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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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OK **** you. Im sick of this ****. My play has been nuts for good reason but I've been pro town when it counted. Fine. You play online poker and so do I. No? I'll bet you 100 dollars on any of the three sights I play on that Im not the GF. Come on bittch put your money where your punk ass mouth is. Come one, or shut up. Your only hurting the town by trying to convince people Im the GF. Do it, take the bet, if your so sure.

Or.. Its possible your Jaba and Sharrow is your little slvae boy. Bleedin green was mad after you owned him in the fatboy game. he may have nailed you in this game by making you fat ugfly Jabba.

Bet up or shut up or when Im lynch I will nail your fat slugl;ike azz. Bet on it.

Whazzup with the tantrum.... Jabba? :P

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You play poker?

Pm me the sites, I'd like to play against you..

and fwiw, i do think you'd own me at it.. but it'd be amusing, and maybe you can take the monetary equiviliant of several hundred big macs off me

I play soft now. I used to play hard but I tried to cash out after placing in a main event on poker stars. You know the old 200 + 20 on Sundays. Dude when I tell you what I had to go thru and ended up investigated trying to collect. Blow your mine. The laws they placed a couple years back made it hard to make real money. But before the laws I had a couple really good years. I play in AC now when I play for real. Online I just kill time.

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I play soft now. I used to play hard but I tried to cash out after placing in a main event on poker stars. You know the old 200 + 20 on Sundays. Dude when I tell you what I had to go thru and ended up investigated trying to collect. Blow your mine. The laws they placed a couple years back made it hard to make real money. But before the laws I had a couple really good years. I play in AC now when I play for real. Online I just kill time.

I'm better in person.. suck at online.. to many fishers, not enough patience..

I haven't had any trouble with payouts, but i mainly bet foozball at offshore books. I think the gov cracked down more on poker places cause of the popularity

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OK **** you. Im sick of this ****. My play has been nuts for good reason but I've been pro town when it counted. Fine. You play online poker and so do I. No? I'll bet you 100 dollars on any of the three sights I play on that Im not the GF. Come on bittch put your money where your punk ass mouth is. Come one, or shut up. Your only hurting the town by trying to convince people Im the GF. Do it, take the bet, if your so sure.

Or.. Its possible your Jaba and Sharrow is your little slvae boy. Bleedin green was mad after you owned him in the fatboy game. he may have nailed you in this game by making you fat ugfly Jabba.

Bet up or shut up or when Im lynch I will nail your fat slugl;ike azz. Bet on it.

That's Mr. Crumb to you.


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Not sure what to say, she's got to be scum. This just doesnt even seem thought out. Klecko on night 1 with all the **** that was going down? I dont buy it. And feel like DPR would have come up with something crazier than that...I thought they were going to try and muddy the waters but this might be worse then my Guardian Angel reveal.

So confused by this play. A counter on the same exact role with odd investigations choices. Just doesnt seem like her style play, but too terrible to be real.

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I play soft now. I used to play hard but I tried to cash out after placing in a main event on poker stars. You know the old 200 + 20 on Sundays. Dude when I tell you what I had to go thru and ended up investigated trying to collect. Blow your mine. The laws they placed a couple years back made it hard to make real money. But before the laws I had a couple really good years. I play in AC now when I play for real. Online I just kill time.

I hear that, man. Had the same problem through a site that doesn't allow US players now several years back...won $5 in a freeroll, turned it into around $3,500 in a year and a half or so. Wouldn't let me withdraw it because I never deposited... (of course, I was only 17 at the time, but they didn't know that :P )

After that, went to PS, actually deposited over there, worked it up a good bit, withdrew but it took FOREVER. Investigated my age(this was early last year), plus the fact that my pops played under the same address....finally got it, but it was a pain. I envy you playing in AC...maybe one day!

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and messStation is still voting me,.. or , atleast trying to

Lol. UNVOTE my non-vote.

Look, in all seriousness I'm not voting until I catch up. I seriously really don't know the whole story. Bits and pieces on my bb. if it is my vote that is needed will have to wait until tomorrow. One leg left from philly to lga, just landed in philly. Then I have an hour 1/2 ride home....

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Lol. UNVOTE my non-vote.

Look, in all seriousness I'm not voting until I catch up. I seriously really don't know the whole story. Bits and pieces on my bb. if it is my vote that is needed will have to wait until tomorrow. One leg left from philly to lga, just landed in philly. Then I have an hour 1/2 ride home....

Dude, Dan X has been lynched already about a couple of hours ago..

Everyone is waiting for Bleedin to post the death scene, but I think Bleedin fled the country.

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Dude, Dan X has been lynched already about a couple of hours ago..

Everyone is waiting for Bleedin to post the death scene, but I think Bleedin fled the country.

Holy ****. Remind myself not to bother trying with this game in future unless I have about 3 weeks vacation and kill my wife and kids. Talk about getting the "gfy dummy" for trying to play while having the worst, busy business day of your life. Sorry man.

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Holy ****. Remind myself not to bother trying with this game in future unless I have about 3 weeks vacation and kill my wife and kids. Talk about getting the "gfy dummy" for trying to play while having the worst, busy business day of your life. Sorry man.

you don't have to apologize to him... he's dead.... me too.

for future reference so is DPR, Doggin, JVOR and Slats.

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Right out of the gate, the members of the Rebellion went straight after brett. It seemed as if things would end quickly, and there would be no waffling today. But before it was too late, brett came up with a compelling argument, and pointed the finger back at Dan. However, Dan was nowhere to be seen. Hours passed, and more hours, and more hours still. Finally Dan came back with her defense, but the members of the Rebellion were simply not convinced. She stood by her story, but nobody bought it. Finally, they had enough, and Dan was lifted up and heaved into the Pit of the Sarlacc, being quickly pulled in and devoured by the beast.


The Dark Lord of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader (Imperial searching for his son) is dead.

Night four has begun. All night actions are due by 10 PM Wednesday.

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Right out of the gate, the members of the Rebellion went straight after brett. It seemed as if things would end quickly, and there would be no waffling today. But before it was too late, brett came up with a compelling argument, and pointed the finger back at Dan. However, Dan was nowhere to be seen. Hours passed, and more hours, and more hours still. Finally Dan came back with her defense, but the members of the Rebellion were simply not convinced. She stood by her story, but nobody bought it. Finally, they had enough, and Dan was lifted up and heaved into the Pit of the Sarlacc, being quickly pulled in and devoured by the beast.


The Dark Lord of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader is dead.

Night four has begun. All night actions are due by 10 PM Wednesday.

There you go... I knew you had it in you. :D

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