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"Game Plan" for the Jets...


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For those of you like me that like following all the gossip and speculation surrounding the Jets this time of year, here's a post from the CBSSports Jets fan message board. Props to the poster #1Jetsfan. I hope he doesn't mind my reprinting it here, but hey gossip is meant to be spread. No idea where he got this from or how Cimini would know any of this outside of speculation, but I found it interesting.

Do you think it's realistic? A good plan if it can be had? Anyway, here's the link and the post:


This is the biggest offseason that the Jets have ever gone through. We know last season was bad but apparently it left a horrible taste in Mangini and Tannembaums mouth that they are going to load this team up. But Cimini thinks there is a certain game plan that is being set up and ill go through them.

  1. Calvin Pace if signed wont be a OLB he will instead be an ILB, he has tremendous size and skill and is a very good tackler.
  2. ARE going to fill the RT spot with either Damien Woody or Shane Olivea and Olivea has a visit with in a couple days and might work out a contract then.
  3. WILL trade Dewayne Robertson for some draft picks and there is ALOT of interest in him the teams we are in talks with are Tampa, Detriot, Denver, New orleans, and Cincy, this interest will jack up his value so we could get a 2nd and 5th for him.
  4. Jets have Vernon Gholston as their #1 guy they want. They want someone who can really do some damage from the OLB spot.
  5. Jets are very interested in WR james hardy from Indiana and he can be had with our 2nd round pick. With the other the jets are looking at Dominque rodger-cromartie

If all of this comes true and so far most reports actually nearly all reports about the jets have come true so let look at the team if these moves come true:


QB - Kellen Clemens

RB - Thomas Jones

WR1- Laveranues Coles

WR2 - Jerricho Cotchery

WR3 - James hardy

TE - Chris Baker

LT - Dbrickashaw Ferguson

LG - Alan Faneca

C - Nick Mangold

RG - Brandon Moore

RT - Shane Oivea


LDE - Shaun Ellis

NT - Kris Jenkins

RDE - Kenyon Coleman

LOLB - Vernon Gholson

ILB - David Harris

ILB - Calvin Pace

ROLB - Bryan Thomas

CB1 - Darrelle Revis

CB2 - Dominque Rodger-Cromartie

SS - Kerry Rhodes

FS - Abram Elam

That is a team that will be a contendor for years to come.

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For those of you like me that like following all the gossip and speculation surrounding the Jets this time of year, here's a post from the CBSSports Jets fan message board. Props to the poster #1Jetsfan. I hope he doesn't mind my reprinting it here, but hey gossip is meant to be spread. No idea where he got this from or how Cimini would know any of this outside of speculation, but I found it interesting.

Do you think it's realistic? A good plan if it can be had? Anyway, here's the link and the post:


This is the biggest offseason that the Jets have ever gone through. We know last season was bad but apparently it left a horrible taste in Mangini and Tannembaums mouth that they are going to load this team up. But Cimini thinks there is a certain game plan that is being set up and ill go through them.

  1. Calvin Pace if signed wont be a OLB he will instead be an ILB, he has tremendous size and skill and is a very good tackler.
  2. ARE going to fill the RT spot with either Damien Woody or Shane Olivea and Olivea has a visit with in a couple days and might work out a contract then.
  3. WILL trade Dewayne Robertson for some draft picks and there is ALOT of interest in him the teams we are in talks with are Tampa, Detriot, Denver, New orleans, and Cincy, this interest will jack up his value so we could get a 2nd and 5th for him.
  4. Jets have Vernon Gholston as their #1 guy they want. They want someone who can really do some damage from the OLB spot.
  5. Jets are very interested in WR james hardy from Indiana and he can be had with our 2nd round pick. With the other the jets are looking at Dominque rodger-cromartie

If all of this comes true and so far most reports actually nearly all reports about the jets have come true so let look at the team if these moves come true:


QB - Kellen Clemens

RB - Thomas Jones

WR1- Laveranues Coles

WR2 - Jerricho Cotchery

WR3 - James hardy

TE - Chris Baker

LT - Dbrickashaw Ferguson

LG - Alan Faneca

C - Nick Mangold

RG - Brandon Moore

RT - Shane Oivea


LDE - Shaun Ellis

NT - Kris Jenkins

RDE - Kenyon Coleman

LOLB - Vernon Gholson

ILB - David Harris

ILB - Calvin Pace

ROLB - Bryan Thomas

CB1 - Darrelle Revis

CB2 - Dominque Rodger-Cromartie

SS - Kerry Rhodes

FS - Abram Elam

That is a team that will be a contendor for years to come.

