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Bob Sheppard not expected at new Yankee Stadium opener

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Bob Sheppard likely will not be at the public address microphone when the Yankees officially open their new stadium April 16, his wife, Mary, said Thursday.

"His doctor said he doesn't have the stamina yet to go back at this time, but he's hoping sometime during the season he'll be able to,'' she said from their Baldwin home.

So the opener is out of the question? "He would love to be there; he would love it,'' she said. "But at the moment the stamina isn't there.''

Sheppard, who is in his late 90s and has been the Yankees' public address announcer since 1951, missed the entire 2008 season recovering from a bronchial infection.

He hoped to return for the All-Star Game and later for the last game at the old stadium but had to settle for taping the announcement of the lineup for the final game and having it played on the scoreboard.

Mary Sheppard said warmer mid-season weather might help ease her husband's return.

"He's been through a lot,'' she said. "But there is no one particular problem. His weight is fine. And his voice is still excellent.''

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97 years old, the job is his until he passes, but they should probably be looking for a replacement, and while there at it, get rid of Michael Kay.

Thank you. I would be in favor of jettisoning Kay, Sterling and Waldman. The greatest franchise in sports deserves better. For the record, my favorite all-time Yankee announcing crew was made up of Frank Messer, Bill White, and The Scooter. They were energetic, informative, engaging, and you'd laugh your a$$ off.

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Thank you. I would be in favor of jettisoning Kay, Sterling and Waldman. The greatest franchise in sports deserves better. For the record, my favorite all-time Yankee announcing crew was made up of Frank Messer, Bill White, and The Scooter. They were energetic, informative, engaging, and you'd laugh your a$$ off.

I wasn't around for those days, but I wish they brought in a new play by play guy to replace Micheal Kay, and have Paul O'Neill and David Cone do more in game analyst. Those 2 do a great job.

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I wasn't around for those days, but I wish they brought in a new play by play guy to replace Micheal Kay, and have Paul O'Neill and David Cone do more in game analyst. Those 2 do a great job.

O'Neill and Cone are great. And I actually like Kenny Singleton. Most nights when I pick up my wife from the station Waldman and Sterling are on radio. No joke, we turn it off and wait to get home to watch on TV. That broadcast is impossible to listen to. Who would you like to replace Kay?

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97 years old, the job is his until he passes, but they should probably be looking for a replacement, and while there at it, get rid of Michael Kay.

Kay and Waldman are a disgrace to a franchise with such a rich history. They should be kicked to the curb sooner than later.

All the best to Bob.

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O'Neill and Cone are great. And I actually like Kenny Singleton. Most nights when I pick up my wife from the station Waldman and Sterling are on radio. No joke, we turn it off and wait to get home to watch on TV. That broadcast is impossible to listen to. Who would you like to replace Kay?

Singleton isn't bad, Mercer was pretty good too (RIP)

I don't listen to the radio, so could careless what about they do on there.

Kay's replacement should be a young up and coming guy, I don' really know of anyone.

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I'll echo the prior sentiments on Michael Kay. He sucks. YES needs to get rid of him. As for the radio, I find Sterling and Waldman to be a bizarre pairing. I can deal with Sterling, but Waldman brings nothing to the broadcast. At least bring in somebody who can cover the play-by-play for a few innings to give Sterling a break.

It's too bad the Yankees pushed Jim Kaat out the door he was a great color guy.

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I wasn't around for those days, but I wish they brought in a new play by play guy to replace Micheal Kay, and have Paul O'Neill and David Cone do more in game analyst. Those 2 do a great job.

As much as a homer that Kay is, he and O'Neil have some pretty good chemistry and are good for some laughs. I hate Flaherty, Cone is going to get better I think and Singleton while becoming too much of a homer is bearable. He was excellent early but all Yankee broadcasters eventually go down homer highway. Bring back Kaat.

After a few innings of Kay-Singleton, I appreciate Cohen and Darling all that much more.

