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Read This Jets Fans If You Want To Hate Pats Even More


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The writer is a jerkwad. If he wanted to compare QB's, he should have done just that. Typical of the arrogant attitude that emanates from Newer England. Say what you want about Sanchez, cite the stats and you are fine. They are what they are. However, nobody has accused him of cheating and never did another inexperienced QB step in and do just as well, ala Matt Cassel.

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LOL! You are a great example of what I'm talking about! LOL! Players talk trash....duh....now it's a problem? The media sucks. I've been playing that song for a long time, Spicoli.

I heard that Harbaugh said something like "I'm glad we broke Big Ben's nose...blah, blah, blah...he's tough...blah, blah, blah" Now, I'm not seeing or hearing any uproar over that comment - and shouldn't there be? If "he's an azzhole" gets everyone up in arms....should "glad we broke his nose" be even worse on the frenzy-meter? Wait? It's not NY versus Boston? ;)

Yeah, we get your take on the media. I was just answering your question of why people let it get to them. Which is simply, we are lesser beings than you are because you are PatsFanGarb and we are Jets fan...or Spicoli, Zippy, or whatever term you use to show how much greater you are then the rest of "us".

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I read it again because Aten is a very intelligent person and I wanted to see if maybe I overreacted at first...but nope.

I'm sorry, but just because someone likes to use big words in all of their posts, it does not make them intelligent IMO. Being smart and being intelligent are not the same ;)

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Yeah, we get your take on the media. I was just answering your question of why people let it get to them. Which is simply, we are lesser beings than you are because you are PatsFanGarb and we are Jets fan...or Spicoli, Zippy, or whatever term you use to show how much greater you are then the rest of "us".

I think you're paranoid. The same "frenzy" you see here can been seen at Patsfans.com too. I just find it absurdly over the top - on both sides by many members of each fanbase. And, if it makes you feel any better - I have nicknames for some pats fans too. However, if it's just ME we're talking about - well, yah, I'm the bestest. :P

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I think you're paranoid. The same "frenzy" you see here can been seen at Patsfans.com too. I just find it absurdly over the top - on both sides by many members of each fanbase. And, if it makes you feel any better - I have nicknames for some pats fans too. However, if it's just ME we're talking about - well, yah, I'm the bestest. :P

What exactly am I paranoid about?

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What exactly am I paranoid about?

You seem to think my stance on this media frenzy/fan frenzy only applies to Jets fans...therefore, you find it personal. Sorry, its nothing personal, it's the internet ;)

But really, people are getting pissed off because Cromartie called Brady as azzhole? Not sure that's what you want to say in public, but so what. He thinks he's a azzhole. Good for AC. I still think pimping your wife via cyberspace is far worse....but that's just me.

People are pissed because Brady stared at the d-line during the game and after a score? Really? How is this any different than Braylon doing the "dougie" in Butler's face after torching him? It's not. It's called heat of the moment, it's called passion, it's called football. I personally do not care for it. But, again, that's just me.

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You seem to think my stance on this media frenzy/fan frenzy only applies to Jets fans...therefore, you find it personal. Sorry, its nothing personal, it's the internet ;)

But really, people are getting pissed off because Cromartie called Brady as azzhole? Not sure that's what you want to say in public, but so what. He thinks he's a azzhole. Good for AC. I still think pimping your wife via cyberspace is far worse....but that's just me.

People are pissed because Brady stared at the d-line during the game and after a score? Really? How is this any different than Braylon doing the "dougie" in Butler's face after torching him? It's not. It's called heat of the moment, it's called passion, it's called football. I personally do not care for it. But, again, that's just me.

How does this answer how or what I'm supposedly paranoid about?

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How does this answer how or what I'm supposedly paranoid about?

everytime I post an opinion, you find it to be an insult to Jets fans, and specifically you and you respond by saying "blah, blah, blah....you are a pats fan....blah, blah blah....you think you are better than me...blah, blah, blah...I wish my team won a SB in my lifetime so I could be as knowldegable as you...blah, blah, blah...."

get it?

