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Young Guns Mafia


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It's overwhelmed by your awesomeness.

You continue to amaze me with new ways to love you even more <3

and JiF is giving 80 a run for his money for the worst modding job ever put forward.

Just wait til you see my vote counts

sounding like AVM talking to Vic... you are channeling a lot of different posters tonight, like you are doing bad impressions... make a joke about poop and come up with a lame pun, quick!!!!



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Btw -- :rl: @ that scene

I also hereby swear to not lynch vote Nolder the next Wednesday I'm able to. Dude's been a really good sport about it...and the horse pictures make me laugh in retrospect. Can't control what others do, but as far as I'm concerned he's earned a break.

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I feel so disappointed that I don't have any mafia player nicknames that I can pat myself on the back for creating. Damn shame.

Good news: I'm so awesome I'm willing to let you take credit for AwesomeVM.

Something tells me he's about to make an appearance on Day 2.

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holy sh*t, lightbulb moment. Things just clicked.

Join me and we can destroy everything. Oppose me and we could destroy everything in our epic battle with one another.

Except Lily. We can't destroy Lily...that's my only request.

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no. Never. Stay away from my family.

I knew this day would come. You've given me no choice but to destroy all the things you love.

First -- Country Clubs

Then -- The hotel porn industry

Finally -- Highways and Interstates.

Try posting while driving without roads!! BAHAHAHA

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A high sweet note pierces the air. You have never heard anything so sweet. Your soul sings along with it. A HeavyFog rolls out of the sky, enveloping all. Slowly, you make out shapes in the fog. As they come closer, you can make out their faces.

Verboal. Leelouz. Womgay. Lilian. Ishay. Cindeh.

And at their head, a glorious, glowing horse. Nolderp.

They stop in front of you. Nolderp rears up and whinnies, brandishing his glowing hooves. The booming voice of Doggan rings out.

"The Horn of Valere has been sounded. We ride with you once again, Lews Therin."

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Join me and we can destroy everything. Oppose me and we could destroy everything in our epic battle with one another.

Except Lily. We can't destroy Lily...that's my only request.

We can win this, you know. Lead and I shall follow, my Awesome one.

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I also hereby swear to not lynch vote Nolder the next Wednesday I'm able to. Dude's been a really good sport about it...and the horse pictures make me laugh in retrospect. Can't control what others do, but as far as I'm concerned he's earned a break.

I never got to lynch Nolder on a Wednesday before. I had the fun of doing it now, and I'm good.

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A high sweet note pierces the air. You have never heard anything so sweet. Your soul sings along with it. A HeavyFog rolls out of the sky, enveloping all. Slowly, you make out shapes in the fog. As they come closer, you can make out their faces.

Verboal. Leelouz. Womgay. Lilian. Ishay. Cindeh.

And at their head, a glorious, glowing horse. Nolderp.

They stop in front of you. Nolderp rears up and whinnies, brandishing his glowing hooves. The booming voice of Doggan rings out.

"The Horn of Valere has been sounded. We ride with you once again, Lews Therin."


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I just remembered ... I came up with Nanootz too. That's up there with Nolderp. Okay... I'm better at this than I thought.

*ponders new trolling initiative about beating chest for being greatest nickname creator ever, then considers the bellyaching from Slats because he doesn't understand tongue-in-cheek, and instead decides to play with own feces*

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Btw -- :rl: @ that scene

I also hereby swear to not lynch vote Nolder the next Wednesday I'm able to. Dude's been a really good sport about it...and the horse pictures make me laugh in retrospect. Can't control what others do, but as far as I'm concerned he's earned a break.

Yeah, probably. I might joke-vote him on a Wednesday in the future and then move off but that's about it. It gets older than me being lynched/shot D1, though I imagine that never gets old for most of you. Dicks.

In this particular case I think its awesome that we just lynched a f***ing horse. Wouldn't have been able to accomplish that without LNW. First time ever.

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