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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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"I'm really confused. I don't know what's what."

"I know this is crazy and stuff."

"Have anything to add know it all."



"Well novices, I've seen you all run amok for the better part of 2 weeks. From the beginning, I've tried to lay out a defined path to victory but you are all seemingly too stupid and/or stubborn to listen."

"What a pompous as s!"

"YEAH! Maybe we can't comprehend your "genius" but you've been spewing so much sh-t it's hard to take any of it seriously. Supposedly you are acting this way under duress... you found a gun... the gun got stole... After awhile it just sounds like you're telling a bunch of Aesops fables.



"Balderdash I say! I've been trying to enlighten you all for some time now but your reduced mental capacities are hindering you from comprehending my directives."

"OMG - what.an.assshole!"

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"You... the semi-intelligent looking one. Come with me for a minute. Perhaps if I share with you what I've been contemplating you can dumb it down and share it with the others."

< the two men walk >

".... so do you understand? Using simple logic I've been able to deduce that one of these 2 is decidedly scummy therefore must be guilty."

"Das great meng.. Good work. Joo really seeng to have a grasp on tings."

"FINNALY! Someone who gets it... So my little ethnic friend, what is your name? I must have missed it."

"Who me? heh.. My names Antonino... Antonio Montana."

"Montana... hmmm... I think I'm supposed to know that name for some reason."


"Wait a minute! Aren't you...

oh... oh no...."

"Das right maricon.. Ing the bad guy! hahahahahahah"


DPR, aka Pedro Quinn (Egomanical Townie) is DEAD!


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I had all this typed up already, as I’ve been keeping the vote counts in a word document since Night 1. I am the Town Sensor, and each night Pac informs me how many scum aligned players were on the lynch. After JVoR and JiF flipped 3rd party, I was thinking perhaps they also counted, and Pac said PAFO. When Crusher flipped symp, the light clicked that by scum aligned he meant Tony’s guys. However, by eliminating JiF and JVoR, it confused me quite a bit. There’s a lot of date here, so bare with me. This is why I kept stressing the vote count. As for why I played the way I played, it’s simple. I had to look scummy/idiotic enough to survive at least 3 days, I figured from the beginning, but not so much as I got myself killed. “Calling my shot” seemed like something that may seem like an obsessive role, and while it’d draw attention to me it wouldn’t get me killed. Part of it, admittedly, was just for fun. I actually had a really good time getting quite a bit crazy with it and it was nice to play different and just WAY out there for a change. Anyways…here goes. I’ll bold confirmed non-town (this includes third party), and underlined confirmed scum(Crush).

FINAL Vote Count: (2 scum on train)

DPR (9) - BG, Slats, Verb, I28, Tom Shane, JF80, Sharrow, Hess

JetFat80 (13) - WWwombat, JC, Nae, Crusher, SMC, JiF, Brett, AVM, Vic/Song, DPR, CTM, JVoR, Dan X

I20Ape (1) – Smash

FINAL VOTE COUNT (2 scum on train)

Slats (1) - CTM

JC (1) - Sharrow

DPR (4) - Smash, JC, TomShane, JVOR

Nae (11) - JiF, BG, SMC, Verb, ViC, DPR, Hess, Wombat, DanX, Ape, Crusher

CTM (2) - Slats, Nae

Not Voting: AVM

FINAL VOTE COUNT (2 Scum on this train)

Crusher - (3) JiF, DPR, SMC

JVoR- (10) JC, Smash, Sharrow, Wombat, Ape, Crusher, JVor, Hess, Dan X, CTM

Jetscode - (2) Vic, BG

DPR - (1) Tomshane

Not Voting: Verbal, AVM

FINAL VOTE COUNT ( 1 scum on train)

Crusher (8) - SMC, Dan X, Vic, Wombat, Ape, CTM, Hess, AVM

DanX (1) - DPR

DPR (1) - TomShane

Hess (1) – Crusher

Not Voting: JC, Verbal, Sharrow, Smash

FINAL VOTE COUNT: (1 scum on this train)

DPR (2) - TomShane, Hess

CTM (1) - Wombat

Sharrow (2) - Verb, Smash

Verb (7) - Vic, SMC, Ape, AVM, DPR, Sharrow, CTM

What this means is Wombat is cleared EXCEPT for GF. He was the only one on every train until this last one, and him jumping off means he can NOT be a non-Godfather scum member. It also means the scum members have been jumping on and off the train, and two groups were grouped together. SMC and Sharrow through the first 4 trains had never been on together, but now they are. There would have to be two on this train, and Pac says only one. Leaving, and this hurts me…but Smash and Vic. They’ve not been on the same train all game, alternating every time. They absolutely, positively HAVE to be scum. If it was any other combination, the number would have had to change from 2.

