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Mafia Game Thread--The Thing


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so we need more discussion or we just need to lynch those who aren't.. I'd rather lynch an inactive then go to random lynch

1. Jets Voice of Reason (Has basically backed away quietly since the early case against him.)

2. Vicious89x (Took heat from me on day one for his 7 non-chalant votes, and hasn't been around this weekend - but I think he did give us a heads up that he would be gone.)

3. Integrity28 (Doing what I can to keep my mistakes from hurting the town.)

4. AVM (Torched.)

5. Sharrow (Only has eyes for me. Hasn't done much else in the game but target me, banter with Pac and speculate about how the movie may have been adapted for the game.)

6. CTM (Pied-pipering away... so far a lot different than Jif's game in which he was scum.)

7. Bleedin' Green (Lurking... playing the same "casual observer" game he did in Jif's game.)

8. DanX (Wants us all to know that she and Slats are not a team.)

9. The Crusher (Let's face it, if he goes without sex as much as he insinuates... then he really only needed to be gone 15 minutes tops. Thats 3 for the push-push, and 12 to eat the post-sex sausage and peppers hero. I'm not liking his absence since his early heat. Its as though he screwed up, got heat and once it cooled he changed his style of play to stay out of the spotlight.)

10. Pac256 (Bull meet China closet. Everything he does can be interpreted as scum or town... hard to tell which end is up, especially when both end stink equally.)

11. JiF ("Proving points" but not making any that resonate with me. I have seen a lot of talking, but not much being said. I see too many contradictions to boot.)

12. Slats (Slats would like us all to know that he is very happy not to be scum again. I'm not sure what to make of the manner in which slats votes for me... he seem reluctant, but compelled to do so because my mistakes have been so bad. I can't tell if he is using them as an easy cover to vote for a townie, and at the same time sound pro-town so he can defending his case in the aftermath or what.)

The RED is where the bulk of my FOS is right now. Going into tomorrow, I am not sure which case will emerge as the strongest.

At this point, there are too many questions surrounding some of the players like Slats, Crusher and Jif.

Sharrow however, has been much easier to follow. I don't know where Pac stands, but Sharrow has leveraged Pac's aggressiveness in pursuing my case multiple times. Other than voting on me, and following Pac around... Sharrow hasn't done much of anything. I feel that he may be scum, leveraging "Pac being Pac" or they are both scum.

At this point, I think it would be more telling if we knew the truth about Sharrow.

Unvote: Slats (mostly cause I voted him when I was being a dick earlier)

Vote: Sharrow

And this is not an OMGUS vote... I have played poorly, and could get lynched today too. So, to help the town I wanted to at least lay the groundwork for who they should pursue if/when I turn up town.

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^^^ The edit:

2. Vicious89x (Took heat from me on day one for his 7 non-chalant votes, and hasn't been around this weekend - but I think he did give us a heads up that he would be gone.)

I added the word "gone." Sorry.

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And this is not an OMGUS vote... I have played poorly, and could get lynched today too. So, to help the town I wanted to at least lay the groundwork for who they should pursue if/when I turn up town.

what's with the if/when business?

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So, to help the town I wanted to at least lay the groundwork for who they should pursue if I get lynched, when I turn up town.

You guys are all nuts.

this is the game.. keep needling for information..

i know you are in the stage of being 100% convinced of your accusers guilt, but that usually passes with time..

Unless you are pac, who clearly OMGUS'd me this game and has plenty of games under his belt. But he's basically monkey-brained and will never evolve past using simple tools

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as a civilized ape from the future, what do you think of the status of apes in this era?

I think they spend too much time on the computer, and as a result their sense of creativity, adventure and imagination has been replaced with an overwhelming need to perpetuate a celebrity-worshiping society designed to set overwhelmingly unrealistic goals for a generation of apes with no work ethic, which will ultimately render them psychologically defeated and drive them to compensate for their failure with food, thus benefiting the drug companies as they crank out one new anti-depresant and obesity fix after another.

