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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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Now that Brett's at L-2 and Hess is at L-1, I'd rather see if we can drum up more support for Brett's train. Y'all know I've thought he was scummy since d1. We still have over 36 hours, and I think the pred or preds are out of kills for this phase. Might as well use some of the time, right?

And, Adella, yes, that is allowed here. We did it once last game. (turning in actions for someone else)

Before Dan asks me.....lol.... Adella is feeling town to me right now.

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Current Vote Count:

Brett (4) - Barms, AVM, Lily, Adella

Hess (6) - Hess, Shutout, CTM, Pac, Crush, SMC

Pac (1) - Dan

With 12 players, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline is Monday night, 8 pm, EST.

*As long as nobody saw Dan's post, then there are no problems. Play on.

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Thanks for catching up, Adella. Hope everything works out with your nephew.

Lily, close to end game I like logic to take me home--and a little chance. That's how I killed (or help kill) the Bleedin Predator, first dead Predator in the game.

Thinking this over, I feel pretty good about Hess.

1. As mentioned, he was the only one besides I28 (Predator) who killed his attacker

2. Bleedin vouched for him and I28 ignored him for the most part

3. He jumped on my train at odd time and BG is the only known scum on my train. Logically, there has to be another.

4. This is the kicker. He kills a Predator and this is what he says:

I killed the Predator that was the soldier who killed the Predator.

VOTE: Hess

This game is stupid

He self votes as if he is summon pissed at killing his partner. He should be ecstatic that I28 is dead. Instead, he's pissed.

DanX, vote Hess and win this for the town.

Like Han said to Luke:


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Thanks for catching up, Adella. Hope everything works out with your nephew.

Lily, close to end game I like logic to take me home--and a little chance. That's how I killed (or help kill) the Bleedin Predator, first dead Predator in the game.

Thinking this over, I feel pretty good about Hess.

1. As mentioned, he was the only one besides I28 (Predator) who killed his attacker

2. Bleedin vouched for him and I28 ignored him for the most part

3. He jumped on my train at odd time and BG is the only known scum on my train. Logically, there has to be another.

4. This is the kicker. He kills a Predator and this is what he says:

He self votes as if he is summon pissed at killing his partner. He should be ecstatic that I28 is dead. Instead, he's pissed.

DanX, vote Hess and win this for the town.

Like Han said to Luke:


B/c you are a retard who doesn't get my sense of humor???? Ok

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Wow, okay, no, it's more like no one cares wtf I have to say really. The only way I can get anywhere with you guys is by agreeing with something someone already said, as long as it goes with what I was thinking already :rolleyes:

Wow.. Thanks for the logic. I really am pissed I couldn't get on, honest.

Do you want to vote for me? Seriously, if you do that's okay. But if your just looking for any reason to vote for me that sounds semi-legit, then wow, way to be obvious about wanting a lynch.


The kind of move someone makes when they have no clue who could have revealed as what. Seriously, that would have been STUPID to place an uneducated vote this far in!

Okay, I understood I28 trying to push a lynch on me cause he turned out to be scum. But seriously, this is WEAK reasoning. What in the world would suggest that I had a weapon or item? Nice backtracking to cover your a** at the end there...

Honestly, at this point I expected to be dead...

Sorry, and I know you can't know, but this really made me go crazy to read it. I'm not making anything up. My nephew had a doc appointment today to do a bunch of tests and see if he has a heart murmur. Turns out he doesn't, but instead has a constriction on his aorta artery that is causing him to not get the proper amount of blood flow to his legs. This is a really big deal to me, he is only 16 months and now they are going to have to crack open his chest to perform surgery on his aorta artery to take care of the problem. I'm sorry, the last 3 days have been VERY stressful for me, and I honestly didn't post in any of the mafia games I am in. I'm honestly surprised to be alive in this game still, but before the last 3 days I was reading this game every night and keeping up well, even though I couldn't post with everyone a ton, and I knew I would be able to catch up while you guys were asleep so I have no clue why how long it takes me to catch up would matter. Looking beyond the fact that this is a really emotional time for me, this post seemed kind of scummy to me. You are trying to use basically anything as a tool to bring back that speed lynch possibility on me.

Dude, I was offline for three days... Three.. That's all. Seriously, your push on me is really scummy, but then you go and vote for Nae.. Idk what to think...

Thanks for makin' me look awesome DPR ;)

Is that allowed here? I can imagine each predator having their own kill from how the scenes are, but a mod letting someone submit an action for someone else? No way! If you have an action you submit it yourself...