Additionally, I believe there are 4 scum left (3 non-GF), and 1 GF. Only one player has avoided every train thus far…TomShane. He’s a guaranteed scum if there are in fact 4 left. Obviously anyone is open for GF, but we can figure that out after we get these guys down.

So to recap – Smash, Vic, and TomShane as 3 of the final 4 scum. This time you really can bank on it ;)

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Also, I'd prefer lynching Vic first. We only have one reveal left, and I can almost guarantee I know what Smash will reveal, and I'm worried you'll take his word over mine.

Sorry brother!

Vote: Vicious

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thank god he was innocent..

ok, i really believe it's 6 4 now and we should discuss no lynch.. If it is 6-4, a no lynch will allow them to get 1 more kill, which gives us 1 less townie to mislynch tomorrow and improves our odds slightly..

Alternativelym, at this point I'd be surprised if the ape isn't scum.. I believe he's scum with a vest, which is why he wanted dpr to shoot him so badly after jvor died, he figured there was no remaining threats and it would make him seem more town.. I've been saying this all game without getting any traction, so I'd imagine I'm not going to get any now..

I think we should treat this like lylo and be careful

it'd be nice for doctor to role claim I think, just to remove 1 lynch candidate

for right now vote Pac just to see if our mod is montana :D

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Also, I'd prefer lynching Vic first. We only have one reveal left, and I can almost guarantee I know what Smash will reveal, and I'm worried you'll take his word over mine.

Sorry brother!

Vote: Vicious

avm, how do you know crusher counts as scum for your purposes? usualyl symp's are town

also, cool role, if true

i don't see how vics reveal makes sense, nor your's frankyl.. in the context of 80's cuban gang war movie, where do inventors and sensors come form?.. but your role makes his reveal more believable..

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avm, how do you know crusher counts as scum for your purposes? usualyl symp's are town

also, cool role, if true

i don't see how vics reveal makes sense, nor your's frankyl.. in the context of 80's cuban gang war movie, where do inventors and sensors come form?.. but your role makes his reveal more believable..

The sensor makes sense to me, but I understand it not making sense to you (or anyone else). As far as Crusher, just look at all the possible combinations. I know it's confusing because it's a LOT of information, but that's what I've got.

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ok, given avm's role...

what i propse is this..

we vote no lynch, but we make sure the train consists of

ctm, ape, sharrow, smc, wwombat and avm

we were all on the most trains and if AVM returns 0 tomorrow, we have a real good idea who scum is..

If avm turns up dead, well, atleast we know he was telling the truth.. and can use his numbers tomake a pretty good guess..

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The sensor makes sense to me, but I understand it not making sense to you (or anyone else). As far as Crusher, just look at all the possible combinations. I know it's confusing because it's a LOT of information, but that's what I've got.

Also, notice how the number goes from 2 every train Crush is on, to one once he's the lynch and he's off the train.

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The sensor makes sense to me, but I understand it not making sense to you (or anyone else). As far as Crusher, just look at all the possible combinations. I know it's confusing because it's a LOT of information, but that's what I've got.

are you godfather proof?

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ok, given avm's role...

what i propse is this..

we vote no lynch, but we make sure the train consists of

ctm, ape, sharrow, smc, wwombat and avm

we were all on the most trains and if AVM returns 0 tomorrow, we have a real good idea who scum is..

If avm turns up dead, well, atleast we know he was telling the truth.. and can use his numbers tomake a pretty good guess..

