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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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I don't hate you or slats... And anyone possesing breasts ( Dan/jvor, jif, crusher, Mae, lil)

So that's it, huh? After all these years, with no more James Chadwick Pennington around to bash together, years of our allied forces gets flushed down the drain and I got put into the "hate" category with these bunch of half-retarded douche-nozzles? You bitch.

Don't mind me guys, just trying to help us reach our emo quota.

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Just cauht up...

Ape is an idiot and PAC is an unbelievable douche.... Status quo'd

I think what Jack did is fine... Molders not playing so makes snse to boot him on day 1...

Too early to vote ape again?

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So that's it, huh? After all these years, with no more James Chadwick Pennington around to bash together, years of our allied forces gets flushed down the drain and I got put into the "hate" category with these bunch of half-retarded douche-nozzles? You bitch.

Don't mind me guys, just trying to help us reach our emo quota.

I forgot u.. I really like you when I'm in the mode for some heavy reading

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Soon it will be happy barfday Uncle.

need more CTM posts tonight when he peaks. er Pukes (whichever comes first)

brah.. i don't puke.. i'm pro

if i do i have pac on retainer for cleanup... best 2 bucks i ever spent

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Everyone was exhausted after their ordeal with the Indian skeleton. One by one they all fell asleep, where they dreamt of rainbows, razor blades, skinny jeans, and eye liner. All the ghey emo stuff you'd expect. Until a blood chilling scream erupted out of nowhere. Everyone was looking around counting bodies for fear of the worse. That's when they saw it, AVM. He was bludgeoned to death by a briefcase.

AVM - Mortician - innocent coroner has been Nightkilled

It's now day 2

I'm feeling sometime Wednesday for a deadline.

It takes 8 to lynch

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While I agree with some of your points regarding this day one, you really need to put an end to this lying about your role horsesh*t. JVOR pulls it off once and now you try it every damn game. What possible reason does anyone have to ever believe your reveals, even if they actually believe you to be town?

I thought it was warranted - has nothing to do with JVOR. Was trying to reveal as a "deputy" type role to express that I had value to the town, but wasn't an immediate threat to scum. To avoid NK.

If I played it wrong, it was a learning experience. I'm okay with that.

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Just cauht up...

Ape is an idiot and PAC is an unbelievable douche.... Status quo'd

I think what Jack did is fine... Molders not playing so makes snse to boot him on day 1...

Too early to vote ape again?

Hey, before you are done the the MOCK DRUNKENESS... can we talk about hot chicks? (Or dudes in your case) I want to see if while talking about hot chicks while drunk you "slip" and reveal yourself to be scum. I've seen this tactic work brilliantly in the past. :rolleyes:

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Everyone was exhausted after their ordeal with the Indian skeleton. One by one they all fell asleep, where they dreamt of rainbows, razor blades, skinny jeans, and eye liner. All the ghey emo stuff you'd expect. Until a blood chilling scream erupted out of nowhere. Everyone was looking around counting bodies for fear of the worse. That's when they saw it, AVM. He was bludgeoned to death by a briefcase.

AVM - Mortician - innocent coroner has been Nightkilled

It's now day 2

I'm feeling sometime Wednesday for a deadline.

It takes 8 to lynch

Does this mean we won't be getting coroner info (i.e.: roles) the rest of the game?

Magic 8-ball says BG "Without a doubt"


Strong hunch, or fact?

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I seriously have to give props to Sharrow and any other player that operates as an inactive. Because I have no idea how he is able to keep up and play as well as he does.

I just spent the last hour or so going back and catching up. I'd share my thoughts but they're thoroughly useless. Losing Nolder is completely meh as I didn't even realize he was playing and he was roleless to boot. Pretty much a winning situation for us on D1. I didn't love the way the ape played his "reveal" and after all of that I am still undecided between JC and Ape for scum. Now Day 2 starts and JC comes out voting, and I'd like to see his response to slats.

I'll be having a crazy weekend, prepping for baby BUT I will be checking in from my phone and posting more. Of course I'm sure this means everyone else will be doing their normal weekend stuff. I'll be around. I should be SOMEWHAT more active next week. I finished my big project by the Friday deadline. I'll still have plenty to do and clean up prior to my paternal leave, but it won't be as crazy. At least I hope.

