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Hey Woody you want me to spend my money you should do the same


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getting VERY frustrated here-got my season ticket bill just like last year around FA time-the bogus letter from Woody telling us fans how the Jets and him will do all they can to put the best team on the field only to watch all of the other teams around us sign  upper evel talent and while we have tons of money and do nothing.


I am sure guys reading this will say hey bud FA just started be patient-sounds all too familiar like last year? I sat around and waited watching every player we targeted go elsewhere. This year at this point it is Revis or BUST -Pats will probably sign all  of their guys including Revis and pick up Andre Johnson-Fins locked up second best D lineman in the league-Bills appear to have a few deals in place


So far most of the top FAS have deals in place and we have signed a scrub guard that is it-




How do we actually know who we actually targeted?  Reporters say a lot of things to get us going.  Jets made a push for this gut or that guy but everyone has a value and a ceiling.  

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But they have the two years to spend it all at this point, correct?


Which, I agree, is why a two year Revis deal makes a ton of sense. 


yes they have two years where they have to be close to 100% to balance out the last two years 

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It's not even about the $$ at this point.   With the start of FA I think the Jet fan anger is more the realization that regardless of who the team signs the Jets are still going to stink in 2015.  


I could care less about signing Revis at this point.   Idzik handed NE a Super Bowl by not pursuing Revis last season.    Instead of signing the best CB in football we had Harvin/Vick/Patterson.   What a cluster.  


yeah probably but you never know.


I thought the Jets would have been awful in 2013 and better in 2014 but it turned out to be reversed. 


If they can bring in a QB to "Hold the Fort" bolster the O-Line and strengthen the secondary then maybe they can get to 8-8.


We find out in the next few weeks.

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How do we actually know who we actually targeted?  Reporters say a lot of things to get us going.  Jets made a push for this gut or that guy but everyone has a value and a ceiling.  


we needed line help and secondary help-you think we said yeah lets let all of the good line and secondary guys go elsewhere and we can target and  sign a scrub line man a jag rb that has had years to do something here and never has and no secondary help?   


please somebody say FA didnt start yet again-I love hearing that like once 4pm roles around we can sign all of the FAs that already have deals in place


give me Revis and at least we improved an area of need with a skill player and took him away from the pats

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they are required to spend to a floor 89% of the cap over 4 years


they are not required to spend 100% every year. 


the Jets were at 80% for 2013 and 2014 which means they have to get close to 100% to get to that 4 year average.

I.e. we spent almost exactly the same as the Dynasty New England Patriots did.

Kinda kills the whole "it's all about how much you spend" theory, eh?


but there are many other teams who don't worry about the floor cause they are always above 89%.

Can you list the top 5 spenders, and their records and list of Super Bowl victories since the floor was implemented.



For those who are against Revis quick question how else can the team prove to the fans they are trying to compete?

By improving overall team talent via solid starter-quality FA acquisitions and the draft at multiple positions of need, building team talent depth, and looking especially at the QB position to improve it both for the short term as best as possible, and securing a legitimate long-term franchise QB prospect if possible. 

Signing a starting-downside-of-career Revis to a 20 million/year PR deal after tampering with him the offseason after he won a Pats Super Bowl......lol, really?

This isn't Madden, no matter how much you might want it to be Bit.


One poster said the team proved they are serious by cleaning house. Tearing something down is not the same as building a winner.

Spending just for spending sake, or worse for PR reasons, without reflection on the judgment of that spending, isn't building a winner either.

For that matter, neither is "proving to fans" anything whatsoever.

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 Spending just for spending sake, or worse for PR reasons, without reflection on the judgment of that spending, isn't building a winner either.

For that matter, neither is "proving to fans" anything whatsoever.


Fish you talk a big game but i guarantee you aren't filling out a season ticket check. Neither am I actually... but I know people who do and these people expect the team to invest. not just be fiscally responsible for the next N years until a QB magically appears.  