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As much as a homer that Kay is, he and O'Neil have some pretty good chemistry and are good for some laughs. I hate Flaherty, Cone is going to get better I think and Singleton while becoming too much of a homer is bearable. He was excellent early but all Yankee broadcasters eventually go down homer highway. Bring back Kaat.

After a few innings of Kay-Singleton, I appreciate Cohen and Darling all that much more.

Kaat was great. Al Leiter also did a good job for a few years, to bad he moved on to MLB Network.

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Too bad about Bob. Hope to hear him at least once more in the new place.

Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that Sterling and Waldman are the worst announcers out there? Sterling has a good voice, but the words that come out of it are just completely idiotic.

I avoid the radio broadcasts as much as I can (DVR is a godsend). But on the occasion that I do, it occurred to me that a great drinking game would be to take a shot every time Sterling says "isn't that amazing?". Seriously. Listen to a game and count how many times he says that. It is disgusting. You would black out by the 4th inning. He also mentions that baseball "Is not just a game of inches, but a game of MILLIMETERS" at least twice a game.

And Waldman is completely clueless. Go away, lady.

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Cohen,Hernandez,Darling>>>>>>> any Yankee announcer out there

and going to what Borg said earlier post - White Messer and Rizzuto were great back in the day but man I hated Rizzuto with a passion - HOLY COW WHAT A HUCKELBERRY -

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I'll be surprised if Mr. Sheppard makes it back, though I'm rooting for him.

As for the on-air announcers, I agree with most of what I've read here. I rarely listen on the radio anymore, so I don't have to suffer through Sterling and Waldman. Kay is a tool. I miss Jim Kaat, I REALLY miss Bobby Murcer, and I don't mind Singleton, though his delivery is a bit too smooth and sing-songy for my taste. He knows the game. O'Neill is great comic relief, and I like the insights Coney and Leiter bring to the broadcast. I like listening to what John Flaherty has to say, too. He's not the best on-air presence, but I think he's the best analyst of the bunch. David Justice in the booth was an abomination. He sucks in the studio, too, but at least I don't have to hear him as much.

Like Borgo, I grew up listening to Scooter, Bill White and Frank Messer. Those were the days!

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Cohen,Hernandez,Darling>>>>>>> any Yankee announcer out there

and going to what Borg said earlier post - White Messer and Rizzuto were great back in the day but man I hated Rizzuto with a passion - HOLY COW WHAT A HUCKELBERRY -

Darling is very good, but anyone who backs Keith Hernandez as even a mildly adequate broadcaster is being nothing but a complete homer.

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Darling is very good, but anyone who backs Keith Hernandez as even a mildly adequate broadcaster is being nothing but a complete homer.

Guilty as charged -- :P as a threesome they are great to listen too. I guess thats what I was trying to say.

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Hey say waht you want about Keith but I would take him anyday over Suzy "OH MY GOSH" Waldman.

I have never been more in shock, or embarrassed for someone, than during this disaster of a reaction. I was actually watching that day, and thought that Waldman had lost what little mind she had.


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I grew up on the same. Bill White was awesome.

White and Rizzuto together made for an entertaining evening, especially if it would suddenly start thundering. LOL. Here's the Scooter and Frank Messer on one of the greatest days of my life. I was in college up at Potsdam, and four other Yankee fans and I almost destroyed a TV lounge with our insane celebration.


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White and Rizzuto together made for an entertaining evening, especially if it would suddenly start thundering. LOL. Here's the Scooter and Frank Messer on one of the greatest days of my life. I was in college up at Potsdam, and four other Yankee fans and I almost destroyed a TV lounge with our insane celebration.


My Yankee watching days extend back to the 72-73 season.

Of course, I was a rabid Met fan, but I grew up in the Poconos and my family did not have cable. As such, as it was in those days, baseball on TV was few and far between, except for the Sat game of the week.

I was in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre market, and they had two stations that carried sporadic games:

Channel 22-Carried certain Yankee games-about 20 per year

Channel 16-Carried certain Phillies games-about 20 per year

All I could do with the Mets was listen to the radio, so any time I got a chance to actually watch a game, I soaked it in.

The Yankee crew was a big part of that.

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