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The Johnny Damn contract situation


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Bothers me. If the Yankees are operating on a budget and trying to get an OF with Damon undoubtedly being the best fit, why don't we see any of the countless vets on this team making over 12 mil per season offer to chip in a million off of their deals in order to give the Yankees the best chance to win? Would it kill Jeter, A-Rod, Mo, Posada, CC, AJ and Tex to tell Cashman to take a few bucks off of their deals to keep Damon in pinstripes? As much as all these players talk about how much winning means you'd think they'd step up and try to repeat.

I know, perfect world scenario that you just don't see. Sad IMO.

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Don't think want to say it due to tampering but Carl Crawford is a free agent after this year. Either Damon agrees to a 2 year low cash contract he was offered, or the Yanks will patch this year with Winn/Gardner together and give Crawford a small fortune to have Crawford and Granderson-2 superior defenders and good hitters with speed-cover 2/3s of their outfield in 2011.

And at this point I trust Cashman knows what he's doing. The cover of today's Daily News is a joke. Damon is a very good player, but he is getting older and he barely fields LF adequately now.

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It does suck but you can't overpay so I commend the Yankees for what they are doing. Damon couldn't run the bases at the end of the World Series in the cold (I think it was his calf). He is starting to break down and legs are a big part of his game.

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I heard Damon on with Francesca today. Damon said he wanted 2 years at 11 million each. The Yankees offered 2 years at 7 million each. He waited.

Francesca said the Yankees then moved to sign Nick Johnson. He also asked Damon if he thought he could get that kind of money anywhere else. Damon said yes, but you could tell he didn't believe it.

I commend the Yankees. Cashman made a fair offer, a Boras client said no so the Yankees move towards getting younger. I am tired of the Yankees overpaying for players. Yes Damon was a big part of winning it all last year. But they won because of pitching, Damon was on many Yankee teams that didn't have that kind of pitching and they never won.

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I heard Damon on with Francesca today. Damon said he wanted 2 years at 11 million each. The Yankees offered 2 years at 7 million each. He waited.

Francesca said the Yankees then moved to sign Nick Johnson. He also asked Damon if he thought he could get that kind of money anywhere else. Damon said yes, but you could tell he didn't believe it.

I commend the Yankees. Cashman made a fair offer, a Boras client said no so the Yankees move towards getting younger. I am tired of the Yankees overpaying for players. Yes Damon was a big part of winning it all last year. But they won because of pitching, Damon was on many Yankee teams that didn't have that kind of pitching and they never won.

Cashman is quoted as saying Boras told him Damon would not take anything under 2 years at $11 million per, and he took him at his word. Hard to fault him for not agreeing to that contract. And with an aging team in many spots needing the DH spot ot take a day off having Damon waive to balls in the left center gap all summer with already having a butcher in right would not be a good thing, Damon's offensive abilities notwithstanding.

Damon is 470 hits shy of 3000. In the Yanks lineup likely over 2 or 3 years he would have had a shot that he won't figure to sniff almost anyplace else(Boston?). Seems he and his agent didn't gauge the market at all, nor consider that he fit very well here. And long-term it would be worth more to retire as a Yankee rather than an Oakland A, especially potentially a 3000 hit potential borderline HoFer. Why this is constantly lost on Boras to chase short-term dollars is a mystery. The Yanks were gonna pay him more than anyone else anyway.

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Why not a 1 yr deal to Damon. I agree the YANKEES need this guy in pinstripes. Hes a clubhouse kind of guy with on field leadership.

Damon wouldn't have gone for that. He wanted 2 / 22.

Good post Bugg, especially about the 3,000 hits and long term impact. If he played for 2 years and was 110 hits away, the Yankees might have brought him back for that 3rd year to bring excitement that next year.

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Don't think want to say it due to tampering but Carl Crawford is a free agent after this year. Either Damon agrees to a 2 year low cash contract he was offered, or the Yanks will patch this year with Winn/Gardner together and give Crawford a small fortune to have Crawford and Granderson-2 superior defenders and good hitters with speed-cover 2/3s of their outfield in 2011.

And at this point I trust Cashman knows what he's doing. The cover of today's Daily News is a joke. Damon is a very good player, but he is getting older and he barely fields LF adequately now.

You nailed it. Yankees want to get younger and with Crawford becoming available after next season, Yanks don't want to tie up the likes of Damon...I love the guy, but Yanks need to concentrate on the future and the signing of Damon would not.

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Damon's numbers offensively were better than both. Defensively Damon is worse than both.
Granderson hit 30HRs in Tiger/ Kramerica Field, which is somehwere between Yosemite, Yellowstone and ****ifield. Put him in Yankee Stadium for a full season in that lineup and it's gonna be as good power-wise as Damon, may be better. Granted his OBP isn't Damon, but the power should be there to make up for it.
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Scott Boras totally misread the market. Johnny Damon is not worth 11 mil a year. He shouldve taken the deal offered to him. Now, noone is offering him anything.

Damon should fire his agent like A-Rod did.

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