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The hypocrisy if Curt Schilling


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The hypocrisy of Curt Schilling Curt Schilling on Jose Canseco:

"Jose Canseco admitted he cheated his entire career," Schilling said. "Everything he ever did should be wiped clean. I think his MVP should go back and should go to the runner-up." (Source)

Curt Schilling on Roger Clemens:

"So as a fan my thought is that Roger will find a way in short order to organize a legal team to guarantee a retraction of the allegations made, a public apology is made, and his name is completely cleared," Schilling wrote. "If he doesn't do that then there aren't many options as a fan for me other than to believe his career 192 wins and 3 Cy Youngs he won prior to 1997 were the end. From that point on the numbers were attained through using [performance-enhancing drugs]. Just like I stated about Jose [Canseco], if that is the case with Roger, the 4 Cy Youngs should go to the rightful winners and the numbers should go away if he cannot refute the accusations." (Source)

Curt Schilling on Rafael Palmeiro:

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....another interesting tidbit about Schilling is that he is an extreme nerd. He is currently involved in a gaming project. Guess he's a huge War Game afficionado and wants to develop his own interactive on-line game. He established his own studio, has several employees, has financing from whomever and wherever (including his own pocket) and I think the game is called Copernicus or something like that. The release date in sometime in 2010.

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I am disappointed in Schilling, he usually says exactly how he feels. I expected he'd do the same even w/ his former teammates.

...not if John Henry is helping finance his gaming business venture ;)

Yes, that is pure speculation on my part - or woman's intuition..take your pick. :)

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This is hardly surprising. Schilling is King Douche of Prick Valley.

Am I the only one who's noticed that Schilling didn't have much to say about ARod? Ever since names on the '03 list starting getting leaker he's suddenly changed his tune.

Is Schilling sitting at home scared to death that his name is on that list? :yes:

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This is hardly surprising. Schilling is King Douche of Prick Valley.

Am I the only one who's noticed that Schilling didn't have much to say about ARod? Ever since names on the '03 list starting getting leaker he's suddenly changed his tune.

Is Schilling sitting at home scared to death that his name is on that list? :yes:

To further propel your certain legacy of FAIL:

(By the way, just some advice. Do NOT become a professional betting man....you'll end up on a segment of Intervention).

Curt Schilling has been an outspoken critic of players who used steroids and HGH, and he doesn’t hold back on the revelation that A-Rod tested positive for steroids, which contradicts A-Rod’s past statements on the matter.

Schilling wants Major Leaugue Baseball to release all information on all the positive tests.

I’d be all for the 104 positives being named, and the game moving on if that is at all possible. In my opinion, if you don’t do that, then the other 600-700 players are going to be guilty by association, forever.

It’s not about good and bad people, because Mark McGwire and Jason Giambi are two of the kindest human beings ever. Andy Pettite is a fantastic person. That’s seemingly got nothing to do with anything. One hundred and four players made the wrong decision, and it appears that not only was it 104, but three of the greatest of our, or any, generation appear to be on top of this list.

And before anyone asks, I’ll make it clear: My name will not appear on any lists of positive tests. I’ve never tested positive for steroids or HGH, and I’ve never taken steroids or HGH in my life, ever. You don’t need to call the union, or an agent to verify that.

Baseball needs to address this. The story will never end, and we’re seeing more and more players whose Hall-of-Fame careers are tainted by the use of these drugs.

It’s stunning to see practically all of Jose Canseco’s allegtions turn out to be true. I heard him recently on Howard Stern, and he regrets exposing other players. He’s been reduced to boxing Danny Bonaduce, and he realizes that his vendetta against Major League Baseball has not made his life any better, despite being vindicated as the facts about steroid and HGH usage by the game’s stars have been exposed. Regardless of his motivations, Canseco has been much more honest than those he accused. Some of the most respected players in the game have been exposed as liars and cheaters, proving once again that this is a business, and money and fame can distort the ethics of many players, even those blessed with the most talent.

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Curt Schilling needs to shut the fk up. He's become one of my least favorite figures in sports. I'm 90% sure he was juicing as well, so the more he opens his big fat mouth, the more he will sound like a babbling obnoxious idiot douche.

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Curt Schilling needs to shut the fk up. He's become one of my least favorite figures in sports. I'm 90% sure he was juicing as well, so the more he opens his big fat mouth, the more he will sound like a babbling obnoxious idiot douche.

Curt Schilling would have you believe he is trying to protect baseball. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is all about Curt Schilling. Schilling knows the only way he gets into the Hall of Fame is if about 100 guys don't get in due to steroids. He doesn't have the numbers to get in on his own merits and the media thinks he is an obnoxious douche and won't vote him in because they hate him 1000 times more than they hated Jim Rice.

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Curt Schilling would have you believe he is trying to protect baseball. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is all about Curt Schilling. Schilling knows the only way he gets into the Hall of Fame is if about 100 guys don't get in due to steroids. He doesn't have the numbers to get in on his own merits and the media thinks he is an obnoxious douche and won't vote him in because they hate him 1000 times more than they hated Jim Rice.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?


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Curt Schilling would have you believe he is trying to protect baseball. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is all about Curt Schilling. Schilling knows the only way he gets into the Hall of Fame is if about 100 guys don't get in due to steroids. He doesn't have the numbers to get in on his own merits and the media thinks he is an obnoxious douche and won't vote him in because they hate him 1000 times more than they hated Jim Rice.

