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Nantucket Red


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So maybe some of the Chowds on this board could explain this to me. WTF is up with Nantucket red pants? Could there be an uglier pair of pants that EVERYONE on this island wears. Or has this spread to all of Massachusetts? Between those, and the whale's shorts, I don't know which is worse.

You Massachusetts types are an odd bunch.



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Real men from Boston wouldn't be caught dead in those. The folks that wear those are the ultra-rich waspy types- many of whom are not actually from Massachusetts.

since there are no real men in boston, we'll take you on yer word ;)

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A few years ago I crewed on a yacht for Block Island Race Week on a boat full of drunken misfits, it was a blast. Anyway, tons of guys walking around in pink pants out there, I aqbused more than a few of them when they argued that it was nantucket red.

Now, I have no problem with a guy wearing a little pink, like a nice french cuffed dress shirt, but I draw the line at a whole pair of pants in any shade of pink.

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kindly stay on one side of the fence Joe. Yer confusing us. you hate em & then the next post you got 2 shirts. ;)

lol, i guess it is pink in moderation and situationally, pink polo shirt and dress shirt is fine, pink pants and yankees hats are not.

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lol, i guess it is pink in moderation and situationally, pink polo shirt and dress shirt is fine, pink pants and yankees hats are not.

ok thanks for the clarification. my wife wants me to get her a pink yankee hat. I've only seen one so far. are they popular in the states?

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ok thanks for the clarification. my wife wants me to get her a pink yankee hat. I've only seen one so far. are they popular in the states?

they are popular with the girls. Last year i had this girl in town for work, the one from the infamous spread eagle jets parking lot pic. Anyway, she told me her boyfriend back in LA wanted her to bring him home a pink yankees hat, he thought it would look "gangsta" with some pink shirt he had. Me and the boys abused this kid so much to her about this that finally after 3 days she called him up in a drunken rant, abused him as a fag for 20 minutes, told him she was now gonna do a bunch of real men "off the clock" then dumped him for being a sissy, all right there on the phone.

So yeah, pink yankees hats are gaaaaaaaaay

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she called him up in a drunken rant, abused him as a fag for 20 minutes, told him she was now gonna do a bunch of real men "off the clock" then dumped him for being a sissy, all right there on the phone.

After she told him she was going to a "bunch of real men" I couldn't see him being that upset with the getting dumped part.

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