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Jets | Team will kill stadium plans rather than add roof to plans


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Jets | Team will kill stadium plans rather than add roof to plans

Fri, 10 Mar 2006 22:36:30 -0800

Matthew Futterman, of the Newark Star-Ledger, reports owners for the New York Jets said they would kill their plans for a new stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex rather than add a roof to the structure. Jets owner Woody Johnson disputed the view of state officials who believe a roof would increase profits and help attract major events.


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Here's the article...

Plan for stadium falls flat over roof

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Star-Ledger Staff

The owners of the Giants and Jets said yesterday they would kill their plan to build a new stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex rather than put a roof on the structure.

In a meeting with The Star-Ledger's editorial board, Giants co-owner and chief executive John Mara and Jets owner Woody Johnson disputed the view of state officials that a roof would increase profits and help attract major events, including the Super Bowl.

Mara estimated the roof would cost nearly $300 million, making the $1 billion stadium project prohibitively expensive because the facility would never be able to attract enough additional business to offset the roof costs.

"I will walk away from this project rather than put a roof on it," Mara said.

Mara's and Johnson's comments came just days after Gov. Jon Corzine said he is interested in making sure any stadium that gets built in the Meadowlands has a roof.

Corzine said Tuesday, "A lot of folks believe adding a roof is economically advantageous for the state. I'd like to examine that."

The disagreement over the roof is part of a larger debate between the state and the football teams about the status of a "memorandum of understanding" to build the stadium the two sides reached last year when acting Gov. Richard Codey was in office. Now, members of Corzine's administration say they want to change some of the terms of the deal and force the teams to pay more money for property taxes and to lease land at the Meadowlands.

The teams were supposed to meet yesterday with executives at the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, the state agency that operates the sports complex, but canceled the meeting after learning of the state's intention to change the terms of the deal.

Carl Goldberg, the sports authority's chairman, said discussions with National Football League Commissioner Paul Tagliabue had led him to believe the league truly wanted a roof on a new stadium so it could bring the Super Bowl to the Meadowlands every five or six years.

Mara and Johnson said that was not the case, and that the league would not offer additional funding for the stadium if it included a roof, as Goldberg had suggested. They also said they don't want a roof on the stadium because it would hurt their home-field advantage during the colder part of the season.

NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue said last night any consideration of a roof rested on public financing, which the proposed Meadowlands stadium does not have. He also said the other 30 owners would not have any interest in helping to fund a roof at the Meadowlands.

"The four new stadiums we have with roofs in Arizona, Dallas, Indianapolis and Houston all have major investments of public money," Tagliabue said. "Whenever it came up, I made it clear my position was the same as the Giants... When it did come up my attitude was 'if you want to pay for it."

George Zoffinger, the sports authority's chief executive, said the teams' take-it-or-leave-it stance on the roof was "disappointing."

"I would like to talk to them about it," Zoffinger said. "People believe if you could have events 365 days a year in this facility it would be a positive thing for the state."

Mara and Johnson don't disagree with that. They just don't want to pay for it.

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Sorry there, BZ-NYC isn't happening.

This is that dipsheet nongay American Governor Corzine trying to come in and make believe he's doing something. Turns out it's a damn shame Cody didn't run;at least he knew how to keep things moving, corruption and all. NJ is so freaking corrupt it's not funny; Sunday night at 9 on HBO is fiction only in the sense that it's not bizarre enough.

It's all smoke and mirrors.

If NJ backed out of it, the sheetstorm would be epic. Business would be disrupted, the whole Xanadu thing becomes a mess and the entire Meadowlands complex would come into question. As a former Wall Street guy, Corzine isn't going to cross Wall Street guys like Mara or Johnson, or disrupt all the charity and business(including Johnson's family interests) both families do in NJ unless he has the burning desire to be a 1-term governor. Which this is why Crozine is making noise just to make it seem like he might be doing something, whn in fact this is complete BS.

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Sorry there, BZ-NYC isn't happening.

This is that dipsheet nongay American Governor Corzine trying to come in and make believe he's doing something. Turns out it's a damn shame Cody didn't run;at least he knew how to keep things moving, corruption and all. NJ is so freaking corrupt it's not funny; Sunday night at 9 on HBO is fiction only in the sense that it's not bizarre enough.

It's all smoke and mirrors.

If NJ backed out of it, the sheetstorm would be epic. Business would be disrupted, the whole Xanadu thing becomes a mess and the entire Meadowlands complex would come into question. As a former Wall Street guy, Corzine isn't going to cross Wall Street guys like Mara or Johnson, or disrupt all the charity and business(including Johnson's family interests) both families do in NJ unless he has the burning desire to be a 1-term governor. Which this is why Crozine is making noise just to make it seem like he might be doing something, whn in fact this is complete BS.

Here is to hoping! :)


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AGREED! It would be so sweet!

How are you doing? How about JACKSONVILLE in the upcoming season? That would be fun! sorry that I missed you in Miami!

I usually do two games a year Nick (always subject to change). I enjoy the Miami trip so I'll probably do that again and I would really like to go to Green Bay. Jax would be number 3 on the list. It all depends on the schedule of course as I take my son with me and he is in HS. One way or another I should be around for at least one of the Fla. games and we can make sure that we hoist a cold one (or two)

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