Have you ever seen a fat, depressed Chimp? Oooooohhh the humanity.

Pun intended.

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this is the game.. keep needling for information..

i know you are in the stage of being 100% convinced of your accusers guilt, but that usually passes with time..

Unless you are pac, who clearly OMGUS'd me this game and has plenty of games under his belt. But he's basically monkey-brained and will never evolve past using simple tools

Yeah, I realized two things today... one was post less, read more. The other was that I should not present my cases as though they are open/shut no brainers. A lot more can be accomplished with insinuation, and getting others to post until they slip up.... than with the over-selling of cases I have been pushing.

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Just cause you always think I'm scum doesn't mean I'm an easy read as scum. But thanks.. it's sentiments like thsi that will keep me from being assimilated..

Wow, if you took the time to read one more sentence in that post you would have read thats exactly what I said.

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Just doing a quick catch-up and will look more in depth at work tomorrow, but here are a few quick thoughts. The change in play of some that has been noted has been interesting, but I'm not sure people aren't getting too caught up on trying to jump on the possible converted. While I' suspicious of Pac, the fact that some were ready to run with him as newly converted his first post after the conversion is a bit extreme. Our best bet in terms of available evidence is going to be finding the original scum.

I know I28 is still a hot topic of conversation, but I'm not really there on that one. I didn't read some of his actions as scummy as others yesterday and find him one of the least likely conversion candidates. Crusher is starting to worry me as he's playing one of his more quiet, less involved games which in the past has spelled trouble. Plus he's spent a lot of time trying to deflect and how he was able to quickly go from a top target to completely unvoted for yesterday is a bit concerning. JVoR still has my eye and while I doubt they'd jump on the same train together like that, my concerns over both he and Crusher are increased by taking the easy way out in going for a player on mostly inactivity.

I need to look over things more and get thoughts together, but after a quick catchup those are my initial feelings.

What about me! Shirley you find me suspicious... aren't I being manilla-pulative, as crusher would say

Quiet? Less inactive? Their are only three players with more than ten post than me. I already stated I will be inactive during the weekend. On top of that it bothers you I voted an inactive? He has been in and out of the game and had a couple questionable votes. Thought it was time he gets some pressure. Someone else felt this awhile ago. Believe it was JVOR.

So CTM now the pied piper is trying to sell the fact he no longer plays his flute? Scary no?

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Yikes, I thought weekends normally didn't count towards our 72 hours. I'll do my best to follow and post from my phone, but I won't be at a computer until 6-ish.

Because so little has happened over the weekend and I'm sure I'll miss a ton today, I'm going to hold off on voting until I get back.

One of the top guys in my radar is Sharrow, but not for his inactivity. Sharrow is about this active in every game regardless of alignment. I'm more suspicious of the content of his posts. Usually, Sharrow makes it count when he's able to be around. This game, he's honed in on I28 really early, and a big percentage of his posts are about the movie. I can typically count on Sharrow to provide a more objective opinion on several guys, not get tangled with one from the start.

I'm still suspicious of Vicious, but he's been gone all weekend, so there's nothing to work with there. I'll have a better idea about him once he starts posting again. Still wondering about JiF, but like I said, he's hard for me to read, and his erratic playing style has tripped me up in the past.

I really feel fine about I28 for the moment because if he's not an innocent 2nd-time player, then he's doing a brilliant job of sounding like one. Regarding Pac, unless he's the type of guy to never change his vote (which we've already seen him do), then I think his voting Crusher fits the character description others have given. He was all about Crusher the first day phase and only reluctantly unvoted before starting his I28 crusade. He picked up with Crusher again after the Blackout, which doesn't seem to odd to me considering it was a pretty big event that would give him an excuse to return to his original target. Which reminds me, I'm really sad I missed the Blackout and CTM having his way with JiF.

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JiF seems to be playing more like himself over the past few days so i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Seems like he was just preoccupied with hide the bacon.

