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Mafia Game Thread--The Thing


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Yeah, this could turn out to be a VERY long game if the only way anyone dies is by our hands (not even accounting for how slow day one went). I was thinking the same thing based on the description that the ability to test is probably our cop, although one has to wonder if there even is a doctor given that there didn't seem to be such a thing in the movie itself and I'm not sure how that would even work with possible daytime conversions. If not, you'd have to imagine there must be some serious pretty limits on either the # of conversions that can be done or how often they're successful.

There almost has to be a vigilanti or SK type in this kind of setup (assuming scum don't NK)

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After 2 hours the power has finally been restored and all 11 members are in the day hall, none too worse for wear. But then a member yells out:

Look over here!


The 11 members run to the far stairs and see splattered blood and a shredded uniform. But the name tags have been removed. They also lack the equipment to match the blood to one of the members. Nevertheless, this can only mean one thing

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That settles that.

I guess we can assume they failed to convert last night? Or only have one attempt for an entire day/night cycle and took it now?

This beats being completely in the dark. Uh... no pun uintended.

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The 11 members run to the far stairs and see splattered blood and a shredded uniform. But the name tags have been removed. They also lack the equipment to match the blood to one of the members. Nevertheless, this can only mean one thing

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Yeah, that's settled. So now they could have at least 4 guys.

There almost has to be a vigilanti or SK type in this kind of setup (assuming scum don't NK)

It's possible. Wilford Brimley's character kind of went vigilante in the movie. He never successfully killed anyone, but he did shoot at them, and he trashed the chopper so the no one, including the Thing could get away. Then they locked him up in the tool shed. He was great in this movie.

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Yeah, that's settled. So now they could have at least 4 guys.

I'd have to think 3 at most

4 would mean we are a misslynch and assimilation away from game over.

vote BG

Just a guess here, but his inability to google followed by "****beans" reaction to the assimiliaton seems a little contrived. Plus he fits the hypothesis of staying under the radar with an intially small scum team, plus he's a guy that has a high liklihood of being assimiliated early.

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I'd have to think 3 at most

4 would mean we are a misslynch and assimilation away from game over.

vote BG

Just a guess here, but his inability to google followed by "****beans" reaction to the assimiliaton seems a little contrived. Plus he fits the hypothesis of staying under the radar with an intially small scum team, plus he's a guy that has a high liklihood of being assimiliated early.

BG was on my list of three yesterday for similar reasons. And from a post count standpoint, he's below Sharrow for least in the game right now.

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I'd have to think 3 at most

4 would mean we are a misslynch and assimilation away from game over.

vote BG

Just a guess here, but his inability to google followed by "****beans" reaction to the assimiliaton seems a little contrived. Plus he fits the hypothesis of staying under the radar with an intially small scum team, plus he's a guy that has a high liklihood of being assimiliated early.

I won't bother to argue the rest, but the "inability to google" argument has to be up there as one of the worst cases in the history of mafia. You can't possibly be serious.

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I'll unvote

vote Crusher

Now that we have hard evidence there's been an assimilation I think they may have targeted him. My question would be did they know that the transformation wouldn't happen until some point today and did they request it after the benefit of seeing our earlier posts? That would obvioiusly impact who they would have chosen.

I'm picking Crush because of his crazy case and posts yesterday AND more importantly because I think he would have been a target for a conversion. Just about everyone has said they're giving him a free ride so what better person to pick for a new scum partner?

I still think I2 is shady and have no problem voting there if it comes to it... I also have a huge FOS on JiFag for his preposterous "prove a point" post and new attitude today where he's coming out swinging...

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I won't bother to argue the rest, but the "inability to google" argument has to be up there as one of the worst cases in the history of mafia. You can't possibly be serious.

Your guilt or innocence aside I have to agree that is about as weak as it gets.

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I'll unvote

vote Crusher

Now that we have hard evidence there's been an assimilation I think they may have targeted him. My question would be did they know that the transformation wouldn't happen until some point today and did they request it after the benefit of seeing our earlier posts? That would obvioiusly impact who they would have chosen.

I'm picking Crush because of his crazy case and posts yesterday AND more importantly because I think he would have been a target for a conversion. Just about everyone has said they're giving him a free ride so what better person to pick for a new scum partner?

I still think I2 is shady and have no problem voting there if it comes to it... I also have a huge FOS on JiFag for his preposterous "prove a point" post and new attitude today where he's coming out swinging...

JiF is still my favorite, and I would be pleased if the town decided to go in that direction. :)

I thought Crusher's strategy was bad, and that his defense looked scummy as hell, but when I went back and saw that he was ready with that defense right on the spot I just figured it was a bad play. But he has been a little shady, showing up everytime I notice that he hasn't been around in a while. I won't be shocked if he's posted again before I hit "submit" on this post.