No it doesnt make sense... we will have to replace our running bacxk in a few years... not much change on offense.. looks like the same squad... coles wil be gone...(hopefully) and there no way were spending our 6th pick on someone that has the last name of the best cb in the nfl... even if hes his cousin..

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No it doesnt make sense... we will have to replace our running bacxk in a few years... not much change on offense.. looks like the same squad... coles wil be gone...(hopefully) and there no way were spending our 6th pick on someone that has the last name of the best cb in the nfl... even if hes his cousin..

You seem very confused here? The 6th pick would go to Gholston, and the second round pick from us or either D-Rob, would go to Cromartie and the other to Hardy...

Anyway I would love this as the opening day roster. We would have only one question mark? With all of these pieces, could Kellen actually come in a compete at a Starting NFL QB caliber, or would he end up being a bust. Its really the only question as far as talent on this team would be concerned...

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No it doesnt make sense... we will have to replace our running bacxk in a few years... not much change on offense.. looks like the same squad... coles wil be gone...(hopefully) and there no way were spending our 6th pick on someone that has the last name of the best cb in the nfl... even if hes his cousin..

I think what he's saying is that the building blocks are there in order to contend for the next few years. Obviously, there will be changes from year to year, but those changes shouldn't set us back from being serious contenders.

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No it doesnt make sense... we will have to replace our running bacxk in a few years... not much change on offense.. looks like the same squad... coles wil be gone...(hopefully) and there no way were spending our 6th pick on someone that has the last name of the best cb in the nfl... even if hes his cousin..

I didn't know Gholston had a cousin with the same last name as him in the NFL! If your refering to Cromartie, there's no way he goes in the top 10. That's if he even goes in the 1st round!!

Like you said, we have to replace our RB in A FEW YEARS!! So we take a RB next year to eventually replace him!:roll:

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No it doesnt make sense... we will have to replace our running bacxk in a few years... not much change on offense.. looks like the same squad... coles wil be gone...(hopefully) and there no way were spending our 6th pick on someone that has the last name of the best cb in the nfl... even if hes his cousin..

Umm we're not trading Jones anyway, so he's there almost no matter what. The offense wont change much other then the OL. Expect to see more next offseason if we get a RT and another LB or two this offseason. I highly doubt DRC would fall to the late 2nd rd.-We'll probably have to settle for something less at #2, or maybe stick with Justin Miller.

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Prediction: Cromartie wont last to our pick in the 2nd round

I'm seconding that one. I've seen mocks where he's taken in the late 1st rds.

I dont think he'll last that long. We see bad reaches every year, but this is a guy someone will reach on, and it will pay off.

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If that is indeed the roster for Opening Day, the Jets should be serious AFC contenders. Seriously. The #1 question mark would be the Quarterback situation but with that supporting cast, the QB could make some young mistakes (Clemens) or they could always go the safe route with Pennington. Remember, before 2007, Pennington wasn't throwing those key 4th quarter INT's. If he doesn't do that in 2008, he could win some games with that kind of talent around him.

Do not see Rodgers-Cromartie falling into the second round though. That may be the one position that is false, unfortunately.

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No it doesnt make sense... we will have to replace our running bacxk in a few years... not much change on offense.. looks like the same squad... coles wil be gone...(hopefully) and there no way were spending our 6th pick on someone that has the last name of the best cb in the nfl... even if hes his cousin..

Not much change on offense? 2 new starters and a new wide receiver isn't much change? Faneca is already a huge improvement and getting Olivea would be that much better.

And IMO there is next to no chance we draft DMC. We just traded for and signed Thomas Jones to be our starting RB, and we already have Leon as well. DMC isn't gonna happen.

And I don't know what last names have to do with this, if the guy can play he can play. I think we'll take Gholston though.

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Not much change on offense? 2 new starters and a new wide receiver isn't much change? Faneca is already a huge improvement and getting Olivea would be that much better.

And IMO there is next to no chance we draft DMC. We just traded for and signed Thomas Jones to be our starting RB, and we already have Leon as well. DMC isn't gonna happen.

And I don't know what last names have to do with this, if the guy can play he can play. I think we'll take Gholston though.