I still don't see why everyone is so up in Integrity's grille. I could see pushing a case day one on him to see where it goes, but I don't find his behavior overtly scummy. He's defending his head off and trying to make cases on, as you can see, about half the people in the game.

I think it's funny you guys are like "Sharrow is just mysterious like always, don't see anything there" And yet, these are the same people who will be like wow, i have absolutely no read on that guy at the end of the game. As far as I can tell he's been not in touch with this game for the most part and when he has he's been going after Integrity who I don't find much suspicious about.

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1. Jets Voice of Reason (Has basically backed away quietly since the early case against him.)

2. Vicious89x (Took heat from me on day one for his 7 non-chalant votes, and hasn't been around this weekend - but I think he did give us a heads up that he would be gone.)

3. Integrity28 (Doing what I can to keep my mistakes from hurting the town.)

4. AVM (Torched.)

5. Sharrow (Only has eyes for me. Hasn't done much else in the game but target me, banter with Pac and speculate about how the movie may have been adapted for the game.)

6. CTM (Pied-pipering away... so far a lot different than Jif's game in which he was scum.)

7. Bleedin' Green (Lurking... playing the same "casual observer" game he did in Jif's game.)

8. DanX (Wants us all to know that she and Slats are not a team.)

9. The Crusher (Let's face it, if he goes without sex as much as he insinuates... then he really only needed to be gone 15 minutes tops. Thats 3 for the push-push, and 12 to eat the post-sex sausage and peppers hero. I'm not liking his absence since his early heat. Its as though he screwed up, got heat and once it cooled he changed his style of play to stay out of the spotlight.)

10. Pac256 (Bull meet China closet. Everything he does can be interpreted as scum or town... hard to tell which end is up, especially when both end stink equally.)

11. JiF ("Proving points" but not making any that resonate with me. I have seen a lot of talking, but not much being said. I see too many contradictions to boot.)

12. Slats (Slats would like us all to know that he is very happy not to be scum again. I'm not sure what to make of the manner in which slats votes for me... he seem reluctant, but compelled to do so because my mistakes have been so bad. I can't tell if he is using them as an easy cover to vote for a townie, and at the same time sound pro-town so he can defending his case in the aftermath or what.)

The RED is where the bulk of my FOS is right now. Going into tomorrow, I am not sure which case will emerge as the strongest.

At this point, there are too many questions surrounding some of the players like Slats, Crusher and Jif.

Sharrow however, has been much easier to follow. I don't know where Pac stands, but Sharrow has leveraged Pac's aggressiveness in pursuing my case multiple times. Other than voting on me, and following Pac around... Sharrow hasn't done much of anything. I feel that he may be scum, leveraging "Pac being Pac" or they are both scum.

At this point, I think it would be more telling if we knew the truth about Sharrow.

Unvote: Slats (mostly cause I voted him when I was being a dick earlier)

Vote: Sharrow

And this is not an OMGUS vote... I have played poorly, and could get lynched today too. So, to help the town I wanted to at least lay the groundwork for who they should pursue if/when I turn up town.

First off I never insinuate I go without sex. I insinuated that I take sex any chance I can get because of all the kids in my house. Secondly I don;t do much work Ms Crusher likes to play jungle gym. WTF have I ever said to you to make you think I wait for sex to be over to have a snack? Your funny.

Oh yeah, for the umpteenth time. I haven't been inactive since my pressure, my pressure and day 1 ended right before the weekend. I explained I would be busy like most people during the weekend.

Now if its ok with CTM, Integrity and Bleedin Green Im going into the yard so Yoseff my shower boy can spray me off for work. I will be back on for sure at 1 when I break for food.

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Not to leave anyone out before I go ... I feel neutral about CTM and Bleedin for right now, not leaning one way or the other. Slats, everyone knows I felt great about him Day 1, but much less so today. And Crusher, it's hard to say after the weekend. I found him suspicious the first day, but I think the inactivity arguments against him over the weekend are a bit irrational. He has subsequently spent most of his recent time responding to them, so there's not much to see at the moment.

