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Lowell Spinners Continue to Eliminate the Yankees

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LOWELL, MA - The Lowell Spinners, Class A Affiliate of the Boston Red Soxmag-glass_10x10.gif, are very excited to announce that they will continue eliminating the Yankees in youth baseball programs throughout New England.

Originally developed as a response to the heartbreak and taunting children assigned to Yankees youth baseball and softball teams face, the Yankees Elimination Promotion (Y.E.P.) eliminated over 100 Yankees teams since 2006, replacing them with Spinners teams.

This year's Yankees Elimination Promotion will be limited to 75 teams on a first come, first served basis. As part of the promotion the Spinners will replace the league's Yankees hats with Spinners hats and provide a $200 donation toward the cost of uniforms. Through Y.E.P., the Spinners have donated over $50,000 into the youth baseball and softball community.

"The original intention of the Yankees Elimination Program was to combat the stories of children losing interest in the game and facing taunts simply for playing the game we all love in a Yankees uniform," said Tim Bawmann, Vice President/GM of the Lowell Spinners. "The outpouring of teams looking to change their image and relentless requests from coaches and parents looking to escape the ‘Yankee Curse' has us excited to help bring joy to young athletes across New England this spring."

Not only will the youth Spinners teams receive a uniform makeover, but the teams will also be invited to play on the field at LeLacheur Park prior to a Spinners game this season. Additionally the Spinners will work with each youth baseball organization to assist them in their fundraising initiatives.

"The Yankees may have signed Mark Teixiera and C.C. Sabathia during the off-season, but the Red Sox can boast the talents of former Spinners from Papelbon and Youkilis to Ellsbury and Masterson," said Bawmann. "Knowing Jonathan Papelbon was a member of the Red Sox Little League team growing up, we want the next Papelbon to start his playing career as a Spinner rather than the Yankee pinstripe."

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This only shows that even after winning two World Series, their fans still have an obsession with rather seeing the Yankees lose, then their own team win.

I must have missed the part in the article where it said anything about Red Sox fans.

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I must have missed the part in the article where it said anything about Red Sox fans.

Really? You mean besides the fact that this is occurring in towns in New England? What major league team do a large majority of New Englanders root for? And if they're not Sox fans, then why are they hating on the Yankees so badly that they need to ban the team name from youth leagues? Or that children are openly mocked by adults, thus "justifying" this? Did you also miss that this program is sponsored the Spinners, who are a Red Sox affiliate?

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Really? You mean besides the fact that this is occurring in towns in New England? What major league team do a large majority of New Englanders root for? And if they're not Sox fans, then why are they hating on the Yankees so badly that they need to ban the team name from youth leagues? Or that children are openly mocked by adults, thus "justifying" this? Did you also miss that this program is sponsored the Spinners, who are a Red Sox affiliate?

It's the Red Sox and their affilitates doing this, not Red Sox fans.

This is just a ploy from the front offices to sell more merch.

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This only shows that even after winning two World Series, their fans still have an obsession with rather seeing the Yankees lose, then their own team win.

Like an obsession, when the Pope is giving a Mass at Yankee Stadium, and mentions the city of "Boston", some in the crowd boo?

That type of unhealthy obsession?

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That being said. I never heard of this happening? DO you have link?

I've never heard of that either but I do recall last years All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium.

Remember when they trotted out a ton of Hall of Famers to their respective positions? I don't recall seeing Yaz or Carlton Fisk, but Boggs was there with a Yankee cap even though his HOF plaque has a Sox cap on it.

Back to the topic at hand: This is marketing 101 from the Spinners as it gets their brand out there and also strengthens the Red Sox brand.

LaLaucher Park in Lowell is an excellent minor league park. The Spinners have been selling out for years.

Nice gallery here: http://www.digitalballparks.com/NYPenn/LeLacheur_640_1.html

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