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The Mets Are Done (Good)! Jets PSL's Are (Awesome)!


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9 hours ago, SAR I said:

Agree completely.  No Yankee fan is happy with a .500 record but no Yankee fan thinks about the Mets at all regardless of their/our record.  "Take that Yankee fans!  We won the National League Pennant!"  Boy, that really stings.  Lost a lot of sleep over that one.  We've won so many divisions and pennants since I was a kid I lost count, couldn't do it from memory, literally had to go to a MLB site and count them all.

Not sure why Mets fans can't just be happy for themselves without having to constantly try to rub someone else's nose in it (like the Phillies in 2009) or why they have to seek cross-town respect that's never coming (like today with the Yankees).  Be happy for your own team, don't worry about everyone else.  If you need Yankee validation in order to feel good about your one-hit wonder that's pretty sad.


But yet you keep bringing the Mets up, while accusing the mets fans of doing what youre doing.  Mets fans cant be happy?  Who brought up baseball?  Waited until after last seasons WS run, WS and for all the injuries to knock them down now.  No Mets fans is worried about the Yankees, theyre not starting Yankee threads.  That would be you. 

There is no more delusional fan than the Yankee fan when theyre losing.  

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13 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Bob Watson and Gene Michael did an awesome job with that roster, and Buck Showalter deserves credit as well.  But what set the Yankees apart was an ability to hang on to that homegrown talent, whereas small market teams ended up being like a farm system for the big market teams.  The minute they started losing their homegrown talent like everybody else, they went down the tubes.

VERY TRUE. I felt bad for Showalter as he was truly constructing a contender and we saw glimpses of it in '94 (where we would have won the WS and were KILLING the season until that August player strike) and then he got the Axe. Gene Michaels has a secret cult of Yankee fans that recognize his material contributions and (GOD how I miss it) ACTUALLY grooming a farm system that yielded some GREAT players as core members of those WS runs. 


12 hours ago, shuler82 said:

Weird. For a second I thought you were describing Mets fans from 1995-2005.

I grew up in the '80s with the Yankees. While most of my friends became Mets fans with Daryl and Doc, I liked Mattingly. When the Yankees won in '96 it was the first time that any team I rooted for in my lifetime had a championship.

As for the 2016 Mets - much more interesting than the Yankees. The Yanks are in a weird transitional year (or two). I just wish they would admit it. But the Mets are a fun team and I can admit paying more attention to them than my own team this year. Am I rooting for or against them? I guess that depends on the proximity of the Mets fans at any given time in my life. 

DEAD SPOT ON!. That '96 championship was the first time MY TEAM won a ring (Knicks crushed me in '94, I was happy for NYC and Ranger fans, but I'm not that into Whitman Ice Soccer). It was SOOOO gratifying after the 80s and the early 90s struggles - especially after being gyp-ed (yes I am aware & comfortable with this "derogatory" term) of the '94 WS.


12 hours ago, JetPotato said:

Bingo. Most Yankee fans are pretty genuinely happy for Mets fans when they do well (especially Yankees - Jets prople, who "get it"). But not one of us is going to sit quietly when they make absurd typical Yankee hater comments that have no basis in reality. Its kinda fun when they get way ahead of themselves and lash out.

BINGO! I was REALLY happy for the Mets fans because they are the EXACT carbon copy of what Giants' fans accuse us Jets fans of being: Getting too ahead of ourselves with optimism at the first signs of possible success yet ready for that inevitable gut-wrenching, kick in the liver, oh-so-infuriating manner of breaking your heart at the MOST CRUCIAL times.

Being a Yankee-Jets fans definitely maintains a balanced Yin-Yang mentality for me, otherwise I'd be suicidal (in the sports sense) as a Mets/Jets fan. THANK GOD my dad listened when we REFUSED to consider moving to Queens and remained in the Bronx. :) 

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5 hours ago, RutgersJetFan said:

Good call, nothing says "pulse of a fanbase" like the yutzes who call into talk radio shows.

Reality of things is that if you go to a game at Citi Field, you will hear zero conversations about the Yankees. Unless they are playing the Yankees, in which case we have to say something as we see your ilk giving standing ovations to ARod.

