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Serby: Ryan's Power Slipping


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Stand as one against the evil media!


  I can't stand the media just like anybody else, but the truth is, without it,  this forum probably doesn't exist and half the teams don't exist anymore.  

I mean look at the NHL, most people don't even talk about winning teams or the champions, whereas in the NFL, the Jets who might be a 4-12 team get front page stories on ESPN.       


  And most of these teams, the players, etc leak information to the media and the media try and run with it.  Or they have their goto source who kisses their behinds and gets the story before anybody else.   It's a two way street.   The players and teams need the media and the media needs the teams. And they all need fans otherwise nobody would even pay attention.    WNBA anyone?

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This week is going to be a circus, with the Ryan-Revis-Sanchez-Tebow storylines swirling around. You can already see on Twitter how ESPN and NFLN are hovering over Florham Park looking for headlines. Hopefully, Idzik leads them through it without fomenting the situation. Could really be a defining week in what his regime looks like. The wild card being how much Woody Johnson has learned about not all attention being good attention.



yeah, that's all anyone is talking about, the jets and rex ryan

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Ryan is nothing more than a top notch coordinator I think when it comes to actully managing a football team hes a complete disaster. Why ? because the guy has no vision on offense or Special teams at all. None

SInce the Parcells left we've had one defense first coach after another at a time when scoring exploded and the rules were modified to encoruage offense.. When ever I heard Wrecks babble about his defense I wanted to break the TV and/or punch him in the face. He is his father's son, and that's far from a compliment. The 4-6 defense (which is hwat Wrecks and his brother runs with varations) has been mostly found out, and even earlier it breaks down at the end of games even on it's good days.Spermie made this point well a few days ago; at the end of the day NFL teams have to outscore opponents to win. Ryan doesn't do that by design. If you can score TDs you can get away with an average or even lousy defense. It doesn't work the other way around. And for what ever success Ryan has had here, suspect a lot of it is due to teams knowing the Jets' offense is by design so inept and scared that you need at worst 14-17 points to beat them. For a guy that struts and preens about pretending to be a tough guy, utlimately Ryan's teams are pussies on offense. 


Good luck to Idzik. But we don't yet know if this is a change for the better or more of the same. And as long as Woody is out front arguing with players, I have my doubts.

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SInce the Parcells left we've had one defense first coach after another at a time when scoring exploded and the rules were modified to encoruage offense.. When ever I heard Wrecks babble about his defense I wanted to break the TV and/or punch him in the face. He is his father's son, and that's far from a compliment. The 4-6 defense (which is hwat Wrecks and his brother runs with varations) has been mostly found out, and even earlier it breaks down at the end of games even on it's good days.Spermie made this point well a few days ago; at the end of the day NFL teams have to outscore opponents to win. Ryan doesn't do that by design. If you can score TDs you can get away with an average or even lousy defense. It doesn't work the other way around. And for what ever success Ryan has had here, suspect a lot of it is due to teams knowing the Jets' offense is by design so inept and scared that you need at worst 14-17 points to beat them. For a guy that struts and preens about pretending to be a tough guy, utlimately Ryan's teams are pussies on offense. 


Good luck to Idzik. But we don't yet know if this is a change for the better or more of the same. And as long as Woody is out front arguing with players, I have my doubts.


good post, right on the money

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