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Speaking of Bad Character Guys...You Know who was a hell of a RB?


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icon5.gifSpeaking of Bad Character Guys...You Know who was a hell of a RB?

Once you commit murder, you forfeit any good you ever did in your life.

This is a disgusting thread. You all proud of yourself that you can come up with some funny remark? haha.

Mutilated the competition? Slashed through the hole? Killer runningback?

Smizzy, I would have expected better of you then to bait the idiot troops like this.

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Once you commit murder, you forfeit any good you ever did in your life.

This is a disgusting thread. You all proud of yourself that you can come up with some funny remark? haha.

Mutilated the competition? Slashed through the hole? Killer runningback?

Smizzy, I would have expected better of you then to bait the idiot troops like this.

I guess it's that time of the month huh?

I gotta borrow OJ's gloves to handle this, it could be bloody.

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Screw it. I hope the Jets draft McFadden just so 124 throws a hissy fit. Plus, we have the $10 bet going.

You mean a Pennington vs Clemens hissy fit you and ecurb used to love to do at least 16 times a day? Yeah, those were good times. ;)

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