And that's the way it should be, the Mets fan doesn't need to think about the Yankees fan and vice versa.  When we play each other, that's good, of course, because it's about head to head competition and not some petty turf war.

Thing is, I enjoyed watching the Mets win it in '86.  I wasn't a fan of course, I didn't buy a hat or something turncoat, but that was a very cool team and they did it the right way.  That night of Game 6 it was truly remarkable, I felt a bit of a high for the City and my cousins and friends that were diehard Mets fans that night, it was electric.  It was a fun time for all New Yorkers I think. 


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5 hours ago, MetsJets1962 said:

I listen to WFAN most days and it's swamped with bitching Yankee fans. They bitch about everything and anything, they even bitch there's too many Mets fans calling in on a Yankee station.


Two kinds of Yankee fans right now, you've got your over 40 group who understands the decades of suffering in the 70s and 80s and then you've got your under-30 group who only know the Yankees as a Champion and a playoff team who have never seen tough times.  It's the latter than call in to the talk shows.  They keep looking for the quick fix and they don't realize it doesn't work that way.  It's one thing to have a strong core and pick up FA's around it, even to the point of blowing up a luxury tax.  It's quite another when you have no core.

No one should feel sorry for the Yankees.  As a diehard Ranger fan, that Cup in 1994 was so epic, so needed, I swear I still buzz from it today, I don't need to see them win another game it's that good.  In a different way, spread out some more, same thing for what the Yankees gave me.  I'm good for life in hockey and baseball; you know what's missing unfortunately, I pray the NFL isn't my penance for the rest of it.


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3 hours ago, Bugg said:

Anyone badmouthing the Who or Rush is a silly goose who knows nothing of good hard rock music.Anything else you have to say about any other subject is highly suspect and not worthy of serious consideration.  You should be forced to listen to bubble gum crap kiddie music for the rest of your senseless existence until your brain leaks out your ear after another Justin Bieber song. And how do you tie your shoes in the morning sir? 

Nails on a chalkboard create a more pleasant sonic experience than whatever it is that emanates from Giddy Lee's throat.

The Who are just a bad version of the Stones who are a weak version of the Beatles.


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Two kinds of Yankee fans right now, you've got your over 40 group who understands the decades of suffering in the 70s and 80s and then you've got your under-30 group who only know the Yankees as a Champion and a playoff team who have never seen tough times.  It's the latter than call in to the talk shows.  They keep looking for the quick fix and they don't realize it doesn't work that way.  It's one thing to have a strong core and pick up FA's around it, even to the point of blowing up a luxury tax.  It's quite another when you have no core.

No one should feel sorry for the Yankees.  As a diehard Ranger fan, that Cup in 1994 was so epic, so needed, I swear I still buzz from it today, I don't need to see them win another game it's that good.  In a different way, spread out some more, same thing for what the Yankees gave me.  I'm good for life in hockey and baseball; you know what's missing unfortunately, I pray the NFL isn't my penance for the rest of it.


Ha Ha, I'll say a prayer for us both on that

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But I will thank you, JetPotato. I honestly don't know where to starch. Before this revelation, my skin had not been peeled back to the to the reality and such matters had been chipping away at me for quite some time. I yam no longer the spud I once was.

You mashed it bro

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Dare any grown man to watch the full 3+ of stepping out adjusting your armor going through the signs endless pitching changes borefest MLB has become. Can't be done. But you can get into a deep sleep.And while I was once a big fan, the Yankees are Exhibit#1. No steroids, no greenies, lots of old and often injured old guys all competing to see who can take up spots as DH and on the DL.

The Hall of Fame game is gonna have a better TV rating than the All Star game. MLB only works for now  because TV has nothing else to show us all summer. 

While the NFL longs for a team in Europe, it is now inevitable the EPL or another Euro league is gonna drop a mess of franchises in US cities. Because the NBA and MLB's regular seasons are utterly pointless and endless.And somewhere between MLS attendance figures and TV ratings for Euro games, this is now not only viable but an untapped goldmine.  

