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Post Game Thoughts


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Big win for the team today. The team defense arguably is having the best start in recent franchise history as they just shut down the Patriots on offense. While Mark Sanchez did not light it up, he was efficient and again made plays when it counted as the fans finally got the chance to see Tom Brady leave the field a loser. Excellent team effort from top to bottom.


A tale of two halves. My guess is most fans were getting restless as the Jets just used a give up play to end the first half as all the bravado of the week was looking to be for nothing with the offense looking terrible. It started out terrible with Sanchez taking a huge sack at the start of the game which saw the ball pop out of his hands. The next possession saw Leon Washington fumble in a very controversial call and it seemed as if the Jets staff no longer trusted Sanchez in this game. The game completely changes as they came out of the half. Sanchez and Jerricho Cotchery took over the game. The Patriots secondary was having trouble with Cotchery and Sanchez was hitting him perfectly. Sanchez settled into a bit of a groove at that point and began using the rest of his weapons like Dustin Keller and Chansi Stuckey to take the lead. Sanchez really is impressive. After a disaster of a first half he just shook it off like a veteran today. He showed his mobility in the pocket and really should have had two touchdown passes today. Two plays in particular really stood out to me. He had a ball batted in the 3rd quarter that almost turned the game around, but the Patriots just could not pull the ball in. That play may have been the turning point in the game as a turnover would have been a momentum changer. Rather than be worried about a bad throw Sanchez comes right back and goes 6 of 7 for 56 yards to set up a field goal to go up by 7 and give the defense some huge breathing room. The second play was right at the end of the game when Sanchez was going to throw a ball across the field and either stop the clock on an incompletion or more likely get picked off and he smartly pulled the ball back in and took a sack. That isn

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Great re-cap.

Most wanna believe Tom Brady was just off today but i beg to differ. He was his usual self when he is pressured. :D

for years i've watched tom brady have all day in the pocket and people proclaim how great he is. i have to say he looks old when he's trying to get out of the pocket now.

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Excellent recap as usual...points I keyed in on:

Belichick did not stay committed to the run...forced all the pressure on an obviously rusty Brady who was missing some important pieces...and a JETS defense that was salivating every time he went back to pass.

The Titans game...usually I like our matchups with the Titans as well...dangerous team to play next week...they have to be desparate...agreed their season is most likely on the line...for us...we played well when trying to earn respect...can we continue to play well after a little success? Good test for JETS coaching staff that so far has had all the answers.

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as always great write up jason.

brady consistently threw the ball early all day and seemed to get rid of the ball right before being hit. i think all of the jets talking about hitting brady actually had an affect on him. it looked like he anticipated being hit and was actually looking for the pressure. 1 thing for sure, brady does not like to get hit.

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After three years of total inflexibility and seemingly no halftime adjustments that ever worked, the 2009 Jets are playing great 2nd half football in the young season. In a league of parity that is where many games are won and lost and too often we have been losing those games. Hopefully it’s a trait that continues for another 14 games this year.

Great point.

The Jets now have to turn their attention to avoiding a letdown and deal with being the hunted team rather than the underdog. It was that change of fortune in 2008 that led to the downfall of the season after an 8-3 start. Many of the Jets players have not been strong favorites basically carrying a 0.500 record when favored to win these last two years and consistently playing down to the competition. Hopefully the change in coaching philosophy has spread to players to avoid those problems in 2009.

Also a great point, years of being a Jets fan tells me we lose this game next week, just like I felt we would lsoe to Denver last year

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Great re-cap.

Most wanna believe Tom Brady was just off today but i beg to differ. He was his usual self when he is pressured. :D

Agreed. You know we got that homo when he has that glazed bratty look in his eyes. I saw it when Mangina beat him in Foxboro in '06. I loved it then, but it was especially sweet today.

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I gotta agree with Stillerpaul. Brady did not look one bit rusty when he was playing against the bills in the 4th quarter; maybe the "rust" he was showing the first 3 qtrs was just due to the fact he had schobel, maybin and co. in his face all game long. They just stopped getting in his face in the 4th qtr.

Most pats fans said he was healthy in the summer, that he'd be ready to play and show little rust. Than after last week, he was rusty in the beginning and was his old self in the 4th and to watch out. Now is he rusty all over again??

I just personally feel that whenever you get in his face he, like any other qb, will be thrown out of sync. The only thing we do differently now is stay in his face even in the 4th qtr and even when we've got the lead.

Which reminds me of the quote i just read from bart scott...He was asked "if the Jets succeeded in making Brady uncomfortable in the pocket, linebacker Bart Scott said with a straight face: "I don't know. You

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