Quality is better than quantity.  always. the wins come from the top of the roster not the grunts.  the league is about difference makers. 


ps- just cause the Pats cheated their way to several titles, doesn't make it a blueprint to copy. 

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Fish you talk a big game but i guarantee you aren't filling out a season ticket check. Neither am I actually... but I know people who do and these people expect the team to invest. not just be fiscally responsible for the next N years until a QB magically appears.

Their supposed expectations are 100% irrelevant, and have VERY little to do with building a winning franchise. On the contrary, running a team on the whims of fans is a horrible, Madden-esque way to run a business.

I'd also say I doubt, strongly, that all season ticket holders agree with your Dan Snyder'esque way of running a team, the "sign the biggest name, yay PR, now sell those Jerseys" style of Front Office Management.  

Seems pretty clear your argument holds no water, winning is not tied to the salary floor, woody has a record of spending equal to any winner, being obsessed with Revis will not bring us a title, and spending 20 million on a guy for "name/PR" to placate whining fans is pure foolishness.

All the smart fans can do is hope Woody isn;t so thin skinned and ignorant as to listen to this kind of chuckleheaded "PR > Winning" arguments.

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 All the smart fans can do is hope Woody isn;t so thin skinned and ignorant as to listen to this kind of chuckleheaded "PR > Winning" arguments.


check the "do you want revis back" poll 


the votes are like 2:1 in favor 


those against Revis' return are part of a vocal minority 


this is a product Warfish it's entertainment, I am not entertained by the idea of cap space. cap space never made a play or scored a point.


Further, I am not taking for granted that I will be here 10 years from now to see the final rebuild in all it's glory. 


In the NFL there is no future. There is only now.  If you don't believe that, look at Idzik. The guy got 2 years. 

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I thought the past two years we were in re build? now we are back to year one? yes I know new coach and new gm blah blah blah


I have 12 tickets and have been a fan for 30+ years


yes we are a low tier team and to attract FA you have to pay a bit more-we have TONS of money-if we lose out on Revis it is because we did not want to pay him


True, but we didn't do anything positive last year, so that negated the first year of rebuilt. We're back to square one.

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True, but we didn't do anything positive last year, so that negated the first year of rebuilt. We're back to square one.


there's no such thing as rebuilding in the NFL over multiple years


there is only a reload. every team is on a 1 year rebuild, every single year. 

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Not all of us are created in His image monkey. Why reference someone you don't believe in? Next time say Chiquita banana girl dam right.


Because, as I said, it's an expression. It's the internet, people are going to say thing you don't like, even when they meant absolutely no harm. Get over it.

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this is a product Warfish it's entertainment, I am not entertained by the idea of cap space. cap space never made a play or scored a point.

Perfectly said.

You care most about "being entertained". Fair enough.

I care most about winning a Title.

Further, I am not taking for granted that I will be here 10 years from now to see the final rebuild in all it's glory.

I'll miss our conversations, if that's the case. 

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there's no such thing as rebuilding in the NFL over multiple years


there is only a reload. every team is on a 1 year rebuild, every single year. 


If you have a sh*t offense, you are always in rebuild mode.

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It's an expression of your ignorance, one day you will know that.


I used God's name in vein, with no malicious intent. You are insulting me personally.


You believe in ghosts. Don't talk to me about ignorance. I tried to brush you aside, so the thread doesn't get derailed by your sensitive nature. Let it go.

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I used God's name in vein, with no malicious intent. You are insulting me personally.


You believe in ghosts. Don't talk to me about ignorance. I tried to brush you aside, so the thread doesn't get derailed by your sensitive nature. Let it go.


God dammit, for Christssake, would you PLEASE stop damnwell debating a Goddamn zealot on this issue?


Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you know it won't God damn get you anywhere man!

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I used God's name in vein, with no malicious intent. You are insulting me personally.

You believe in ghosts. Don't talk to me about ignorance. I tried to brush you aside, so the thread doesn't get derailed by your sensitive nature. Let it go.

Do you hear me in a loud booming voice, or a still small one? BOO!

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