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22 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Thinking back on it, it's definitely weird that CTM would advocating killing Zander for the purpose of vetting 3 townies.  It's also weird that scum didn't NK, say, Smash.  But that might have been purposeful, so that town would tinfoil onto one of the 3. 

What is weird about that, it was completely the right play


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15 minutes ago, CTM said:

What is weird about that, it was completely the right play

Yes it was.  Still very possible/highly likely that you're scum even so. 

Ballsy scum, if so.  You didn't have to go out of your way to lead the way on that lynch.  So you've played well regardless of alignment. 

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1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

F*ckin hell scum is playing this thing well, whoever they are. 

Fun game after a long layoff. 

Please don't do that. I'm feeling better about you but these statements make me think you are deep scum waving your cock in our face. I mean I appreciate you dint have any other use for it, but still. 

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2 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Thinking back on it, it's definitely weird that CTM would advocating killing Zander for the purpose of vetting 3 townies.  It's also weird that scum didn't NK, say, Smash.  But that might have been purposeful, so that town would tinfoil onto one of the 3. 

Nah, that was the right thing to do.  Not sure why your playing the "why didnt scum kill this guy game." - you acted like you knew something, there was a protection out there supposedly.  Nol made sense considering I made myself a target for lynch last night. 

2 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I'm very confident in it.  And if it wasn't true, there would have been some form of a vague counter at this point.  No one in the game has disputed anything I've said other than you and CTM.

I know, which has me all ****ed up.  Do I ignore my role and how I was told it worked and just focus on the in game action?  I'm starting to lean toward that but it's very hard to do and you'll understand why after the game.  

Or I'm right and you ****ers are doing a great job of creating doubt in my mind.

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2 hours ago, The Crusher said:

I has to go find a car for my 16 year old Angel Rosie. My last one to get her license.  Mrs Crusher wants to get her a Jeep Cherokee. I hate those ******* things. I will check in about 1.

I've heard Jeeps tip over easy. 

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2 hours ago, HessStation said:

Seems like voyeur inv would show nobody visited Crusher bc nobody did. If anything the mod just gave him his one time power. Zander was already dead. 


But it didnt say via Zander the gifts were all going to town. Just said "peeps"

Yes it did.  I made sure he said it was going to all town before proceeding with lynch.

And again, Zander possessed the gifts.  Zander was killed, which triggered the evening, meaning the roles were distributed at night, not day. 

2 hours ago, HessStation said:

But then again JiF could be scum and had a legit story to work off of as scum voyeur.


it can all work both ways for these guys as town or scum

I really dont get why anyone would think I'd make this type of play at night, if scum.  Put yourself in my shoes, it makes zero sense to basically out myself trying to save Leelou.  Zero sense.  I'd have bussed the sh*t out of her or just let the night play out.  I thought I caught scum, that's why I did what I did.  

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8 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Please don't do that. I'm feeling better about you but these statements make me think you are deep scum waving your cock in our face. I mean I appreciate you dint have any other use for it, but still. 

Wait, you dont know 80 is town the way he knows you and Smash are?

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Honestly, I'm so lost right now I almost want to just be the lynch so you guys see I'm telling the truth about my alignment and role.  It might help everyone see the game better and understand where I'm coming from but if I do that, the town is down 1 more and puts us in a precarious situation. 

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I want to hear from Smash and Crusher on 80.  80 has taken the lead right now and is acting as if he's been cleared and vetted and has 2 townies confirmed in hand.  We're all operating under the assumption that he's town based on his call to the both of them, so I'd like to hear more from them before I throw in the towel and self vote.

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6 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

About to leave the house for surgery, ******* DPR idiot . I'm not sure when I will be back or if I have to stay the night so I will see you guys  this afternoon totally incoherent or tomorrow sometime. Some notes on what I just read

Nolder is an Idiot 

I believe Crush 100 % since no one countered and it would be stupid not to counter at this stage and with only 1 investigation. I also know hes telling the truth about his reveal and lack of detail.

Hess is full of sh*t he has no gun shot.

CTM knows exactly whats going on but playing dumb like he always does.

Leelou is scum



No mention of 80...

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On 6/14/2017 at 0:16 PM, Nolder said:

I think 80 might have tipped his hand.

I'm still a little confused about the relationship between him, Leelou, and Crusher.

Maybe it's just a big gambit but either way 80 is coming out of this looking extremely dirty.

Asking Leelou to prove a negative was pretty retarded as well but if he's partners with Leelou and Crusher wouldn't they want to take opposite sides of the bus?

Not sure what the angle would be tbh...


On 6/14/2017 at 0:19 PM, Nolder said:


Sounds like you're asking everyone to just have blind faith in you.

Consider from a different point of view, does that really sound like a winning strategy?