Couple of things: First off, this is a great idea in theory. I'd offer to let myself be lynched if we had the numbers. Secondly, are we POSITIVE there isn't an extra gun out there somewhere? Still gotta remember someone shot JiF (or as you suggested, at JVoR). Lastly...if we do that, we have no room for error on the GF unless our doc protects or a BPV is hit.

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ok, given avm's role...

what i propse is this..

we vote no lynch, but we make sure the train consists of

ctm, ape, sharrow, smc, wwombat and avm

we were all on the most trains and if AVM returns 0 tomorrow, we have a real good idea who scum is..

If avm turns up dead, well, atleast we know he was telling the truth.. and can use his numbers tomake a pretty good guess..

actually i have to run out right now, but if you give me some time I can work out the optimum list of names to be on that list.. i think there's a better pairing that offers additionall information

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Couple of things: First off, this is a great idea in theory. I'd offer to let myself be lynched if we had the numbers. Secondly, are we POSITIVE there isn't an extra gun out there somewhere? Still gotta remember someone shot JiF (or as you suggested, at JVoR). Lastly...if we do that, we have no room for error on the GF unless our doc protects or a BPV is hit.

if there's a vig, they should shoot you. If we know you are telling the truth our chances of lynch scum today will be 75% or better, just based onn what you've already provided

what do you mean the godfather, why wouldn't he show up in your counts?

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actually i have to run out right now, but if you give me some time I can work out the optimum list of names to be on that list.. i think there's a better pairing that offers additionall information

We've got plenty of time. People wont be back until tonight for the most part, I'd bet.

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I do NOT see the Godfather.

ok, that's easy enough to work out...

if you're telling the truth, the scum team is very likely vic, shane, smash + godfather.. which should become obvious as people start dieing.. i'd bet on that rancid ape

i don't think we can take you at face value cause this could be a sellout for lylo..

also,we can't lynch you as town, we probably don't have the numbers

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if there's a vig, they should shoot you. If we know you are telling the truth our chances of lynch scum today will be 75% or better, just based onn what you've already provided

what do you mean the godfather, why wouldn't he show up in your counts?

That's a fair point. I'm just concerned scum have a daytime shot, but I suppose that wouldn't make sense. Or a third party with a shot (sounds crazy I know...but I'm not willing to rule it out completely). If there is a town Vig, I'd actually request they shoot me now to vet what I'm saying.

Essentially, the way I see it, I'm sort of an alteration of a cop, only I don't investigate a single person. Pac informs me at night how many scum are on the train. I asked him on Day 1 I think it was "if, theoretically, there is a Godfather in this game, would I see him on the train" and I was informed I would not. He comes up as town on the train. Lets say theoretically that SMC was GF. Day 1, according to my write-up, would have THREE scum members on the 80-train...but Pac would only tell me that there were 2. Thats why everyone I've cleared isn't EXACTLY cleared. In fact, they're less cleared than a cop innocent, as I'm looking at a big group as opposed to one individual.

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ok, that's easy enough to work out...

if you're telling the truth, the scum team is very likely vic, shane, smash + godfather.. which should become obvious as people start dieing.. i'd bet on that rancid ape

i don't think we can take you at face value cause this could be a sellout for lylo..

also,we can't lynch you as town, we probably don't have the numbers

Yeah, I know. I was hoping I'd be able to do this yesterday, but Verbal/TS was still a toss-up. Also couldn't completely count out Wombat, though I was really strongly leaning town on him. (Yes, a complete 180 I know).

And, for what it's worth...if I'm right and we're facing 6-4, then a mislynch and successful NK tonight and games over.

However...for those of you who think there are only 3 left, TS could feasibly be the GF with my scenario.

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Also, I'd prefer lynching Vic first. We only have one reveal left, and I can almost guarantee I know what Smash will reveal, and I'm worried you'll take his word over mine.

Sorry brother!

Vote: Vicious

You know what Im gonna reveal ? How on earth could you possibly know that ? Also I think alot of your figuring is way the hell off. What do you assume Im going to reveal I need to hear this. You guys know Im not big on reveals so humor me plz. I have my suspicions of Vic CTM and not sure on a third. Im going to vote Vic and see what he has to say since you started that train will know a bit more about you as well AVM

Vote VIC

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Any townies should unvote.. 2 bad votes and scum can swoop in and hammer

So you think the scum are going to swarm in and hammer ? I guess if you were scum chan you would have voted and I wanted see if someone would.

