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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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7 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Oh look, you call AVM out for blabber posts since D1, and he gives you a courtesy wall of text.


Like two of you have called me out.  We're at a stalemate and I'm around to contribute.

Just like earlier today when you whined I wasn't doing anything but nudging you while I was pulling the Lily/Spoot quotes that showed him flipping on the tracker/watcher wording?

I was in on the Lily lynch (no, that doesn't help my cause) then we speed lynched Brett and have spent how much time in the night phase the last several RL days?  When exactly was I supposed to wax poetic?

As to your point on JiF and a lack of respect...if you believe it's split and we've had Crush self vote at least two or three times now and offer himself or JiF while JiF jumped on Spoot and as far as I can remember never voted himself....

Add that to the D1 GBtA-but-just-kidding-it-was-a-really-solid-case-I-just-can't-name-any-case nonsense...

Is the case against Crush truly game based or semi-meta (you've said he hit on a couple of scum tells)...is it because he's gone at you?  Like the discussion around you no longer changing your meta D1?  I see the posts you're quoting that stink, but is it more gut or gameplay truthfully?

3 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

I'm the alien conspiracy to your Fox Mulder.


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3 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

About this... if YOU truly think all 3 of spoot, jif and crusher are scum, then you are ALSO suggesting there are 5 scum... since Pac and Brett are known scum. 

So, if you think there are less than 5 scum, then it's time to revisit the mason scum meltdown theory. No?

Yes and no.. I do think they are all scum but that is the only reason I think 5 scum. Standard would be 4

you were positing 5 scum theories for scenarios involving those chuckleheads as town . 

If I was going to make a list that includes them as town, I'd be thinking 2 remaining 

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actually, thinking about it more.. i take that back. If we do somehow have 5 masons, both with PR's and they are not mixed, I probably would think there would have to be 5 relatively loaded scum for balance. 

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

also, since decker was a blocked NK by brett. We can safely assume he is town and that mason team was 100% legit and un mixed. 


Shouldn't this have been everyone's thinking ever since it happened?

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2 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

D4 Vote Count

Calder (3) - JiF, Spoot, Hess

Crusher (2) - Ape, Crusher

JiF (1) - CTM

Spoot (1) - Calder


Not Voting (3) - Leelou, decker, AVM


With 10 alive, it takes 6 dumbasses to lynch.


Finally. Jeez.


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On 3/30/2016 at 3:42 PM, StraightCash said:

This is also ridiculous because I don't even know what you mean by saying process of elimination = Brett

you are making a bunch of assumptions, 1 that you think there had to be scum on Lily's train, and 2 that you buy the mason claim. 

Also you can't really analyze Lily's train like that. We both moved over to hammer Verbal but were ninjad by Spoot

Regardless, vote Spoot, I thought he was scummy earlier, and I think Ape exposed him about holding off on making a voting decision until it was close enough that he could use consolidation as an excuse

This was a key response by Brett, he didn't like how I plucked him off that Lily train. It was a solid assumption though. Then he tries to use flattery, crediting me with "exposing" Spoot. Setting up an opportunity for me to run Spoot down.

On 3/30/2016 at 5:41 PM, Spoot-Face said:


Like I told Ape earlier, I explicitly had previously stated before hand that I would consolidate in order to avoid a random lynch. I never bought that Verb was scum. So...

GFY, and that auto-fellatiating dragon you rode in on.

this was spoot responding to Brett... it really don't feel like teammates distancing to me here, but could be... just wouldn't expect Spoot to be good at distancing his first time as scum.

On 3/31/2016 at 8:07 PM, Integrity28 said:

Steering us off of a theory. ^^^^

Leelou catches him in passing of false pretenses.


I'd sort of shrug this off, except for the fact that if you couple it with Brett's opening post to this day phase, it was yet another steering post that tried to pass off false pretenses... and he's not scum hunting, he's steering. Another example of that is how he was egging on heat for JIF with comments like "JIF can't be this obvious, can he". 