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Does this mean we won't be getting coroner info (i.e.: roles) the rest of the game?

Strong hunch, or fact?

yeah, this is tough.. the fact that he lead of day 2 with it makes me think he has some kind of result, but since he can't claim it, what would we do if we ran him up and he was town..

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yeah, this is tough.. the fact that he lead of day 2 with it makes me think he has some kind of result, but since he can't claim it, what would we do if we ran him up and he was town..

That's my issue. It's really convenient especially considering his lack of defense day 1. He seemed more than happy to let us lynch him.

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I don't know about for Sharrow... but I'm another inactive type.. I can tell you that I do follow along.. sometimes I have to catch up to 10 pages or whatever but I do read them. I could either comment on every little thing I read along the way or just pick a few key points that really stick out to me. That's what I do and seems to be what Sharrow does too. It doesn't mean we aren't paying attention... That's pretty clear with some of the stuff Sharrow notices that the rest of us don't.

I don't think anyone here would fault you for being less active this week. Your family is far more important and this is a very exciting time for the Vic crew. Be sure to share a picture with us when the newest addition comes around. :)

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Does this mean we won't be getting coroner info (i.e.: roles) the rest of the game?

Strong hunch, or fact?

The 8-ball works better at night...know what I mean...

My vote stays on him the rest of the game regardless of any further discussion/commentary.

Hope that helps.

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So the guy who had nothing to say yesterday when near lynch, now sees that the coroner is dead and now everything has suddenly changed. Give me a break, that's awfully ******* convenient, isn't it? And now he has a "definitive result" on me, that just so happens can't be confirmed? Bull-*******-sh*t. Thanks for making this easy for me.

Vote: JC

And his isn't the only vote not moving for the rest of the game. Which is more likely: that without a coroner and the ability for people to role claim the scum team comes out shooting, trying to make a play to go on a ride for the rest of the game and is of course using the player of theirs who has already gotten the most heat in case people don't buy his BS, OR JC was nearly lynched day one, despite nearly getting lynched day one made no hint toward his alleged role, and then happened to use this unmentioned role to find scum night one? One of these makes a lot of sense and another one makes next to none. JC is guaranteed scum looking to take the town on a ride.

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So the guy who had nothing to say yesterday when near lynch, now sees that the coroner is dead and now everything has suddenly changed. Give me a break, that's awfully ******* convenient, isn't it? And now he has a "definitive result" on me, that just so happens can't be confirmed? Bull-*******-sh*t. Thanks for making this easy for me.

Vote: JC

And his isn't the only vote not moving for the rest of the game. Which is more likely: that without a coroner and the ability for people to role claim the scum team comes out shooting, trying to make a play to go on a ride for the rest of the game and is of course using the player of theirs who has already gotten the most heat in case people don't buy his BS, OR JC was nearly lynched day one, despite nearly getting lynched day one made no hint toward his alleged role, and then happened to use this unmentioned role to find scum night one? One of these makes a lot of sense and another one makes next to none. JC is guaranteed scum looking to take the town on a ride.

So, assuming JC is a finder/cop. We can lynch you and see if JC is legit or potentially bussing himself. Either way, in this scenario, we get scum on D2.

Or we can lynch JC now, at the risk of you being scum and risk lynching our own finder?

I see no benefit in not lynching you first here... but willing to listen.

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So the guy who had nothing to say yesterday when near lynch, now sees that the coroner is dead and now everything has suddenly changed. Give me a break, that's awfully ******* convenient, isn't it? And now he has a "definitive result" on me, that just so happens can't be confirmed? Bull-*******-sh*t. Thanks for making this easy for me.

Vote: JC

And his isn't the only vote not moving for the rest of the game. Which is more likely: that without a coroner and the ability for people to role claim the scum team comes out shooting, trying to make a play to go on a ride for the rest of the game and is of course using the player of theirs who has already gotten the most heat in case people don't buy his BS, OR JC was nearly lynched day one, despite nearly getting lynched day one made no hint toward his alleged role, and then happened to use this unmentioned role to find scum night one? One of these makes a lot of sense and another one makes next to none. JC is guaranteed scum looking to take the town on a ride.

