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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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only ape woukd attempt to spin acting like a vageen into proof of his toughness..

god bless you ya furry pos


not even sure wtf you are talking about, save it for another time a$$hole face

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My point is that you're not giving me any credit for what I have done.

A townie would make the case that I haven't done enough not lie and pretend like I'd done nothing at all.


What you have done amounts to so little as to be indistinguishable from nothing.

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i made one small post saying congrats, i'll play until dpr find a replace. no matter what manner i did it in, peoplw ere going to react - because its me

That's true.


normally i'm like patrick swayze in roadhouse and can fight 20 guys at once, without breaking a sweat because pain don't hurt - worry about my job security has we really wound tight. i just need to cool off

 Take a break then. Cone back when someone dies. We all know you weren't getting lynched anyway so it's not like you're avoiding the game to avoid being lynched.


not for nothing but i was trying to get read on you - if you put havelf the effort into actually getting rad on crush, as you did into pointless grandstanding you would have gotten that read - you were more focused on convincing peolpe i was 'derailing' you, makes no sense

Well you getting a read on me ****ed up my read on Crusher.
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lol you are the last person here with a shot to make me more emo... more likely give me my strength back

jftr... Verbal made you emo, Verbal! That's like saying you have a kitten phobia

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Remember this post?





Nolder never refuted it.  He instead decided to argue semantics and say I was being "unclear" when it was quite clear from context that I was referring to hidden mechanics.


Nolder, if you didn't understand that I was referring to hidden mechanics, then why did you lambast me for pages for holding info back from the thread?  Either I had info or I didn't.  You can't have it both ways.

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I've made numerous cases on Nolder.  Have you been reading, Leelou?  Nolder has twice derailed the game with belated and erroneous setup talk (regarding no lynch, and recruits respectively).  He has not done any scumhunting, instead preferring to spend his effort obfuscating, and repeating faulty arguments well after they have been addressed.  He did his stupid stealth joke unvote thing when he wanted to get off my train.  He is now pushing the Pac train with RL bullsh*t.  Nolder is the most anti-town player in this game, bar none.


Bump for Nolder.

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And don't think I don't know I can vet myself by spilling the beans on exactly how the recruiting works and what the limitations are etc.  Right now scum is trying to figure it out.  I was trying to think of how to do it without flat saying it but that's bush league.


But maybe if you piss me off enough I'll just say it lol.

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And don't think I don't know I can vet myself by spilling the beans on exactly how the recruiting works and what the limitations are etc. Right now scum is trying to figure it out. I was trying to think of how to do it without flat saying it but that's bush league.

But maybe if you piss me off enough I'll just say it lol.

There is no extra info in the normal town pm about recruiting . You're either bluffing or you just painted a giant target on yourself. I think it's bullsh*t.

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I've made numerous cases on Nolder.

Yeah and they're all crappy obviously.

Have you been reading, Leelou?

Considering she's the 5th top poster in the game out of 18 people I think it's fair to say she's read everything you have to say about me. Probably more than once.

Nolder has twice derailed the game

First of all it takes two (or more) to do that tango.

You, Ape, and Verbal are just as responsible for those derails as I am.

Secondly I think it was pretty clear to most people that I was aware the game was being derailed and didn't like it. I tried multiple times to shut the argument down. Eventually it was down to me to walk away and it hasn't been easy but for the most part I've done it. Not saying I haven't made some remarks here and there but I haven't let it blow up like before. Where were you during all this? Taking pot shots. Unlike me though you don't seem to regret it at all. You want to fan the flames I want to put them out.

with belated

Ok let's get done with this once and for all. You made the same realization earlier than I did. Whoopdidoo. Want a trophy or something? If not then why do you keep bringing it up? To point out that I...what? Am slow? Or are you trying to imply that the rest of the game was already aware of the possibility of everyone being town. I guess I can't speak for anyone else but my impression was that until I voted NL and Arsis came in and said what I was thinking almost no one seemed to have previously considered the possibility. If you want to take a poll go ahead but I'm not sure what you think you'll prove even if most people say they already realized it. The conversation went on for what...3 pages? Then it settled down and we moved on. You were instrumental in that and I gave you full credit after double checking with DPR when I did. Trying to spin this like some intentional big distraction is so obviously disingenuous.

and erroneous setup talk.

I made the false assumption that we were all town. You made that exact same assumption and as soon as I found out it was false, like you I let it go immediately. As for the cults. I don't know what you think I've said about them was in error. Regardless that wasn't even a big discussion until you and Pac blew it up and like the other discussion it didn't last very long. Again trying to spin this like I was trying to purposely distract town is obviously false and dumb. Hell most of what I said on the subject of cults was in response to things YOU said about them. The subject was boring for me and I didn't see why we were dwelling on it so much.

instead preferring to spend his effort obfuscating,

No you.

and repeating faulty arguments well after they have been addressed.