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Quiet? Less inactive? Their are only three players with more than ten post than me. I already stated I will be inactive during the weekend. On top of that it bothers you I voted an inactive? He has been in and out of the game and had a couple questionable votes. Thought it was time he gets some pressure. Someone else felt this awhile ago. Believe it was JVOR.

So CTM now the pied piper is trying to sell the fact he no longer plays his flute? Scary no?

Just calling them how I see them. I learned a long time ago the idea of basing activity on post-count is severely flawed. You always have people who provide a lot of fluff posts or post a lot of one-liners to keep their counts up without every actually saying much. Plus, it also doesn't account for when the posts in question took place. My basic feeling is that after you managed to shake all of the heat off you, you took a significant step into the background and most of your recent posts have been discussing your out-of-game situations. And you're selling that just a bit too hard for my liking.

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Integrity (2) -- Sharrow, slats

CTM (1) -- Pac

Sharrow (3) -- JVoR, Crusher, Integrity

Pac (2) -- CTM, JiF

With 11 Research Team Members, it takes 6 to torch.

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Just calling them how I see them. I learned a long time ago the idea of basing activity on post-count is severely flawed. You always have people who provide a lot of fluff posts or post a lot of one-liners to keep their counts up without every actually saying much. Plus, it also doesn't account for when the posts in question took place. My basic feeling is that after you managed to shake all of the heat off you, you took a significant step into the background and most of your recent posts have been discussing your out-of-game situations. And you're selling that just a bit too hard for my liking.

I appreciate that Bleedin. But if my post haven;t been jokes they have either been cases Ive been trying to setup, scum hunting or as of day 1 and today defending myself. Though I do agree that post counts are flawed for the fluff reason you stated but no matter what the post at least if gives people a chance to asses you. Unlike people who bardly post and when they do just touch the surface and not ruffle feathers. I get more concerned of someone who don;t post alot and when they do it's a just a soft post not to bring attention to bring attention to themselves.

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MOD NOTE: Even if you can't post in depth until the evening, that is still enough time to come to a consensus of 6 votes for a torch by later at night.

I'm keeping the 1 A.M. Tuesday, April 13 (aka late Monday night) Deadline

Of course, I'm reasonable. If there is a deadlock approaching that time I will extend the deadline.

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Now if its ok with CTM, Integrity and Bleedin Green Im going into the yard so Yoseff my shower boy can spray me off for work. I will be back on for sure at 1 when I break for food.

vic would make a nice shower boy, i reckon...

something to consider.

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Just calling them how I see them. I learned a long time ago the idea of basing activity on post-count is severely flawed. You always have people who provide a lot of fluff posts or post a lot of one-liners to keep their counts up without every actually saying much. Plus, it also doesn't account for when the posts in question took place. My basic feeling is that after you managed to shake all of the heat off you, you took a significant step into the background and most of your recent posts have been discussing your out-of-game situations. And you're selling that just a bit too hard for my liking.

THis is the way i see it as well

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My case against Vic was that his votes were all over the place. I'll recap: 7 different votes on day one, almost all of them following train momentum.

So if MY case against Vic was so terrible... how can you turn around and seriously tell Dan X that her "vote were all over the place on day [one]" and take yourself serious?

Simple really. Vic seemed to be a bored townie. Half of his votes were sarcastic. I didnt take anything seriously.

DanX was switching votes with true conviction. Like she really believed the votes were worthy.

. Still wondering about JiF, but like I said, he's hard for me to read, and his erratic playing style has tripped me up in the past.

Which reminds me, I'm really sad I missed the Blackout and CTM having his way with JiF.

My erratic play is typically very beneficial to the town. I usually get a very good read on people in response to my play. I will admit that this time around it didnt really work because everyone got on my ass for stupid stuff and it derailed my intentions early.

CTM didnt have his way with me, but I'm interested to know if you are into that kind of stuff. ;-)

JiF seems to be playing more like himself over the past few days so i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Seems like he was just preoccupied with hide the bacon.