Ill unvote Vic and wait to listen to Sharrows example. Although sharrow was acting really weird wih this voting recently with not much of an explanation

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I do NOT see the Godfather.

how would you know this ?? How would you know if there is a godfather ? Im pretty sure PAC would not tell you if there is or is not a godfather because that would begiving a townie information he/she should not have from the Mod. Im thinking you know for a fact there is a godfather because hes on your team and you slipped up whith this statement I just quoted.

Vote AVM

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I removed the dead townies, and JIF from the list. Still figured a possibility that JVOR was a traitor scum so I left him.

2 scum from day 1 train = WWwombat, Crusher, SMC, Vic, CTM, JVoR

2 scum from day 2 train = SMC, Vic, Hess, Wombat, Ape, Crusher

2 scum from day 3 train = Smash, Wombat, Ape, Crusher, JVor, Hess, CTM

1 scum from day 4 train = SMC, Vic, Wombat, Ape, CTM, Hess

1 scum from day 5 train = Vic, SMC, Ape, CTM

Since we need to hit scum today, I'll count GF possibilities as town for now, we can revisit it after we hit some scum.

Since there is 1 from Vic, SMC, Ape, and CTM; it means both Hess and Wombat are removed from day 4

2 scum from day 1 train = Crusher, SMC, Vic, CTM, JVoR

2 scum from day 2 train = (SMC, Vic, Ape), Crusher

2 scum from day 3 train = Smash, Ape, Crusher, JVor, CTM

1 scum from day 4 train = SMC, Vic, Ape, CTM

1 scum from day 5 train = Vic, SMC, Ape, CTM (I'll eliminate this cause it's the same as day 4 now)

Since SMC, Vic, Ape can only count as 1 (from day 4), then Crusher must count from day 2. Since SMC, Vic, CTM are on day 1 with Crusher, the only way JVOR could count would be if the APE counted, but that would be impossible because they're both on day 3 with Crusher; so JVOR doesn't count.

2 scum from day 1 train = Crusher, (SMC, Vic, CTM)

2 scum from day 2 train = (SMC, Vic, Ape), Crusher

2 scum from day 3 train = Smash, Ape, Crusher, CTM

1 scum from day 4 train = SMC, Vic, Ape, CTM

Since Crusher counts, then one of SMC, Vic, and CTM must count from day 1; this means the Ape doesn't count because he's left out of day 4.

2 scum from day 1 train = Crusher, (SMC, Vic, CTM)

2 scum from day 2 train = (SMC, Vic), Crusher

2 scum from day 3 train = Smash, Crusher, CTM

1 scum from day 4 train = SMC, Vic, CTM

After removing the Ape from day 2, it means either SMC or Vic must count, which eliminates CTM from day 4, as well as day 1 & 3.

2 scum from day 1 train = Crusher, (SMC, Vic)

2 scum from day 2 train = (SMC, Vic), Crusher

2 scum from day 3 train = Smash, Crusher

1 scum from day 4 train = SMC, Vic

This would mean, Smash is scum, as well as either SMC or Vic.

-edited to bold conclusion

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Given those lists, I think SMC, Vic, Smash, and Sharrow are the best choices:

The following ignores GF possibilities:

(1) 1 scum among: Wombat, SMC, Vic, CTM

(2) 1 scum among: SMC, Vic, Hess, Wombat, Ape

(3) 1 scum among: Smash, Sharrow, Wombat, Ape, Hess, CTM

(4) 1 scum among: SMC, Vic, Wombat, Ape, CTM, Hess

(5) 1 scum among: Vic, SMC, Ape, Sharrow, CTM

Compare lists 1 and 4 and Hess and the Ape are cleared.

Therefore there is 1 scum among (SMC, Vic, Wombat) and 1 scum among (SMC, Vic, Wombat, CTM).

I am not scum. Therefore CTM is cleared and one of Vic and SMC are scum and one of Smash and Sharrow are scum.

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