I also think we could WIFOM ourselves to death trying to guess where they went with the conversion today. They could have any possible motivation there. Not sure how productive that line of thinking will be.

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JiF is still my favorite, and I would be pleased if the town decided to go in that direction. :)

I thought Crusher's strategy was bad, and that his defense looked scummy as hell, but when I went back and saw that he was ready with that defense right on the spot I just figured it was a bad play. But he has been a little shady, showing up everytime I notice that he hasn't been around in a while. I won't be shocked if he's posted again before I hit "submit" on this post.

I also think we could WIFOM ourselves to death trying to guess where they went with the conversion today. They could have any possible motivation there. Not sure how productive that line of thinking will be.

Trying to take a guess, especially this early, on the conversion is kind of fruitless. The only problem is we all pretty much have to throw away our thoughts on everyone we thought was innocent, with few exceptions. The guys who have been catching a lot of heat are unlikely to have been converted, but outside of that it would be tough to really pin down one person for sure. CTM already mentioned I would certainly qualify as a possibility and he's not wrong, but so would he and just about everyone outside of Vic and I28, who are already suspected by many anyway as original scum.

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Ruh roh.

Cool game concept though. Nice touch.

Agreed. Was Jif's game much more straight forward? This is confusing... I have no idea what to expect, but in a good way cause its definitely keeping me intrigued.

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I won't bother to argue the rest, but the "inability to google" argument has to be up there as one of the worst cases in the history of mafia. You can't possibly be serious.

Your guilt or innocence aside I have to agree that is about as weak as it gets.

His asked about the movie plot to pick up some rough idea as to game mechanics. If he was scum, he would already know game mechanics. Not knowing game mechanics in this game makes you appear innocent..

So while it's nothing other then notable, he could easily have floated that out there to portray his ownl confusion as to what the game mechnics might be, making him appear innocent The alternative is that he's too dumb to use google, but I believe he's a software engineer that's not likely, lazy is certainly a possibility, fluff post count is another and lastly there's I didn't want spolers excuses which he's sure to get just by playing the game.


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I'll unvote

vote Crusher

Now that we have hard evidence there's been an assimilation I think they may have targeted him. My question would be did they know that the transformation wouldn't happen until some point today and did they request it after the benefit of seeing our earlier posts? That would obvioiusly impact who they would have chosen.

I'm picking Crush because of his crazy case and posts yesterday AND more importantly because I think he would have been a target for a conversion. Just about everyone has said they're giving him a free ride so what better person to pick for a new scum partner?

I still think I2 is shady and have no problem voting there if it comes to it... I also have a huge FOS on JiFag for his preposterous "prove a point" post and new attitude today where he's coming out swinging...


A post assimilation drastic change of play.


vote: Pac

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Agreed. Was Jif's game much more straight forward? This is confusing... I have no idea what to expect, but in a good way cause its definitely keeping me intrigued.

These games are tough, cops and docs are almost useless, if not detrimental to the town. Particularly depending on how death scenes for the converted will shake out.

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Yeah, this could turn out to be a VERY long game if the only way anyone dies is by our hands (not even accounting for how slow day one went). I was thinking the same thing based on the description that the ability to test is probably our cop, although one has to wonder if there even is a doctor given that there didn't seem to be such a thing in the movie itself and I'm not sure how that would even work with possible daytime conversions. If not, you'd have to imagine there must be some serious pretty limits on either the # of conversions that can be done or how often they're successful.

"This thing doesn’t want to show itself, it wants to hide inside an imitation. It’ll fight if it has to, but it’s vulnerable out in the open. If it takes us over, then it has no more enemies, nobody left to kill it. And then it’s won."

It's clear that the agenda for the scum is to assimilate... but the BOLD line intrigues me, like there might be a role capable of killing, in addition to the assimilation that'll be occurring... thoughts?

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And if we're going to ask ourselves who the thing would have converted you have to put names like CTM, Slats, BG, and DanX at the top of that list (assuming you believed they were innocent).

I'd add Crusher to this list, too. It's going to be tricky over the weekend to gauge differences in play, though. I really wouldn't be surprised if Slats was assimilated after I stuck up for him Day 1.

What do you guys think of danx. She built the case on avm and crusher. She's been very much a type of person who setup a train and let's us fight it out. The unvote of avm and the subsequent "aw shucks" re-vote seemed odd to me.

Whenever I've been away for a while, I unvote while I'm catching up. That way, if I've missed something big, I buy myself time to read and change my mind. What if something crazy had happened while I was away but someone swooped in to hammer before I had a chance to rethink my decision. As it happened, I still felt okay with my vote on AVM after reading the thread (sorry, AVM).

There almost has to be a vigilanti or SK type in this kind of setup (assuming scum don't NK)

I agree with this.