On 3/31/2016 at 8:16 PM, StraightCash said:

Spoot is my best bet for scum, but Ape is climbing. He is making a ton of flawed arguments against me to lead a lynch on me... Which he has done to me twice as scum in recent games.

My only hesitation is that I think he exposed Spoot at the end of D1

Brett knew he was ****ed. Quick to abandon Spoot to save his own ass... not sure how telling that is.

On 3/31/2016 at 8:18 PM, HessStation said:

Yet you're not voting Spoot? This feels like tentative scum play, you're casting Spoot scum thing yet don't really want to stick out as the third/swing vote.


Good catch by Hess. Very townie.

On 3/31/2016 at 8:40 PM, The Crusher said:

And in every single game you scold us for not voting who you are sure is scum and the results are mixed at best.  You tried to mix it up but I'm liking you for scum right now .  Agree with Calder that earlier you played pretty townie with the new meta thing.  But now?  Not so much.  Losing team mate make you salty?  This games getting juicy

I think that Crusher's ******* scum.

On 3/31/2016 at 8:52 PM, Integrity28 said:

I wouldn't call it a war. I'd call it predictable.

I voted him on D1, he took the chill route. I vote him again now, and add the Brett OMGUS's me when town and he's not doing it angle to my case, and as I could have predicted.... he goes OMGUS.

Tell me, seriously, if you think he's been playing his townie game. Calm, cool, collected... after 4 games of being a hot, illogical, paranoid mess. Tell me.

Reaction to CTM calling Brett v. Ape all out war... why did he feel the need to chime in from the phone, just to say that? I don't think he ever acknowledged that last, very important, sentence. 

On 3/31/2016 at 8:59 PM, The Crusher said:

So I can't find you scummy and must be following Brett?  You are shaking like a little furry bitch.  You are transparent as sh*t.  Come out with the new me thing and slip into the typical it's not me its you thing.  You also know I never get into the back and forth verbal pool pocket you play with people.  Weak sauce saying I'm following Brett.  I told you why I voted you.  

I think Crusher's ******* scum.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:28 PM, Lily said:

This actually makes sense. I always see Brett as scummy and I haven't this game, so maybe I'm just backwards on him. 

Vote Brett

This is an important vote. I'm going to pick up here in my next batch of quotes.

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On 3/31/2016 at 8:49 PM, CTM said:

on phone and can't really contribute yet but lol that Brett v Ape has exploded into full on war interspersed with Calder quoting posts from last week 

Oy vey ape.. i was making a joke and not even really reading either of your posts, just skimming

Nice job leaving the context of my post out and trying to frame it as something sinister. Scummy 4 sure

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On 3/31/2016 at 9:29 PM, StraightCash said:

You haven't seen me scummy this game? Really? Let me go back to about Page 20 when you were nice and quick to drop a vote on me

Brett taking advantage of Lily's poorly worded vote/post.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:36 PM, StraightCash said:

Ape and Lily here, it's as clear as day.


Ape came after me hard because he wanted to get the focus off of Lily who was a high risk candidate after almost being lynched on D1.

Then he got stupid.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:38 PM, StraightCash said:

With 4 Mason's claimed, I don't think it's a guarantee that they are all town- even if Mafiawiki says "Mason's are town", it's 80- he can word it or do whatever the hell he wants

Introduces the "not all town" concept. This is either muddling, or scum using a bit of the truth as part of his lie - which is something I do as scum a lot. 

On 3/31/2016 at 9:41 PM, StraightCash said:

I just want to point out that Lily has a vote on me, because she is reading me as town. She is not reading me as scum, but she still wants to lynch me.

Please just let that sink in

Still clinging to it.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:49 PM, Integrity28 said:

Are you talking about this... 

She's saying that maybe the way she reads you is backwards, as in, when you look clean, you're actually dirty... and when you look dirty, you're actually town. I think she made that pretty clear. I think you're grasping here...

I have a similar outlook on Dan, CTM and the secondary case I have on you is similar... you're not playing with the reckless abandon that makes townies look scummy, which makes it look like you're trying to look clean.

