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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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I think he slipped...didnt read the scene and let everyone else do the work for him and then started back tracking.

Hurts that my MT doesnt trust me. I'm in my mother F'ing mode right now. Scum hunting like no other.

It's not that I don;t trust you. It's just your 0-1 so far and I don;t wanna be one of those parents that cheers their kids on when they play bad. I love you enough to push you. I really do.

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I think he slipped...didnt read the scene and let everyone else do the work for him and then started back tracking.

Hurts that my MT doesnt trust me. I'm in my mother F'ing mode right now. Scum hunting like no other.

It's possible, just seems odd.

If scum were going to comment on the scene at all, I'd think they'd be pointing out that JC wasn't the target to look all smart and stuff. The valuable townie act.

Pac's made a couple posts that makes me think/hope he's town, too.

What do you think of your Dr. Muffin?

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Ok back in. Ultimately I would love to vote elsewhere as this is far too much of an OMGUS but it really feels to me that JiF is playing with a devil may care attitude. When I see JiF play like that I see him more as scum than townie. He is one of the few people I would say prefers the town roles than he does scum roles. It's almost the reverse of people identifying the "bored townies". Additionally I see it that he has attacked players that are considered either stronger or harder to lynch and tried to make short work of them. That's another JiF tactic of "take them down with me." For now I will vote JiF

Vote: JiF

I'll be around more now. Had a crazy past few days at work.

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Ok back in. Ultimately I would love to vote elsewhere as this is far too much of an OMGUS but it really feels to me that JiF is playing with a devil may care attitude. When I see JiF play like that I see him more as scum than townie. He is one of the few people I would say prefers the town roles than he does scum roles. It's almost the reverse of people identifying the "bored townies". Additionally I see it that he has attacked players that are considered either stronger or harder to lynch and tried to make short work of them. That's another JiF tactic of "take them down with me." For now I will vote JiF

Vote: JiF

I'll be around more now. Had a crazy past few days at work.

He's on Pac, now. Not a guy who's generally considered a tough lynch in these parts.

So what do you think of Hess and his copy machine note, then?

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It's not that I don;t trust you. It's just your 0-1 so far and I don;t wanna be one of those parents that cheers their kids on when they play bad. I love you enough to push you. I really do.

Well, I voted DPR. So that was 1 for 1. And unvoted CTM as it started to become more obvious with each post that he was a townie the played very poorly. So in reality, I havent missed anything. Its okay Crushlove, I'll forgive you later but your bup-z is in his mode right now.

It's possible, just seems odd.

If scum were going to comment on the scene at all, I'd think they'd be pointing out that JC wasn't the target to look all smart and stuff. The valuable townie act.

Pac's made a couple posts that makes me think/hope he's town, too.

What do you think of your Dr. Muffin?

It does seem odd, but I'm curious why it wasnt captured until after someone else mentioned it. Maybe I'm wrong. Could be. If it was an honest mistake, then my normal theory of that being a scum tell would be out the window.

Ok back in. Ultimately I would love to vote elsewhere as this is far too much of an OMGUS but it really feels to me that JiF is playing with a devil may care attitude. When I see JiF play like that I see him more as scum than townie. He is one of the few people I would say prefers the town roles than he does scum roles. It's almost the reverse of people identifying the "bored townies". Additionally I see it that he has attacked players that are considered either stronger or harder to lynch and tried to make short work of them. That's another JiF tactic of "take them down with me." For now I will vote JiF

Vote: JiF

I'll be around more now. Had a crazy past few days at work.

Very true. I love being town and love being town this game because I'm kicking major booty.

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Well, I voted DPR. So that was 1 for 1. And unvoted CTM as it started to become more obvious with each post that he was a townie the played very poorly. So in reality, I havent missed anything. Its okay Crushlove, I'll forgive you later but your bup-z is in his mode right now.

It does seem odd, but I'm curious why it wasnt captured until after someone else mentioned it. Maybe I'm wrong. Could be. If it was an honest mistake, then my normal theory of that being a scum tell would be out the window.

Very true. I love being town and love being town this game because I'm kicking major booty.

At least you did your best and had the cleanest uniform on the field. Now let's go get a slice and a Pepsi.

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1. Space travel-check

2. lightening rod-check

3. cool doors-check

4. stainless steal-check

5. copy machine-not so much

It's the yellow button upper right hand corner. It says, you lose.

