a season, but you're the one choosing to use one head-to-head matchup as the be-all/end-all over years worth of evidence. Again, the point is not that Sanchez doesn't suck, the point is every piece of evidence out there suggests that Tebow sucks even worse, as Sanchez had not only the better QBing statistics, but the far more successful offense (in spite of the Bronco's having a much better running game). Neither are the answer to the Jets problems, but while one of them falls in line with your typical crappy NFL QB, the other doesn't even seem fit to play the position, but rather is more of a gimmick player, and his current coaches seem to agree.

You're not even making sense anymore.

No results by any stretch of the imagination, favor the guy with 26 turnovers, several pick sixes that have cost his team games.

And guess what, I may be crazy but I think completion percentage is not as important as what you do with the completions. And Tebow did the same with his completions that Sanchez did.

Facial expressions, huh? That's it, right? You're sitting there saying that Mark Sanchez is as much of leader as Tim Tebow. Go on record saying that.

Oh, and you minimize the rushing yardage as if they don't count for first downs, touchdowns etc. Has NOTHING to do with playing the position, or helps the team, nope, not at all.

Go on, give me the litany of results that show Sanchez is far and away better than Tebow. I'll wait.

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Considering this response is about as close as you can get to "I admit it, you're right and I'm wrong" on an internet message board, I appreciate the sentiment.

No, you're actually making less sense as you go along. Especially when you site results that don't exist.

Can we stop this and please let me root for Sanchez and then dread the "see you're an idiot, Sanchez is great" posts that are sure to follow.

I think I need to look at that clown car front page again to focus on the real a$$holes instead of fighting my fellow Jet fans on this board.

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No, you're actually making less sense as you go along. Especially when you site results that don't exist.

Can we stop this and please let me root for Sanchez and then dread the "see you're an idiot, Sanchez is great" posts that are sure to follow.

I think I need to look at that clown car front page again to focus on the real a$$holes instead of fighting my fellow Jet fans on this board.

Repeat it all you like, but that's really not the case at all, and if it were, I'm sure you'd have something to support that claim, which you clearly do not. I'm sorry, but responses of vague dismissals hold absolutely no value in a discussion and are really nothing more than the concession of someone refusing to do so. The fact that you're once again trying to paint me as making an argument that I've come nowhere close to making says all that really needs to be said. But like I said at the very beginning, I didn't even see the point in trying to insight an argument over two sh*tty QBs.

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Repeat it all you like, but that's really not the case at all, and if it were, I'm sure you'd have something to support that claim, which you clearly do not. I'm sorry, but responses of vague dismissals hold absolutely no value in a discussion and are really nothing more than the concession of someone refusing to do so. The fact that you're once again trying to paint me as making an argument that I've come nowhere close to making says all that really needs to be said. But like I said at the very beginning, I didn't even see the point in trying to insight an argument over two sh*tty QBs.

If I knew how to multi quote it would be a lot easier. And I still have no idea what results you have been talking about.

And I guess after I said you were making less sense and then said nothing aft- oh wait there was more. Did you see that?

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If I knew how to multi quote it would be a lot easier. And I still have no idea what results you have been talking about.

And I guess after I said you were making less sense and then said nothing aft- oh wait there was more. Did you see that?

I referred to better in completion percentage, touchdowns, passing yards, while leading a higher scoring offense and a more successful team (although admittedly, not this past season). I saw your point after that, and addressed that as, like I said, I've never portrayed Sanchez as anything even close to "great".

Unless you're referring to not wanting to continue to argue with fellow Jets fans? Well in that case, um... fine. :tongue:

If nothing else, I would imagine we can both agree that significantly better QB play than what we've seen to date from either of these dumbasses would be a far preferable circumstance.

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The fact that you're already trying to fully credit Tebow for wins that haven't happened should show you how ridiculous your point is.

Yes I am ridiculous wanting our Jets to be successful. Listen we don't have an elite QB on our team so lets get over that and deal with what we have ok. Do you get it now. So I am being optimistic and not negative which so many here always are no matter what we do as a team. If Tebow can help us win what is the problem? See my logic now or do you want me to write in freakin crayons?

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Yes I am ridiculous wanting our Jets to be successful. Listen we don't have an elite QB on our team so lets get over that and deal with what we have ok. Do you get it now. So I am being optimistic and not negative which so many here always are no matter what we do as a team. If Tebow can help us win what is the problem? See my logic now or do you want me to write in freakin crayons?

