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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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I hope you're suggesting that it's still possible for me get pressure while I'm dead. That would be awesome.

"I'm dead, I already flipped town!!!!"

"Nice WIFOM, scum. Unvote Vote 80!!!"

Actually it was just a cumulative take on the game so far... only about 4 people have emerged as lynch options, you were one obviously. We need to turn over more stones.

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In an effort to bring something to this game that isn't completely ****in' retarded, I have decided to wear my monocle.


Smash is a demon. And a peen-licker.

vote Smash

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Much to catch up on...sorry for the delay...in-laws in town for my son HS grad tomorrow...I'll be sporadic...

The story of the day looks like Jack...several games ago we argued the value of lynching all liars and some of you argued that its OK if the lie is in the town's best interest...looks like Jack's play has challenges some of your notions on this...lol.

Personally, suspect he's an in-over-his-head townie who tried too hard to showoff his scumhunt ability...right now he's just focused the agenda too much on him with his weak a$$ "I'm done posting BS"...guess we could keep him around as long as he promises not to post any more...ahhh...f***-it...at this point he needs to go...

VOTE: Jack

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In an effort to bring something to this game that isn't completely ****in' retarded, I have decided to wear my monocle.

Smash is a demon. And a peen-licker.

vote Smash

Investigation? Make-believe investigation?

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In an effort to bring something to this game that isn't completely ****in' retarded, I have decided to wear my monocle.


Smash is a demon. And a peen-licker.

vote Smash

Monocles are reserved ONLY for the best mafia players, I shall adorn mine and we shall hunt scum together...


Or, we can drink.

Edit for vote change:

Unvote Paco Bell Grande

Vote Smash

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Investigation? Make-believe investigation?

Neither - just a feeling and nothing else to really go on. I'm watching my 1 yr old, so I had to bail on the post severla times - but, I've been pinged by him several times now when he acts confused about the game. Then he goes after Simple Jack, and it just seems like a great place for a demon to hide, knowing that the rest of the town has kind of expressed a desire to look at other lynches. I feel similarly about Vic, and to an extant, AVM. My first pick is Smash, but I'll bet a dollar that at least one of those three is a demon.

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Monocles are reserved ONLY for the best mafia players, I shall adorn mine and we shall hunt scum together...


Or, we can drink.

Edit for vote change:

Unvote Paco Bell Grande

Vote Smash

First we drink. Then we hunt. Then we'll drink some more. I'll have Jeeves bring my martini case to the front parlour.

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I would've been happy to lynch Jack yesterday, but we lynched a different townie instead. I suspect Jack is a townie who still doesn't know how we do business around here. Having lynched a townie yesterday, I'd rather try to lynch scum today than lynch someone I think is town.

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I would've been happy to lynch Jack yesterday, but we lynched a different townie instead. I suspect Jack is a townie who still doesn't know how we do business around here. Having lynched a townie yesterday, I'd rather try to lynch scum today than lynch someone I think is town.

My thoughts exactly, and as several others have expressed the "easy meat" sentiment, that's where I figure a scum vote could hide. Add JC to the list of possibles, especially as he's laying quite low. Although graduations will do that, so cut him a little slack. heh

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Neither - just a feeling and nothing else to really go on. I'm watching my 1 yr old, so I had to bail on the post severla times - but, I've been pinged by him several times now when he acts confused about the game. Then he goes after Simple Jack, and it just seems like a great place for a demon to hide, knowing that the rest of the town has kind of expressed a desire to look at other lynches. I feel similarly about Vic, and to an extant, AVM. My first pick is Smash, but I'll bet a dollar that at least one of those three is a demon.

Smash is tough for me to read. He acts confused and skims posts as town or scum. Maybe even more as town.

That said, im not opposed to putting pressure on him.

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First we drink. Then we hunt. Then we'll drink some more. I'll have Jeeves bring my martini case to the front parlour.

I hope by Jeeves you mean a pair of half naked wenches that will fill our cups... while pleasuring us like the true mafia deities that we are?

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Mod Error Fixed

Official Vote Count

Jack (3): Smash, Vic, AVM

Dan (2): Pac, JiF

AVM (2): Slats, Sharrow

Lily (1): Jack

Pac (1): Primate

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch

Deadline 8:00 pm Monday

I voted avm

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Yup. Where is the happy to hammer anyone playing like a scummy **** version of Pac?

