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New Meadowland Stadium


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But why was this a surprise, even a brief glance at the contract you signed did state this pretty plainly.

Again, if ther was demand for these tickets the Jets would let us out for a nominal fee at worst, since the demand would pick up the slack. Does it say something about how slack the demand is that they would instead hold fans' feet to the legal fire ?

To Tom's point in response; I haven't been to Citifield, but I've been to new Yankee Stadium a bunch of times, and have tickets upstairs to a bunch of games this year, and they were pretty reasonable. I know going in I will pay for concessions, but parking up the block at Target is actually reasonable and safe. Or I could take a 45-minute subway ride. Either way, it's not bad at all. And while those concessions are expensive, there are plentiful and very good across the board. There are bathrooms everywhere. the concourses are huge and chock full of things to see and do, and the field is visible the whole time. or you coould go to any number of bars or restaurants and still miss nothing. You get in and out in a heartbeat. It's said that the Stadium can be evacuated in 8 minutes., and it's plausible. Despite the price, new Yankee Stadium is a great place to see any event.

Simply contrast that last paragraph with the new Meadowlands gameday experience.In every way it's not only inferrior, it sucks donkey balls, hard. I simply don't understand how they spend a billion and half and got it not only wrong, but awful. And they have 3 new facilities in this local market(Citi, Yankee and The Rock, also a greta place to see a game) that got everything right.It's like they didn't even bother to look at those places. It's a big eff you to us fans; screw the gameday exeperience, let's bleed'em white.

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No offense, Joey, but you sound like Donald Trump explaining why it's good and necessary to buy $5,000 socks.

The part I bolded is really the crux of the whole thing, really, and is the last and only thing you and Woody and ECURB can cling to as justification for the expense of the PSL--the product has been good, so you'll pay a higher price for it. That's life. But, if and when the Jets fall on their faces and are putting up 6-10, 4-12 seasons, there will be absolutely zero secondary market for tickets because the stadium is a sh*thole and the gameday experience (parking, food, travel, etc.) sucks so hard, and you'll be sitting in that stadium with 5,000 other embittered "investors" wondering how you got snowed so bad. As bad as the Mets will be this season, I'll still go to a bunch of Mets games because the stadium is great and the seats are relatively affordable. But go to a Jets game, especially if the team isn't great? Not a chance. I was offered free tickets to two games last year and I turned them down, and I was offered to get in on some seats this coming year from some buddies and I just laughed at them. The Jets and Giants screwed the pooch so hard with this stadium/PSL debacle that it's actually going to be amusing watching them twist in the wind in the near future when they're struggling to avoid blackouts.


You said the same crap last year... get over yourself.

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I sat for two games in the 11th row of the upper deck and the sightlines were absolutely awful, the players looked like ants on the field. At that point my decision was to be one and done or fork over the PSL cash. After having tickets for 25 years and enjoying spending some quality time with my son (now 21) I decided that I would go for the $8k for a couple of Mezz A seats (3rd row). The seats are great and the view is more of what I was always used to. Having said that, yes it is extortion plain and simple, to have to pay for the right to buy tickets, but I had the choice and enjoy the experience of going to the games so I buckled. The thing is, the only time I enjoy this stadium is when I am sitting in my seats. Whoever designed this boondoggle should be publicly flogged. It is a nightmare to get in and out, and is quite literally a deathtrap. Should there be a fire or an explosion, more people will get trampled to death than at a mecca pilgrimage. Escalators are crowded, people are jammed together like cattle and the bathrooms are tiny with lines 10-15 deep. How anyone looked at the plans for this place and thought it was a great idea is baffling. It was built with the club seats in mind and nothing else. I'm not sure how any objective person can defend the place, it is not fan friendly.

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You said the same crap last year... get over yourself.

We have a serious difference of opinion, which is everyone's right. Opinions are like ...body parts, we all have'em. Though this response's lack of substance would indicate your opinion isn't based on anything factual. If you're reduced to "blah blah, blah", you aren't winning this debate and youa re running out of ammo to back up your opinion.