No, it's ridiculous wanting the Jets success to hinge on Tebow so that you can be right. You are, in advance, already preparing to fully credit a backup QB / gimmick player entirely for the Jets wins, and then using the fact that you will be doing so as if it is some sort of evidence to support your perception of him as a player. I'll be more than happy if Tebow can make some plays that help out the Jets this season, but that doesn't mean I have to like him as an overall player, as I still feel the bad far outweighs the good. There's plenty of crappy players throughout the NFL (including on the Jets) who have made some plays for their teams on occasion, that doesn't make them good players or mean I want them on the Jets.

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No, it's ridiculous wanting the Jets success to hinge on Tebow so that you can be right. You are, in advance, already preparing to fully credit a backup QB / gimmick player entirely for the Jets wins, and then using the fact that you will be doing so as if it is some sort of evidence to support your perception of him as a player. I'll be more than happy if Tebow can make some plays that help out the Jets this season, but that doesn't mean I have to like him as an overall player, as I still feel the bad far outweighs the good. There's plenty of crappy players throughout the NFL (including on the Jets) who have made some plays for their teams on occasion, that doesn't make them good players or mean I want them on the Jets.

Ok this is where our mis-connect is...I am not saying that our success is hinged on Tebow. What I am saying is he can help us win some more games. I have said many times in our threads that I want Tebow to compliment our team because he is on our team and until that changes I am going to root for him to succeed when he has the chance to play....and for the other info in your post I do agree with you.

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Ok this is where our mis-connect is...I am not saying that our success is hinged on Tebow. What I am saying is he can help us win some more games. I have said many times in our threads that I want Tebow to compliment our team because he is on our team and until that changes I am going to root for him to succeed when he has the chance to play....and for the other info in your post I do agree with you.

Ok, fair enough. I'll completely admit my problem is I just have an unbelievably small amount of faith in Tebow. I would love nothing more than to be absolutely wrong about him, I've just seen little from him to feel otherwise and, unfortunately, this preseason actually made me feel even worse than I already did. The fact that Tebow brings all of this baggage along with him (which I freely admit is not his fault, and all on the media, but it is still a reality) doesn't help.

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Ok, fair enough. I'll completely admit my problem is I just have an unbelievably small amount of faith in Tebow. I would love nothing more than to be absolutely wrong about him, I've just seen little from him to feel otherwise and, unfortunately, this preseason actually made me feel even worse than I already did. The fact that Tebow brings all of this baggage along with him (which I freely admit is not his fault, and all on the media, but it is still a reality) doesn't help.

Have to agree there. Previously, all I really saw of Tebow was highlight reels and the disconnected poor stats. Watching him throw something like 10 consecutive passes that were nowhere near being catchable in that last preseason game was mind-boggling.

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Have to agree there. Previously, all I really saw of Tebow was highlight reels and the disconnected poor stats. Watching him throw something like 10 consecutive passes that were nowhere near being catchable in that last preseason game was mind-boggling.

It was not a great experience overall, but this one play in particular I really couldn't believe. There were 4 Panthers defenders who had a better shot at this ball than the Jets WR.


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Have to agree there. Previously, all I really saw of Tebow was highlight reels and the disconnected poor stats. Watching him throw something like 10 consecutive passes that were nowhere near being catchable in that last preseason game was mind-boggling.

You know, it would be kind of awesome if someone yelled out this entire paragraph instead of yelling E!

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Ok, fair enough. I'll completely admit my problem is I just have an unbelievably small amount of faith in Tebow. I would love nothing more than to be absolutely wrong about him, I've just seen little from him to feel otherwise and, unfortunately, this preseason actually made me feel even worse than I already did. The fact that Tebow brings all of this baggage along with him (which I freely admit is not his fault, and all on the media, but it is still a reality) doesn't help.

ok and agreed...

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Ok this is where our mis-connect is...I am not saying that our success is hinged on Tebow. What I am saying is he can help us win some more games. I have said many times in our threads that I want Tebow to compliment our team because he is on our team and until that changes I am going to root for him to succeed when he has the chance to play....and for the other info in your post I do agree with you.

Well yeah that's obvious. Same here for everyone else. But what does that have to do about chanting "we want Tebow"? Come one dude, those chants are/will/would be ridiculous.
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