And that's Kit ftr. Greatest 4 wheeled vehicle known to man.

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At least you did your best and had the cleanest uniform on the field. Now let's go get a slice and a Pepsi.

Its a shame you feel this way. It hurts. Almost enough for me to just go ahead reveal so you realize what you're doing to your boopsie.

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Done catching up...

Got a chance to read from the night death scene and not loving JiF's case on Pac. First off Pac's supposed confusion tactic looked bad to me until he explained it. Isn't that what we do here, ask questions and then let people explain it? Looking from his phone and checking it later seems reasonable.

When asked what else you had on Pac you really had nothing to offer except and excuse to not go back and look. Odd to me.

Then Hess jumps on and add part of the reason is Pac FOS day 10 times and that's a stupid a$$ excuse. Weird that Hess is the one that found the letter on the fax machine.

Then to add to it Monkey jumps on and up till now him and Slats still had me feeling bad after the CTM fiasco.

Not ready to vote you JiF cause I would like you to explain it to me so I understand. Personally at this point I would like to find out more about Hess. I think his alignment would tell us a lot.

vote Hess

Crusher, my vote on Pac is because his "over-sight" of the details of Jetscode's coroner report is a wifom AND because he played a big part in egging on the bickering between me and CTM. I'm not blind to what he was doing. It's not totally incriminating because its Pac, CTM and I, and that is how stupid we are... but is worth a vote early on D3 for a little pressure no? Since when is it "scummy" to pressure people early in day phases? See who steps up to defend them... see how they defend themselves.

CTM fiasco? Really.

What did we lose there? A guy who could steal once?

That kind of argument is almost always town on town, and was again in the case of me and CTM. His big concern was the monkey being scum, which is a direction I'm still not willing to move in. His story did not make much sense, but his lynching provided a lot of answers. It's the kind of lynch he would propose if he wasn't the subject of it. We now know that there's a couple phases to night actions, and that there is a player who destroys items out there. Had CTM lived, we would've been arguing the same sh*t today. Sucks that he was town, but that was a good lynch.

Don't like your play a lot this game, to be honest.

I think JiF has a genuine point with the "confusing lynch," comment. Definitely a common scum post-mortem post. Thing that bothers me is that scum would know that they targeted someone else, so missing that in the death scene isn't something scum would necessarily do.

We had a train going on Lily that got derailed over the weekend. I'd like to take that track again to start today.

vote: Lily

Slats, I feel good about you this game - but you are polarizing the possibilities of why Pac would have said that after JC's coroner report. It's a wifom of sorts.

@Crusher, this is the sort of thing I was hoping to see... how Pac defends, and who lays down what type of theory, and/or advocates for Pac.

don;t care if you don;t like my play, I don;t like my play most of the time either.

I understand the most common post mortem post thing. At the same time Pac explained he was on his phone and just as much was made that he mis-read the qoute. Just trying to see thru the crap and not play follow the leader as we lynch another townie.

JiF just seems to be lock jawing onto players that are typically not very hard to lynch. Just concerned.

I think you are exaggerating the "follow the leader" thing here, D3 just started. With nobody giving us investigation results and handing us scum, we aren't going to get close to an actual lynch until an hour before deadline... like always.

You go, Girl!

Do you have some valuable info to reveal, or are you just looking to try to clear yourself?

You missed my point, though, which was that scum knew they didn't target JC, so it would be odd for scum to not notice that in the death scene.

Pac might've been one of my favorites heading into today but for that. If he is scum, that was a clever "mis-read."

Odd... unless it was his intention to create misdirection and wifom. I think you are smarter than this.

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Other than Pac, I'd like to see Vic and Lily take more heat today.

Vic's excuse for D1 was that it was D1, but where did he go on D2? I'm sure he'll blame me and CTM for his lack of engagement, but I expect more from him when he's town... I just don't get the impression he is "scum hunting."

Lily is another one that has skated around the action, except her votes have been more scummy too.

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Slats, I feel good about you this game - but you are polarizing the possibilities of why Pac would have said that after JC's coroner report. It's a wifom of sorts.


Odd... unless it was his intention to create misdirection and wifom. I think you are smarter than this.

