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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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WHich is why my vote is on SMC. AND LIKE IVE SAID we are all guessing, with hopefully some info coming back after night.

It's not like I'm 100% sure you're scum but you've reeked the whole game to me and I want answers to what you are, nothing more or less. If it means possibly taking out SMC as town than sobeit but I for one know I don;t know it all so maybe I'm wrong about you and maybe SMC is the scum, so either way my vote will remain on SMC, who i believe is town but know not to be so sure about.

Here's the thing though... even though SMC is a twit he's an active twit. The only time Kleck has bothered to grace us with his presence is when he's at L3. He burst the doors open, rattled off some sloppy reveal, made us go through some dog and pony show everyone knew would work, then FOS'd half the remaining players saying you, me and SMC are the scum team...

If both players are innocent which is the greater loss?

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How do you figure?

because Pac/Smc/monkeybrain/barrell ass/hess and avm have all experessed an interest (some stronly) in making sure their's no more reveals.. that's 6 votes who want to lynch one of us 5 only (interesting that only SMC is a member of the 5, but i digress)..

It's not worth debating anymore, the majority has spoken..

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Here's the thing though... even though SMC is a twit he's an active twit. The only time Kleck has bothered to grace us with his presence is when he's at L3. He burst the doors open, rattled off some sloppy reveal, made us go through some dog and pony show everyone knew would work, then FOS'd half the remaining players saying you, me and SMC are the scum team...

If both players are innocent which is the greater loss?

Completely untrue, but whatever. :rolleyes:

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Same as me. I was a nationally ranked strong man competitor. Auto accident turned my knees into into crap. Now Im a fatso. but very gifted at it.

Ah see, your worse off than me. I still play rugby recreationally sometimes. I quit because I wasn't able to keep up academically. Koledge iz hard

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Jesus, this game is moving faster than any game in JN history. I got about 15 minutes to catch up reading...then I got a thingy after work but will be able to post all night.

If I can get some thoughts out before I leave the office, I will.

Sorry, I had a lot of catch up today at the office from being out last week, everything should return to normal moving forward..ie, posting early, during lunch and evening.

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I need some clarification because that was a lot to read...

SMC - double voter

CTM/Sharrow - A rebel team that is here to help the town?

Crusher - isnt a bomb, but is bullet proof?

Klecko - needs an extra vote to lynch?

Did I miss something?

I'm on my way out, and will read further into this later, but there are somethings not making sense to me. I'll be on later tonight, all night, so hopefully I can help my fellow townies work through this mess and get a good lynch today

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Because logic has failed this game and I really want to move onto day 4.

Im really sorry, you are more a victim of circumstance to me. But I still think there is valuable info to be gained from your sacrifice.

If you vote SMC he is closer to being lynched. Takes an extra vote with me, remember?

That's convenience, unless you are protecting your fellow scum.

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I think you all have set a record for number of pages I have to read when I get back! Good lord ... I can't decide if it's nuts or awesome. :D

unvote: Crusher because in the time it'll take me to read this, I'm sure we can go through about 5 more trains on people, haha. I'll do this as fast as I can.

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as tempted as i am to self vote and serve monkeybrain a dose of humble pie he so desperately needs, I will not do it cause it will spoil the game..

for the last time, me and sharrow paring up makes absolutely no sense for scum to do at this point, and a cop can easily vet both of us with 1 investigation even if you do think it's possible.. If i was scum i wouldn't invented a much different role, i assure you..

Please teach me. :rolleyes:

I gave you about as much backing as I give anyone in these games early on. I stuck up for you when people were questioning your motives.

Now, I see a guy hell-bent on either getting the town to reveal their roles en mass, or side-tracking every single effing train we try to push by suggesting we move on to the next guy... ultimately leaving us frustrated, exhausted and impatient... and with all the reveals you insist upon getting out in the open.

What are we going to be left with? A town full of people that have taken their eye off the ball and less inclined to sniff out bull****. Its the same thing Doggin and DPR dig early in the game by dragging day one out to 100+ pages... except it has the added bonus of getting the town to reveal every role there is on day three of the game.

Now, you teach me about how that is pro-town behavior.

Every time I challenge your play, you offer nothing more than condescending "monkeybrain" remarks. That doesn't do anything to sway the way I am perceiving your self-serving role in this mess.

I'd like to think my initial read on you was right, and you are town, but you have become so stubbornly obsessed with doing things your way... that it feels like you are steering, and that has given me a scum vibe. Regardless of whether or not you would have made up a better fake reveal if you were scum.

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Please teach me. :rolleyes:

I gave you about as much backing as I give anyone in these games early on. I stuck up for you when people were questioning your motives.

