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It's The Special Teams....

Villain The Foe

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What does two guys breaking free have to do with fair catching the ball inside the 10 twice? 

Why the excuses man? Whether they ran free or not you give the offense an opportunity to start at the 20. Im not saying that your overall point is irrelevant, special teams as a whole is bad. That has nothing to do with fair catching the ball inside the 10 and at the 5. The defenders could have stopped the ball from going out, but its still Kerley's responsiblity to atleast pretend as if the ball is dropping elsewhere. Most times the defenders are watching Kerley, not the ball bro. If  you see the ball sailing inside like that then move up which will force the defenders playing kerley to move up to his position, let the ball bounce behind him and take your chances on a touchback. 


Thats not hard and there's no need to make excuses for it. 

Its taking the chance of starting at the 6 or 8 as opposed to it rolling down to the 1 or 2.  Faking them out is great in theory, it rarely works. 


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No need to be an assclown. 

You literally started a thread with the title: "It's The Special Teams...", and your lead sentence is "That killed this team yesterday. I made a comment earlier last week regarding Jeremy Kerley and his "mediocre at best" special teams performance. "

Unless that means something other than what it does in English, that means that you are putting this loss on JK's 2 fair catches inside the 10 yard line and inability to run through 2 unblocked gunners on his punt returns, yes?

So if JK weren't on our punt return team, there would have been nothing "that killed this team yesterday", yes? Which means we would have won, yes? And you would not have started this thread, yes?

Give me a break.

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Its taking the chance of starting at the 6 or 8 as opposed to it rolling down to the 1 or 2.  Faking them out is great in theory, it rarely works. 


A defender that takes the risk of allowing the ball to bounce "inside the 10/5 yard line" for the purpose of a few more yards while risking the very easy and probable touchback would be a moron. One bounce could cover the length to a touchback. 

And faking them out doesnt just "rarely" work. Besides, this isnt even about weather it works or not, this is about seeing if the defense would be stupid enough to run the risk of letting the ball bounce possibly into the endzone, which is the purpose for faking the fair catch in the first place. Alot of these gunners cant consistently catch and most of the time they're playing the catcher  for the return and not the ball. If the ball is sailing to the 5 yard line I'll take my chances by stepping up to the 7 or 8 yard line, calling a fair catch and see if those defenders are actually willing to let that ball bounce if they're actually playing the ball and not me. Either way, if they werent playing the the catcher they would have caught the ball at the same spot where Kerley eventually fair caught the ball. What are you risking really? The possibility of starting on the 3 and not the 5, which the chance of the ball bouncing into the endzone being a much higher probability in this situation? 


Why do you think teams even do that? Because for every 10 times you do it you'll probably have 7 or 8 times that it will work to your advantage with a touchback and of the times that it didnt you'll probably have the defense catch the ball where the returner would have caught it in the first place. Fair catching the ball there only guarantees that you just took away the opportunity to start at the 20.  

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The punt coverage is equally terrible to the actual punting.

Fire the Special Teams coach immediately.  Find a bad team with a good punter and swing a deal.

I doubt a bad team would trade their punter. A bad team needs the best field position possible to give them a shot at winning. Though I will agree that I wish we'd hire Westoff again. He would have ripped Kerley a new one if he was the coach and Kerley pulled fair catching the ball twice inside the 10. 

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what special team does revis play on ?  

Revis, Darrelle CB   67 8 75
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Bobby April stinks. I remember seeing years ago on MNF big returns & the camera would scan to Bobby April all pissed off on the sideline. I think he was with Jerry Glanville in Atlanta? He's been around a long time going from team to team. Bowles needs to get our clusterf*ck special teams sh*t together. The field position battle yesterday was clearly won by the Pats.

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I have read this nonsense before.  The general rule is that you fair catch every single ball between the 10 and the 5.  Anything inside the 5 you let go and hope that it goes into the end zone.  I am sure that different coaches have different exact settings, but that is the general rule.  According to the stats I see, Kerley fair caught two punts.  One on the 17 and one on the 10.   I understand the whole complaint about his returns, but I don't think he did anything against normal coaching practice there.  The specials have been pretty bad, but Kerley is not a huge negative

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you're right and what makes your observations even more disturbing is this has been an issue all year and may continue to be

It has been an issue for ages.  Since before Westhoff semi-retired.  Even under Westhoff they were bad and they have been getting worse.  This team went after some guys that should be good special teamers (Lattimore and Devin Smith), but they let go of their two good gunners from last year (Graham and Hakim).  Hopefully they will turn things around.  There is not much to do on kick returns, but the rest all needs a pick up.

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The Jets have lost two games, both by 7 points and both games can both be tied directly to special teams. The Jets need to do something on specials if we expect to win games against better opponents. The team has the talent to do so on both sides of the ball, but losing games via special teams is ridiculous. 


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