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First Prisco now Clark Judge rips Jets


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First Prisco and now Clark Judge...

What's going on?

I'm not sure where the New York Jets are headed. They shell out gazillions for guard Alan Faneca, making him the league's highest paid offensive lineman, but the guy's 31. Yes, Faneca is solid. Yes, he fills a glaring hole. Yes, he makes the Jets better. Yes, he acts as a mentor to left tackle D'Brickshaw Ferguson. But at $8 million per?


"I can see this if the team were a year or two away," said one player personnel director. "But they still don't have a running game, and they still need a quarterback."

The Jets also traded for massive defensive tackle Kris Jenkins, who suffered major knee and shoulder injuries two of the past four years and who has no experience in the 3-4 scheme.

"It will be somewhat of an adjustment," Jenkins told reporters on a conference call. "I'm human. I can't put on a red cape and fly away, but it's something I can excel at."

He'd better. Shortly after acquiring him, the Jets tore up his contract and signed him to a five-year, $35 million deal, including $20 million in guarantees. But that's not all: Now they're talking about adding offensive lineman Damien Woody. I tell you what I don't like about the Jets: They had quality young players on defense -- guys like Victor Hobson, Vilma, Dewayne Robertson -- and they dumped them because they didn't fit Eric Mangini's scheme. That's OK if you find better replacements, like rookie David Harris, but going after expensive veterans when you're 4-12 doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


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All I ever hear about Jenkins is how injury prone the guy is. Want to know how many games he's missed in the past 2 years? 1. One f_cking game.

As for the no experience at NT crap Jenkins on one knee weighing 380 lbs will still be a much better NT than scrubs like D-rob, Pouha and Mosley.

Faneca is 31? So the f_ck what? Guards have a long life span in the NFL. I honestly don't see why he doesn't have 3-4 good years left.

As for the comment QB that's the only thing I agree with. The Jets do need a quarterback.

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No reason to rip the Jets for signing Faneca. Who cares that he is 31? He's not a ****ing running back. Interior linemen can play at a high level well into their 30s. Just don't see how you can bash a team because it filled the biggest hole on their team with the best player available. The media just hates the Jets. The other two teams sweet on Faneca were the Rams and Niners, who are both picking in the top seven. I somehow doubt there would be hacks lining up to preach about how a dumb a move signing Faneca supposedly is if one of them had signed him.

The Calvin Pace signing OTOH, deserves every bad thing that will be said about it.

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I wanted to stop reading when he used the $35M/$20M guaranteed #s for Jenkins...If you're gonna s**t on the moves,at least get the facts straight,or you're gonna look like an a**

Then I made the mistake of reading on only to see him call Victor Hobson a "quality young player"

Clark Judge has no credibility.

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I wanted to stop reading when he used the $35M/$20M guaranteed #s for Jenkins...If you're gonna s**t on the moves,at least get the facts straight,or you're gonna look like an a**

Then I made the mistake of reading on only to see him call Victor Hobson a "quality young player"

Clark Judge has no credibility.

I know what a joke Hobson, he must have not seen the Jets much

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All I ever hear about Jenkins is how injury prone the guy is. Want to know how many games he's missed in the past 2 years? 1. One f_cking game.

As for the no experience at NT crap Jenkins on one knee weighing 380 lbs will still be a much better NT than scrubs like D-rob, Pouha and Mosley.

Faneca is 31? So the f_ck what? Guards have a long life span in the NFL. I honestly don't see why he doesn't have 3-4 good years left.

As for the comment QB that's the only thing I agree with. The Jets do need a quarterback.

You know, I do not believe they would spend all this money unless they had a QB scenario in mind. It cannot be that they want a broken down relic like Pennington to manage this. So either they think Clemens is the real deal based on their personal knowledge of the guy, or they have a QB scenario in mind. I can't see them being patient at QB with all of these guys in their prime. It cannot be a draft scenario. Who could they pursue?

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Did it occur to this guy that maybe the reason we don't have a running game was because our offensive line sucked? You would think a paid football analyst would make that connection.

And it's hard to say we don't have a QB. Clemens is a question mark but he could turn out to be pretty good with a an actual O-line and running game.

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As for the comment QB that's the only thing I agree with. The Jets do need a quarterback.

I'm not convinced that Clemens isn't our QB. I certainly wouldn't burn a 1st rounder on one this year, and I'm not sure that anyone else will be worth it.

Maybe you take a chance on a project QB on day 2.

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I'm not convinced that Clemens isn't our QB. I certainly wouldn't burn a 1st rounder on one this year, and I'm not sure that anyone else will be worth it.

Maybe you take a chance on a project QB on day 2.

I usually argue in defense of Kellen, and I'm still going to here. I'm going to say I'm not convinced either way and would like to see what he does next year with a decent o-line.

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First Prisco and now Clark Judge...

What's going on?

I'm not sure where the New York Jets are headed. They shell out gazillions for guard Alan Faneca, making him the league's highest paid offensive lineman, but the guy's 31.

Yes, Faneca is solid. Yes, he fills a glaring hole. Yes, he makes the Jets better. Yes, he acts as a mentor to left tackle D'Brickshaw Ferguson. 'noff said.

But at $8 million per?


"I can see this if the team were a year or two away," said one player personnel director. They might be less the way things are going.

"But they still don't have a running game, and they still need a quarterback." Now that they have an offensive line we'll find out.

The Jets also traded for massive defensive tackle Kris Jenkins, who suffered major knee and shoulder injuries two of the past four years He hasn't been injured in the last 2 years.

and who has no experience in the 3-4 scheme. He's a good fit.

"It will be somewhat of an adjustment," Jenkins told reporters on a conference call. "I'm human. I can't put on a red cape and fly away, but it's something I can excel at."

He'd better. Shortly after acquiring him, the Jets tore up his contract and signed him to a five-year, $35 million deal, including $20 million in guarantees. But that's not all: Now they're talking about adding offensive lineman Damien Woody. I tell you what I don't like about the Jets: They had quality young players on defense -- guys like Victor Hobson, Vilma, Dewayne Robertson -- and they dumped them because they didn't fit Eric Mangini's scheme.

That's OK if you find better replacements, like rookie David Harris, and what they just found weren't better replacements?

but going after expensive veterans when you're 4-12 doesn't make a lot of sense to me. That's why you don't work in the FO.



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