Nol on 80...

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On 6/14/2017 at 11:04 AM, JiF said:

Why?  What if Crusher was lying? 


On 6/14/2017 at 11:58 AM, Jetsfan80 said:

We'd have received a counter claim to Crusher by now.  Hell, Leelou didn't even fight it, knowing she had what likely amounted to a 1X unlynchable power.


On 6/14/2017 at 0:00 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

There might be reasons he can't answer that question.  Ever consider that?


On 6/14/2017 at 0:03 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

Town, take note of all of these things:

Crusher, Smash and myself are town. 

Leelou and Nolder are like 99 % scum. 

One of CTM and JiF are the last scum. 


On 6/14/2017 at 0:12 PM, Nolder said:

Have you asked yourself how Crusher knew to lynch Leelou?


On 6/14/2017 at 0:12 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

Yes, and there's a very clear answer that I'm not at liberty to discuss.

So 80 seems to be the first person to allude to not being able to talk about the receiving of roles.  

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On 6/13/2017 at 10:52 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

Leelou as scum + successful NK puts the game at 4 town vs. 2 scum or 4 town vs. 1 scum and 1 3rd party.  Means we can't afford a mislynch tomorrow IF there's no 3rd party, if my math is correct?


On 6/14/2017 at 0:14 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

Either I have this game figured out or I'll be wrong in disastrous fashion.  And I'm cool with that. 


On 6/14/2017 at 0:15 PM, Jetsfan80 said:

So he's lying?  How do you know?  I don't care about the speed of the lynch or the numbers right now.  That's not a strong argument.

Damn 80, if you were just a sane human this wouldnt be so hard.  You do good and then you do this type of sh*t. 

Does #'s but not worried about #'s.  Has figured out the game, but could be wrong in a disastrous fashion. 

lol  UGH!!!!!!!!!

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15 minutes ago, JiF said:

So you dont understand why he has you and Smash as clear town? 

Me? Im the only player to out two scum players. Leelou and you. Conversely you are the guy that kept saying no to Leelou and tried to get me lynch regardless of the evidence against it. Smash Hasn't done a lot except call people dumb. But for the most part I think he called the right people dumb. Would have to look at him and CTM before deciding between the two. You I got dead to rights. 

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 I am flying tomorrow morning to SF (packing now) and starting a 10 day vaca driving down PCH. I am pretty sure it's game over for town with a mislynch, but I can't really be invested in gameafter tonightr. My gut still says crusher/80 but POE and logic dictates it has to be Jif .

The problem from there is who is the partner? Smash clearly shot leelou, so he's out. Which would leave that degenerate slimy spineless rodent hess as the last scum, but scum with a 1x day kill? He did shoot thinking he was about to be lynched, which wasn't pro town at all but fits his town meta, which is why I was ok with him.

Thinking about it more though, dropping his meta and just taking it at face value, it seems exactly like something scum with a day kill would do, hold the shot waiting for a town PR and then shoot wildly into the crowd before lynch. Maybe Pac breadcrumbed something (don't have time to check)

In any event, Jif is claiming a PR and seems more believable overall. Hate crusher and 80's play but they are confirming one another.

Going to vote Hess as most likely scum given all we know

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4 minutes ago, JiF said:

Vote CTM


Ughh..... The fact that you claim to have Crusher dead to rights and drop this vote is making me very weary on you now. If  you viewed him last night and he didn't get an investigation (like you claim) how could you be voting anyone other than crusher???

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32 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Me? Im the only player to out two scum players. Leelou and you. Conversely you are the guy that kept saying no to Leelou and tried to get me lynch regardless of the evidence against it. Smash Hasn't done a lot except call people dumb. But for the most part I think he called the right people dumb. Would have to look at him and CTM before deciding between the two. You I got dead to rights. 

I'm not scum.  I"m asking you a question about 80 apparently playing like he has information about you and Smash and seeing if you share this same information.  You once again, wont answer the question.  

Whatever dude.  

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3 minutes ago, JiF said:

I'm not scum.  I"m asking you a question about 80 apparently playing like he has information about you and Smash and seeing if you share this same information.  You once again, wont answer the question.  

Whatever dude.  

Did Smash claim the shot on Leelou? 

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9 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Did Smash claim the shot on Leelou? 

No, 80 is claiming it for him.  He was calling to the 2 of you during the evening like you had a special bond.  80 is acting like he's cleared and he can vet the 2 of you, that's why I'm asking you these questions. 

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1 hour ago, JiF said:



Damn 80, if you were just a sane human this wouldnt be so hard.  You do good and then you do this type of sh*t. 

Does #'s but not worried about #'s.  Has figured out the game, but could be wrong in a disastrous fashion. 

lol  UGH!!!!!!!!!


I accept this as a compliment. 

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