Anyone badmouthing the Who or Rush is a silly goose who knows nothing of good hard rock music.Anything else you have to say about any other subject is highly suspect and not worthy of serious consideration.  You should be forced to listen to bubble gum crap kiddie music for the rest of your senseless existence until your brain leaks out your ear after another Justin Bieber song. And how do you tie your shoes in the morning sir? 

I can watch baseball for hours. Even at silly times in the morning

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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48 minutes ago, SAR I said:

Two kinds of Yankee fans right now, you've got your over 40 group who understands the decades of suffering in the 70s and 80s and then you've got your under-30 group who only know the Yankees as a Champion and a playoff team who have never seen tough times.  It's the latter than call in to the talk shows.  They keep looking for the quick fix and they don't realize it doesn't work that way.  It's one thing to have a strong core and pick up FA's around it, even to the point of blowing up a luxury tax.  It's quite another when you have no core.

No one should feel sorry for the Yankees.  As a diehard Ranger fan, that Cup in 1994 was so epic, so needed, I swear I still buzz from it today, I don't need to see them win another game it's that good.  In a different way, spread out some more, same thing for what the Yankees gave me.  I'm good for life in hockey and baseball; you know what's missing unfortunately, I pray the NFL isn't my penance for the rest of it.


Perfectly conveyed good Sir. 

I concur with that epic '94 Rangers Cup, I'm not even a hockey fan, but the ALL 5 BOROUGHS were Ranger fans during those GLORIOUS days back in April, May, & June of 1994. There was a BUZZ to the city and OH HOW SWEEEET IT COULDA BEEN IF the Knicks had also beaten the Rockets - Starks shoulda passed it to Ewing who was OPEN under the basket to go to OT - and the MLB Strike didn't rob the Yanks of being CROWNED champs; the City would have been in a truly halcyon daze of euphoria for the remainder of that summer of OJ. 


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8 hours ago, Gas2No99 said:

VERY TRUE. I felt bad for Showalter as he was truly constructing a contender and we saw glimpses of it in '94 (where we would have won the WS and were KILLING the season until that August player strike) and then he got the Axe. Gene Michaels has a secret cult of Yankee fans that recognize his material contributions and (GOD how I miss it) ACTUALLY grooming a farm system that yielded some GREAT players as core members of those WS runs. 


DEAD SPOT ON!. That '96 championship was the first time MY TEAM won a ring (Knicks crushed me in '94, I was happy for NYC and Ranger fans, but I'm not that into Whitman Ice Soccer). It was SOOOO gratifying after the 80s and the early 90s struggles - especially after being gyp-ed (yes I am aware & comfortable with this "derogatory" term) of the '94 WS.

1.  I think Showalter was always that type of manager that could get you to a certain point, but no further.  I'm not convinced he could have won multiple titles had he stuck around.  He works great with young up and coming types (See:  His work with the Orioles), but I think he clashes with the veterans/big egos. 

2.  Yeah, I had a lot of respect for the 1996 and '98 Yankee teams even as a Mets fan.  It wasn't until they beat my Mets in 2000, then brought in all the steroid guys, that I started to despise the Yankees and the bandwagon fans. 

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14 hours ago, RutgersJetFan said:

There is a reason all those old 86 guys show up at games all the time, and why they have so many events celebrating that team to this day. Yes, it's our last ring, but the other two championship teams get close to zero love throughout every season. At most they serve for obscure trivia questions between innings.

It's because the '86 Mets might be the single most beloved roster by a fanbase for any franchise of the last 50 or so years. Maybe the We Are Family Pirates can compete for that nod, or some of those Reds teams, but I don't know if any single baseball team has captured the hearts of this many people and held on for it for this long. Not one but two of them are the voices of the team on gameday. I'm a season ticket holder and can confidently say that you still see more 86 jerseys in the stands than you do '16 jerseys. It's crazy and also very cool because honoring that squad and keeping them relevant is one of the few things this franchise has gotten right over the years.

ESPN is airing their "Doc & Darryl" 30 for 30 on Thursday night.  I'm torn on whether I want to watch it.  Maybe turn it off halfway through?

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55 minutes ago, HessStation said:

It was a 3 year deal. And he's making like 8MM this year. And he's putting up mvP numbers.

what am I missing.