EDIT: And how is the Jack lynch "lazy" but running Dan back up on consecutive days with no new information not lazy?

To be fair, Pac was hammer-happy as scum last game. This strikes me more as 'cautious townie'. While not always attributable to Pac, it still isn't inherently suspicious.

In an effort to bring something to this game that isn't completely ****in' retarded, I have decided to wear my monocle.


Smash is a demon. And a peen-licker.

vote Smash

Nope. That's still retarded. But Smash isn't a bad place to apply pressure. Still think you pricks outta just lynch Dan, but that might just be my bias speaking.

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Busy day guys...broke some new business though!!!

I'll never understand why Dan is unlynchable. Makes me sick. She's going to cruise to end game by brushing off pressure with a "whatever" attitude. Hate it. Love her. Hate it. F Jack_D from derailing that train. <3 him though too.

Quick observations from a catch up stand point.

Hate the way Pac is playing. Cant get a read on him. Dont care what his excuse is...really pisses me off especially after last game

AVM, I'm interested but I've been wrong about him all year long. Is he finally scum?

Jack, come'on you morons. There's no way this guy is scum. I see the point of getting him out of the game to focus, but there's no way he's scum trying to pull this off.

Smash, I always have trouble reading.

Crusher, my muffin top, very nervous about him. Another unlynchable player that is skating by.

CTM h8him, he's starting to ping me. Seems to be willing to prod every train. Not really out front creating his own cases like usual.

Slats uber town read, which is dangerous...well maybe not after last game :D

Has Lily posted today? She must be the silenced player.

I get the point of not running Dan up again and we have time with small trains...so I'm going pure gut here.

Unvote Dan

Vote Crusher - sorry mt <3 u

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The Verbal kill was probably to set up a Dan wifom, and also a wifom with the next silenced person.

Don't think I want to vote Dan or Jack today, tbh. I'll take a look later tonight.

Btw, major ping here. I'll go ahead and link these 2. If Dan flips demon at any point, I'd be looking closely at Sharrow due to this post.

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I laugh at my own farts.

Busy day guys...broke some new business though!!!

I'll never understand why Dan is unlynchable. Makes me sick. She's going to cruise to end game by brushing off pressure with a "whatever" attitude. Hate it. Love her. Hate it. F Jack_D from derailing that train. <3 him though too.

Quick observations from a catch up stand point.

Hate the way Pac is playing. Cant get a read on him. Dont care what his excuse is...really pisses me off especially after last game

AVM, I'm interested but I've been wrong about him all year long. Is he finally scum?

Jack, come'on you morons. There's no way this guy is scum. I see the point of getting him out of the game to focus, but there's no way he's scum trying to pull this off.

Smash, I always have trouble reading.

Crusher, my muffin top, very nervous about him. Another unlynchable player that is skating by.

CTM h8him, he's starting to ping me. Seems to be willing to prod every train. Not really out front creating his own cases like usual.

Slats uber town read, which is dangerous...well maybe not after last game :D

Has Lily posted today? She must be the silenced player.

I get the point of not running Dan up again and we have time with small trains...so I'm going pure gut here.

Unvote Dan

Vote Crusher - sorry mt <3 u



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Anybody know why Vic's last few posts have just been quoting my Spidey pic and saying nothing? Can't be silenced, as he's already posted multiple times since Hess said somebody was silenced.


Vic, if you can speak, say something ****er.

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Anybody know why Vic's last few posts have just been quoting my Spidey pic and saying nothing? Can't be silenced, as he's already posted multiple times since Hess said somebody was silenced.


Vic, if you can speak, say something ****er.


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Anybody know why Vic's last few posts have just been quoting my Spidey pic and saying nothing? Can't be silenced, as he's already posted multiple times since Hess said somebody was silenced.


Vic, if you can speak, say something ****er.

Here are my thoughts...

stop posting those stupid ******* pictures.

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Official Vote Count

Jack (4): Smash, Vic, AVM, JC

Dan (1): Pac

AVM (3): Slats, CTM, Sharrow

Lily (1): Jack

Smash (2): DPR, Primate

Crusher (1): JiF

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch

Not voting: Dan X, Crusher, Brett, Lily, Duke

Deadline 8:00 pm Monday

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