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Teh Interweb Nostalgia Thread.

Panzer Division Marduk

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So. It's 2008, and everybody's now seasoned users of Al Gore's baby.

Now, go back to when you first got online. How long ago was it, and what were the things you were looking for? What were your favourite sites in the old days? How many of them still exist?

I remember when my Company got email and the internet back in the day. 1997 or 1998 maybe? I can't recall.

All I know is that one of coworkers had a gift for finding porno sites!

I had AOL back in those days. Shoot me!

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fall 1993- when I started college. We had to go to the library to use the internet unless you had a dial up modem for your own computer. The library had monochrome screens and keyboards connected to a main system. Best part was that is was all text based. It sucked.

My favorite site was satchel sports- the site that later became ESPNet SportsZone in 1995 then ESPN.com later. Loved the new espn and their fantasy baseball game especially since we had computer labs all over campus where we could actually see pictures online. To me is was so awesome that I could play Fantasy Baseball and football online with other losers like me! And i think back then it was like 12 or 13 bucks a team and the thing crashed all the time.

Also loved IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to chat with people all around the country- and sometimes my bro who was in school in VA. I would do friends homework so I could use the computer in their room all night.

And obsessively used the USENET. Its kind of embarrassing seeing posts about UMass basketball when I was a wee college student today on the internet. Thats why i use fake names now so no one can trace it back to me.

Its amazing to me how far we have come in the 15 years I have been using the interweb.

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fall 1993- when I started college. We had to go to the library to use the internet unless you had a dial up modem for your own computer. The library had monochrome screens and keyboards connected to a main system. Best part was that is was all text based. It sucked.

My favorite site was satchel sports- the site that later became ESPNet SportsZone in 1995 then ESPN.com later. Loved the new espn and their fantasy baseball game especially since we had computer labs all over campus where we could actually see pictures online. To me is was so awesome that I could play Fantasy Baseball and football online with other losers like me! And i think back then it was like 12 or 13 bucks a team and the thing crashed all the time.

Also loved IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to chat with people all around the country- and sometimes my bro who was in school in VA. I would do friends homework so I could use the computer in their room all night.

And obsessively used the USENET. Its kind of embarrassing seeing posts about UMass basketball when I was a wee college student today on the internet. Thats why i use fake names now so no one can trace it back to me.

Its amazing to me how far we have come in the 15 years I have been using the interweb.

Remember compuserve?

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Remember compuserve?

yep.... we had tried them before i went to school because my uncle who worked for IBM wanted us to try it. Since we were all stupid, we never really could get it to work too well...

then my parents jumped around from ISP to ISP trying to find one that actually worked for them after I told them how cool computers were and you could use them for more things than games. They finally settled for AOL- and havent left them since.

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yep.... we had tried them before i went to school because my uncle who worked for IBM wanted us to try it. Since we were all stupid, we never really could get it to work too well...

then my parents jumped around from ISP to ISP trying to find one that actually worked for them after I told them how cool computers were and you could use them for more things than games. They finally settled for AOL- and havent left them since.

I'm very happy that AOL is dieing a slow death. They were the Company that brought complete dumbasses online.

My hatred for AOL knows no bounds.

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1993. My father wqas way ahead of the curve with computers. I was playing some police game on his first computer in 1987. I had a Pete Rose baseball game that was actually pretty awesome in 1989. He got the internet in 1992 I think. I finally got to use it around then. I was young so I mostly just checked news and sports. I would occasionally try to find porn, which was surprisingly prevalent on the internet back then, only there wasn't very much free stuff.

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I'm very happy that AOL is dieing a slow death. They were the Company that brought complete dumbasses online.

My hatred for AOL knows no bounds.

thats why i hated AOL.... I was so smart about being online, I didnt want to be an aol dummy... but my parents were dummies when it came to the 'net. So I was forced to put up with it.

They used to get mad everytime AOL came out with a new version since they were used to the old one and wanted nothing to change!

Ahhh.. the good 'ol days... :P

now my parents are internet savvy... but still technology stupid...

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I don't remember the exact year. I do remember getting married and telling my wife that I spent $1,500 on a new computer. It was sweet. Made by Expo Tech (now V Tech).

486 with 4 Megs of RAM and a 40 MB hard drive I think. SWEET.

The biggest selling point? It had a cd rom drive so you could watch the videos on the encyclopedia. It was amazing.

She is still pissed about the $1,500 I think. :roll:

At first I had a local dial up ISP. Email mostly.

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I still remember the first thing I ever searched for when my wife got internet hooked up in her dorm. It was Jenny McCarthy on a 9k modem. It took like 30 minutes to load that picture but it was worth it. :lol:

Didn't it suck when the modem crapped out after only loading a forehead?...painful, so painful

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ah, but it is one damn fine forehead - gotta give her that. my god, I DO have a fetish. :)

The worst was when I bookmarked the site not even thinking that my wife would see it. When she did I blamed it on my brother he had been over to visit that weekend. :lol:

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The worst was when I bookmarked the site not even thinking that my wife would see it. When she did I blamed it on my brother he had been over to visit that weekend. :lol:

nice move. did she notice that everyone who visited seemed to leave a new site bookmarked?? "Can't explain why all these people felt the need to put that crap on our computer, dear." Guess you can only play that tune for so long. :-)

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nice move. did she notice that everyone who visited seemed to leave a new site bookmarked?? "Can't explain why all these people felt the need to put that crap on our computer, dear." Guess you can only play that tune for so long. :-)

That was the only time I used that excuse. From then on I didn't bookmark anything. :lol:

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With me, it was 1997. An internet cafe had just opened in town, so decided to see what it was all about. Basically spent the first couple of months looking up Diana jokes to tell on my radio show (She'd just died) and going through all the Anti-Barney sites. The Barney Cookbook was f**king awesome. Damn their laywers. Yahoo chatrooms were fun (Korn and Slipknot fans were unbelievably easy to wind up).

Finally got one of those TV internet boxes in 1999 so I didn't have to go into town to go online.

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