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Lizard King

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Just now, JiF said:

I'm just saying, that's a lot of trust in a terrible fear mongoring attempt.  Shocked they didnt go after me or Nyn. 

well at the time you were not likely to be doc, that didn't seep through till day break

I am surprised however why they didn't RB Ballin and NK Nyn.. That way cop dies, and Ape/Ballin exist together when lots were thinking maybe ballin was doc (that's what i had thought)

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2 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

I am truly perplexed by stupid decisions netting positive results for town lately. Oh well. 

I should have just stayed in the dark yesterday, rather than trying to do the right thing by participating.


2 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

No, I know I played poorly... I haven't been able to adapt to the backwards play of town, and therefore I'm unable to talk my way out of sh*t like I'm accustomed to. 


This is epic.

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

well at the time you were not likely to be doc, that didn't seep through till day break

I am surprised however why they didn't RB Ballin and NK Nyn.. That way cop dies, and Ape/Ballin exist together when lots were thinking maybe ballin was doc (that's what i had thought)

Well, after I realized Ape wasnt lynched, I called him bluff hard.  I thought for a second I may have tipped my hand.

But yes they couldh block ballin, killy nyn...just shocked they went Ballin.  We were all suspicious of him and almost lynched him. 

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3 minutes ago, CTM said:

I am surprised however why they didn't RB Ballin and NK Nyn.. That way cop dies, and Ape/Ballin exist together when lots were thinking maybe ballin was doc (that's what i had thought)

This-- but this plays into why there is likely a GF, they weren't particularly scared about investigations since Ape already claimed doc and the (potentially) only other would come up innocent

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1 minute ago, StraightCash said:

This-- but this plays into why there is likely a GF, they weren't particularly scared about investigations since Ape already claimed doc and the (potentially) only other would come up innocent

fair point on GF. But that assumes scum made the smart play.

I don't think we can necesarily assume that

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27 minutes ago, CTM said:

well at the time you were not likely to be doc, that didn't seep through till day break

I am surprised however why they didn't RB Ballin and NK Nyn.. That way cop dies, and Ape/Ballin exist together when lots were thinking maybe ballin was doc (that's what i had thought)

Sounds like a simple case of scum being dumb.

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9 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:

Sounds like a simple case of scum being dumb.

nuh uh.. sounds like a simple case of scum being too smart for us to figure out their advanced lines of play that has resulted in back to back scum deaths because of our stupidity

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Just now, CTM said:

uh uh.. sounds like a simple case of scum being too smart for us to figure out their advanced lines of play that has resulted in back to back scum deaths because of our stupidity

lol okay, obiwan 

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27 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Dammit, Brett's making sense again.  Now I don't know what to think.


24 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

If it makes you feel better, I've cooled off a lot on you too. Starting to put some pieces together but saving thoughts for D3


23 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Perhaps, with time, we can find healing.

good god, crusher and jif's pretend but not really love affair was 10x better. 

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18 hours ago, Lizard King said:

FINAL Vote Count

Ape (7) – Nyn, 80, Lily, Hess, Ballin, JiF, CTM

Ballin (4) - AVM,  Brett, Ape, Spoot


Not Voting (1) - Crusher

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.


Last scum is on Ballin. Book it.

Crusher confirmed doesn't give a **** lol  <3 <3 <3

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3 minutes ago, Nynaeve said:


Last scum is on Ballin. Book it.

Crusher confirmed doesn't give a **** lol  <3 <3 <3

Need to look back on the Spoot-Ballin interactions....

Spoot claims he slept through everything, which I can accept to a point, but he was obviously mixing it up with Ballin before that point.

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20 hours ago, BallinPB said:

What's pinging me about Ape was last game when I was scum and he was town, he was all over everything I said.  This game he's flat out ignored me and focused heavily on Nyn while ignoring Jif for doing the same thing.


20 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:


Ape is pinging you because last game he successfully targeted you as scum, but this game he's not successfully targeted you as scum??

Bad phrasing, or did you just accidentally drop your scum hand onto the table, along with your pants?


20 hours ago, BallinPB said:

No.  It was meant to give an example of how he plays as town and vice versa.  

Keep going, your intriguing me


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

Um.. yeah...

Your example of Ape's town play was "being all over everything you said" while you were scum; i.e. scum hunting. You're comparing that to this game when he's ignoring you, and if you're trying to compare Ape's actions in two separate occasions, pointing out that this time he's the one who is different, then I must assume that there is a constant--which in this case would be your alignment; i.e. are you scum?