Yes, if you promise a more reasonable post count per page... This is making me crazy!

These are all the posts I wanted to comment on. Conclusion to follow.

I never accused you of lying about your nephew - I'm genuinely sorry you're going through difficulties and did not intend to upset you. I hope things work out with your family.

All I was saying was that in my opinion, it makes sense to replace players who can't be around for whatever reason. Or get rid of/lengthen our deadlines. We've had people step out of games before when circumstances prevented them from reading/posting. You're kind of asking me to trust that you're reading everything when your posts weren't showing it, and I had no idea if you were actually going to come back or not. A lot happened in the game during your absences. My point was simply that we should consider replacing or lynching the player who might not have the chance to read or post about any of it for a long time, especially with the deadlines in place. It's not a good scenario for the town either way.

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Village of Babooms, I have a couple mins here. Why would I jump for joy after I killed a Predator? How the **** do you think I killed him. And He ATTACKED ME. I didn't attack him. Mod, PLEASE CONFIMR!!!!

Like Nae (Predator) died attacking I28 (Predator)?

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I honestly really have a bad feeling about DanX for the posts I quoted above and others since then, but it might just be me knowing she is wrong with every point she tried to make on me. But, since that isn't how this day is looking, I will stick with the person who I have been saying is scummy since Day 1.

Vote: Brett

Honestly, it's not hard to make up a town win condition, and it could be a plot to get declared innocent on day 1. Also, the edit... I feel like that honestly could have been due to a guilty conscience, or a teammate telling you that you took it too far to look innocent. It played out well for you in the end, but I am not buying what you're selling.

All the things that make you guys things people are innocent are based on trust. You all trust that so-and-so is telling the truth, and blah-blah confirmed it, so they must BOTH be town. Riiiight...

I know you're mad at me, but do you really think I could be scum? They tried killing me three times in a row after Pac's questioning about my weapon failed to garner any information. I can't see how it makes sense for them to do that to their own teammate after just losing Naeann that way.

And it's not completely based on trust. Something Lily said about her weapon's conditions clicked with me because part of it was exactly the same condition I had. That means she's either extremely lucky with her fake role claim, the predators somehow know how our weapons work, or she actually had a weapon.

SMC would be more of a stretch for me because he claimed his weapon after Lily and I had both done it already. However, his overall play does not seem scummy to me right now, and it hasn't since the start.

The CTM/Brett/Pac thing is less believable to me, but that's because I have no way to validate what they're claiming. In the other scenario, I have my own PMs to compare, which I know are real. I'm leaning town on CTM solely because he's playing just like he did in the Thing game (where he was town), and I think he would have made certain other moves if he were a predator. I'm not that impressed by Brett's reveal, and even less so by Pac's because he claimed he breadcrumbed it at the time but his later actions did not quite line up.

Now that Brett's at L-2 and Hess is at L-1, I'd rather see if we can drum up more support for Brett's train. Y'all know I've thought he was scummy since d1. We still have over 36 hours, and I think the pred or preds are out of kills for this phase. Might as well use some of the time, right?

And, Adella, yes, that is allowed here. We did it once last game. (turning in actions for someone else)

Before Dan asks me.....lol.... Adella is feeling town to me right now.

I hope you're right about them being out of kills. Hehe, maybe that's why Pac started being nicer to me. ;)

Thanks for giving us your read on Adella. Because I don't know her, I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt.

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Village of Babooms, I have a couple mins here. Why would I jump for joy after I killed a Predator? How the **** do you think I killed him. And He ATTACKED ME. I didn't attack him. Mod, PLEASE CONFIMR!!!!

I'm slightly confused about what you're saying.

Both of these scenes are worded pretty much the same way. In the flavor description, the attacker gets shot by the one they're attacking. In the bolded summary, it says that the predator was killed in the attempt of killing someone else.

I28 looks around the camp, and spots a weapon.

It is the multi-barreled, spinning machine gun. It is loaded, ready from where JiF was preparing it to travel.

I28 hefts it up to the trees and unloads.

The sound it makes is amazing, the devastation it wreaks beyond words. Daylight pours into the clearing as I28 clears a swath of foliage, and he is screaming the entire time.

Yellow blood spurts into the air, and another scream, much higher pitched tears through the mist.

It's camoflage fails, and the Predator is in view now, dancing as so many bullets rip through it's body.

It falls from the tree, and lands face first into the ground, dead.


Hess never stops firing, blowing holes into the creature, spraying yellow blood and meatier things across the jungle.