No you.

He did his stupid stealth joke unvote thing when he wanted to get off my train.

Oh **** you dude. I make jokes when I play mafia. Why? Because it's fun.

You can read into that whatever you want but I was going to unvote you at the time anyway.

Being the townie I am I was torn by the cases being made on Pac at the time and decided to step off and see where people were landing on the subject so I could better asses connections I'd made.

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Remember this post?





Nolder never refuted it.  He instead decided to argue semantics and say I was being "unclear" when it was quite clear from context that I was referring to hidden mechanics.


Nolder, if you didn't understand that I was referring to hidden mechanics, then why did you lambast me for pages for holding info back from the thread?  Either I had info or I didn't.  You can't have it both ways.

This is exactly the sh*t that pisses me off. I know scum will be scum and it's a valid tactic but the purposeful misunderstanding of what I've said is so blatant it ******* infuriates me that you haven't been lynched yet.


Regarding the sh*t before the bold, there's nothing to refute. You guys were acting like the very fact there was recruiting was information that would just freaking devastate town if scum found out. Seriously it felt like we were talking about nukes the way you guys (mostly you wombat) kept pushing the angle of "what if scum knew...?". I pointed out it was in the OP all along which I hadn't noticed before.


Now coming back to the bold I "lambasted" you for withholding the knowledge that everyone could be town and the fact that that was an incorrect assumption. The info you're referring to (about cult mechanics) and the info I'm referring to (the incorrect reasoning for NL) are two different things but you'll keep conflating them and spin your bullsh*t stories so I don't even know why I'm correcting you again. For Leelou and other observers I guess god help me if they don't lynch you tomorrow after Pac.

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**** it. Pac is being an idiot but I think it's clear he knows what's not being said. Dunno if Arsis is trying to bait him into getting modkilled or is scum.

If we can accept that Ape is town because of his blow up can we also accept Pac is derptown and lynch Wombat instead?


Unvote Vote Wombat

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This is by far the most fun game ever. I really am speechless that the Ape would quit this sh**show. This is amazing. I about lost it when LIA came stumbling in telling people to STFU because she's dealing with RL stuff. LOL awesome.

Yeah no that's not what I was saying kthx. I'll try making myself clearer.

* normally I want people to like me and I care what they think about me to a degree

* real life sh*t made it clear to me that this game, what y'all think doesn't matter so...

* I went ahead and made a post of my thoughts even though I knew it would be torn apart, give me anxiety and probably make me feel even more stupid than I already do.

OT I think I've figured out a reason I'm so stupid and tired all the time so maybe there is some light and medication in my future.

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**** it. Pac is being an idiot but I think it's clear he knows what's not being said. Dunno if Arsis is trying to bait him into getting modkilled or is scum.

If we can accept that Ape is town because of his blow up can we also accept Pac is derptown and lynch Wombat instead?

Unvote Vote Wombat

A modkill would be lovely this time of night.

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You know why I'm so extra frustrated with all the crap Wombat is throwing around? It's been over 100 pages with no deaths. This game isn't going anywhere and it's driving me crazy. If I could just have one death, ANYONE, I could start some more in depth scumhunting and making connections based on what that person said or what's been said about them and whatnot. But I don't have that. Seriously we need to just lynch someone and get this over with and move on with the game.

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unvote Ape

Yes I have poison, doesn't make me think Hallia is town too because of it but the fact she said who she gave it to makes me lean that way. I'm asking DPR a question and then I don't mind saying it as well unless someone mentions a good reason not to. I also don't mind explaining how it works if asked.

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You know why I'm so extra frustrated with all the crap Wombat is throwing around? It's been over 100 pages with no deaths. This game isn't going anywhere and it's driving me crazy. If I could just have one death, ANYONE, I could start some more in depth scumhunting and making connections based on what that person said or what's been said about them and whatnot. But I don't have that. Seriously we need to just lynch someone and get this over with and move on with the game.

unvote vote Nolder

Since you volunteered.

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Nolder and Wombat can't be both scum.

They could be both town, though.

I'd lean towards Wombat being scum based on what I said above.

Why can't they?

Why are people believed so much in a game where lying in the standard? Pac hints at knowledge he has and is vague as sh*t and nolder eats it up. I don't believe vague hints. I don't believe when someone claims a role. I don't believe anything anyone tells me in this game.

The only thing I know is three people were online at the deadline and ****ed the lynch up. You, crusher and jif.

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