Hmmm... that raises a question:

@ MOD: we'll still get alignment in death scenes, right?

As long as we get alignment, I wouldn't have a major problem lynching you today. Pretty bold move for scum to give up one for one this early in the game, and it's just not something I'd think they'd do. I agree that it would be a pretty lucky hit on his part, but not out of the realm of possibility, either. I've hit JiF as scum on my first night investigation. :P

He revealed that he was the x-ray tech in such a way to suggest it was a power role, much in the way the monkey screamed that he was the anesthesiologist that we should all rush to unvote two minutes before the deadline. Not much of a stretch to make the x-ray tech as a cop role.

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So, assuming JC is a finder/cop. We can lynch you and see if JC is legit or potentially bussing himself. Either way, in this scenario, we get scum on D2.

Or we can lynch JC now, at the risk of you being scum and risk lynching our own finder?

I see no benefit in not lynching you first here... but willing to listen.

Hmmm... that raises a question:

@ MOD: we'll still get alignment in death scenes, right?

As long as we get alignment, I wouldn't have a major problem lynching you today. Pretty bold move for scum to give up one for one this early in the game, and it's just not something I'd think they'd do. I agree that it would be a pretty lucky hit on his part, but not out of the realm of possibility, either. I've hit JiF as scum on my first night investigation. :P

He revealed that he was the x-ray tech in such a way to suggest it was a power role, much in the way the monkey screamed that he was the anesthesiologist that we should all rush to unvote two minutes before the deadline. Not much of a stretch to make the x-ray tech as a cop role.

Honestly, you guys bring up fair points as I was assuming based on Jack's response to the question that we'd get no coroner info meant that we wouldn't get alignment, which is why I responded that way. Given the circumstances, I have to imagine JC made this play under that same assumption, and didn't think he was risking himself just to take me out. If that's not the case and we get alignment, then I agree JC isn't making it very far no matter how today plays out, which is a very good thing. While I certainly have no intentions of laying down today and will fight it to the bitter end even if it turns out we do get alignment, I do get why you'd want to err on the side of caution, because I'd probably say the same thing in your shoes, but I'll just ask everyone to think how much sense any of this makes at all, because it makes none. Because JC is the scummiest of scummy scum.

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I thought it was warranted - has nothing to do with JVOR. Was trying to reveal as a "deputy" type role to express that I had value to the town, but wasn't an immediate threat to scum. To avoid NK.

If I played it wrong, it was a learning experience. I'm okay with that.

Technically, you were lynched, but yeah, you played it right. :lol:

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I seriously have to give props to Sharrow and any other player that operates as an inactive. Because I have no idea how he is able to keep up and play as well as he does.

I just spent the last hour or so going back and catching up. I'd share my thoughts but they're thoroughly useless. Losing Nolder is completely meh as I didn't even realize he was playing and he was roleless to boot. Pretty much a winning situation for us on D1. I didn't love the way the ape played his "reveal" and after all of that I am still undecided between JC and Ape for scum. Now Day 2 starts and JC comes out voting, and I'd like to see his response to slats.

I'll be having a crazy weekend, prepping for baby BUT I will be checking in from my phone and posting more. Of course I'm sure this means everyone else will be doing their normal weekend stuff. I'll be around. I should be SOMEWHAT more active next week. I finished my big project by the Friday deadline. I'll still have plenty to do and clean up prior to my paternal leave, but it won't be as crazy. At least I hope.

It's tough sometimes. You end up getting left out of a lot of conversation because by the time you've caught up, what you have to say has either already been said, or it's not relevant anymore.

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The last couple of days have been hectic so I haven't been able to check in until now.

Don't want vote till no coroner report is clarafird

I agree with this (assuming grammar and spelling correction ;)).

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Death results will read as

Player x has been lynched it is now night

No role or alignment will be given since the mortician is dead.

Haha! Oh, man...

I'm open to suggestions. This is completely unchartered territory for me - probably for most of us.

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