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Hurricane Dean


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YEESH...might have to put those shutters up next week...we DO have the natural gas generator at least this year ...no A/C SUCKS in August down here

No more ****ing around with those damn panel shutters for me. Had accordian shutters put on last season...takes all but 5 minutes to close everything up.

But, then again, a strong hurricane like a 4 or 5....kiss everything good-bye!:puke:

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YEESH...might have to put those shutters up next week...we DO have the natural gas generator at least this year ...no A/C SUCKS in August down here

no A/C SUCKS in August everywhere! :lol:

I'm going to Vegas in 3 days, it was 108 there today and it will be 106 tomorrow.

Dry heat :roll:

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I hate these friggin things-these low riding storms you mostly have to watch out for them coming back around on you from the gulf side-that's what Francis and Jean did a couple years ago...maybe somebody who knows how, can post the picture

fear not sfj, looks like we're gonna take this one on the chin for ya


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No fan ?

of hurricanes? No I'm no fan of hurricanes...down here we have the opposite of the wind chill factor that you guys have up there it's called heat index and when they tell you it's gonna be 92 with a heat index of 110-you stay inside in the A/C and fans do squat

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