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Atten RSN: Its officially that time again

Green Jets & Ham

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Yah, sure it is, Ham....

JonEJet, Bob, etc. are here ribbing the Sox and their fans often - I can respect that. You emerge from from your hole when the going is good and try to mask the digs with "no malice intended" - please. Then again, you sometimes show up when you are suicidal and grace us with a seventeen page dissertation on what the Yankees should do.

I'll give you this much: The Red Sox season is "ovah."

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Yah, sure it is, Ham....

JonEJet, Bob, etc. are here ribbing the Sox and their fans often - I can respect that. You emerge from from your hole when the going is good and try to mask the digs with "no malice intended" - please. Then again, you sometimes show up when you are suicidal and grace us with a seventeen page dissertation on what the Yankees should do.

I'll give you this much: The Red Sox season is "ovah."

yes 2 guys I was about to post "where did they go?" threads on the Jets board about-I guess Tex is really starting to get to some of us more than ever-A-hole that he is and all

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Yah, sure it is, Ham....

JonEJet, Bob, etc. are here ribbing the Sox and their fans often - I can respect that. You emerge from from your hole when the going is good and try to mask the digs with "no malice intended" - please. Then again, you sometimes show up when you are suicidal and grace us with a seventeen page dissertation on what the Yankees should do.

I'll give you this much: The Red Sox season is "ovah."

As Tx would say. :eek:

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