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Look guys I have ZERO time this weekend. If just breezed through this thread. If this is about the vote I voted myself as joke. I SERIOUSLY forgot it was on there. I had a freakin busy day yesterday and this weekend. DO NOT KILL ME.


Weekends are usually light here.

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I'm slightly confused about what you're saying.

Both of these scenes are worded pretty much the same way. In the flavor description, the attacker gets shot by the one they're attacking. In the bolded summary, it says that the predator was killed in the attempt of killing someone else.

Actually, I take it back.

It doesn't say Naeann "tried and failed to kill" I28. So maybe that's something.

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The CTM/Brett/Pac thing is less believable to me, but that's because I have no way to validate what they're claiming. In the other scenario, I have my own PMs to compare, which I know are real. I'm leaning town on CTM solely because he's playing just like he did in the Thing game (where he was town), and I think he would have made certain other moves if he were a predator. .


The real question to me is when they started bussing, maybe we should lynch lily or brett to confirm that there has been more bussing and then gameplan that way. The thing with lily and brett, is you and i are vouching for them in a way, so I actually feel pretty good that that neither of them are predators and their has been more bussing

Our first confirmed buss was i28/nae.. which really was opportunistic play on one of their parts, nae was about to be lynched, so they decided to kill their own before that could happen. Part of me thinks one happenned prior to that, i28 was clean after "killing" nae and only had marginal suspicion, it doesn't make sense to put him back in play on a bus by goign after hess. Unless, i28 is rogue, or mafia traitor like I have been, and decided to kill Hess to further prove his bonafides and (in his head anyway) coast to victory as the supreme scum hunter he tells us he is. He's certainly arrogant enough to think he could pull that off..

That's the best angle i see at the moment, but people don't seem convinced we've had a second bussnig so maybe it makes sense to just take that off the table by lynching lily or brett and maybe one of you armed folks can shoot the other...

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Current Vote Count:

Brett (5) - Barms, AVM, Lily, Adella, Hess

Hess (4) - Shutout, CTM, Pac, SMC

Pac (1) - Dan

With 12 players, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline is Monday night, 8 pm, EST.


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The real question to me is when they started bussing, maybe we should lynch lily or brett to confirm that there has been more bussing and then gameplan that way. The thing with lily and brett, is you and i are vouching for them in a way, so I actually feel pretty good that that neither of them are predators and their has been more bussing

Our first confirmed buss was i28/nae.. which really was opportunistic play on one of their parts, nae was about to be lynched, so they decided to kill their own before that could happen. Part of me thinks one happenned prior to that, i28 was clean after "killing" nae and only had marginal suspicion, it doesn't make sense to put him back in play on a bus by goign after hess. Unless, i28 is rogue, or mafia traitor like I have been, and decided to kill Hess to further prove his bonafides and (in his head anyway) coast to victory as the supreme scum hunter he tells us he is. He's certainly arrogant enough to think he could pull that off..

That's the best angle i see at the moment, but people don't seem convinced we've had a second bussnig so maybe it makes sense to just take that off the table by lynching lily or brett and maybe one of you armed folks can shoot the other...

I would be okay with lynching Brett to prove whether they've attacked their own before. From my point of view, I trust him a lot less than I trust Lily. I realize I may be biased because I'm suddenly worried about Pac, but I wonder if it happened that night they went after you, Crusher, and SMC, because that's the point where suddenly they stopped honing in on the quiet guys. It stood out to me that all of the sudden the attacks were spread out among the top posters. I feel good about SMC, fairly okay about you, and fairly okay about Crusher. But I can see where it makes sense to hold off on that for a day and lynch Brett first to make sure. I'm confused about what you think we'll accomplish by having people shoot at each other, if they're still able to.

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I also starting to see the wisdom of voting pac..

1) He said brett's post about his role pm was meaningful to him in a way that was meaningful to me, but he continued to vote and pressure me for the next few days, it's something that's been bothering me about him for awhile but I didn't want to bring up cause I still think what brett did is wrong (unintentional), also why i didn't unvote him right away.

2) Trying to lynch dan to avoid the weapon give away is innocent seeming on the surface, but it could be grandstanding knowing that he's submtted multiple NK's in the background for her, allowing him to say "see i told you so" when the scene is written depicting a predator walking away with her weapon

3) He's now unvoted her and actually stated they have no more kills, first off, how doe she know for sure, secondly, if his position is keep the weapons away from the predators, he should continue to press her so they don't get her weapon tonight (maybe now, kill attempts exhausted, he wants her to make it to night to get his grimmy paws on them?)

