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Batting Neifi Second

The Troll

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Seriously, what the hell was that from Leyland last night? I know this may sound stupid being as they are two wins away from the WS, but Leyland is over-rated. In fact, the manager position as a whole is over-rated. There aren't many things they have to do. Handling pitchers and setting the lineups are about it, particularly in the DH league. Anyone that bats a guy with a .260 OBP second in a ****ing playoff game has their head up their ass.

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Seriously, what the hell was that from Leyland last night? I know this may sound stupid being as they are two wins away from the WS, but Leyland is over-rated. In fact, the manager position as a whole is over-rated. There aren't many things they have to do. Handling pitchers and setting the lineups are about it, particularly in the DH league. Anyone that bats a guy with a .260 OBP second in a ****ing playoff game has their head up their ass.

Relax. You also forget to mention that Leyland inserts Alexis Gomez into the game, who's been in and out of the minors most of his career, and he goes on to have a 4 rbi performance, which im sure had nothing to do with Leyland.

Yes, Perez sucks. Who the hell else they going to put in? Ramon Santiago?? please.

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Relax. You also forget to mention that Leyland inserts Alexis Gomez into the game, who's been in and out of the minors most of his career, and he goes on to have a 4 rbi performance, which im sure had nothing to do with Leyland.

Yes, Perez sucks. Who the hell else they going to put in? Ramon Santiago?? please.

The point is not that Perez was in the lineup. With Casey injured, he pretty much has to be. But, putting the worst hitter on your team in the 2 hole is beyond retarded. Thankfully, Leyland was rewarded with a classic Neifi performance.

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Guys --

I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way. But just back off my Tigers. Seriously if you have watched this team all year like I have you would know that Leiland was the man. He has the pulse of this team and what he does is right.

So just back off. If you must hop on the bandwagon kindly take a seat at the back. There are a few spots left right in back of GOB and Mavrik, they jumped on the bandwagon half way through the Yankee series.

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Guys --

I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way. But just back off my Tigers. Seriously if you have watched this team all year like I have you would know that Leiland was the man. He has the pulse of this team and what he does is right.

So just back off. If you must hop on the bandwagon kindly take a seat at the back. There are a few spots left right in back of GOB and Mavrik, they jumped on the bandwagon half way through the Yankee series.


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