Ok..lets stop with the Leon wahington stuff now... special teamer..third down back at best...

Thomas jones is going to be 31 this year... and he did not do much last year..the fcking offense was pathetic...

The o-line will be very good..so why not have a game changer carrying the ball for us... arunning back we can call our own..instead of some cast off like thomas jones.. he was the biggest disapointment of last year...

Evryone on this board was like we raped the bears...wow how stupid are they? yeah ok..looks like they go the better of the deal..

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Ok..lets stop with the Leon wahington stuff now... special teamer..third down back at best...

Thomas jones is going to be 31 this year... and he did not do much last year..the fcking offense was pathetic...

The o-line will be very good..so why not have a game changer carrying the ball for us... arunning back we can call our own..instead of some cast off like thomas jones.. he was the biggest disapointment of last year...

Evryone on this board was like we raped the bears...wow how stupid are they? yeah ok..looks like they go the better of the deal..

You're right....Leon's only shown to be an explosive offensive player the past two years?

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Ok..lets stop with the Leon wahington stuff now... special teamer..third down back at best...

Thomas jones is going to be 31 this year... and he did not do much last year..the fcking offense was pathetic...

The o-line will be very good..so why not have a game changer carrying the ball for us... arunning back we can call our own..instead of some cast off like thomas jones.. he was the biggest disapointment of last year...

Evryone on this board was like we raped the bears...wow how stupid are they? yeah ok..looks like they go the better of the deal..

You sure about Leon? Ever watched him play? The guy is a real playmaker, not somebody I would give the ball to 25 times a game necessarily, but he's probably our best playmaker on offense.

And on Jones, he actually wasn't that bad and played pretty well, but was hindered by an awful OL, a bad QB situation, and in general not much threat of a passing game. I think our situation this year will be much better. Calling Jones a castoff is just not true.

And he's turning 30, not 31. I'd also like to mention that Tomlinson has more career carries than Jones, so it is a false assumption to say that he is old and worn down.

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Props to #1Jetsfan for another interesting post:

...the Jets ...sign Calvin Pace and move Bryan Thomas back to original 2006 spot where he was very good at rushing the passer, with the atlanta Falcons getting Michael Turner and Oakland having both Justin Fargas and Michael Bush means that Darren McFadden could slip to us and that the Jets will ulitmatly trade down to a team that wants McFadden, one team and owner particuraly come to mind and thats the dallas Cowboys and Jerry Jones. So we could end up trading out 6th over all spot to Dallas for their 2 1st round picks and will most likely trade one of those 1st round picks for a 1st round pick in next years draft and an extra second round pick.

... sounds unappealing at first to give away our 1st rounder this year when we're on such a roll, but there is something to be said about stockpiling draft picks for the long term success of the team...

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Props to #1Jetsfan for another interesting post:

...the Jets ...sign Calvin Pace and move Bryan Thomas back to original 2006 spot where he was very good at rushing the passer, with the atlanta Falcons getting Michael Turner and Oakland having both Justin Fargas and Michael Bush means that Darren McFadden could slip to us and that the Jets will ulitmatly trade down to a team that wants McFadden, one team and owner particuraly come to mind and thats the dallas Cowboys and Jerry Jones. So we could end up trading out 6th over all spot to Dallas for their 2 1st round picks and will most likely trade one of those 1st round picks for a 1st round pick in next years draft and an extra second round pick.

... sounds unappealing at first to give away our 1st rounder this year when we're on such a roll, but there is something to be said about stockpiling draft picks for the long term success of the team...

McFadden is just too damn good to let him pass by us.

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If the Jets don't draft Vernon Gholston, hopefully that is exactly what they do. Thomas did admit to not working as hard in the offseason before the 2007 season, but Mangini moving him to the left side was not a smart move at all. Moving him back to the right side to rush the blindside of the Quarterbacks (most of them at least) is the way to go. Hopefully he can return to his 2006 form, if not better with a true Nose Tackle helping eat up blockers on the line of scrimmage.

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  1. Calvin Pace if signed wont be a OLB he will instead be an ILB, he has tremendous size and skill and is a very good tackler.
  2. ARE going to fill the RT spot with either Damien Woody or Shane Olivea and Olivea has a visit with in a couple days and might work out a contract then.
  3. WILL trade Dewayne Robertson for some draft picks and there is ALOT of interest in him the teams we are in talks with are Tampa, Detriot, Denver, New orleans, and Cincy, this interest will jack up his value so we could get a 2nd and 5th for him.
  4. Jets have Vernon Gholston as their #1 guy they want. They want someone who can really do some damage from the OLB spot.
  5. Jets are very interested in WR james hardy from Indiana and he can be had with our 2nd round pick. With the other the jets are looking at Dominque rodger-cromartie

Woof. This seems too good to be true.

