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I'm in the location of the greatest food on earth and my wife is busy making it every night.

First of all, the proper reply was: With who?

Dough boy? I'm only 10 lbs over playing weight! It's Christmas! I was just trying to be jolly!

For a nose tackle? ;)

I'm a db!! I should be about 180 and I'm around 193. I carry it pretty well, but everybody here is so skinny. Maybe it's all the smoking.

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of you! ;) not into skinny italianos.... men need to have meat on their bones.

Meat on my bones?!?! I'm really not that fat!

Throw in some skinny italianos.

I think I've got the ones you want. I went to the motorcycle show. They don't have those equal opportunity laws here, nothing but scantily clad ladies. Tell me how to send/post them and I will.

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