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Generation Kill


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Did anyone check out the premier last night on HBO? It was really good and I'm looking forward to the remaining 6 episodes.


I have high hopes for this series. I think the first one was their training before really getting into iraq, kind of like the first episode of band of brothers was their training. If it takes off after the first episode the way band of brothers did, this will be awesome.

Ed Burns is the writer and I think he is pretty good, the way the soldiers are portrayed, a bunch of alpha males testing each other out and jawing back in forth, it just really reminds me of my relationships with my friends, and you really understand how there are regular kids like me doing what they are doing over there, very humbling experience.

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I have high hopes for this series. I think the first one was their training before really getting into iraq, kind of like the first episode of band of brothers was their training. If it takes off after the first episode the way band of brothers did, this will be awesome.

Ed Burns is the writer and I think he is pretty good, the way the soldiers are portrayed, a bunch of alpha males testing each other out and jawing back in forth, it just really reminds me of my relationships with my friends, and you really understand how there are regular kids like me doing what they are doing over there, very humbling experience.

The first 45-50 minutes of the episode was them at Camp Mathilda in Kuwait just sitting around waiting to be deployed. The remainder had them going into Iraq.

I think its going to be a really good mini-series.

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I have high hopes for this series. I think the first one was their training before really getting into iraq, kind of like the first episode of band of brothers was their training. If it takes off after the first episode the way band of brothers did, this will be awesome.

Ed Burns is the writer and I think he is pretty good, the way the soldiers are portrayed, a bunch of alpha males testing each other out and jawing back in forth, it just really reminds me of my relationships with my friends, and you really understand how there are regular kids like me doing what they are doing over there, very humbling experience.

Once all this crap ends, I am wondering how these guys are going to handle it. I was talking to a guy from my Battalion on my way here. He has been in the Army a little more then three years and has been in Iraq for almost two years of that time. What is going to happen when that adrenaline rush goes away?

PTSD is a real issue, but we are going to have millions of "Generation Kill" soldiers and marines that will have been training and/or deployed. This will be there only experience,

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Once all this crap ends, I am wondering how these guys are going to handle it. I was talking to a guy from my Battalion on my way here. He has been in the Army a little more then three years and has been in Iraq for almost two years of that time. What is going to happen when that adrenaline rush goes away?

PTSD is a real issue, but we are going to have millions of "Generation Kill" soldiers and marines that will have been training and/or deployed. This will be there only experience,

I agree with you 100% pf. this is for sure a life changing experience and most of it not for the better. there are already shows out depicting soldiers & their difficulties adjusting to life when they get back home. I'm sure it's not far from the truth for many. I had the unfortunate oppurtunity of spending a couple weeks visiting a va hospital on a daily basis 20 yrs after nam ended & it was a real eye opener to say the least.

I watched the show last night & thought it was excellent. when is #2 on?

god bless the brave men & women in our country who serve

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I agree with you 100% pf. this is for sure a life changing experience and most of it not for the better. there are already shows out depicting soldiers & their difficulties adjusting to life when they get back home. I'm sure it's not far from the truth for many. I had the unfortunate oppurtunity of spending a couple weeks visiting a va hospital on a daily basis 20 yrs after nam ended & it was a real eye opener to say the least.

I watched the show last night & thought it was excellent. when is #2 on?

god bless the brave men & women in our country who serve

PFSIKH made a great, but ultimately sad, point about these soldiers coming back home. I think this series is going to show us just how F'd up it is over in Iraq.

willy: The series is on every Sunday Night.

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I agree with you 100% pf. this is for sure a life changing experience and most of it not for the better. there are already shows out depicting soldiers & their difficulties adjusting to life when they get back home. I'm sure it's not far from the truth for many. I had the unfortunate oppurtunity of spending a couple weeks visiting a va hospital on a daily basis 20 yrs after nam ended & it was a real eye opener to say the least.

I watched the show last night & thought it was excellent. when is #2 on?

god bless the brave men & women in our country who serve

It going to be worst than Vietnam, most tours were one year and that was it. Troops are going on two and three tours lasting as long as 15 months. Suicide is already a major problem.

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PFSIKH made a great, but ultimately sad, point about these soldiers coming back home. I think this series is going to show us just how F'd up it is over in Iraq.

willy: The series is on every Sunday Night.

It is a ****hole.

It going to be worst than Vietnam, most tours were one year and that was it. Troops are going on two and three tours lasting as long as 15 months. Suicide is already a major problem.

Stats have shown our numbers are no greater then civilian populace suicide rate.

I am throwing this out there and make of it what you will. In my 21 mos. (over two deployments) and counting being in Iraq, my BDE has had a few suicides. I think about 5 attempts total with all but one successful. None of these suicides were guys that went outside the wire everyday. These were people that were on the big FOBs.

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