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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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On 3/25/2016 at 9:39 AM, StraightCash said:

This is a good catch I think. 

Leelou was my scummiest read for awhile... But I can't get over the "if she's a PR let's see what it is!" Post from Spoot.

why? I don't know why you, hess and ape are seeing it this way. She clearly hinted at some kind of PR, why do we want to pretend she didn't?

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8 minutes ago, CTM said:

wtf.. why do you want a 1/2 claim out there and why do you and hess think Verbal is scummy for pointing it out?

Where did I say Hess and Verbal were scummy for pointing it out? Anyone that can read at a second grade level could have pointed out the posturing 

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4 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Where did I say Hess and Verbal were scummy for pointing it out? Anyone that can read at a second grade level could have pointed out the posturing 

I actually didn't notice it, and I wouldn't have if not for Verb pointing it out.

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Official Vote Count

Verbal (4) - Hess, Ape, Lily, decker

Lily (3) - Verbal, Leelou, Spoot

JiF (2) - AVM, CTM

decker (1) - Crusher

Leelou (1) - No Penis

Spoot (1) - Brett

AVM (1) - JiF


Not Voting (2) - Pac, Ballin


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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Official Vote Count

Verbal (4) - Hess, Ape, Lily, decker

JiF (2) - AVM, CTM

Lily (2) - Verbal, Leelou

decker (1) - Crusher

Leelou (1) - No Penis

Spoot (1) - Brett

AVM (1) - JiF


Not Voting (3) - Pac, Ballin, Spoot


With 15 Alive it takes 8 dumbasses to lynch.


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18 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Where did I say Hess and Verbal were scummy for pointing it out? Anyone that can read at a second grade level could have pointed out the posturing 

I said you and hess think verbal is scummy, not verbal and hess are scummy. 

Didn't you come down on Spoot for the same thing? To clarify, you think leaving a 1/2 claim out there is not pro town, you are FOS'ing them cause you think they are posturing?


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as others have commented, jif's play picked up a bit and looked less scummy on the pages after 41. Really not getting the whole Ape has made great points though, initially it looked like Ape was voting AVM randomly. His further casing AVM for being a spineless little chode is simply calling a spade a spade. AVM's on meta imo and it's null for him to respond to the ape's blustering in that way (imo)

Leelou pinged the second most and I really not sure how to feel good about her fear mongering, there's like 1-2 roles it makes sense for her to do that as town and a bunch of reasons to do it as scum imo


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1 hour ago, Leelou said:

So went through and looked at his posts, mostly they are okay, but there have been one or two that I'm meh about. Not enough for me to vote him yet though. 

JiF is starting to move up a bit towards town for me. 

I'm tempted to move my vote to Ballin and I'd like to know why Decker is voting. Also, I see Decker has not given any thoughts since I asked for them. 

If I had some ready, I would have shared them already :)


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5 hours ago, JiF said:

Dude, I'm just repeating myself over and over again and he's just spinning, misrepresenting and flat out lying.  I mean, I'm sorry but its tiresome and I'm not going to continue.  It's frustrating to say the least. 

I'm not going to keep doing exactly what he's asking me to do for him to just keep spinning and then claim I'm not doing what he's asking me to do.

You seriously cant see that in our exchange? 

Just saying, you are thick-skinned... so seeing you throw up your hands so quickly, in a grandstanding manner, seems a bit contrived. You can't see that it your exchange?

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17 minutes ago, CTM said:

lily also backed way the **** off and almost out of the game after a little pressure which she does as scum

Excuse me? I've been very much here the whole game. When I have something to say, I say it. It's day fukking one. What do you expect me to have to say?

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30 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Proving my point, now I know why you like to communicate by GIF so often 

I think Lily's easy to catch as the game goes on for those reasons but on D1 I don't think she would act so obviously scummy with votes and reasoning for them. I almost play reverse with Lily than with other players.

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45 minutes ago, CTM said:

why? I don't know why you, hess and ape are seeing it this way. She clearly hinted at some kind of PR, why do we want to pretend she didn't?

I pointed out her soft-claim first. I'm content to defer to others on whether or not we want her to commit to something. Not pretending she didn't in any way at all.

34 minutes ago, CTM said:

page 41..


