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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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I was told a couple days ago I was allowed to share this, I'm paraphrasing some.

DPR will announce the rules of recruitment on the day we can use them. He said basically that the mafia will have an angle to work like anyone else and no point to them having an advantage.

What? The OP stated the rules of recruitment pretty clearly. There's a day to do it.

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God your dumb..  The OP doesn't say sh-t.  Shall I spill the beans on how recruiting works?  Is that what you're looking for with this?

Gifts may only given on Dia de Donate'

Recruits may only be offered on Dia de Unirse a

72 hour Days / 24 hour Nights

Please consider your options carefully.

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Guys who jumped after Nolders dumb post.


Guaranteed scum in here.  If they were town they would know that the OP doesn't say anything about how the recruiting works...  like at all.

This is one of the few cases where I wonder what a post said pre edit.

Anyway I didn't say it said how recruiting works I said the info, that there is recruiting and gift giving in the first place, is in the OP.

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Already explained that.  You're talking in circles right now.  Go troll someone else.

Quote it please. I promise to let it go even if I don't agree with what you quote but I have no idea what you're even referring to here.

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Current Vote Count:


Verb (3) - Crush, JiF, Ape

Wombat (7) - Lily, Pac, Verb, Nolder, Arsis, Hally, Lizard

Pac (5) - 80, Leelou, AVM, Hess, Smash

Hally (1) - SMC

Nolder (1) - Wombat


With 18 players, it takes 10 to lynch.


Deadline in <12 hours

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Lulz at the pokemon comment

Ahh, the captain. We had some good times

I found a new rom hack I wanted to try. Omega Red.

It's ******* hard. I'm doing a hardcore nuzlocke run and I've already lost 3 pokemon by the time I made it out of mt moon.

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Oh really?  Because I'm pretty sure I was sitting at 4 votes the majority of the day until Nolder thought he discovered something..  How is everyone not seeing what you're doing?


And you know what's funny..  you actually agree with me about what I said.  You see any reason to discuss the limitations of the recruiting?  Is that what you're looking for?

Yeah I gotta agree with Wombat here. I don't think anything I said had to do with the votes changing. We were at a standstill and deadline is creeping. Seems natural votes would fly in eventually.

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This is one of the few cases where I wonder what a post said pre edit.

Anyway I didn't say it said how recruiting works I said the info, that there is recruiting and gift giving in the first place, is in the OP.


I added the first sentence in case it wasn't clear why I put them in red.  

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I'm sorry to use RL as an excuse because u really hate anything remotely near cheating but it's the truth. I've been skimming. My fault




I'm fried tbh. In real life we are expecting, trying to get out of attorney review in a house purchase, and up to my butt in work. Been trying my best but I digress I clearly missed something


No worries hommie!!! It's just a game. Keep up the good work....townie friend. 

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Are you playing dumb?  He did that dramatic "ahh haa" post saying that recruiting was mentioned in the OP.  Meanwhile anyone who got the same role PM I did knows there's a lot more to it than that.  I don't think he's scum because he had no reason to go out on a limb with his post.  But I'm also not sure he's looking at the same thing I am.  Reeks of someone looking for me to say more.  Which as I've said all game long..  would.be.dumb.

There's really not that much more to it.

I think anyone who says the extra bit will be MK by DPR but aside from that I don't see any reason to fear mafia getting ahold of the knowledge.

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I'm sorry to use RL as an excuse because u really hate anything remotely near cheating but it's the truth. I've been skimming. My fault


Don't worry about it..  truth be told I've been stressing about this stupid dog and cat potentially peeing all over my house when they meet.  I'm sort of a neat freak so I've been reading countless hours of how to make this work..  how to house train the dog in as little time as possible..  how to make my emotional girlfriend not ruin this dog by showering it with love at all the wrong times.  We've been bickering to arguing for 2 ******* weeks because every time I tell her what I've read, she tries to poke holes in it.  It's stupid.


I put a conservative estimate of 15 hours of reading and $300 plus in ridiculous things I've purchased.  I don't even want to admit some of them and I'm shameless lol.

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Nolder has attempted to derail the game with inane and inaccurate setup talk twice now.

I can't wait until you die. You're being so dumb this game I don't even care if you're scum anymore.

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