It's okay. I'm an azzhole. :P

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everytime I post an opinion, you find it to be an insult to Jets fans, and specifically you and you respond by saying "blah, blah, blah....you are a pats fan....blah, blah blah....you think you are better than me...blah, blah, blah...I wish my team won a SB in my lifetime so I could be as knowldegable as you...blah, blah, blah...."

get it?

It's okay. I'm an azzhole. :P

So I'm paranoid of you? And you wonder why you get the responses from me that you do?

Pats fans have a weird complex. I've never seen this phenomenon with any other sports team. I've been to the top of sports fandom. I got to watch my Alma Mater win 2 National Championships in Football and Basketball in 4 years. But not a single Gators fan I know carries themselves the way Pats fan do. Are they obnoxious? Sure, what sports fan isnt? But I dont see Gator fans carrying this air of arrogance that simply being a fan of the team makes them socially superior the way Pats fans do. And you Garby, carry the baton.

I take the same stance on you with the media. I couldnt care less. Its entertaining but I realize its all sensationalized and it has no bearing on the outcome of a game. I pay it no attention. I read this article because I like the feel good stories, especially the one of Aiden and Sanchez. But this guy wrote something completely distasteful and unnecessary. Not very often am I outraged by something media driven, but this article was uncalled for on many levels...that it got under my skin. Go look at my reactions to the other stupid sound bites, pressers and articles...I'm always the one out front saying "who gives a ****".

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a reporter writing about what Sanchez did and belittling it as a "movie plot" and then intimating that the "real" drama is on the football field. This to me is ignorant, and worthy of scorn.

To me it seemed like the 'movie plot' referred to the hypothetical Jets winning the Super Bowl scenario and not to what actually happened with Aiden. I think putting the great guy stuff in the same piece as the sh*tty quarterback stuff to negative effect is more a case of bad writing than of pissing on the kid's grave.

I don't pander to anyone, and it was not meant to be an attack. I'm just surprised that someone that goes out of his way to convey a high level of intelligence, could be so puzzled by this.

Again with this. Explain something to me. Assuming as you do that I think I'm the smartest guy ever and you're a bunch of retards, what exactly would be the point of trying to prove my intelligence to people I don't think value it or are in any position to judge it? That wouldn't make much sense. I write the way I write because of what I like to read.

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So I'm paranoid of you? And you wonder why you get the responses from me that you do?

Pats fans have a weird complex. I've never seen this phenomenon with any other sports team. I've been to the top of sports fandom. I got to watch my Alma Mater win 2 National Championships in Football and Basketball in 4 years. But not a single Gators fan I know carries themselves the way Pats fan do. Are they obnoxious? Sure, what sports fan isnt? But I dont see Gator fans carrying this air of arrogance that simply being a fan of the team makes them socially superior the way Pats fans do. And you Garby, carry the baton.

I take the same stance on you with the media. I couldnt care less. Its entertaining but I realize its all sensationalized and it has no bearing on the outcome of a game. I pay it no attention. I read this article because I like the feel good stories, especially the one of Aiden and Sanchez. But this guy wrote something completely distasteful and unnecessary. Not very often am I outraged by something media driven, but this article was uncalled for on many levels...that it got under my skin. Go look at my reactions to the other stupid sound bites and what not...I'm always the one out front saying "who gives a ****".

Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I do not speak for "pats fans" I speak for myself. You find me arrogant - I can be, just not as much as you think...I think. LOL! I have no problem expressing my opinions. It rubs you the wrong way. Eh, I could have worse problems in my life. ;) Anyway, I would assume this personality "flaw" has more to do with my dna than my fandom. What can I say, I'm as azzhole. :) Anyway, what's your excuse?

I said this a very long time ago: If you want to speak in general tearms, Pats fans and Yankee fans have much in common. I also stated that Jets fans and Red Sox fans have much in common.

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Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I do not speak for "pats fans" I speak for myself. You find me arrogant - I can be, just not as much as you think...I think. LOL! I have no problem expressing my opinions. It rubs you the wrong way. Eh, I could have worse problems in my life. ;) Anyway, I would assume this personality "flaw" has more to do with my dna than my fandom.

