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New York Jets Mafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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All of this has been fun, but we need to move this game along somewhere. I suggest we all make up a list of our most suspicious posters, and work from there.

I'll start:

1) Norway. Reasons previously stated.

2) Pac. Not really playing like himself, nothing specific, but I'm getting a bad vibe from him for reasons I can't put my finger on.

3) SMC. The idea of a cop who can kill scum without revealing is so crazy I can't understand why an innocent would put it out there. Nothing else he's done really reads as scummy to me.

4) EY. Oddly non-analytical this game.

AVM, for whatever reason, is not pinging my scumdar. Neither is CTM (my only case on him relied on Vic being guilty; since I'm now convinced Vic is the cop, I'm no longer suspicious of him - though the "no counterclaim" thing has my hackles up).

I'm also concerned about Woody and Jets Things, if only because they always slide by the first few days without pressure, mainly because their play style doesn't leave much for any of us to analyze. That's scary, and I'd like them investigated sooner rather than later, because they'll be very hard to catch if they are mafia.

Listen Doggin, my case against you is weak, I admit it (since you partially proved it :biggrin:). However, you case against me is equally weak. I know it, you know it. I took to long to vote after getting home from work? That makes me continue to be suspicious of you in a big way.

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I like that format.. obviously I'm confident in voting for SMC or AVM and have already listed my reasons (probably more for AVM, cause doggin's unvote of SMC leans innocent for SMC to me)

Norway: I think I get the case on him, I just don't think it's as strong as some of the others I'm not currently comfortable voting for him.

Pac: Hard read for me. If we were at JI, I'd be thinking scum, but I don't know what a retahded ape is like when you take him out of his cage. He doesn't yet have a poop collection here to fling around I'm not currently comfortable voting for him.

Doggin: Normally wouldn't vote for him so early out of respect, but I really don't get the unvote SMC logic. He never even listed slats as a possible NK initially, so he either initially forgot Slats was cleared already or knows there's no shot of Slats being NK'd by scum cause he is scum. (preferably with slats for my purposes) I'm ok with voting for him.

CTM: Will not vote for him today. ;)

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The case on norway, for EY and Norway. I'll freely admit its not a strong case, but I think its the strongest one going:

1: pattern of day 1 unvotes - scum pushing innocent train then looking to leap off prior to death? Doesn't read that way on vic, but could on JB, and reasons for voting/unvoting were sketchy to begin with.

2: Monstrous number of spam posts day 1. Very good tactic for mafia, since it became clear last game that post-counting (without regard to post-content) would be used to select potential lynch/pressure targets. Allows player to post often, while saying little that could be analyzed.

3: Repeated "I'm catching up and will post soon" comments, followed up by lack of posting.

4. Residual concern that Vic could be mafia and 'real cop' is following CTM's bad advice. Don't really believe it, but it remains a possibility, and if true the Vic unvote becomes scummy

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Computer is all sorts of screwed up. Laptop touch pad is messed up. Took me (no joke) 15 minutes to write this one post. Bringing it to a nerd friend of mine. Hopefully I'll be back on in a little while.

Don't trip over anything on your way over ;)

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4. Residual concern that Vic could be mafia and 'real cop' is following CTM's bad advice. Don't really believe it, but it remains a possibility, and if true the Vic unvote becomes scummy

sigh.. 2 game days from now I will agree with you, right now, I'm comfortable with any potential real cop laying low till he puts together some innocents or finds scum..

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Just catching up a little...

It's called 'not eating'.

I have had some lung issues that are related to my body structure, which is probably what you remembered, but the He-Man thing was not related to that.

Ectomorphs Unite!

And cool deal with the emmy thing. I noticed your status before, had no idea what it meant.

I'm stepping out for the evening but should be back around 10. I still think Pac is scummy, but if when I come back, there's a deadline and people have narrowed it down to a couple favorites, I'm obviously willing to change my vote.

Pac is probably my favorite of the current vote getters.

Well if any teams' fans would do, it's Jets' fans.

Jet fans kill themselves a little bit every Sunday in the fall. No surprise here...