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A post assimilation drastic change of play.


vote: Pac

This blew my mind. I've beaten my suspicion of Pac's eagerness to see me deliver the hammer vote last night to death. Most of you veterans have said my logic was flawed, and it didn't help my case. I'm starting to see that, but that was the play I made...

That said... there was NO WAY in the world I expected Pac to do anything other than drive the case to lynch me today, and as I predicted he came out and voted for me right away.

Then this... doesn't add up.


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Also, I personally I think trying to vote for who we think was recently assimilated based upon "perceived innocence" is likely to lead us to cases as week as early day one cases... I feel its far more advantageous to look at players who make complete changes of pace after the assimilation.

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Dumbasses. We should have listened to I28's world class flawless case against Vic. We'd be down a Thing. FOS on Pac and Slats for convincing me to change my vote off Vic. I knew we should have listened to him.

So the question is did the thing assimilate or not. Lets explore the not first.


1) the doc protected correctly

2) SMC has set up parameters around assimilating similar to how Doggin ****ed me in the JI/JN border game

3) potentially immune to one assimilation attempt players - similar to my role in EY's game when I came back from the dead. I wasnt killed during that first night scene back when CTM and company attempted me at night and I attempted to recruit CTM. If I didnt get lynched upon my Guardian Angel reveal and the attempted me again, they would have be successful.


1) 1 Thing to start - just got to 2. Hard to think SMC would run the risk with an End Game on day 1 by incredible luck on the townies part...unreal long shot...but I'd be nervous starting a game that took that chance.

2) 2 Things to start - just got to 3. This is most likely IMO to be the set up. 2 man team who can recruit but are going to be up against some odds (see above).

3) 3 Things to start - they are still 3. SMC has some serious either beefed up town or he has some serious parameters around assimilation.

Thats my take on the set up knowing what we know on day 2.

That said, I think we need to look at who is possibly working together. Whether we look at DanX for her relentless campaign of Slats innocence. Or was it a team creating distance, like Pac and JVOR. I'm just throwing out ideas...not that I'm putting merit in any of those examples...just giving examples of things not to look past if we are searching for a 2 people potentially working together on day 1.

My feeling is it's going to be hard to tell who's working together. Like you & JVoR or Bleedin & Sharrow. Haha, or maybe you and Crusher because you're the ones who keep saying Slats is my partner.

I'm having a lot of trouble reading you. I think voting for Vicious when you felt positive he was a roleless townie makes no sense. Even if he did flip innocent, I don't know how that proves I28 is scum. If you were scum, it would then be an easy setup for you to get two townies lynched. But then again, you're unpredictable in every game, so I don't know what's Jiffy and what's scummy.

DanX has been on of my fav's because of her campaign for Slats and his mantra of "i'm so refreshed to be town" and because her voting has been the most suspect of all.

What do you see as suspect about my voting?

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I'd add Crusher to this list, too. It's going to be tricky over the weekend to gauge differences in play, though. I really wouldn't be surprised if Slats was assimilated after I stuck up for him Day 1.

Whenever I've been away for a while, I unvote while I'm catching up. That way, if I've missed something big, I buy myself time to read and change my mind. What if something crazy had happened while I was away but someone swooped in to hammer before I had a chance to rethink my decision. As it happened, I still felt okay with my vote on AVM after reading the thread (sorry, AVM).

I agree with this.

I have to be honest, I really don't like the bolded line above. Seem a little too eager to duck blame if slats gets lynched and turns up scum.

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Just my opinion but I doubt restrictions (if there are any) would be present on day 1.. way too easy to pick out oddities. Not to mention... it is SMC's first game modding and he only had 1 night to put everything together so It would be a stretch to think he jam packed the game with so many nuances. Just a hunch.

What I find interesting so far is the people injecting every scenario they can think of early on... this usually is done to confuse.

Interesting... steers us to believe no restrictions on day one, and no "nuances." Both statements couldn't have been more wrong.

The bold completely contradicts the fact that you yourself speculated the game set up in the first paragraph too.

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I have to be honest, I really don't like the bolded line above. Seem a little too eager to duck blame if slats gets lynched and turns up scum.

A comment like that is what you guys consider "distancing" correct?

It also attempts to imply that Slats would have been assimilated, because she stuck up for him... but not the other way around?

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I have to be honest, I really don't like the bolded line above. Seem a little too eager to duck blame if slats gets lynched and turns up scum.

We all suspect the innocent-looking ones to get assimilated. For me, Slats seemed the most innocent Day 1, which I made explicit at the time. So I think he makes a particularly good choice for assimilation.

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A comment like that is what you guys consider "distancing" correct?

It also attempts to imply that Slats would have been assimilated, because she stuck up for him... but not the other way around?

Hehe, am I supposed to be suspicious of myself being assimilated??

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I hope you're not serious, but no, I have not been assimilated. :)

No, I'm not serious...

I know if I had no heat on me all of day one... I would certainly start implying that the others that had no heat were assimilated though.

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