I still don't see why everyone is so up in Integrity's grille. I could see pushing a case day one on him to see where it goes, but I don't find his behavior overtly scummy. He's defending his head off and trying to make cases on, as you can see, about half the people in the game.

I think it's funny you guys are like "Sharrow is just mysterious like always, don't see anything there" And yet, these are the same people who will be like wow, i have absolutely no read on that guy at the end of the game. As far as I can tell he's been not in touch with this game for the most part and when he has he's been going after Integrity who I don't find much suspicious about.

I'm still confused about the sentiments of me playing differently. This is what I always do...its always been my style to be silly at first, see the reactions and get serious as we gain info. Always. Never been different. Ever. Those that keep saying this are making me suspicious because it couldnt be further from the truth and we've all played enough to know this by now.

The Sharrow situation is definitely something that is making me nervous now the more everyone talks about it.

After going back and thinking this out...I dont think Pac would be that blatantly obvious after the assimilation to start changing his ways. He's played this enough to give away a tell like that...that said...

I think we need to pressure Sharrow into talking. He's dangerous because of he always is limited in posts and I agree they are usually more beefy. His play typically reminds me of BG...but thats not the case this game.


Vote Sharrow


Dont know how active I will be today. Got a busy day at work and then have a happy hour...so maybe some buzzed posting tonight.

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I'm going after I28 cause I think he's scum. His only defenses have been saying he's a dumb nub and attacking other players. Every time heats been put on him, he just throws out more suspicion. He snuck by on day 1 and then imo knew AVM was innocent before it was revealed. That was almost as blatant as you can get.

Like I said in the last game thread, I'm voting for these types of things from now on. I wouldn't have let Slats get away with that hammer last game, and I wouldn't have let Pac get away with saying he was both the doc and the cop either. The mistakes are just too big to ignore. I don't have blinders on, I'm just not nearly as convinced on anyone else.

I get a super clean vibe on JVOR, Slats, and Dan.

CTM looks about as clean as he can, same with BG despite his rarity.

Vic got heat early for something pretty thin and now he's tightened up considerably. Same thing with Crusher.

Pac is always hard for me to get a read on, I don't think I've been right about him in any game. But right now, he's with me on I28, which is a good thing, imo.

JIF seems to be playing his game, a little against the grain so he's standing out. But that's it.

I just don't see much of anything else out there. So who else am I supposed to vote for. People say "Its easy" or whatever, well of course it is, look at the slip ups he's made. No one else has done anything nearly as scummy and I think it calls for him to be lynched, it's that simple.

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Simple really. Vic seemed to be a bored townie. Half of his votes were sarcastic. I didnt take anything seriously.

DanX was switching votes with true conviction. Like she really believed the votes were worthy.

Well of course you can call it simple if you are only willing to consider your own point of view. You chose to be dismissive of Vic's behavior - I did not. I don't know how that makes either of us wrong at this point, yet you have gone to ridiculous lengths to prove me wrong, or prove I shouldn't be so sure, about Vic.

I have gotten heat for being "too sure" of my hunches, but I would contend that your certainty of Vic being a "bored townie" is no different than what I have been accused of.

Either you are trying to protect Vic, OR you have blatantly contradicted your criticism of how "sure" I am with this stance, no matter how "simple" you insist it is.

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I'm going after I28 cause I think he's scum. His only defenses have been saying he's a dumb nub and attacking other players. Every time heats been put on him, he just throws out more suspicion. He snuck by on day 1 and then imo knew AVM was innocent before it was revealed. That was almost as blatant as you can get.

Well now Sharrow, that's just not true.

I have been reluctant to the play the "oops, I an new at this card" and I have begrudgingly acknowledged my mistakes as I have come to realize them as such. In addition, multiple players have commented on the fact that I am not just trying to chalk my poor play up to being new to the game.

As far as "attacking" I am not attacking anyone... I am trying to piece together the behavior of players to build cases. Something you have not done. You have simply locked onto me, and let Pac do all the case building.

