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Fried Turkey???


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It is excellent. It actually seals all of the juices inside the turkey. I don't think there is a way to make a juicier turkey unless you let Max and Smizzy get ahold of if. Even then it would never make it to the table.


But a deep fried turkey kinda frightens me.

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But a deep fried turkey kinda frightens me.

It shouldn't. I haven't gotten up the courage to make one myself as there's always a risk of the frier exploding molten hot grease all over you but it is very good eating. Kind of a crispy outside and very juicy inside.

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It is excellent. It actually seals all of the juices inside the turkey. I don't think there is a way to make a juicier turkey unless you let Max and Smizzy get ahold of it. Even then it would never make it to the table.

It's very good, but it isn't really "juicy" ALK. The only reason you think it's juicy is because the grease it is cooking in has had a chance to soak throughout it.

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No, the one I had was cooked right. :)

No man, I'm serious. I have hadi and I agree it's delicious. When you put anything in hot grease for more than a few minutes it will naturally begin to absorb the grease. Mixed with the natural juices of the turkey, all that juiciness is just grease and turkey juice. Tastes great, but juist take a look at the consistency of the grease after the turkey is cooked if you don't believe me. It's much more "watery" than normal. That's because the grease combined with the turkey juice.

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