You don't think it's possible that he reads you as town? Why do you automatically jump to "Ape is ignoring me, he must be scum"?

I did give you the opportunity to say that it was bad phrasing on your part. You didn't; you just dug in.

Continue, you're intriguing me.


19 hours ago, BallinPB said:

The fact that you believe that there has to be a constant is amusing.  

It's very possible that he reads me as town but I would expect more assessing of the situation than just writing it off as I'm a noob especially since the train had already started on me.  



19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

I just found your phrasing interesting.

"One time when I was scum and Ape was town, he was all over me, but now he's ignoring me." *pings Ape*


19 hours ago, BallinPB said:

Please let me know your thoughts about this game?  


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

Nice deflection putting the spotlight on me, but okay. I'll humor you. :D

In what little game we've had so far I'm getting a townish feel on Nyn for her pointing out Lilly's odd FOS of Brett for being on the Ape train when the possibility of scum on that train was suggested, and after she had jumped on the train at Brett's urging. I didn't find it "opportunistic" at all. I legit can't remember who called it opportunistic. Her reveal was sloppy, but I'm reading genuine frustration from her, stemming for her not feeling well. No read on Ape yet. CTM seemed town with his self-lynch offer. And I'm keeping an eye on Hess and 80, but I don't have much to go on them. JiF seems townish, maybe? I don't have many other reads than that.


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

@Integrity28 @Nynaeve @JiF @Jetsfan80 @CTM @HessStation And everyone else that I can't remember at this moment.

Am I crazy, or am I on to something with Ballin here?




19 hours ago, BallinPB said:

Are you sure?  This is something that will likely come up again if you lead a lynch gone bad


^^^^ Spoot's "gotcha" case on Ballin

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I don't know. He seemed excited. I thought it was cute. I didn't feel like he was twisting, per say. More like a dog with a bone. I can see what he meant in the exchange. I just didn't think it was necessarily telling. And now that we know Ballin's flip, it obviously wasn't.

But, with the scum PR at risk of being lynched on D1 the rules change. I just question if he would go all in like that to help Ape. Eh. 

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19 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Spoot thinks he's got the first "gotcha" of his Mafia career, and I'm willing to oblige him. 

^^^ Brett supporting the case


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

I've got such a boner right now. :lol:

At first I was half playing with him and half serious, but since he got so defensive makes me a little more suspicious of him.


19 hours ago, BallinPB said:

I previously stated that Ape just chalking my play up to being a noob while there was a train on me and without any further investigation striked me as odd.  

You're reaching.


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

Not quite yet ready to lead my first lynch. Besides, the general consensus seems to be that you won't be today's lynch.

If I'm wrong, I'll eat my crow with dignity.

^^^^ Spoot "pulls back" on Ballin.


19 hours ago, BallinPB said:

We shall see my friend.  


19 hours ago, StraightCash said:

vote Ballin

lets do this Spoot


19 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Alright I got 5 minutes left before I can't be manning the mobile anymore. Don't want to waste my vote while the town struggles to rally enough people for a lynch... Can we lynch Ballin today? I think Spoot nailed him

^^^ Brett eggs it on again


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

Like I said before, the general consensus seems that Ballin won't be today's lynch.

I don't see the point in pushing it further today.


But thanks for your vote of confidence!



19 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

Vote bsllin

self preservation. My kid is crapping In line lol


19 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Alright I'm out, Ballin and Ape seem like competing trains so I think a vote on Ballin can still be useful at deadline. And I think he's the best lynch


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:


...it might actually happen.

vote Ballin

^^^ Spurred on by the confidence shown by Brett and Ape's vote, Spoot jumps back on.


19 hours ago, HessStation said:

I forgot about AVM. 


Also, I think Spoot just caught ballin 

^^^ Hess pushes the case here


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

Yeah, I thought he may have misspoke, and was half-joking with him, but then he got defensive.

I did ask if it was bad phrasing.



19 hours ago, Nynaeve said:

Vote Count

Ballin (5) - AVM, JiF, Brett, Ape, Spoot

Ape (4) – Nyn, 80, Lily, Hess

Lily (1) - Ballin

CTM (1) – CTM


Not Voting (1) - Crusher

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

This is going to be a close one.


19 hours ago, Spoot-Face said:

We're probably going to need Crusher and CTM to get on one of the two trains to get a successful lynch.

^^^^ Spoot excited because he thinks he caught scum, or excited to create a mislynch?  Can't really tell for sure here.



18 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

another nudge

my vote on ballin is the only legitimate one there

^^^  Ape potentially distancing with the scummate on the train here.

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