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Why won't the Mets trade Reyes for Santana?


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The Mets should have traded Reyes for Santana and signed AROD to play SS. You want the back pages? You want to fill that stadium. Those 2 moves would be costly but they would have paid for themselves.

But the Mets don't listen to me.

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The Mets should have traded Reyes for Santana and signed AROD to play SS. You want the back pages? You want to fill that stadium. Those 2 moves would be costly but they would have paid for themselves.

But the Mets don't listen to me.

ARod was never leaving the Yanks....sure he opted out and played Hank like a violen but he was never leaving.

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Or similiar to Jeters age 23 and 24 seasons.

jeter age 23 103 OPS+

jeter age 24 127 OPS+

jeter career OPS+ through age 24 season: 109

reyes age 23 115

reyes age 24 103

reyes career OPS+ through age 24 season: 97

jeter improved, reyes declined. so whats your point?

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jeter age 23 103 OPS+

jeter age 24 127 OPS+

jeter career OPS+ through age 24 season: 109

reyes age 23 115

reyes age 24 103

reyes career OPS+ through age 24 season: 97

jeter improved, reyes declined. so whats your point?

So you are on record as saying Reyes wont improve as well? Also Reyes was lost as a hitter until turning 23, 24. We both know his offense is similiar to Jete's at 23-24 which is why you choose to include the pre 2006 seasons in which Reyes was still lost concerning laying off bad pitches. We both also know Reyes is a star and will never finish his career with a below average OPS.

I guess were just bored eh?

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jeter age 23 103 OPS+

jeter age 24 127 OPS+

jeter career OPS+ through age 24 season: 109

reyes age 23 115

reyes age 24 103

reyes career OPS+ through age 24 season: 97

jeter improved, reyes declined. so whats your point?

still similar to Jeter's.

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Unless Omar is going for it all in 2008, he does not trade Reyes for Santana. I do not see where he will get the type of player that Reyes is. Grady Sizemore is a close clone, as is Granderson and Rollins, but they aren't available. Trading Reyes for Santana means Omar is gambling that the Mets lineup for 2008 will still be better than anyone else in the NL, which is debatable (see Philly). And also that Santana will be the workhorse that can keep the 'pen inactive for 30 times a year.

That's asking a lot.

Besides, who bats leadoff, Beltran? Castillo?

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So trade Cano and cash for Johan.....Sweeny Murti sounds like he's about to cry on the FAN now explaining how Minny likes Bostons prospects.

lol now thats different, Cano's our best younger hitter

Mets still got Wright and they could've signed A-rod to play short if they were smart

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Reyes is a much better shortstop than Santana was. Plus Santana must be 50 years old by now -- hello?!?

Dumb idea if you ask me. They should keep Reyes.

but at least he's won a world series! and who doesnt want a career .246 hitter in their lineup??? That guy can bring experience and has the qualities Minaya is looking for: age and he is dominican.

(and he turns 50 in january!!)

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