I totally understand this vantage point... this is a pathetic defense.

Me defending it.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:53 PM, Spoot-Face said:


Yeah, I was just about to say this when I read it, but Brett beat me to it.

Then Spoot came in to pick up on Brett's angle.

On 3/31/2016 at 10:03 PM, Spoot-Face said:

I don't recall her saying it was a joke vote. IIRC, she claimed that it was a reaction test of sorts. And she just said that she hasn't seen Brett scummy this game.



On 3/31/2016 at 10:14 PM, CTM said:

ugh.. i just re read all that mess and am not sure what to make of it.

@Integrity28 .. I'm not getting your point on Brett, you have been scum almost every game, so him being on you then and not now as a scum tell doesn't make sense. I'd say this point would be better made at him coming after me, who he's hounded almost every game and i haven't been scum

@StraightCash Where does decker fit into this ape and lilly scum team thing. trying to tie lilly to ape is kinda throwing me for a loop here and seems flaily. Lilly worded a vote scummily and tripped over her own day 1, this isn't a surprise

This is what I'm kicked around as CTM helping Brett. However, I'm glad I'm re-reading... 

On 3/31/2016 at 10:18 PM, CTM said:

haha, I get your point but the thing is I don't buy that reaction test sh*t..

my bigger problem is brett tying ape and lilly together... ape was trying to get lilly lynched despite the mason claims at end of day 1. Frustrated townie or flailing scum?

Why would CTM bother saying this if he's scum with Brett?


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On 3/31/2016 at 11:29 PM, StraightCash said:

I can't believe everyone is so quick to assume we could vet 25% of the game on D1 because 80 used the term "mason". 


On 3/31/2016 at 11:31 PM, Spoot-Face said:

Okay, yeah, town or not, you need some pressure.

vote Brett


On 3/31/2016 at 11:34 PM, StraightCash said:

Some pressure? What have I been getting for the past few hours?


On 3/31/2016 at 11:35 PM, StraightCash said:

Another "even if you are town, still want to lynch you" post. Why don't you go take a seat next to Lily


On 3/31/2016 at 11:37 PM, Spoot-Face said:

No, I didn't say I want to lynch you. I said you need "some pressure".

Two different things.

This sequence between Spoot and Brett.

Really odd. Really hard to read into... worst distancing attempts of all time?

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On 3/31/2016 at 11:50 PM, Spoot-Face said:

^Okay, this is a lie, Brett


^Ape puts Lily at L-2

^Lily immediately claims.

^Ape questions her claims and asks for Decker to vet her.

^Decker confirms

^Ape's first post after Decker confirms.


Nothing here suggests that Ape wanted to lynch Lily after Decker confirmed. It actually shows the complete opposite.

Spoot doing work to discredit CTM's defense of me, that I wanted to lynch Lily. Why is Spoot voting for Brett, to pressure him, but putting in actual work to discredit CTM's defense of me... when I'm the primary aggressor to Brett.

I think this is the slip I've been looking for... maybe. 

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On 3/31/2016 at 0:09 AM, StraightCash said:

Unvote vote Spoot

Whut? After calling me and Lily scum... he goes to Spoot. Distancing.

On 3/31/2016 at 5:03 AM, CTM said:

Here's the sequence that Spoot conveniently left out. I'm not sure how you don't view this as wanting to continue to lynch lilly when we were like 30 min from deadline 

The fact that he intentionally skipped over them to case brett is grotesque

unvote vote spoot


my post right after lilly's claim


immediate casting doubt on claim


in response to my post above, suggesting the right course is not to unvote


casting doubt again


Great post by CTM.

On 3/31/2016 at 5:05 AM, CTM said:


da fuq, you said you doubted leelou was targetted in your post following morning opening. This is in no way consistent with that. 

Another great post by CTM.

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On 3/31/2016 at 5:09 AM, CTM said:


but now you are claiming spoot visited leelou last night and therefore must be scum?