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I chose to move from my lower level sideline seats to the uppers last year. The financial aspect of the PSL made zero sense for me, as I'm now only able to attend anywhere from 4-6 regular season games a year. For what I would've had to shell out for a PSL, I could pay 150% of face value for those 4-6 games and still come out ahead without the $200+ wasted on two meaningless preseason games.

My plan was to give the uppers a chance for one year to see how the gameday experience was at the new stadium and, needless to say, I will not be renewing. It's almost as if the designers were attempting to one-up Xanadu in building the biggest piece of **** albatross that $1.5b could buy. I think shooting people out of a cannon to get to the upper deck wouldv'e been a more practical design than the escalator layout they went with. The bathrooms are more overcrowded than the old stadium and were already flooded the opening game. Now, as someone who is capable of and likes to exit the stadium quickly, the spirals worked fantastically. Now, I can either run down 80 short flights of stairs, or make the 1/2 hour descent down the brilliantly designed escalators. The club seating may be exquisite, but I don't give a rats' a$$, since I'm never going to sit there. Oh, and the phone/data coverage still blows. Do they do this purposely to try to sell those Fanvision handhelds?

Tom is spot on about the gameday experience when the team regresses to the Jets we have come to know and love over the last 30 years... a piss poor team playing in an awful, overpriced, pain-in-the-a$$-to-get-to stadium is going to mean lots of empty seats. It'll be a good time to either scoop up tickets at 50% of face to take my son, or to get the crew together and have a throwback to the Kotite era of drinking beer balls in the lot before the game and hanging out after to finish the food.

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I sat for two games in the 11th row of the upper deck and the sightlines were absolutely awful, the players looked like ants on the field. At that point my decision was to be one and done or fork over the PSL cash. After having tickets for 25 years and enjoying spending some quality time with my son (now 21) I decided that I would go for the $8k for a couple of Mezz A seats (3rd row). The seats are great and the view is more of what I was always used to. Having said that, yes it is extortion plain and simple, to have to pay for the right to buy tickets, but I had the choice and enjoy the experience of going to the games so I buckled. The thing is, the only time I enjoy this stadium is when I am sitting in my seats. Whoever designed this boondoggle should be publicly flogged. It is a nightmare to get in and out, and is quite literally a deathtrap. Should there be a fire or an explosion, more people will get trampled to death than at a mecca pilgrimage. Escalators are crowded, people are jammed together like cattle and the bathrooms are tiny with lines 10-15 deep. How anyone looked at the plans for this place and thought it was a great idea is baffling. It was built with the club seats in mind and nothing else. I'm not sure how any objective person can defend the place, it is not fan friendly.

=D> QFT. Bravo...

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We have a serious difference of opinion, which is everyone's right. Opinions are like ...body parts, we all have'em. Though this response's lack of substance would indicate your opinion isn't based on anything factual. If you're reduced to "blah blah, blah", you aren't winning this debate and youa re running out of ammo to back up your opinion.

No it was based on the fact that he blabbed on about the same crap last year, was wrong and now keeps blabbing on like it is somehow true.

I did not want to dignify his wacked out personal opinion with a real response... you get one though... congrats.

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No it was based on the fact that he blabbed on about the same crap last year, was wrong and now keeps blabbing on like it is somehow true.

I did not want to dignify his wacked out personal opinion with a real response... you get one though... congrats.

Refresh my memory, E. Did I say that Woody wouldn't be able to sell their tickets before or after they held their clearance/mea culpa/fire-sale because they couldn't sell their tickets?

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No offense, Joey, but you sound like Donald Trump explaining why it's good and necessary to buy $5,000 socks.