I explained all of that to you already.  Let it go, my friend.  It was the right move, and still is.

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8 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I explained all of that to you already.  Let it go, my friend.  It was the right move, and still is.

I obviously wasn't sold. I'm not even a Mets fan. There's no silver lining in not being able to retain an MVP candidate who's making 8MM this year and in his prime on a 3 year deal.

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4 minutes ago, HessStation said:

I obviously wasn't sold. I'm not even a Mets fan. There's no solver lining in not being able to retain an MVP candidate who's making 8MM this year and in his prime on a 3 year deal.

Name me one person who could have possibly predicted he'd have an MVP-caliber season.  One.  In all the years the Mets had him, there was only a one month stretch, at the very end of his tenure where he hit like this, and many times, one month runs like that tend to be super flukey.  He also was a defensive liability throughout his time as a Met.  He even made a terrible error in the World Series that helped cost the Mets a game. 

Even the Nationals never could have anticipated this.  Hindsighting and complaining is something us Mets fans know a lot about.  This is one instance where it's not warranted, even if nearly all of the baseball world wants to argue otherwise.

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2 hours ago, HessStation said:

It was a 3 year deal. And he's making like 8MM this year. And he's putting up mvP numbers.

what am I missing.

What do you want to miss?  Who's accusing anyone of missing anything?   I just said Walker is playing well.  They didn't want to spend on Murphy.  They rightfully chose Walker and Cespedes over Murphy.  

The deal every Mets fan wanted. 

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10 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

What do you want to miss?  Who's accusing anyone of missing anything?   I just said Walker is playing well.  They didn't want to spend on Murphy.  They rightfully chose Walker and Cespedes over Murphy.  

The deal every Mets fan wanted. 

+ Anthony Kay.  + Got rid of Niese's contract. 

If you'd have asked any Mets fan, prior to the season, to choose between Cespedes for 1-2 years or Murphy for 3 years, 100 % would have said Cespedes.  It was a no brainer then AND STILL IS. 

In a perfect world, maybe the Wilpon's pony up for both, but that was never going to happen, and it would have required Murphy to move to 1B or 3B at some point.  Considering how bad he has been defensively over the course of his career (he's literally cost the Mets games with his defense), not the best financial commitment to make.

I know I've repeated myself like 4 times here but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills at this point with how profoundly dumb this argument is.

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6 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

+ Anthony Kay.  + Got rid of Niese's contract. 

If you'd have asked any Mets fan, prior to the season, to choose between Cespedes for 1-2 years or Murphy for 3 years, 100 % would have said Cespedes.  It was a no brainer then AND STILL IS. 

In a perfect world, maybe the Wilpon's pony up for both, but that was never going to happen, and it would have required Murphy to move to 1B or 3B at some point.  Considering how bad he has been defensively over the course of his career (he's literally cost the Mets games with his defense), not the best financial commitment to make.

I know I've repeated myself like 4 times here but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills at this point with how profoundly dumb this argument is.

Funny, everyone wanted to run him out of town.  Now because he's hit a few HRs against the Mets the tune has changed for some.  Walkers a better fielder and under normal years is a better power hitter.  They're not losing much and you have to factor Cespedes into the equation.  

Its what happens when fans go by what they see on Sportscenter 

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6 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

Funny, everyone wanted to run him out of town.  Now because he's hit a few HRs against the Mets the tune has changed for some.  Walkers a better fielder and under normal years is a better power hitter.  They're not losing much and you have to factor Cespedes into the equation.  

Its what happens when fans go by what they see on Sportscenter 

Can't get too high or too low on one player.  I never hated him at the peak of the hate for him or quite loved him as much as most did during his crazy run.  I was willing to thank him for his efforts and say a fond farewell.  Just because he's a National doesn't mean I hate him OR pine for him to be here.  This is a business and this stuff happens.  Never would have expected him to continue to Babe Ruth it like he was for the first two rounds of the '15 postseason, but why cry over something that can't be changed?