Doesn't make sense





vote Brett

Another good one.

On 3/31/2016 at 5:27 AM, CTM said:

wait.. so just to confirm. Ape was the player, 80 the character, but 80 was the mod .. and ape was scum Masoned with town Jif?

one would then think that ape would be the first person to not shoot down this scum mason theory 


for now, no rush I guess and a lot of things don't make sense here. Brett's spoot post was the worst of the lot so far though 

Fairly town reaction. If I were in another townie's shoes evaluation me at that time, I'd have reacted similarly. 

On 3/31/2016 at 6:41 AM, Leelou said:

Just went through and looked at Brett's posts from start of day.



He's continuously on Spoot except when he's going back and forth with Ape for a bit. Now that I'm more awake, I can roll with Brett's reveal. I've had Brett as a light town read most game, and I'd like to hear from Spoot. 

vote Spoot


Great post.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:19 AM, The Crusher said:

Because this game is not weird enough. Spoot is a mason with Jif and I.  Not even kidding.   Because cute little fella has a role I would happily be lynch in his stead. I have no role.

It also states clearly in our QT we ALL aligned town. So if you must.


unvote vote crusher

Then this happens. So, the storm clouds were gathering over Brett and Spoot... and then Crusher jumps in and wets himself.

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24 minutes ago, CTM said:

actually, thinking about it more.. i take that back. If we do somehow have 5 masons, both with PR's and they are not mixed, I probably would think there would have to be 5 relatively loaded scum for balance. 


23 minutes ago, CTM said:

also, since decker was a blocked NK by brett. We can safely assume he is town and that mason team was 100% legit and un mixed. 

Everyone knows.

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On 3/31/2016 at 11:20 AM, CTM said:

^ this is how spoot responded to brett claiming he saw him visit leelou

this isn't the response of a watcher who visited leelou and would know brett was being truthful


vote spoot

Best post by CTM.


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15 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Spoot doing work to discredit CTM's defense of me, that I wanted to lynch Lily. Why is Spoot voting for Brett, to pressure him, but putting in actual work to discredit CTM's defense of me... when I'm the primary aggressor to Brett.

I think this is the slip I've been looking for... maybe. 

Ummm, I wasn't trying to discredit CTM's "defense of you"--honestly I don't even know what that's referring to. What I was doing was attacking Brett's statement that you wanted to lynch Lily after she had claimed and Decker confirmed. I didn't think that was true. I thought he was pushing misinformation, so I said something.

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On 3/31/2016 at 9:23 AM, StraightCash said:

So all 3 of you are in a Mason QT, you are vanilla mason, but Spoot says he is a roled Mason? Do you have a reason to believe him aside from him just telling you?

Good question, but why is it coming from Brett?

On 3/31/2016 at 9:26 AM, CTM said:

haha .. what? ******* 80 

This makes no sense, on phone but don't remember you or jif using plural terms 


On 3/31/2016 at 9:28 AM, CTM said:

yeah this makes me want to lynch spoot

lilly / decker..  is there 3 of you as well?

Me too.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:29 AM, CTM said:

no reason for town crusher to offer himself up there 

agreed. let's lynch him.

On 3/31/2016 at 9:46 AM, CTM said:

I feel like Crusher thinks nobody will take him up on this offer and thus it's safe play for scum to make, but with 1 scum dead this would likely be the whole team they just exposed.

I don't get it 


agreed. let's lynch him.

On 3/31/2016 at 11:05 AM, JiF said:

I floated it because I dont buy her reveal.  If she is Doc, it probably wasnt the best option to watch.  We talked through it.  And then official action was put in while I wasnt in the QT.  For some reason they chose Leelou.  Bad choice, but is what is.

The good thing that came out of it was that we know she wasnt shot at.  

Sewing distrust in the uncountered Doc. Dumb. Nothing good came out of it.

On 3/31/2016 at 11:19 AM, JiF said:

You know what, at this point, lets force pressure on someone not playing.  Decker or Ballin.  Since Ballin has pinged.