The part I bolded is really the crux of the whole thing, really, and is the last and only thing you and Woody and ECURB can cling to as justification for the expense of the PSL--the product has been good, so you'll pay a higher price for it. That's life. But, if and when the Jets fall on their faces and are putting up 6-10, 4-12 seasons, there will be absolutely zero secondary market for tickets because the stadium is a sh*thole and the gameday experience (parking, food, travel, etc.) sucks so hard, and you'll be sitting in that stadium with 5,000 other embittered "investors" wondering how you got snowed so bad. As bad as the Mets will be this season, I'll still go to a bunch of Mets games because the stadium is great and the seats are relatively affordable. But go to a Jets game, especially if the team isn't great? Not a chance. I was offered free tickets to two games last year and I turned them down, and I was offered to get in on some seats this coming year from some buddies and I just laughed at them. The Jets and Giants screwed the pooch so hard with this stadium/PSL debacle that it's actually going to be amusing watching them twist in the wind in the near future when they're struggling to avoid blackouts.

It isn't a matter of me trying to do a Trump impersonation, and we aren't talking trump numbers here, lol. I do consider the gameday prices to be reasonable, 120 a seat for lower level in NYC ain't too bad. Back in 2003 i paid some guy 1,000 for his number 43 in line on the waitlist because i didn't want to wait what at that time was like 20 years. For me the psl is kinda the same thing, i wanted better seats than i had and i was able to buy them. Sure the jets will have some bad years, but thats always been the case. In 2005 i didn't curse the jets for the money i had spent on season tix the previous year.

They are gonna have good years, great years, bad years, and miserable years, but i go to the games all the same. I think i have missed maybe 3 games since 2002. I have a great time with the overall game day experience either way. It's eight days out of the year that i really look forward to year round, and I was able to get seats next to my brothers and friends, all conveniently located in the lower level in an aisle directly next to the entrance tunnel. I really don't care about the secondary market for tix or psls because i am walking into this with no intention of selling, anyone who did probably isn't the savviest business mind to begin with. This is no kind of investment for me other than an investment in my enjoyment in life, and yeah i get pissed as anyone when the jets lose but that is part of the passion of being a fan and i will still bleed green.

So for my personal situation the psl allowed me to upgrade my experience in a way not possible in the old stadium due to all those hoarding tix for decades. Of course this is all my opinion on what is best for my situation, ymmv.

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Refresh my memory, E. Did I say that Woody wouldn't be able to sell their tickets before or after they held their clearance/mea culpa/fire-sale because they couldn't sell their tickets?

You never once mentioned blackouts last season while joking about the JETS/Woody? You never once made fun of the new stadium calling it over-priced?

There are a select few that are so used to having reasons to hate the JETS that you hang on to threads of possible reasons to hate them that are not even reality...

Don't be so afraid to fall in love with the JETS... sure your heart might be broken again but you are missing out on some fun years while trying to pick them apart.

Never have the JETS been this consistent in winning and open to the public, I am sick of people trying to tear it down because they don't like PSL's.

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You never once mentioned blackouts last season while joking about the JETS/Woody? You never once made fun of the new stadium calling it over-priced?

There are a select few that are so used to having reasons to hate the JETS that you hang on to threads of possible reasons to hate them that are not even reality...

Don't be so afraid to fall in love with the JETS... sure your heart might be broken again but you are missing out on some fun years while trying to pick them apart.

Never have the JETS been this consistent in winning and open to the public, I am sick of people trying to tear it down because they don't like PSL's.

We do not hate the Jets; quite the opposite. It's almost a genetic disease rooting for this team when you consider how much they have usually sucked forever spare a few good moments, while the crossstadium competetion has been to 4 Super Bowls and won 3 since the Jets last got there. Hopefully this current situation holds and gets better and I can type something very different than the previous sentence soon.

But the divide is that many of us can seperate our rooting for this team until the day we die and the stadium and management. The former is personified in Rex, the later in Woody. And the Woody/management side is entirely to blame for this disaster of a stadium.And it is a disaster, an unforced stupid error. Did ANYONE stop for 30 seconds and think this design was total crap, or did they only see dollar signs? The stadium is a bad product. I will keep my tickets until my kids get old enough, and then let them decide. But again the way this stadium was built is really disgusting, indefensible and really sad because as per numerous posts here, there and everyhwere, Woody didn't give a sh*t about their fans, it was totally about luxury boxes. And if you look most Sundays many of them were empty and dark.That long-term is not a good thing to do to your best cusmtomers, Ayn Rand be damned.

