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3g iphone


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So gizmodo is confirming what most apple faithful already think to be true, apple will be introducing a 3g iphone at the wwdc in the beginning of June. How many iphone owners are going to make the upgrade? How many people have been waiting for 3g to buy their first iphone?

I would think that the new phone will be much more than just 3g connectivity, I am sure apple will use that new capability to build in some great new features.

Oh, and BTW, I have had a few friends calling me the last few weeks asking on advice on which mac to buy, if anyone is thinking of buying one, DEFINITELY wait until the conference in june, most likely there will be new models announced.

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I'm not upgrading, they need to had more features than just 3g. Also I've been wanting to purchase a Mini but like you said I'm going to wait till after the conference. Don't wanna get hosed.

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I'm not upgrading, they need to had more features that just 3g. Also I've been wanting to purchase a Mini but like you said I'm going to wait till after the conference. Don't wanna get hosed.

I am pretty sure there will be more features, I think they need things like streaming video to really compete in asia where they will be heading now with a 3g phone. Besides, Jobs is going to want to sink all the "iphone killers" by making the point that while everyone is trying to copy what they released a year ago, they are on to bigger and better. Coming out with some knockout new features will really drive a stake into the heart of all the copycats.

As for the mini, either they will kill it, in which case you could snag one up at a discount, or upgrade it. Either way it is definitely best to wait like you are.

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I am pretty sure there will be more features, I think they need things like streaming video to really compete in asia where they will be heading now with a 3g phone. Besides, Jobs is going to want to sink all the "iphone killers" by making the point that while everyone is trying to copy what they released a year ago, they are on to bigger and better. Coming out with some knockout new features will really drive a stake into the heart of all the copycats.

As for the mini, either they will kill it, in which case you could snag one up at a discount, or upgrade it. Either way it is definitely best to wait like you are.

I really hope they don't kill the Mini, if they do, please come out with a reasonable priced desktop. I think that will really help their market share, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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I think it will be coming in different colors. The back is now black and plastic if supposed leaked images are true. On Apple's website last week they accidentally listed under iphone: iphone and iphone black. When asked about it they pulled it off the website and say they use that as a code name or whatever to sort the different storage sizes of the current ipod, which doesn't make sense.

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I will buying one as soon as I possibly can (online or off).

The wife gets the original iPhone and I get upgraded.

I am looking for:

- 16/32 GB

- 3G

- Better camera (zoom, 3/4MP, video)

- 802.11n

Other than that, I am good. Most of the new stuff will be in the iTunes App Store.


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I will buying one as soon as I possibly can (online or off).

The wife gets the original iPhone and I get upgraded.

I am looking for:

- 16/32 GB

- 3G

- Better camera (zoom, 3/4MP, video)

- 802.11n

Other than that, I am good. Most of the new stuff will be in the iTunes App Store.


I think a few color choices other than black and silver would be cool. A better camera, with video function would be awesome. I can't see zoom being a real viable option because it would really only be a digital zoom which is crap. What would be awesome would be a way to flip the camera lens to either be on the front or back of the phone, so you can snap pics like now, or use it for video chat in combo with ichat and 3g, that would be awesome, and very doable with the iphone's osX architecture.

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I just got mine over the winter, so I will keep this one for now. I bought the 16 GB version, and even with the slower EDGE Network, I'm fine with it.

I'm really waiting for the AppStore to start up in the fall.

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So gizmodo is confirming what most apple faithful already think to be true, apple will be introducing a 3g iphone at the wwdc in the beginning of June. How many iphone owners are going to make the upgrade? How many people have been waiting for 3g to buy their first iphone?

I would think that the new phone will be much more than just 3g connectivity, I am sure apple will use that new capability to build in some great new features.

Oh, and BTW, I have had a few friends calling me the last few weeks asking on advice on which mac to buy, if anyone is thinking of buying one, DEFINITELY wait until the conference in june, most likely there will be new models announced.

This one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i would of got the iphone but AT&T gave me the boot a month before it came out... i wish T-mobile would get the iphone.

is un-locking the iphone getting any easier now of days??

Its pretty easy, however gotta wait and see what they do with the new firmware. I would hold out for a few.

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- 16GB

- Black

- Thinner

- Better battery


- $299



If they already have apps ready for download, why not open the AppStore today? Why wait until July?

Today's news was kind of a downer. The stock fell off a bit.

I like the new features of the 3G iPhone, but I will hang on to my original for now.

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If they already have apps ready for download, why not open the AppStore today? Why wait until July?

Today's news was kind of a downer. The stock fell off a bit.

I like the new features of the 3G iPhone, but I will hang on to my original for now.

I totally agree with you, I'm disappointed, I was really hoping to see a update to the Mini. Although I think the new 3G iPhone is nice especially the Black one, I'll be keeping mine for now.

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do you own one?

Why does he have to own one to not be a fan of it? I personally have nothing derogatory to say about it since I have never used one. Mac computers on the other hand, I have never owned one but used frieds of mine plenty of times to know they are not nearly worth2-3 times the cost of a PC with more memory and ram.

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If they already have apps ready for download, why not open the AppStore today? Why wait until July?

Today's news was kind of a downer. The stock fell off a bit.

I like the new features of the 3G iPhone, but I will hang on to my original for now.

Well, for one thing my App is not ready, so I am happy it is delayed.