At least it's not your vocabulary.

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To me it seemed like the 'movie plot' referred to the hypothetical Jets winning the Super Bowl scenario and not to what actually happened with Aiden. I think putting the great guy stuff in the same piece as the sh*tty quarterback stuff to negative effect is more a case of bad writing than of pissing on the kid's grave.

Again with this. Explain something to me. Assuming as you do that I think I'm the smartest guy ever and you're a bunch of retards, what exactly would be the point of trying to prove my intelligence to people I don't think value it or are in any position to judge it? That wouldn't make much sense. I write the way I write because of what I like to read.

Exactly. You want proof of this, go and read some other Callahan columns. The guy is a hack.

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Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I do not speak for "pats fans" I speak for myself. You find me arrogant - I can be, just not as much as you think...I think. LOL! I have no problem expressing my opinions. It rubs you the wrong way. Eh, I could have worse problems in my life. ;) Anyway, I would assume this personality "flaw" has more to do with my dna than my fandom. What can I say, I'm as azzhole. :) Anyway, what's your excuse?

I said this a very long time ago: If you want to speak in general tearms, Pats fans and Yankee fans have much in common. I also stated that Jets fans and Red Sox fans have much in common.

No they don't. Yankees fans don't act like rooting for the Yankees makes them more knowledgable about baseball than the rest of baseball fans.

And that's not to mention that the vast majority of Pats fans are also Red Sox fans so even suggesting such a thing is downright idiotic.

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Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I do not speak for "pats fans" I speak for myself. You find me arrogant - I can be, just not as much as you think...I think. LOL! I have no problem expressing my opinions. It rubs you the wrong way. Eh, I could have worse problems in my life. ;) Anyway, I would assume this personality "flaw" has more to do with my dna than my fandom. What can I say, I'm as azzhole. :) Anyway, what's your excuse?

I said this a very long time ago: If you want to speak in general tearms, Pats fans and Yankee fans have much in common. I also stated that Jets fans and Red Sox fans have much in common.

No they don't. I don't know a single Jets fan that acts like rooting for the Jets grants them some kind of nobility and wisdom that fans of other teams do not possess.

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Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I do not speak for "pats fans" I speak for myself. You find me arrogant - I can be, just not as much as you think...I think. LOL! However, I would assume this personality "flaw" has more to do with my dna than my fandom. What can I say, I'm as azzhole. :) Anyway, what's your excuse?

I said this a very long time ago: If you want to speak in general tearms, Pats fans and Yankee fans have much in common. I also stated that Jets fans and Red Sox fans have much in common.

I'd agree that maybe this is an isolated case and this is your "flaw"...but all your little troll friends are the exact same way, just not as bad as you hence why you carry the baton. Further, any one of your fanbase brethren in the real life that I've encountered are the exact same way. So I dont base my theory off your arrogant posting alone...I base it off the behavior I see from all Pats fans in general. And I'm not the only one. And its not just Jets fans too. Many of my non-Jets fan friends feel the exact same way about the Patriot fanbase.

You compare this to Yankees fans, Jets fans, and Red Sox fans. Well, I dont see it Yankee's fan and this is coming from a Mets fan. I clearly dont see it in Jets fans, quite the opposite actually. And yeah, you definitely see it in Red Sox fans but most of those jackasses are Patriots fans too. If you want to talk about fanbases that share this commonality, the Steelers fans of the world are the same way to a lesser extent.

As for me, I have no clue what you are talking about. I'm as humble as they come.

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No they don't. Yankees fans don't act like rooting for the Yankees makes them more knowledgable about baseball than the rest of baseball fans.

And that's not to mention that the vast majority of Pats fans are also Red Sox fans so even suggesting such a thing is downright idiotic.

I know a lot of Yankee fans...and if people think Pats fans are arrogant, well Yankee fan arrogance is a no-brainer.

I'm not a Red Sox fan.