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For Yellin:

My case against AVM is basically all because of JVOR. JVOR was pressuring AVM hard from the beginning of the game and throughout the whole day. It could be distancing as others have said but I'm not so sure. My thought is that AVM could be the serial killer. It's a newbie scum move to nk the player obviously putting the most pressure on you and AVM is a relative newb. I think its a good possibility that AVM is the serial killer and killed JVOR to try to give himself some breathing room. That is of course as long as we have a serial killer and not a Robocop.;)

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For Yellin:

My case against AVM is basically all because of JVOR. JVOR was pressuring AVM hard from the beginning of the game and throughout the whole day. It could be distancing as others have said but I'm not so sure. My thought is that AVM could be the serial killer. It's a newbie scum move to nk the player obviously putting the most pressure on you and AVM is a relative newb. I think its a good possibility that AVM is the serial killer and killed JVOR to try to give himself some breathing room. That is of course as long as we have a serial killer and not a Robocop.;)

Good call.. This fits in with the acting different thing as well which is the first thing that tipped me off....

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For Yellin:

My case against AVM is basically all because of JVOR. JVOR was pressuring AVM hard from the beginning of the game and throughout the whole day. It could be distancing as others have said but I'm not so sure. My thought is that AVM could be the serial killer. It's a newbie scum move to nk the player obviously putting the most pressure on you and AVM is a relative newb. I think its a good possibility that AVM is the serial killer and killed JVOR to try to give himself some breathing room. That is of course as long as we have a serial killer and not a Robocop.;)

I like this.

The 3 I'm looking at closely are SMC, AVM, and Pac.

Willing to vote for any one of them.

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1) SMC - As I said to start this day, wasn't a fan of his "I'll vote if you vote post he made about Jets Babe." IF he's scum, it allows him to help lynch an innocent Jets Babe and being able to blame another person for doing it. He's explained this action, andn I do feel a bit better about it, but not completely. Also, I was surprised the way he never attacked me in this game. After what happened last game with the modkill, I was sort of expecting it, and then really expected it when I listed him as a suspect, but he never really came back at me until after I brought up his lack of a response as suspicious

The above in bold is the thing that's bothering me about EY. His "TRUST ME" post on the way to her lynching. He pushed the train without ever getting on it, thus, as you said about SMC, allowed "him to help lynch an innocent Jets Babe and being able to blame another person for doing it."

But I'm guessing that's a thought for another day.

I'm not getting the same scum vibe on AVM, and wouldn't look to be voting him today. Pac sitting there on him helps his cause with me.

I get a strong scum vibe from Pac, but it's undermined by the fact that I also got a strong one from Jets Babe. Perhaps Pac just has too much estrogen for this game, too. From what the rest of you are saying, this is just the way he is.

I'm not on the attack with CTM any longer. It'll be fun if I live thru the night phase and he wants to push the godfather angle. I don't mind if people think I'm the godfather. What I mind is people thinking I'm a stupid godfather - which is what I'd have to be to bring up the role in the first place. Alas...

SMC has me teetering. The cop/vig hybrid suggestion is a weird one, and the only diabolical explanation for it is if he's trying to remove the idea of a serial killer from the rest of our heads - because he's the serial killer. And yeah, getting off the JB train could definitely be some distancing. I could go this route.

I got nothing really on Norway right now.

Mark me down as all for the anonymous acount thing. I know I'm allowing myself to be influenced by previous games here.

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The above in bold is the thing that's bothering me about EY. His "TRUST ME" post on the way to her lynching. He pushed the train without ever getting on it, thus, as you said about SMC, allowed "him to help lynch an innocent Jets Babe and being able to blame another person for doing it."

I was pointing out her ridiculous 'trust me' line that she uses in EVERY GAME. I also said, in an earlier post about her, that she always seems scummy, and I don't put a lot of value in lynching her day 1, regardless.

I also had a reason to vote someone else, and wasn't around when the final votes for JB were cast, or I might have changed it.

We've gone over this.

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For Yellin:

My case against AVM is basically all because of JVOR. JVOR was pressuring AVM hard from the beginning of the game and throughout the whole day. It could be distancing as others have said but I'm not so sure. My thought is that AVM could be the serial killer. It's a newbie scum move to nk the player obviously putting the most pressure on you and AVM is a relative newb. I think its a good possibility that AVM is the serial killer and killed JVOR to try to give himself some breathing room. That is of course as long as we have a serial killer and not a Robocop.;)

Devils Advocate..