Jif is gross and hitting tells


vote Jif


19 minutes ago, CTM said:

as others have commented, jif's play picked up a bit and looked less scummy on the pages after 41. Really not getting the whole Ape has made great points though, initially it looked like Ape was voting AVM randomly. His further casing AVM for being a spineless little chode is simply calling a spade a spade. AVM's on meta imo and it's null for him to respond to the ape's blustering in that way (imo)

Leelou pinged the second most and I really not sure how to feel good about her fear mongering, there's like 1-2 roles it makes sense for her to do that as town and a bunch of reasons to do it as scum imo


Disagree about AVM. I'd expect him to be more wary of arguing with me as scum. If you notice, he had no problem at all attacking JIF, but he didn't do anything more than pretend to be calm when it was just me. JIF definitely hit a few tells. I'm wondering if they're distancing scum mates right now. 100% serious, not a reaction statement.

18 minutes ago, CTM said:

lily also backed way the **** off and almost out of the game after a little pressure which she does as scum

Fair point.

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2 minutes ago, HessStation said:

I think Lily's easy to catch as the game goes on for those reasons but on D1 I don't think she would act so obviously scummy with votes and reasoning for them. I almost play reverse with Lily than with other players.

I just don't think she's scum at all right now. If I'm making a list of leans, I'm leaning town on Hess, Ballin, and Lily. I really need to see more interaction otherwise.

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Also, JiF had the most town ping post of the game so far for me, during first game play cluster**** while everyone was engaged around the details all JiF wanted to know was who "started or pushed the play first" to paraphrase. He was completely oblivious to the rest. He's playing off his own stupid town or scum tells. Im not saying I agreed or even understood his point fwiw but I don't think that matters. 

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7 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

I pointed out her soft-claim first. I'm content to defer to others on whether or not we want her to commit to something. Not pretending she didn't in any way at all.


Disagree about AVM. I'd expect him to be more wary of arguing with me as scum. If you notice, he had no problem at all attacking JIF, but he didn't do anything more than pretend to be calm when it was just me. JIF definitely hit a few tells. I'm wondering if they're distancing scum mates right now. 100% serious, not a reaction statement.

Fair point.

So CTM was 0-3 on our reactions to Leelou's fear mongering soft claim. Noted.

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6 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Disagree about AVM. I'd expect him to be more wary of arguing with me as scum. If you notice, he had no problem at all attacking JIF, but he didn't do anything more than pretend to be calm when it was just me. JIF definitely hit a few tells. I'm wondering if they're distancing scum mates right now. 100% serious, not a reaction statement.


I think AVM being wishy washy is par for the course as town. Not saying that makes him town but dude always seems to be debating with himself in his own posts

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Just now, CTM said:

I think AVM being wishy washy is par for the course as town. Not saying that makes him town but dude always seems to be debating with himself in his own posts

How is he being wishy washy?

He's knocking JIF in the face with very clear-cut precision, and he's been nothing short of coy about not over-reacting to my vote on him so he wouldn't trigger a bigger reaction from me... in other words, hoping I'd just go away.

He's being methodical. 

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10 minutes ago, HessStation said:

I think Lily's easy to catch as the game goes on for those reasons but on D1 I don't think she would act so obviously scummy with votes and reasoning for them. I almost play reverse with Lily than with other players.

Yeah, ok, that was always my take as well. but we can't pretend like the last game didn't happen where several of us (myself in particular) explained away her scummy day 1 posts as lilly being lilly meanwhile she was CL and ran the table. Just not inclined to do that anymore.

in any event, would vote Leelou before lilly atm

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4 minutes ago, HessStation said:

So CTM was 0-3 on our reactions to Leelou's fear mongering soft claim. Noted.

I'm waiting for one of you to explain. Spoot made a post basically sayng we should make leelou commit to a claim, ape and brett didn't like the logic

you jumped on Verbal for him saying something similiar. brett says he did so cause it was posturing, is that why you did?

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2 minutes ago, CTM said:

Yeah, ok, that was always my take as well. but we can't pretend like the last game didn't happen where several of us (myself in particular) explained away her scummy day 1 posts as lilly being lilly meanwhile she was CL and ran the table. Just not inclined to do that anymore.

in any event, would vote Leelou before lilly atm


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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:


in correct, sayign pretend it didn't happen is my waying of saying we'll just not deal with it and see what happens. Not that you didn't acknowledge it

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