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We do not hate the Jets; quite the opposite. It's almost a genetic disease rooting for this team when you consider how much they have usually sucked forever spare a few good moments, while the crossstadium competetion has been to 4 Super Bowls and won 3 since the Jets last got there. Hopefully this current situation holds and gets better and I can type something very different than the previous sentence soon.

But the divide is that many of us can seperate our rooting for this team until the day we die and the stadium and management. The former is personified in Rex, the later in Woody. And the Woody/management side is entirely to blame for this disaster of a stadium.And it is a disaster, an unforced stupid error. Did ANYONE stop for 30 seconds and think this design was total crap, or did they only see dollar signs? The stadium is a bad product. I will keep my tickets until my kids get old enough, and then let them decide. But again the way this stadium was built is really disgusting, indefensible and really sad because as per numerous posts here, there and everyhwere, Woody didn't give a sh*t about their fans, it was totally about luxury boxes. And if you look most Sundays many of them were empty and dark.That long-term is not a good thing to do to your best cusmtomers, Ayn Rand be damned.

Wait what? Woody is the reason Rex is on the JETS, you can't blame him for what you dislike and discredit him for what you do.

I love the stadium, love the look/feel of the field and love tailgating with TailgateJoe.

Honestly what is wrong with the stadium? Generic? Of course, it has to fit multiple teams... and you are kidding yourself if you think both teams won't add touches as time goes on. The old stadium didn't even have ******* cupholders... get real for a second and stop spewing mindless hate.

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Wait what? Woody is the reason Rex is on the JETS, you can't blame him for what you dislike and discredit him for what you do.

I love the stadium, love the look/feel of the field and love tailgating with TailgateJoe.

Honestly what is wrong with the stadium? Generic? Of course, it has to fit multiple teams... and you are kidding yourself if you think both teams won't add touches as time goes on. The old stadium didn't even have ******* cupholders... get real for a second and stop spewing mindless hate.

A few major points-

It takes forever to get in and out.

There are fewer bathrooms, which are always overcrowded.

The concessions suck.

The concourses have all the ambiance of crowded subway stations.Except you can at least move around a bit in a subway station.

You cannot see the field from the concourses as you can like Yankee, Citi and the Rock.In fact all 3 of those places, all within an hour's drive from this sh*thole have none of the above problems. It's like those teams thought it through; what a crazy idea, considering your customer when you build a facility. And they were built with the idea that fans would have a good time and be comfortable, notwithstadning it's expensive.

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It takes forever to get in and out.

There are fewer bathrooms, which are always overcrowded.

The concesstions suck.

The concourses have all the ambiance of crowded subway stations.Except you can at least move around a bit in a subway station.

You cannot see the field from the concourses as you can like Yankee, Citi and the Rock.In fact all 3 of those places, all within an hour's drive from this sh*thole have none of the above problems. It's like those teams thought it through; what a crazy idea, considering your customer when you build a facility. And they were built with the idea that fans would have a good time and be comfortable, notwithstadning it's expensive.

I have never had a problem getting in and out.

I noticed no difference with the bathrooms until I discovered a larger one with no lines ever... the one closest to my seats though is just like the old stadium at the busy times.

The concessions are on par with any stadium... and actually the people working them were really nice last year and always remembered me.

I do not care about the concourse... it gets me from point a to my seat where you actually watch the game... not talk about how cool it is that you will spend .0001% of your time watching it from the concourse.

and... again with the mindless babble... how the hell can you compare to Baseball stadiums that seat almost HALF the crowd?

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I have never had a problem getting in and out.LUCKY YOU! That is no one else's experience. Walking out of the Pats game was scary crowded.