It's also a newbie vig move to kill who is accusing you cause innocent newbie always thinks those that accuse them are scum...

So, if AVM isn't scum, with all of this Serial killer/vig suspicion on him, he stands a fair chance of being NK'd tonight since scum won't know his alignment either.

If AVM is SK or Vig, what if he role reveals as vig, regardless of whether or not he is SK or Vig, and let him shot who he wants tonight and force the scum to kill him with their NK

Under this scenario, we lynch SMC/Pac/Norway/me/Doggin


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I get a strong scum vibe from Pac, but it's undermined by the fact that I also got a strong one from Jets Babe. Perhaps Pac just has too much estrogen for this game, too. From what the rest of you are saying, this is just the way he is.


Holy ownage... lol

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If it was a one time thing, you'd be right. But it wasn't. There was a little pattern of "OK, just catching up, will post soon" . . . followed by nothing. The same move, I'll point out, that Sharrow used last game. Just enough to take you off the radar screen, not enough to put you back on it by saying anything substantive.

Granted I wasn't doing it intentional last game. I did mean to post my thoughts the next day, but both times by the time I got here, the game had moved in a different direction side-tracking me.

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Devils Advocate..

It's also a newbie vig move to kill who is accusing you cause innocent newbie always thinks those that accuse them are scum...

So, if AVM isn't scum, with all of this Serial killer/vig suspicion on him, he stands a fair chance of being NK'd tonight since scum won't know his alignment either.

If AVM is SK or Vig, what if he role reveals as vig, regardless of whether or not he is SK or Vig, and let him shot who he wants tonight and force the scum to kill him with their NK

Under this scenario, we lynch SMC/Pac/Norway/me/Doggin


I can't reveal I'm SK or Vig, because I'm not.

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Ok I've taken my Xanax and had my glass of Sherry so I should be able to suppress the psychotic rage for the time being. :rolleyes:

I feel like I posted this 20 times but here it goes:

AVM- All of you commenting on the difference in his play was what first got me to notice him. The fact that he was pressured, voted for, then quickly unvoted by JVOR and named as a prime suspect by JIF are when I really took notice. He was the only player that was connected to the first 2 NK's... if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...

SMC- I still don't think the Robocop stuff in and of itself is enough to warrant a vote. I like the fact he has no problem whatsover calling out the axis of evil and if he's town (which I'm leaning towards) he'll be a valuable asset to us as the game progresses. I didn't like the rapid vote on Vic following doggin but since have changed my mind about him.

Norway- I haven't focused too much on him but think the case against him is a little weak. I can't put too much effort into posts during the day and am kind of a wise guy so I'm not ready to vote for him based on that.

Doggin- He has said recently that he caught the feeling that Vic had a role after the 1st plea to give him one last vote. If that's the case, why was he voting for him right out of the gates on day 2 and also pressuring him for details. If he knew that was a mistake (as I admittedly didn't) why do it? Why not just leave it alone? I also get the feeling he's once again trying to drive the bus full of townies towards the nearest cliff.

CTM- Believe me I'd love nothing more than to vote for him but in good concious I can't. I'd like to win the game and he can be valuable to the town with his cross examination skills against potential mafia. yeah.. it sickened me to say that.

Pac- I will not self vote unless the voices in my head start telling me it's a good idea or my estrogen level spikes to an unsafe range.

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I guess all I have left to do is play my only card, as unhelpful as it may be. Like I said, I'm not a SK or Vig, I'm merely a roleless townie. Obviously I cant state name, but I can say that CTM was dead on first day when he kept pressing to see if I had a posting requirement. Notice my posting every day about how awesome I am?

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I guess all I have left to do is play my only card, as unhelpful as it may be. Like I said, I'm not a SK or Vig, I'm merely a roleless townie. Obviously I cant state name, but I can say that CTM was dead on first day when he kept pressing to see if I had a posting requirement. Notice my posting every day about how awesome I am?


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I guess all I have left to do is play my only card, as unhelpful as it may be. Like I said, I'm not a SK or Vig, I'm merely a roleless townie. Obviously I cant state name, but I can say that CTM was dead on first day when he kept pressing to see if I had a posting requirement. Notice my posting every day about how awesome I am?