Meanwhile, we added two very talented college pitchers to the pipeline in the first round of the '16 draft.  This can't be shrugged off.  Pitchers are the best asset you can have, even if they suffer health setbacks like Harvey, Thor and Wheeler have.  The Mets are the best in baseball at drafting and developing pitching, and Murphy helped give us another gift months after leaving. 

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3 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Can't get too high or too low on one player.  I never hated him at the peak of the hate for him or quite loved him as much as most did during his crazy run.  I was willing to thank him for his efforts and say a fond farewell.  Just because he's a National doesn't mean I hate him OR pine for him to be here.  This is a business and this stuff happens.  Never would have expected him to continue to Babe Ruth it like he was for the first two rounds of the '15 postseason, but why cry over something that can't be changed?

Meanwhile, we added two very talented college pitchers to the pipeline in the first round of the '16 draft.  This can't be shrugged off.  Pitchers are the best asset you can have, even if they suffer health setbacks like Harvey, Thor and Wheeler have.  The Mets are the best in baseball at drafting and developing pitching, and Murphy helped give us another gift months after leaving. 

I totally agree.  The pitching we already have in this org and the new additions have turned this team around.  Kind of funny that one of the Yankee fans mentioned that hes sick of hearing about the Met arms.  I would too, theyre that good.

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6 hours ago, Jet Nut said:

What do you want to miss?  Who's accusing anyone of missing anything?   I just said Walker is playing well.  They didn't want to spend on Murphy.  They rightfully chose Walker and Cespedes over Murphy. 

I would think that's debatable but whatever as long as all Met fans are happy.

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7 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

+ Anthony Kay.  + Got rid of Niese's contract. 

If you'd have asked any Mets fan, prior to the season, to choose between Cespedes for 1-2 years or Murphy for 3 years, 100 % would have said Cespedes.  It was a no brainer then AND STILL IS. 

In a perfect world, maybe the Wilpon's pony up for both, but that was never going to happen...

Yeah, the fact that keeping both was deemed somehow impossible is what I find bizarre and frankly unexceptable from a New York franchise with a soft cap and mid range salary spend.

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2 hours ago, HessStation said:

Yeah, the fact that keeping both was deemed somehow impossible is what I find bizarre and frankly unexceptable from a New York franchise with a soft cap and mid range salary spend.

Bernie Madoff money is why they can't spend like a NY team.  F*ckin Wilpons.

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15 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Bernie Madoff money is why they can't spend like a NY team.  F*ckin Wilpons.

I'll admit ignorance to all the whys or understanding them at least...but 16th in the league ESPECIALLY as a contender is just completely unexceptable. I understand that as a fan, what can you do. But it's just, such pathetic ownership. 

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Just now, RutgersJetFan said:

It's not debatable. That's what happened.

Ok the guy's a possible MVP. You're right. Good move Mets. Because Cespeses should have anything to do with Murphy when you're not even in the top half in payroll. 

But draft picks. In baseball. You're talking about draft picks. In baseball.

It's like you guys are all sipping the Wilpon bug juice.


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42 minutes ago, HessStation said:

Ok the guy's a possible MVP. You're right. Good move Mets. Because Cespeses should have anything to do with Murphy when you're not even in the top half in payroll. 

But draft picks. In baseball. You're talking about draft picks. In baseball.

It's like you guys are all sipping the Wilpon bug juice.


Yes. I'm siding with the Wilpons. Good lord with you. 

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16 minutes ago, HessStation said:

Ahahaha feels like I keep hearing losing Murphy was a good move bc blah blah blah etc. sorry for drawing that conclusion. 

If the Nats win the division by only a couple games it'll essentially be because of Murphy. There was a long-term logic to the choice and it made sense at the time, still does in a few ways and we won't really know if it was the right move until the end of this year and then even more importantly for another year or two after that because everything was done with Dilson in mind. Had nothing to do with the draft pick.

End of the day it's absolutely absurd to rip the Mets for not seeing these numbers coming. There isn't one model that projected any of this and if there was he certainly would have been resigned and he would have been paid a lot more. The man was never even half the player on the Mets that he is right now save for a 6-game streak in the playoffs, after which he became one of the main reasons we lost the WS because he reverted back to his old self; and you don't hand someone $36 million based off what at the time was a 6-game anomaly.

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