Lastly, the self vote (and Hess's), could be a desperation ploy given how well my self vote worked earlier (in their minds)

In short, pac is back on my list of people I'm willing to vote for...

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I would be okay with lynching Brett to prove whether they've attacked their own before. From my point of view, I trust him a lot less than I trust Lily. I realize I may be biased because I'm suddenly worried about Pac, but I wonder if it happened that night they went after you, Crusher, and SMC, because that's the point where suddenly they stopped honing in on the quiet guys. It stood out to me that all of the sudden the attacks were spread out among the top posters. I feel good about SMC, fairly okay about you, and fairly okay about Crusher. But I can see where it makes sense to hold off on that for a day and lynch Brett first to make sure. I'm confused about what you think we'll accomplish by having people shoot at each other, if they're still able to.

You kind of ninja'd me on pac a bit..

ANyway, why i think people should shoot is that i thnk we have a big lead right now and the quicker we clear people out the better. We can afford to take some risks to narrow down the pool a bit. If i had a weapon, I can tell you for sure I'd be shooting ...

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Current Vote Count:

Brett (5) - Barms, AVM, Lily, Adella, Hess

Hess (3) - Shutout, CTM, SMC

Pac (2) - Dan, CTM

With 12 players, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline is Monday night, 8 pm, EST.

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The real question to me is when they started bussing, maybe we should lynch lily or brett to confirm that there has been more bussing and then gameplan that way. The thing with lily and brett, is you and i are vouching for them in a way, so I actually feel pretty good that that neither of them are predators and their has been more bussing

Our first confirmed buss was i28/nae.. which really was opportunistic play on one of their parts, nae was about to be lynched, so they decided to kill their own before that could happen. Part of me thinks one happenned prior to that, i28 was clean after "killing" nae and only had marginal suspicion, it doesn't make sense to put him back in play on a bus by goign after hess. Unless, i28 is rogue, or mafia traitor like I have been, and decided to kill Hess to further prove his bonafides and (in his head anyway) coast to victory as the supreme scum hunter he tells us he is. He's certainly arrogant enough to think he could pull that off..

That's the best angle i see at the moment, but people don't seem convinced we've had a second bussnig so maybe it makes sense to just take that off the table by lynching lily or brett and maybe one of you armed folks can shoot the other...

No, that's not the best angle. Will you get off the "kill the guys with weapons" kick. Jeesh.

The best angle is this if we are unwilling to lynch Hess, who is likely scum.

1. Lynch Brett as the last of the unconfirmed

2. Lily/Danx/Me kill Hess tonight.

If the game isn't over then we look to the cleareds.

Plus, voting for Pac makes no sense. He's in no different position that you are having both of you been nearly killed by Predators. If we lynch Pac we might as well lynch you, and I think both of you are town.

Hess & Brett should be the play. The more I think of it, Hess should be the one lynched. As you mentioned he's desperate now. He's all alone. His scummates are dead. There was a bus job gone wrong.

AND, remember, after Nae was killed Hess & I28 were the 2 likeliest candidates to be lynched since we (at the time) hadn't found the "out there" scum yet. Remember, there is always at least 1 scum who is very active. At the moment we hadn't found any because the 2 dead Predators were inactves (Bleedin & Nae).

So again, the lynch should be Hess now. If not, lynch Brett and the soldiers with Predator weapons should kill Hess.

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To reiterate, CTM ...

Look back at the sequence.

1. Bleedin is NK

2. Nae is killed with an attempt on I28.

I28 may be cleared, but that means Hess is the next to be lynched since we need to find the "active Predator."

So PERHAPS, if we had ynched Hess there, I28 would have been alone. With soldiers out there to kill him he probably realized he couldn't win alone. So they thought of a gambit. If 128 attacked Hess and lived, then BOTH Hess and I28 would be confirmed.

At that point we'd be lynching everyone but those 2. The kill percentage can be no more than 50% IMO so they gambled ... and lost. When attacked, perhaps the Predator fights back. Hess (per the rules) fought back automatically and killed I28.

Again, look at Hess' reaction to I28's death scene. He's asking DPR to correct it.

Why? He then doesn't act excited in having been responsible for a Predator's death. Why?

I know I was ecstatic when Bleedin was killed.

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To reiterate, CTM ...

Look back at the sequence.

1. Bleedin is NK

2. Nae is killed with an attempt on I28.

I28 may be cleared, but that means Hess is the next to be lynched since we need to find the "active Predator."

