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Why the heck do we yawn? I know it is when you are tired, but does stretching your jaw actually refresh anyone? And why is it contageous? Even with dogs???

Doesn't it have something to do with the body needing more oxygen ?

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Yes. Although I'm not sure why my body needs more oxygen when I'm bored to death.

Ahh, the power of the internet!


Scientists speculate that the onset of a yawn is triggered either by fatigue, or by sheer boredom as, at those times, breathing is shallow, and little oxygen is carried to the lungs by the oxygen-toting cardiovascular system.
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Yawning is like a reset to your breathing rhythm... when we get bored or tired and breath shallow, our oxygen balance gets messed up... or something like that.

Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor. I just play one with your wives.

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