Vote Ballin

So, sh*t is swirling around Brett, then Spoot, Crusher pee'd himself... and JIF wants to go after the inactive Ballin, who we now know is town. Got it.

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On 3/31/2016 at 10:41 AM, Spoot-Face said:

Uhh... what?


On 3/31/2016 at 11:20 AM, CTM said:

^ this is how spoot responded to brett claiming he saw him visit leelou

this isn't the response of a watcher who visited leelou and would know brett was being truthful


vote spoot


15 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Best post by CTM.


You want to know why I reacted that way?

Because it's my first time as a PR and I just got outed by Brett completely out of the blue. I was also told by JiF and Crusher to not reveal, so I didn't want to confirm what Brett said before I consulted them.

Not really hard to understand. I know I haven't earned the benefit of the doubt, but I can't tell if Ape is Town and stupidly agreeing with CTM's scum logic, or if they are both in it together.

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Couple of thoughts:

  • I do NOT like the fear-mongering by CTM about Crusher being a bomb that can take out 2 townies. Awful. He's giving Crusher a free ticket to endgame with this. Town has the numbers advantage right now, if we fear a bomb, then now's the time to lynch it. We force JIF to place the hammer vote, simply put.
  • If the 3-man mason team has scum on it, and Spoot is really a town watcher, then scum would have shot him on N1. So, in my opinion, they are probably all scum or none. The only thing I can think of is if one of the 3-man mason members is a scum symp that cannot talk to scum in QT. This would then point to Crusher, and explains why he blurted out Spoot's reveal. Why haven't Spoot and JIF thought about this? It's amazing how horrible play can create perfect wifom's.
  • Brett was scum, he tried to use me to take out Spoot. He lied about tracking Spoot, Spoot vouched for Brett saying he saw him. So they effectively covered each other with their reveals. Their interactions didn't feel like orchestrated distancing though. I can't decide if these two dopes were teammates.
  • Spoot's targets have been stupid. 3 players should be able to come up with better use of this power.
  • Missing the deadline is like WTF. If he's not even giving us results, then why are we pretending that our claimed "watcher" is too valuable to lynch?
  • CTM agreed that JIF and Crusher were protecting Spoot, I agree. Why not lynch Spoot first? What do we gain from lynching JIF? 
  • I think that Leelou and Hess are town.
  • I think CTM is town, or playing one helluva game as scum.
  • I think JIF, Crusher, Brett, Spoot and Pac are a hot scummy mess.
  • OR.. I think there are two separate scum teams or some sh*t like that.
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13 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

Ummm, I wasn't trying to discredit CTM's "defense of you"--honestly I don't even know what that's referring to. What I was doing was attacking Brett's statement that you wanted to lynch Lily after she had claimed and Decker confirmed. I didn't think that was true. I thought he was pushing misinformation, so I said something.

CTM is the one that said that I was trying to lynch Lily after she claimed. Brett's the one that repeated it while coming at you.

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7 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:



You want to know why I reacted that way?

Because it's my first time as a PR and I just got outed by Brett completely out of the blue. I was also told by JiF and Crusher to not reveal, so I didn't want to confirm what Brett said before I consulted them.

Not really hard to understand. I know I haven't earned the benefit of the doubt, but I can't tell if Ape is Town and stupidly agreeing with CTM's scum logic, or if they are both in it together.

So, you think CTM is scum?

Also, you're starting to defend yourself the way Brett did... 