You really think I would be dumb enough to give myself away as you suggested when I thought being "research team member" meant "townie?"

Pac is always hard for me to get a read on, I don't think I've been right about him in any game. But right now, he's with me on I28, which is a good thing, imo.

Notice its "he's with me." This was what I wasn't able to figure out earlier in the game... whether Pac was the lead dog, or Sharrow was. Very telling... I suspect you'll find your way back to the shadows now? All the while, Pac's vote is on Crusher... and again we see Sharrow checking in with Pac's position in the game.

I don't think they are dumb enough to both be scum and be this blatant, but I do think one is scum and is using the other to drive momentum.

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Integrity (2) -- Sharrow, slats

CTM (1) -- Pac

Sharrow (4) -- JVoR, Crusher, Integrity, Sharrow

Pac (1) -- CTM

With 11 Research Team Members, it takes 6 to torch.

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Well of course you can call it simple if you are only willing to consider your own point of view. You chose to be dismissive of Vic's behavior - I did not. I don't know how that makes either of us wrong at this point, yet you have gone to ridiculous lengths to prove me wrong, or prove I shouldn't be so sure, about Vic.

I have gotten heat for being "too sure" of my hunches, but I would contend that your certainty of Vic being a "bored townie" is no different than what I have been accused of.

Either you are trying to protect Vic, OR you have blatantly contradicted your criticism of how "sure" I am with this stance, no matter how "simple" you insist it is.

You are still new, but Vic plays this way when he's innocent. You were forming a case on sarcastic voting on day 1. He claimed roleless townie when he was L-1/L-2. Vic doesnt play that way when he's rolled up. He would have gone down in flames or at least tried to defend, the fact that he was perfectly fine with it happening made me feel very confident in his innocence. He was totally indifferent.

I took it to the extreme on purpose. You are new, and you were claiming greatest case ever on what I that was pure doodo (no offense). I have not tried to protect Vic at all, in fact, I voted him...if I was trying to protect him, why would I be fine with his torching to prove a point?

The difference between me being convinced that he was a bored townie and your case was the fact that what you were doing could have lead to what I thought was an obvious bored townie torching. My point was to try and make you aware the zeroing in on a player, especially day 1 is never a good thing. It was urging you to look else where because we were getting no where with your case on Vic because he didnt care and we seeked to gain no info by your amazing case on sarcastic voting.

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Integrity (2) -- Sharrow, slats

CTM (1) -- Pac

Sharrow (4) -- JVoR, Crusher, Integrity, Sharrow

Pac (1) -- CTM

With 11 Research Team Members, it takes 6 to torch.

Did you mean to put my vote on Sharrow instead of Sharrow voting for himself?

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I think if it's not BS, his chances of conversion go up a ton if he makes it through today. I don't see them wasting a convert unless they thought he'd be around for awhile.

Is there anything you two would like to share with the rest of the class?

12. Slats (Slats would like us all to know that he is very happy not to be scum again. I'm not sure what to make of the manner in which slats votes for me... he seem reluctant, but compelled to do so because my mistakes have been so bad. I can't tell if he is using them as an easy cover to vote for a townie, and at the same time sound pro-town so he can defending his case in the aftermath or what.)

Honestly, it's been discussed so much at this point that it's become a joke to me. Obviously, with the conversion factor, all bets are off.

Your style of play has me frustrated. You could be coached up, you could be clean as a whistle. It's your second game, though, and I am giving you a little tough love with my vote. I have a vote change coming in this post, don't worry.

Just calling them how I see them. I learned a long time ago the idea of basing activity on post-count is severely flawed.

Haha! While I tend to agree, that's an interesting post from one of the bottom-dwellers in post count this game.

I get a super clean vibe on JVOR, Slats, and Dan.

I appreciate the sentiment, but this whole post reads like, "gee, I better say something before I get torched." You've been absent all game, most notably during the six hours between me putting AVM at L-1, and him finally getting hammered. Up until this point -with everyone calling you out on it- you haven't had much to say about the game at all.


vote: Sharrow

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