Yes, which is why I thought you were TO or someone similar.. I actually used the search to see if you normally used awesome so much, and you don't although it's not completely foreign to you, but not really in reference to yourself..

Then I considered that it's unlikely Bleedin would gimp scum like this and decided to leave it as null tell.. Glad you came clean

What arrogant Jet is there? ANyone have any ideas?

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I guess all I have left to do is play my only card, as unhelpful as it may be. Like I said, I'm not a SK or Vig, I'm merely a roleless townie. Obviously I cant state name, but I can say that CTM was dead on first day when he kept pressing to see if I had a posting requirement. Notice my posting every day about how awesome I am?

Hollywood Rhodes?

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Ok, light bulb went on mid post.. must be kerry rhodes

Glad you came clean about the restriction cause the awesome thing is what was bothering me a lot but I didn't mention cause I wanted to see where it went or who else noticed..

Why not come clean from the get go though, back on day 1, when I was pressuring you?

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Ok, light bulb went on mid post.. must be kerry rhodes

Glad you came clean about the restriction cause the awesome thing is what was bothering me a lot but I didn't mention cause I wanted to see where it went or who else noticed..

Why not come clean from the get go though, back on day 1, when I was pressuring you?

Revealing anything didn't seem like the best idea with only 2 votes on me

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Ok, light bulb went on mid post.. must be kerry rhodes

Glad you came clean about the restriction cause the awesome thing is what was bothering me a lot but I didn't mention cause I wanted to see where it went or who else noticed..

Why not come clean from the get go though, back on day 1, when I was pressuring you?

That does make sense that its KR.

He can defend himself, but it's hard to criticize him for not coming clean day 1 and then criticize others for claiming early. We can't have it both ways.

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help me out here... what restriction are you talking about? what's the significance of I'm awesome? are you saying you have to refer to yourself as awesome X number of times?

In the first game of JN mafia, doggin has some characters have post restrictions. I was fozzie bear and had to tell a bad joke every post. Vic was bob dole and needed to refer to himself in the third person. WOody needed to give me advice on being cool. RJF had to insult thor constantly..

I think that's about it. So there's a precedence here, but never with just 1 character. Also, most of those people had an ability to go with their restriction..

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That does make sense that its KR.

He can defend himself, but it's hard to criticize him for not coming clean day 1 and then criticize others for claiming early. We can't have it both ways.

But... without a power role, there's no risk in claiming...

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help me out here... what restriction are you talking about? what's the significance of I'm awesome? are you saying you have to refer to yourself as awesome X number of times?

Restrictions as in, the player having to do or say something. In other words, a requirement for the role.

If I'm understanding AVM correctly, he's saying that as part of being Kerry Rhodes he had to, essentially, present himself as an ego maniac. Or something along those lines.

Am I correct?

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In the first game of JN mafia, doggin has some characters have post restrictions. I was fozzie bear and had to tell a bad joke every post. Vic was bob dole and needed to refer to himself in the third person. WOody needed to give me advice on being cool. RJF had to insult thor constantly..

I think that's about it. So there's a precedence here, but never with just 1 character. Also, most of those people had an ability to go with their restriction..

ah... well I'll have to see what everyone else says about this.

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In the first game of JN mafia, doggin has some characters have post restrictions. I was fozzie bear and had to tell a bad joke every post. Vic was bob dole and needed to refer to himself in the third person. WOody needed to give me advice on being cool. RJF had to insult thor constantly..

I think that's about it. So there's a precedence here, but never with just 1 character. Also, most of those people had an ability to go with their restriction..

I had the worst ability though. The ability to not be able to vote for you.

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help me out here... what restriction are you talking about? what's the significance of I'm awesome? are you saying you have to refer to yourself as awesome X number of times?

All I feel comfortable saying is I have to let everyone know how awesome I am, at least once a game day

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But... without a power role, there's no risk in claiming...

Guaranteed townie = mafia's turkey shoot.

It's mafia strategy to leave the suspicious guys live because they'll likely get offed by the town in a vote during the day, and NK the clearly innocent townies who won't get doc protected.

If AVM claims early as an innocent townie he's easy picking for a NK because the doc surely won't protect him.

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