I noticed no difference with the bathrooms until I discovered a larger one with no lines ever... the one closest to my seats though is just like the old stadium at the busy times.You're a regular Christopher Columbus. Again, every other facility built in the area knew this was important. Not Woody Johnson.

The concessions are on par with any stadium... and actually the people working them were really nice last year and always remembered me.

Nonsense. The concessions suck. Now with tailgating it's not a big deal, but think if you're going to impress us enough not to tailgate, you would have good ones, not the same sh*t as in the old place. Yankee has Carl's Cheesesteaks, Lobel's Wholly Guacamole and a mess of other small palces, even a fruit and candy stand. Citi has Shake Shack and a mess of other good choices. NMS has the SAME EXACT sh*t FROM THE OLD STADIUM. It's not a big point, but you are wrong.

I do not care about the concourse... it gets me from point a to my seat where you actually watch the game... not talk about how cool it is that you will spend .0001% of your time watching it from the concourse.

So again a fan-friendly feature and an open layout that feels wide open rather than claustrophobic is something you don't value.and... again with the mindless babble... how the hell can you compare to Baseball stadiums that seat almost HALF the crowd?

Mr. marketplace, the Jets compete with those baseball teams and hockey and basketball teams and amusement parks and concert halls for people's disposbale income. This facility is inferior to the newer venues they compete with. When the Jets have a down yeear(hopefully no time soon), there are going to be a mess of empty seats and may be some blackouts.

This exchange has run it's course.

I agree to disagree.

You are wrong.

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Mr. marketplace, the Jets compete with those baseball teams and hockey and basketball teams and amusement parks and concert halls for people's disposbale income. This facility is inferior to the newer venues they compete with. When the Jets have a down yeear(hopefully no time soon), there are going to be a mess of empty seats and may be some blackouts.

This exchange has run it's course.

I agree to disagree.

You are wrong.

So your final argument is to compare a 50k seat stadium with an 80k seat stadium? lol

Not to mention most of us enjoyed the first season in the new stadium instead of whining and crying about it for no reason.

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I have never had a problem getting in and out.

I noticed no difference with the bathrooms until I discovered a larger one with no lines ever... the one closest to my seats though is just like the old stadium at the busy times.

The concessions are on par with any stadium... and actually the people working them were really nice last year and always remembered me.

I do not care about the concourse... it gets me from point a to my seat where you actually watch the game... not talk about how cool it is that you will spend .0001% of your time watching it from the concourse.

and... again with the mindless babble... how the hell can you compare to Baseball stadiums that seat almost HALF the crowd?


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Well JN is not agreeing with the google images I found... but take a quick second and look at some other recently opened NFL stadiums... crowded cement colored concourses... SHOCKER!

Do you like to whine and cry or do you honestly feel short changed? Show me a better stadium in a big market.

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Show me a better stadium in a big market.

Yeah... they really had it better with this beauty of a stadium...


I have never seen grown men cry about an UPGRADE so much... amazing.

The one on the lower portion of these images with the spirals to get and out in about 5 minutes as opposed to a 45-minute ordeal.

Spirals are probably nothing more than rybar and poured reninforced concrete.

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Show me a better stadium in a big market.

The one on the lower portion of these images with the spirals to get and out in about 5 minutes as opposed to a 45-minute ordeal.

Spirals are probably nothing more than rybar and poured reninforced concrete.

It takes me less than 5 minutes to get out... where do you sit that takes 45 minutes?

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End zone, 200 level.

You are doing something wrong... no way it takes that long... anyone I talked to there said 15 minutes or so...

They upgraded to the same thing. A gigantic waste of money

What are you basing this on? (PS Don't say it is a bowl shaped stadium)

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For $1.5 billion, as sh*tty as any other stadium. Money well spent, indeed.

Really? You are now just going to say it is as good as every other stadium but not good enough for you? The $$ amount means nothing and is inflated because of the NY/NJ area.

I love how now all of the sudden you are saying the stadium is as good as the rest... lol

Why not just stop crying about it? You basically already are admitting you are whining for no good reason.