So he's a selfish prick...what else is new? :rolleyes:

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Shows you how much attention I've paid to Curt Schilling's inane ramblings. :Nuts:

I love this gem though:

It's so easy to say that Curt when you know that it's illegal to release the names and when they find who is doing so that person will likely end up in jail so the chances of the entire list being released are slim and none.

I am sure Ortiz didn't think his name was going to get released when his fat whore Selena Roberts used the leaked info on Arod to promote her rag of book but conveniently didn't release his and Manny's names when you know she got her sausage fingers on a copy of the entire list. :rolleyes:

I would love nothing more than Schilling's name to be on that list. I would pay to see his press conference to vainly protest his innocence.

....you're killing me, Kleck! I'm no Schilling fan, and here I am defending the dude. But I must, because - as usual - you are wrong (are you ever right?) Curt is well aware that the info was received illegally and it's release is "illegal" - although that does not stop the leaks from happening, right? So, he says what everyone else says, just release all the names already!!!!

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....you're killing me, Kleck! I'm no Schilling fan, and here I am defending the dude. But I must, because - as usual - you are wrong (are you ever right?) Curt is well aware that the info was received illegally and it's release is "illegal" - although that does not stop the leaks from happening, right? So, he says what everyone else says, just release all the names already!!!!

How did advocating agaisnt steroids work out for Big Papi?

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Oh Gawd, it's the Frick and Frack show!

Garb, I addressed exactly what you were bitching about in the post.

Ortiz clearly didn't think his name was on the list. Schilling doesn't think his name is on the list, probably because he thinks he ended a cycle in time to clean up for the test in '03 and didn't start a new cycle until after he gave his sample.

Amazing he's gone from everybody needs to forfeit their ill-gotten records and accomplishments to "well everybody else was doing it" the second his two prominent teammates were outed.

A third teammate of Schilling's from the 2004 WS team, Bronson Arroyo, has already said he won't be surprised if his name is on the list. Arroyo's lame excuse? He thinks he took some tainted andro.

Where's there's smoke, there's usually fire Garb.

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Garb, I addressed exactly what you were bitching about in the post.

Ortiz clearly didn't think his name was on the list. Schilling doesn't think his name is on the list, probably because he thinks he ended a cycle in time to clean up for the test in '03 and didn't start a new cycle until after he gave his sample.

Amazing he's gone from everybody needs to forfeit their ill-gotten records and accomplishments to "well everybody else was doing it" the second his two prominent teammates were outed.

A third teammate of Schilling's from the 2004 WS team, Bronson Arroyo, has already said he won't be surprised if his name is on the list. Arroyo's lame excuse? He thinks he took some tainted andro.

Where's there's smoke, there's usually fire Garb.

I think Ortiz was aware that he was on the list - he just thought that list was never going public. An over-sized ego and the wrong people telling yu the wrong things will do that ;) Why do I think this? Well, didn't Big Papi say he would get back to the media as soon as he finds out whats going on - seeing that he was soooooo shocked at being on that list and all. How long has it been now? C'mon.

As stated, I am not a Schill fan, but I beleive him when he says he's not on the list. I mean look at him. He looks like he's 60.

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I think Ortiz was aware that he was on the list - he just thought that list was never going public. An over-sized ego and the wrong people telling yu the wrong things will do that ;) Why do I think this? Well, didn't Big Papi say he would get back to the media as soon as he finds out whats going on - seeing that he was soooooo shocked at being on that list and all. How long has it been now? C'mon.

As stated, I am not a Schill fan, but I beleive him when he says he's not on the list. I mean look at him. He looks like he's 60.

Palmiero was pretty adamant that he never did steroids when he shook his finger in John McCain's face too.

I just think Schilling has convinced himself he didn't test positive.

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They all used. Pitchers, batters, probably some umpires. The only ones who can complain is if their team didn't benefit, and suspect those teams are few, may be none. Schilling when he was with the D-backs didn't question Luis Gonzalez hitting 51 homers, but now since his legacy with RSN(retirement cash) is in jeopardy he tries to walk a tightrope. There's no D-back Nation to fund his retirement so he'll go on pretending the 2003 Sawx were anything more than any other team.IF roids is such a big deal to him, why doens't he discuss Gonzalez?

What is really pathetic at this point is after his Dominican trainer being banned,

anny Alexander getting bagged and Remy's son and another Hub dealer getting axed, Big Fraudi still wants to pretend he's as pure as the driven snow. To him and everyone else-GROW THE EFF UP. The masking agents will always be a few steps ahead of testing. Ortiz is a cheater, and so are most of'em. So what?From 2003, Ortiz made $40 million in salary. It's easy to get high and mighty, but for $40 million, give me the needle. But when the HoF comes up for Big Fraudi, unlike Bonds, Clemens and A-rod(players who were HoF-worthy befroe they took the needle), Ortiz doesn't get in. He is Dave Kingman witha really good chemistry kit.

One other thing-don't blame the game, blame the commissioner.Selig didn't care in 1998 when the cash was rolling in from McGWire and Sosa. He cared even less to give a Sawx shareholder the keys to his biased BS "investigation". If Selig had an ounce of integrity he'd quit. But what can you expect froma sleazy used car dealer? It would be better to simply let the past be the past and go from here. Instead we'll get the drip, drip, drip of The List.

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