Now, I see a guy hell-bent on either getting the town to reveal their roles en mass, or side-tracking every single effing train we try to push by suggesting we move on to the next guy... ultimately leaving us frustrated, exhausted and impatient... and with all the reveals you insist upon getting out in the open.

What are we going to be left with? A town full of people that have taken their eye off the ball and less inclined to sniff out bull****. Its the same thing Doggin and DPR dig early in the game by dragging day one out to 100+ pages... except it has the added bonus of getting the town to reveal every role there is on day three of the game.

Now, you teach me about how that is pro-town behavior.

Every time I challenge your play, you offer nothing more than condescending "monkeybrain" remarks. That doesn't do anything to sway the way I am perceiving your self-serving role in this mess.

I'd like to think my initial read on you was right, and you are town, but you have become so stubbornly obsessed with doing things your way... that it feels like you are steering, and that has given me a scum vibe. Regardless of whether or not you would have made up a better fake reveal if you were scum.

If i was stubbonly obsessed with doing things my own way I'd be voting dan x right now.. I'm not.

I have explained my position ad nauseum but my words are being twisted to protray me as trying to role fish, which is far from the truth. but w/e..

And i wouldn't be as antagonistic to you and hess if i was scum, i don't think. i'm like most of you guys, just trying to attack this setup in the most favortable way possible for town. I never said massclaim was a nobrainer, i've simply reacted with annonyance at those who think it has no merit, cause it does.

Oh, and the monkey brain stuff is a term of endearment :hipp:

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If i was stubbonly obsessed with doing things my own way I'd be voting dan x right now.. I'm not.

I have explained my position ad nauseum but my words are being twisted to protray me as trying to role fish, which is far from the truth. but w/e..

And i wouldn't be as antagonistic to you and hess if i was scum, i don't think. i'm like most of you guys, just trying to attack this setup in the most favortable way possible for town. I never said massclaim was a nobrainer, i've simply reacted with annonyance at those who think it has no merit, cause it does.

Oh, and the monkey brain stuff is a term of endearment :hipp:

You've actually been very nice to me considering...

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If i was stubbonly obsessed with doing things my own way I'd be voting dan x right now.. I'm not.

I have explained my position ad nauseum but my words are being twisted to protray me as trying to role fish, which is far from the truth. but w/e..

And i wouldn't be as antagonistic to you and hess if i was scum, i don't think. i'm like most of you guys, just trying to attack this setup in the most favortable way possible for town. I never said massclaim was a nobrainer, i've simply reacted with annonyance at those who think it has no merit, cause it does.

Oh, and the monkey brain stuff is a term of endearment :hipp:

unvote ctm

I just would like a chance to hear from Danx the invisible woman and JiF the sweet sweet Boospie. not like this day hasn;t dragged on too long already. I think we need everyone to play.

Most everyone else has had their nuts in a vice while these two, though for good reason and it's understood have had a VIP suite. I think it's due dilligence to hear them out before a vote is had.

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I can see how this might sound scummy and all but at this point I can't take it anymore, I personally don't give a rat's ass. Can we just ****ing lynch somebody already?

I'm saying now I will be limited to internet until Wed. I have to do the work I should have been doing today, tonight. I also have a lovely day trip to Atlanta tomorrow...

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If i was stubbonly obsessed with doing things my own way I'd be voting dan x right now.. I'm not.

I have explained my position ad nauseum but my words are being twisted to protray me as trying to role fish, which is far from the truth. but w/e..

And i wouldn't be as antagonistic to you and hess if i was scum, i don't think. i'm like most of you guys, just trying to attack this setup in the most favortable way possible for town. I never said massclaim was a nobrainer, i've simply reacted with annonyance at those who think it has no merit, cause it does.

Oh, and the monkey brain stuff is a term of endearment :hipp:

Dan X? See... that feeds right into the agenda I brought up... and when Dan X comes forward with a role... you will want to move on to AVM, or someone else, until all roles are outed.

I'm not twisting words, maybe others are, I may be misinterpreting some of what you say... but I am not twisting them. I am reacting to the perception that your words and behavior have created, from where I stand.

I think the mass claim has merit, later in the game... but from what I can tell that is not good enough for you... its either now, or you cross your arms and stomp your feet.

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Dan X? See... that feeds right into the agenda I brought up... and when Dan X comes forward with a role... you will want to move on to AVM, or someone else, until all roles are outed.

I'm not twisting words, maybe others are, I may be misinterpreting some of what you say... but I am not twisting them. I am reacting to the perception that your words and behavior have created, from where I stand.

I think the mass claim has merit, later in the game... but from what I can tell that is not good enough for you... its either now, or you cross your arms and stomp your feet.

Eff him... him and his BFF are only 2 votes.

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