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1.5billion and what did we get:


Big fans like JoeBaby and ECURB get awesome seats that they never would have had before

Cleansed the season ticket holders of deadwood fans and brokers and Giants fans.


Im not surprised at how hard ECURB defends the stadium since he laid out $$$ for the right to pay more money. He should be a big supporter since he'll be going for the next 15-20 years (life of the stadium). And Im glad someone outside of the suites think its nice.

Im not surprised people are bashing the stadium on one or two visits because the setup of the old stadium was better. The real truth will of course fall somewhere in the middle. And for the PSL's and increased ticket prices, not getting a big improvement over Giants Stadium is a huge letdown.

Dont know why this continues on and on and on and on. Time to be like the owners and players and come to a happy medium (laugh.gif): The new stadium is nice, but it didnt live up to the expectations.

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Im not surprised at how hard ECURB defends the stadium since he laid out $$$ for the right to pay more money. He should be a big supporter since he'll be going for the next 15-20 years (life of the stadium). And Im glad someone outside of the suites think its nice.

Like those people who bought Yugo's who wanted to tell everyone what great gas mileage it got.

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Oh and I am still waiting for someone to point out an example of a football stadium which they feel is better...

Gillette Stadium; which opened 10 years ago. Apart from the clusterf*#k which is parking and traffic, once inside it is extremely easy to get around.


Wide concourses.

Great views from the 100 & 200 levels.

Plenty of open space to mingle/watch the game in each endzone.

The numerous vantage points around the Stadium where you have an unobstructed view of the field.


No spirals or escalators to get to the 300 level, but then again there are no bottlenecks getting up or down from that level.

Views from the 300 level.

BTW: There are people on JN who have been to Gillette and apart from the parking, traffic, and fans, will tell you it's a pretty good Stadium.

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Gillett is okay. Good views, can see game from most parts of the concourse, wide concourse area, plenty of bathrooms, easy to get in and out.....but the traffic is a NIGHTMARE and stadium parking costs $40.00 <- legalized raping, if you ask me.

The best stadium I have ever been to is Reliant in Houston.

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No spirals or escalators to get to the 300 level, but then again there are no bottlenecks getting up or down from that level.

when I went to Gillette, I couldn't believe how horrible the experience was walking up and down those ramps. I laughed at how the design with no escalators seemed like the creation of a short sighted fool. Then i went to the new stadium last year and voila, the famous ramps reared their ugly head once again. It is laughable how you have to walk 3 miles worth of ramps on a 2 degree incline to get to ground level which is about 50 feet below where you started. You pass the same people going in the opposite direction about 12 times on the way down. it is truly an idiotic concept.

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when I went to Gillette, I couldn't believe how horrible the experience was walking up and down those ramps. I laughed at how the design with no escalators seemed like the creation of a short sighted fool. Then i went to the new stadium last year and voila, the famous ramps reared their ugly head once again. It is laughable how you have to walk 3 miles worth of ramps on a 2 degree incline to get to ground level which is about 50 feet below where you started. You pass the same people going in the opposite direction about 12 times on the way down. it is truly an idiotic concept.

When was the last time a Stadium was built with spirals? They are awesome for people who use them but architect's hate them as they look bad. I heard that escalators were a no go at Gillette because of the climate but I'm sure Kraft didn't put them in because the Stadium wouldn't have looked good.

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when I went to Gillette, I couldn't believe how horrible the experience was walking up and down those ramps. I laughed at how the design with no escalators seemed like the creation of a short sighted fool. Then i went to the new stadium last year and voila, the famous ramps reared their ugly head once again. It is laughable how you have to walk 3 miles worth of ramps on a 2 degree incline to get to ground level which is about 50 feet below where you started. You pass the same people going in the opposite direction about 12 times on the way down. it is truly an idiotic concept.

I have sat in the 300's at Gillette twice and it SUCKED. Never, ever, ever buy a seat there. You are better off at home watching the game on a 20 inch black and white...it sucks that bad.

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