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14 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Couple of thoughts:

  • I do NOT like the fear-mongering by CTM about Crusher being a bomb that can take out 2 townies. Awful. He's giving Crusher a free ticket to endgame with this. Town has the numbers advantage right now, if we fear a bomb, then now's the time to lynch it. We force JIF to place the hammer vote, simply put.
  • If the 3-man mason team has scum on it, and Spoot is really a town watcher, then scum would have shot him on N1. So, in my opinion, they are probably all scum or none. The only thing I can think of is if one of the 3-man mason members is a scum symp that cannot talk to scum in QT. This would then point to Crusher, and explains why he blurted out Spoot's reveal. Why haven't Spoot and JIF thought about this? It's amazing how horrible play can create perfect wifom's.
  • Brett was scum, he tried to use me to take out Spoot. He lied about tracking Spoot, Spoot vouched for Brett saying he saw him. So they effectively covered each other with their reveals. Their interactions didn't feel like orchestrated distancing though. I can't decide if these two dopes were teammates.
  • Spoot's targets have been stupid. 3 players should be able to come up with better use of this power.
  • Missing the deadline is like WTF. If he's not even giving us results, then why are we pretending that our claimed "watcher" is too valuable to lynch?
  • CTM agreed that JIF and Crusher were protecting Spoot, I agree. Why not lynch Spoot first? What do we gain from lynching JIF? 
  • I think that Leelou and Hess are town.
  • I think CTM is town, or playing one helluva game as scum.
  • I think JIF, Crusher, Brett, Spoot and Pac are a hot scummy mess.
  • OR.. I think there are two separate scum teams or some sh*t like that.

I saw Brett when? You mean N2 when he visited Decker? How does that vouch for him? I saw no one visit Leelou N1.

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Just now, Spoot-Face said:

I saw Brett when? You mean N2 when he visited Decker? How does that vouch for him? I saw no one visit Leelou N1.

You tell me. What were your actions and results... so far, you idiots have made it confusing as hell to follow. Spell it out.

Then, answer my question about CTM.

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15 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

CTM is the one that said that I was trying to lynch Lily after she claimed. Brett's the one that repeated it while coming at you.

Did CTM say that you were trying to lynch Lily after she claimed and after Decker confirmed? Because that's the part I had a problem with that Brett said. I know you were questioning her claim. I was, too. I just noticed that your first post after Decker confirmed her was an unvote off of Lily.

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2 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

Did CTM say that you were trying to lynch Lily after she claimed and after Decker confirmed? Because that's the part I had a problem with that Brett said. I know you were questioning her claim. I was, too. I just noticed that your first post after Decker confirmed her was an unvote off of Lily.

Don't know. Answer my question, sheesh... 

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17 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

So, you think CTM is scum?

Also, you're starting to defend yourself the way Brett did... 

I honestly don't see how else he'd jump to that conclusion.

Someone has to be scum, and I know it's not Crusher, JiF, and I. It's also not Leelou or Decker, and I don't think it's Hess. That leaves just leaves CTM, AVM, Calder, and you to find 2-3 scum.

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6 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

You tell me. What were your actions and results... so far, you idiots have made it confusing as hell to follow. Spell it out.

Then, answer my question about CTM.

N1: Watched Leelou -- No one visited

N2: Watched Decker -- Brett and Leelou visited

N3: Missed deadline

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1 minute ago, Spoot-Face said:

I honestly don't see how else he'd jump to that conclusion.

Someone has to be scum, and I know it's not Crusher, JiF, and I. It's also not Leelou or Decker, and I don't think it's Hess. That leaves just leaves CTM, AVM, Calder, and you to find 2-3 scum.

So, if all of these things are "knowns" to you, then what the **** are you fiddle-******* around for... why aren't you casing any of them.

Better yet, why aren't you trying to use your power to catch any of them?

3 players and you guys couldn't come up with a smarter choice on N1 than Leelou? So you can feed us a "nobody visited". On N2 what was your results... I just asked you to list your actions and results. 


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1 minute ago, Integrity28 said:

So, if all of these things are "knowns" to you, then what the **** are you fiddle-******* around for... why aren't you casing any of them.

Better yet, why aren't you trying to use your power to catch any of them?

3 players and you guys couldn't come up with a smarter choice on N1 than Leelou? So you can feed us a "nobody visited". On N2 what was your results... I just asked you to list your actions and results. 


The coordination between the three of us has been terrible, and I wasn't about to start making my own decisions about who to watch.

I was trying to use the power. Just not well, and not everytime. I missed one. Honest mistake. Won't happen again.

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