I think true arrogance is when you can't see it in yourself (individually or collectively).

Anyway, here is an example of what I allude to because I have seen it, heard it, spoke it:

Pats fan: The Jets fans are having a Rally? Pats would never do that. 'wanna-be's.

Yankee fan: The Sox are celebrating a wild card berth on the field? Yankees would never do that. 'wanna be's.

Honestly, I think the Jets/Pats rivalry is just an extension of the Sox/Yankees rivalry which is just an extension of the Boston/NY rilvary. Boston has that runt of the litter, step sister syndrome thing going on, and NY is the bully in the sandbox that can't stand having sand kicked in its face.

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To me it seemed like the 'movie plot' referred to the hypothetical Jets winning the Super Bowl scenario and not to what actually happened with Aiden. I think putting the great guy stuff in the same piece as the sh*tty quarterback stuff to negative effect is more a case of bad writing than of pissing on the kid's grave.

Here is what you aren't getting about my perspective on this. The writer could have simply said, "off the field Sanchez is a nice guy, but this nice guy is going to finish last." Then go into making the case for why Brady is better. No problem.

He didn't do that.

Instead he recounted each step in the Aiden story, to then end on a note that I will sum up this way... no matter what Sanchez did for Aiden in his final days, Sanchez will still let the little guy down even in death because he's already lost Sunday's game to the Patriots. To me... that undertone is distasteful.

I am fine with it not "seeming that way" to you, but you need to be fine with the majority of us interpreting it the way I have.

Again with this. Explain something to me. Assuming as you do that I think I'm the smartest guy ever and you're a bunch of retards, what exactly would be the point of trying to prove my intelligence to people I don't think value it or are in any position to judge it? That wouldn't make much sense. I write the way I write because of what I like to read.

Don't give yourself so much credit. I'm hardly impressed by the fact that there is somebody else on the interwebz that has a collegiate level vocabulary. I am just busting your chops, because that's what I like to do. For the record, I use big words too, but I also have a ******* sense of humor.

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I'm fairly new here.

But, I've noticed that a lot of threads on this site suck.

As exemplified by this thread.

Yes, but if you just post in those sucky threads...they are instantly classic. You might be new, but thats the type of impact you have.

You're my 3rd favorite poster on the board currently.

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I know a lot of Yankee fans...and if people think Pats fans are arrogant, well Yankee fan arrogance is a no-brainer.

I'm not a Red Sox fan.

:face: Terry, just because you're not a Red Sox fan, doesn't mean that the vast majority of your fellow Pats fans are not. Because despite your belief that the world revolves around you, it doesn't and the vast majority of your fellow Pats fans are indeed Red Sox fans so suggesting they have an arrogance in common with Yankees fans is just plain dumb.

Yankees fans are arrogant, but it's a totally different kind of arrogance than what is practiced by New Englanders.

Yankees fans act like the World Series is our birthright. Well, when your hometown team has won the World Series an average of once every four years and played in it an average of once every three years it just seems that way to us. (And by us I mean real Yankees fans who are from New York, not those dipsh*t bandwagon jumping idiots who've never been so much as stepped foot in Newark Airport, much less the Bronx.)

Pats/Red Sox fan arrogance is so much more annoying and obnoxious. Pats fans (in general, this does not apply to all, simply the vast majority) tend to have this attitude that rooting for a championship team somehow grants them a particular superiority of football knowledge that no one else, not even the fans of other championship teams are privy to. I much preferred the typical Pats fan prior to 2001, when you couldn't find one because most preferred to anonymously follow the Pats as they were a complete embarrassment of a franchise that had won absolutely nothing in forty years of existence.

Red Sox fans have a bizarre notion that their suffering is unique and somehow grants them a wisdom that no one, not even Cubs fans, can possibly comprehend. It also allows them to live under the delusion that the championships won by the Red Sox in 2004 and 2007 were somehow more noble than any other championship ever won by any team ever in any sport in the history of the world, despite the fact that their free agent laden team had no worse than the 2nd highest payroll in all of baseball.