So PERHAPS, if we had ynched Hess there, I28 would have been alone. With soldiers out there to kill him he probably realized he couldn't win alone. So they thought of a gambit. If 128 attacked Hess and lived, then BOTH Hess and I28 would be confirmed.

At that point we'd be lynching everyone but those 2. The kill percentage can be no more than 50% IMO so they gambled ... and lost. When attacked, perhaps the Predator fights back. Hess (per the rules) fought back automatically and killed I28.

Again, look at Hess' reaction to I28's death scene. He's asking DPR to correct it.

Why? He then doesn't act excited in having been responsible for a Predator's death. Why?

I know I was ecstatic when Bleedin was killed.

Dude.. hess annd i28 gambit I thnk i brought up.. I like the angle i bolded as an addition to it, but in any event, i get it..

I think my case on pac is decent as well though, either way, I'd like to see them two lynched next, in some order..

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Dude.. hess annd i28 gambit I thnk i brought up.. I like the angle i bolded as an addition to it, but in any event, i get it..

I think my case on pac is decent as well though, either way, I'd like to see them two lynched next, in some order..

I don't see the basis of your case at all against Pac except for personal rivalry.

Category 1:

Only 2 players that have not been attacked: Brett & Lily.

Category 2:

Only 2 players that have had a Predator be killed when attacking them: Hess & I28, who was scum.

Category 3:

Everyone else had a kill attempt on them, including Pac and you.

I don't see the logic of you jumping onto someone in Category 3 who is similarly situated as you, when there are open issues in Categories 1 & 2.

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I don't see the basis of your case at all against Pac except for personal rivalry.

Category 1:

Only 2 players that have not been attacked: Brett & Lily.

Category 2:

Only 2 players that have had a Predator be killed when attacking them: Hess & I28, who was scum.

Category 3:

Everyone else had a kill attempt on them, including Pac and you.

I don't see the logic of you jumping onto someone in Category 3 who is similarly situated as you, when there are open issues in Categories 1 & 2.

I have no rivarly with Pac.. I almost never target him or push cases on him, he's simply competing with hess atm as most likely to be scum in my mind. I'm fine with going hess or brett or lily too..

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just reading through some more.. i28 said earlier he "almost pitched a perfect game" this could mean that in his pea brain, he thought a succesful or unsuccesful attack on hess would've let him coast to victory..

unvote vote hess

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Check this out about Hess, CTM ...

#2735, 1:03 pm, Pac votes Hess:

agreed... I don't like being led around but since the Predators seem to have an endless # of attacks I'm not interested in pressing my luck.

Vote Hess

#2739, at 1:12 pm Pac posts an updated vote count:

Is this right??

Originally Posted by shutout viewpost.gif

Unofficial Vote Count:

Brett (2) - Barms, AVM

Hess (4) - CTM, SMC, Shutout, Pac

With 13 players, it takes 7 to lynch.

Hess is the top vote getter and at L-3. Bleedin and Nae are dead. Nobody is voting for I28 after his "heroics." I28 hasn't voted anyone.

So, with Hess close to lynching what can save him? Being cleared by a kill attempt, right?

#2740, at 1:12 pm, DPR posts the opening of his scene

This is 9 MINUTES after Hess is put at L-3 and people like me talking about getting a speed lynch in before another attack

AVM and Hess stand back to back, guns at the ready, watching as Predator armor shimmers in front of both of them...

#2741, at 1:13 pm, Hess responds to Pac's vote count post:

Yes. Congratulations you can count dummy.

That's ONE MINUTE after Pac posts the vote count. Hess is obviously watching what's happening.

And 12 minutes later ...

#2747, at 1:25 pm DPR reveals:




#2748, at 1:26 pm, Hess responds to DPR's opening scene post

DPR's write up is wrong. I'm not with AVM. I'm heading for the chopper. **** you all.

Why is Hess saying "**** you all" at that moment? It makes no sense.

THEN, he reads DPR's death scene:

#2749, at 1:27 pm, Hess' response:

Nevermind, What?

Then, finally, the post Hess claims was a "joke."

#2754, at 1:33 pm by Hess:

I killed the Predator that was the soldier who killed the Predator.

VOTE: Hess

This game is stupid

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Unofficial Current Vote Count:

Brett (5) - Barms, AVM, Lily, Adella, Hess

Hess (4) - Shutout, Pac, SMC, CTM

Pac (1) - Dan

With 12 players, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline is Monday night, 8 pm, EST.

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