The more I read about Pace the more I can see the Jets signing him and still drafting Gholston, something I did not previously believe. Its unclear which of these guys would play inside v outside but I can see them switching between positions if for no other reason than it'll give Mangini a chance to show off. My hope is that the Jets trade down and still get Groves.

Re RT: Woody makes sense for the Jets. It satisfies Mangini's lust for ex-Patriots. Also, Woody provides flexibility in that he can back up Mangold at center. In any event I think they should draft a tackle (Carl Nicks would be sweet). If this extra tackle develops quickly then Woody can slide over to Guard (Moore is ok at best). Also, I believe the Jets should plan for life beyond Ferguson. I think Faneca will help him but I dont think he will ever develop into a first rate LT.

Now that Vilma is gone I think trading Robertson is top priority for the Jets. I dont see them getting a 2nd and 5th for him. I think he will be good in the 4-3, better than he has been, but his contract status is an albatross and will detract from his trade value.

Assuming your scenario where the Jets get a second for Robertson and thus have two 2nd round picks in the upcoming draft, I would go for a DE (Dre Moore would be sweet) and WR (I dont see Hardy or Cromartie there for the Jets at #36 and beyond). If they trade down with Dallas then the Jets can probably have Hardy, Nicks (or better, Otah or Williams) and a DE to rotate with and eventually supplant Ellis, ie Moore.

Thats my plan :)

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For those of you like me that like following all the gossip and speculation surrounding the Jets this time of year, here's a post from the CBSSports Jets fan message board. Props to the poster #1Jetsfan. I hope he doesn't mind my reprinting it here, but hey gossip is meant to be spread. No idea where he got this from or how Cimini would know any of this outside of speculation, but I found it interesting.

Do you think it's realistic? A good plan if it can be had? Anyway, here's the link and the post:


This is the biggest offseason that the Jets have ever gone through. We know last season was bad but apparently it left a horrible taste in Mangini and Tannembaums mouth that they are going to load this team up. But Cimini thinks there is a certain game plan that is being set up and ill go through them.

  1. Calvin Pace if signed wont be a OLB he will instead be an ILB, he has tremendous size and skill and is a very good tackler.
  2. ARE going to fill the RT spot with either Damien Woody or Shane Olivea and Olivea has a visit with in a couple days and might work out a contract then.
  3. WILL trade Dewayne Robertson for some draft picks and there is ALOT of interest in him the teams we are in talks with are Tampa, Detriot, Denver, New orleans, and Cincy, this interest will jack up his value so we could get a 2nd and 5th for him.
  4. Jets have Vernon Gholston as their #1 guy they want. They want someone who can really do some damage from the OLB spot.
  5. Jets are very interested in WR james hardy from Indiana and he can be had with our 2nd round pick. With the other the jets are looking at Dominque rodger-cromartie

If all of this comes true and so far most reports actually nearly all reports about the jets have come true so let look at the team if these moves come true:


QB - Kellen Clemens

RB - Thomas Jones

WR1- Laveranues Coles

WR2 - Jerricho Cotchery

WR3 - James hardy

TE - Chris Baker

LT - Dbrickashaw Ferguson

LG - Alan Faneca

C - Nick Mangold

RG - Brandon Moore

RT - Shane Oivea


LDE - Shaun Ellis

NT - Kris Jenkins

RDE - Kenyon Coleman

LOLB - Vernon Gholson

ILB - David Harris

ILB - Calvin Pace

ROLB - Bryan Thomas

CB1 - Darrelle Revis

CB2 - Dominque Rodger-Cromartie

SS - Kerry Rhodes

FS - Abram Elam

That is a team that will be a contendor for years to come.

I would seriously wet myself. Clemens would have to mature as a QB - as a GOOD QB - really, really fast.

But I agree that it's wishful thinking that DRC would last to round 2. Someone will probably take the plunge.

ILB may be where Pace belongs anyway; he's not a speed demon. But I'll be honest; I don't know much about him other than what's been posted here. $20M guaranteed is a lot of cap space.

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