Something both Pats and Red Sox fans share is a strange need to assign some kind of greater meaning or importance to all of their teams' accomplishments. It's not enough to root for a championship team for Boston fans, their championship teams have to be greater or more important than any other.

It must really suck to not be from New York. :rolleyes:

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:face: Terry, just because you're not a Red Sox fan, doesn't mean that the vast majority of your fellow Pats fans are not. Because despite your belief that the world revolves around you, it doesn't and the vast majority of your fellow Pats fans are indeed Red Sox fans so suggesting they have an arrogance in common with Yankees fans is just plain dumb.

Yankees fans are arrogant, but it's a totally different kind of arrogance than what is practiced by New Englanders.

Yankees fans act like the World Series is our birthright. Well, when your hometown team has won the World Series an average of once every four years and played in it an average of once every three years it just seems that way to us. (And by us I mean real Yankees fans who are from New York, not those dipsh*t bandwagon jumping idiots who've never been so much as stepped foot in Newark Airport, much less the Bronx.)

Pats/Red Sox fan arrogance is so much more annoying and obnoxious. Pats fans (in general, this does not apply to all, simply the vast majority) tend to have this attitude that rooting for a championship team somehow grants them a particular superiority of football knowledge that no one else, not even the fans of other championship teams are privy to. I much preferred the typical Pats fan prior to 2001, when you couldn't find one because most preferred to anonymously follow the Pats as they were a complete embarrassment of a franchise that had won absolutely nothing in forty years of existence.

Red Sox fans have a bizarre notion that their suffering is unique and somehow grants them a wisdom that no one, not even Cubs fans, can possibly comprehend. It also allows them to live under the delusion that the championships won by the Red Sox in 2004 and 2007 were somehow more noble than any other championship ever won by any team ever in any sport in the history of the world, despite the fact that their free agent laden team had no worse than the 2nd highest payroll in all of baseball.

Something both Pats and Red Sox fans share is a strange need to assign some kind of greater meaning or importance to all of their teams' accomplishments. It's not enough to root for a championship team for Boston fans, their championship teams have to be greater or more important than any other.

It must really suck to not be from New York. :rolleyes:

Many Pats fans are indeed, Red Sox fans. Many Jets fans are Yankee fans. Soo??? Your point is???

The part in bold just made my point by the way. Thanks, Zippy! :)

Actually, your whole post did. Made me laugh too. Awesome.

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Actually, your whole post did. Made me laugh too. Awesome.

Heh... I typically laugh at jokes myself.

That said, I don't know what would make me laugh if I was the type of person that considered talking louder than the other person a winning argument, especially in the context of a conversation that wasn't meant to be an argument in the first place. :rolleyes:

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Many Pats fans are indeed, Red Sox fans. Many Jets fans are Yankee fans. Soo??? Your point is???

The part in bold just made my point by the way. Thanks, Zippy! :)

Actually, your whole post did. Made me laugh too. Awesome.

Didn't we already go through this? Most of time Giants/Yanks...Jets/Mets. Only the lucky few were able to decipher through the static of our youth and at least get one right. ;)

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I'd agree that maybe this is an isolated case and this is your "flaw"...but all your little troll friends are the exact same way, just not as bad as you hence why you carry the baton. Further, any one of your fanbase brethren in the real life that I've encountered are the exact same way. So I dont base my theory off your arrogant posting alone...I base it off the behavior I see from all Pats fans in general. And I'm not the only one. And its not just Jets fans too. Many of my non-Jets fan friends feel the exact same way about the Patriot fanbase.

You compare this to Yankees fans, Jets fans, and Red Sox fans. Well, I dont see it Yankee's fan and this is coming from a Mets fan. I clearly dont see it in Jets fans, quite the opposite actually. And yeah, you definitely see it in Red Sox fans but most of those jackasses are Patriots fans too. If you want to talk about fanbases that share this commonality, the Steelers fans of the world are the same way to a lesser extent.

As for me, I have no clue what you are talking about. I'm as humble as they come.

You're the most underrated poster on the internets.

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