In the post you quoted, I mentioned the possibility that it could be him being clever. I'm plenty smart. B)

It's just that I'm leaning town on Pac, but at the same time I'm really not bothered by him getting some heat. Based on a couple of his earlier posts, I suspect he might potentially have valuable info to share.

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Other than Pac, I'd like to see Vic and Lily take more heat today.

Vic's excuse for D1 was that it was D1, but where did he go on D2? I'm sure he'll blame me and CTM for his lack of engagement, but I expect more from him when he's town... I just don't get the impression he is "scum hunting."

Lily is another one that has skated around the action, except her votes have been more scummy too.

I'm just as good going with Lily right now.



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1) Scum will be looking for PR's imo

2) I've seen close to semi-confirmed townie's live forever in these games.

3) If JiF dies I doubt they find their power role as I believe he was confirmed by a Mod. Part of why I wanted to reveal. Doubt he'd have a PR to boot.

So you think I should have kept my mouth shut knowing what I knew and kept it a secret the whole game? Is that what you'd do?

Yes, unless he was in danger of lynch, I wouldn't say anything.

I agree with Crusher that the CTM/Ape/Slats situation had at least one scum in it. Since he's the most suspicious of the two left, I'll vote Slats.

I'd actually like to reveal today and was going to ask to, but if my train builds again, I guess I won't have to ask.

I have info. Not sure how valuable it is and since we aren't even allowed to hint, I'd better not say any more.

So you didn't like my reveal yesterday to try and help clear another most likely, possible townie but you're coming out of the gates today wanting to reveal to help clear yourself? Ok.

You know what? After thinking it over, what I have isn't that valuable, so I'll take back my request to use up a reveal.

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DPR (10): Smash, Pac, Verbal, Crusher, I28, CTM, Wombat, Hess, Vic, JiF

AVM (4): DPR, Brett, SMC, J80

Hess (1): AVM

Not voting: Sharrow, Lily, Slats, Jetscode1

Final Day 2 Vote Count

CTM (8): Smash, Lily, Wombat, Pac, Slats, CTM, Hess, Primate

Hess (3): AVM, J80, Jetscode

Lily (1): Vicious

Jetscode (1): JiF

Vicious (1): Crusher

Not voting: Verbal

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Yes, I am. Spent the day at the beach with my girlfriend today, I'll catch up after dinner.

Holy crap do if your going to lie at least make it believable. Oh by the way I will be away tonight cause Im running a marathon and speaking on the evil's of saturated fat's.

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@Slats - I get what you are saying, I'm just reacting to it.

@Hess - *high five*


Vote Lily

I thought it was blech-pitooey when she said "oh nevermind, its not that important" but the previous exchange you had with her makes it a definite ping.

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I know that looks like a contradiction, but it's really not. You'll understand after my reveal, if it comes to that. Unless you're scum, in which case you already know what's going on, I'm sure.

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Holy crap do if your going to lie at least make it believable. Oh by the way I will be away tonight cause Im running a marathon and speaking on the evil's of saturated fat's.

It was a beautiful day at Kure Beach big fella. Wish you could have come.

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Holy crap do if your going to lie at least make it believable. Oh by the way I will be away tonight cause Im running a marathon and speaking on the evil's of saturated fat's.

I really, really want you to be town.

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I know that looks like a contradiction, but it's really not. You'll understand after my reveal, if it comes to that. Unless you're scum, in which case you already know what's going on, I'm sure.

Sugar snap? Your playing like Hess on on 3 red bulls and driving to get coffee. You want to reveal now you don't? I think maybe we should talk this out.

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I know that looks like a contradiction, but it's really not. You'll understand after my reveal, if it comes to that. Unless you're scum, in which case you already know what's going on, I'm sure.

Is it possible it looks like a contradiction, because it is?

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Official Day 3 Vote Count:

Pac (3): JiF, Hess, Ape

Lily (2): Smash, Slats

Hess (1): Crusher

JiF (1): Pac

With 12 people left, it takes 7 to lynch.

Role Reveals Remaining: 3

I'm just as good going with Lily right now.



@Slats - I get what you are saying, I'm just reacting to it.

@Hess - *high five*


Vote Lily

I thought it was blech-pitooey when she said "oh nevermind, its not that important" but the previous exchange you had with her makes it a definite ping.

Unvote Pac

Vote Lily

Why hold it back?

I thought you put her at L1, nevermind - L2 is good enough for a reveal, no ninja hammer threat.

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