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Why does he have to own one to not be a fan of it? I personally have nothing derogatory to say about it since I have never used one. Mac computers on the other hand, I have never owned one but used frieds of mine plenty of times to know they are not nearly worth2-3 times the cost of a PC with more memory and ram.

2-3 times the cost? What are you reading the 1997 price guide?

(please try to compare features, not just bottom prices, because a 256MB, cheapo PC will last a year).


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2-3 times the cost? What are you reading the 1997 price guide?

(please try to compare features, not just bottom prices, because a 256MB, cheapo PC will last a year).


Nah, how about today's guide. Here's Best Buy:



Intel core 2 pduo processor-2.5Ghz

2G DDR2 Ram

250G Hard Drive

17" screen


2 firewire ports

3 USB 2.0

Built In Webcam



Intel Core 2 Duo processor-1.83Ghz

4G DDR2 Ram

250G Hard Drive

17" screen

1 firewire port

4 USB 2.0 ports


So, basically for $1700 more you get .67 Ghz more processor speed, 2G less ram, 1 more firewire port, and a webcam. Puhhhlleazzzze.........:yawn:

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2-3 times the cost? What are you reading the 1997 price guide?

(please try to compare features, not just bottom prices, because a 256MB, cheapo PC will last a year).


uhhh, no. they are much more expensive. and i have had plenty of computers, nice as well as cheap, and none have only lasted a year. what the hell do you do to your computers for them to only last a year?

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Nah, how about today's guide. Here's Best Buy:



Intel core 2 pduo processor-2.5Ghz

2G DDR2 Ram

250G Hard Drive

17" screen


2 firewire ports

3 USB 2.0

Built In Webcam



Intel Core 2 Duo processor-1.83Ghz

4G DDR2 Ram

250G Hard Drive

17" screen

1 firewire port

4 USB 2.0 ports


So, basically for $1700 more you get .67 Ghz more processor speed, 2G less ram, 1 more firewire port, and a webcam. Puhhhlleazzzze.........:yawn:

Man... you missed a lot of stuff.

- A pound heavier

- .67 Ghz slower (that is not a small amount)

- Slower system bus

- 4MB less cache memory

- Cheap DVD drive (no speeds indicated)

- Worse (slower) video RAM

- No 802.11n

- Worse battery

- Less video resolution

Oh and it is an HP.

Also, yes Apple usually charges more the the top of the line, but how about throwing up a MacBook comparison?


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Man... you missed a lot of stuff.

- A pound heavier

- .67 Ghz slower (that is not a small amount)

- Slower system bus

- 4MB less cache memory

- Cheap DVD drive (no speeds indicated)

- Worse (slower) video RAM

- No 802.11n

- Worse battery

- Less video resolution

Oh and it is an HP.

Also, yes Apple usually charges more the the top of the line, but how about throwing up a MacBook comparison?




and in all honesty, i think the 999 pute was a lil overpriced.

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Why does he have to own one to not be a fan of it? I personally have nothing derogatory to say about it since I have never used one. Mac computers on the other hand, I have never owned one but used frieds of mine plenty of times to know they are not nearly worth2-3 times the cost of a PC with more memory and ram.

You answered your own question right there.

btw, love the 2-3 times the cost comment, clearly you don't know what you are talking about, but keep on keepin' on, lol.

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You answered your own question right there.

btw, love the 2-3 times the cost comment, clearly you don't know what you are talking about, but keep on keepin' on, lol.

It is Mac Haters Book of FUD chapter 1, page one.


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Nah, how about today's guide. Here's Best Buy:



Intel core 2 pduo processor-2.5Ghz

2G DDR2 Ram

250G Hard Drive

17" screen


2 firewire ports

3 USB 2.0

Built In Webcam



Intel Core 2 Duo processor-1.83Ghz

4G DDR2 Ram

250G Hard Drive

17" screen

1 firewire port

4 USB 2.0 ports


So, basically for $1700 more you get .67 Ghz more processor speed, 2G less ram, 1 more firewire port, and a webcam. Puhhhlleazzzze.........:yawn:

did you just try to compare a top of the line range macbook pro with a low end hp with a friggin CENTRINO processor? Those processors even if they had the same clock speed(which they don't) wouldn't even be close to each other and should not in any way be compared. Apple doesn't even use the centrino. Boozer, you really don't know very much about computers do you?

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did you just try to compare a top of the line range macbook pro with a low end hp with a friggin CENTRINO processor? Those processors even if they had the same clock speed(which they don't) wouldn't even be close to each other and should not in any way be compared. Apple doesn't even use the centrino. Boozer, you really don't know very much about computers do you?

What the hell does it matter, one is a 2.5G processor, the other is a 1.83G. I don't care how you slice it, it doesn't add up to being worth $1700 more. Nice try though.

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What the hell does it matter, one is a 2.5G processor, the other is a 1.83G. I don't care how you slice it, it doesn't add up to being worth $1700 more. Nice try though.

Makes a huge difference in performance, especially FSB, and cache.

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Makes a huge difference in performance....

We're talking about average every day users here. With the 1.83G UI could easily have 50 windows of porn open while downloading 10 albums off Itunes and Playing a game of Warcraft online. So what, the 2.5 lets you have 200 windows open while doing the same, is it really worth $1700 more to the average user? I doubt it.

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