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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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Smash was terrified. The Indian skeleton shook his skull and exhaled dust on Smash before he turned and stretched out a finger to the quietest member of the group. Someone screamed," Not Sharrow!!!!! NO!!!!!! But it wasn't Sharrow he was just sleeping. The skeleton was after Nolder. Grabbing him by his arm he pulled him into the hole. A loud wheezing was heard for what felt like a lifetime. Then his bones were shot up and the hole sealed itself.

NOLDER - ROLELESS NURSE -INNOCENT - has been modkilled

It is now night. Get your actions in. Send new pms with the subject tittle N1 action

I guess this means we have skeletons in the game :mellow:

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I see the clear difference as well.

Ok so then in the same sense does only one laywer kill make sense to you ?

The fact that there's only been one lawyer kill doesn't effect my feelings on CTM & JIF's alignment. There could be any number of reasons why they've only had one kill. Could be a restriction, % chance of failing, bp vest, roleblocker, bad luck for them, or just stupid scum decisions. Or maybe they're in better shape than I would assume and withheld it to create confusion. I think any of those are much more likely than CTM and JIF being scum given the content of the death scenes, tbh.

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Smash was terrified. The Indian skeleton shook his skull and exhaled dust on Smash before he turned and stretched out a finger to the quietest member of the group. Someone screamed," Not Sharrow!!!!! NO!!!!!! But it wasn't Sharrow he was just sleeping. The skeleton was after Nolder. Grabbing him by his arm he pulled him into the hole. A loud wheezing was heard for what felt like a lifetime. Then his bones were shot up and the hole sealed itself.

NOLDER - ROLELESS NURSE -INNOCENT - has been modkilled

It is now night. Get your actions in. Send new pms with the subject tittle N1 action

I guess this means we have skeletons in the game :mellow:

Not just skeletons, zombie Indian skeletons.


Attention all you lost lonely emo souls. We here in the hospital operate under the laws of subtlety, minimum disclosure, and patient privacy. If you wanted full disclosure you should of joined doctors gone wild. Instead you all took the more noble path of saving people and throwing sh*t at one another. Vic, the zombie Indian skeletons are eager to take anyone who can't follow the rules to Doctors gone wild, or to the dark abysmal hole they call home. The choice is theirs if it comes to it. Understood?

Good, I thought so.

Fzzzzzt fzzzzzt fzzt

Everyone was exhausted after their ordeal with the Indian skeleton. One by one they all fell asleep, where they dreamt of rainbows, razor blades, skinny jeans, and eye liner. All the ghey emo stuff you'd expect. Until a blood chilling scream erupted out of nowhere. Everyone was looking around counting bodies for fear of the worse. That's when they saw it, AVM. He was bludgeoned to death by a briefcase.

AVM - Mortician - innocent coroner has been Nightkilled

It's now day 2

I'm feeling sometime Wednesday for a deadline.

It takes 8 to lynch

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Three possibilities with CTM and JiF:

a.) They're telling the truth - which I think makes the most sense. Why come forward at all? They could've taken out Smash in the daytime, and anyone else.

b.) Scum converted a surgeon - which could explain the lack of NK's since the DK's started, but why all the DK's are done by a surgeon.

c.) They're third party - least likely, as it wouldn't explain leaving Smash alive or the lack of NK's.

I lean choice a.

Problem I have is that CTM said he didn't believe JiF at first, and that they exchanged PM's to vet each other. Now, if they were put together by the mod, why would CTM doubt him? Did he suspect he was getting playing JiF as scum? And if that's the case, could JiF've given CTM a PM that looked legit, but wasn't?

So I'm far from 100% on the dynamic duo.

I'm open to suggestions from them or anyone else in regards to how they hooked up.

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Three possibilities with CTM and JiF:

a.) They're telling the truth - which I think makes the most sense. Why come forward at all? They could've taken out Smash in the daytime, and anyone else.

b.) Scum converted a surgeon - which could explain the lack of NK's since the DK's started, but why all the DK's are done by a surgeon.

c.) They're third party - least likely, as it wouldn't explain leaving Smash alive or the lack of NK's.

I lean choice a.

Problem I have is that CTM said he didn't believe JiF at first, and that they exchanged PM's to vet each other. Now, if they were put together by the mod, why would CTM doubt him? Did he suspect he was getting playing JiF as scum? And if that's the case, could JiF've given CTM a PM that looked legit, but wasn't? So I'm far from 100% on the dynamic duo.

I'm open to suggestions from them or anyone else in regards to how they hooked up.

That is possible, but jif would have to be a good guesser or aided by the mod. The terms used were very similiar to my pm

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Here are the posts in question for me. Can someone make sense of this? Sharrow? You've been pretty good at explaining their roles, what do you make of CTM not trusting JiF off thread?

heard back from the mod.. and the below was approved

I saw his pm vie copy paste, I didn't trust him at first, I asked him to paste his pm, he did.. the wording was similiar to mine, and I posted mine for hi to review..

I had a medium read on him and thought he might be playing me

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Three possibilities with CTM and JiF:

a.) They're telling the truth - which I think makes the most sense. Why come forward at all? They could've taken out Smash in the daytime, and anyone else.

b.) Scum converted a surgeon - which could explain the lack of NK's since the DK's started, but why all the DK's are done by a surgeon.

c.) They're third party - least likely, as it wouldn't explain leaving Smash alive or the lack of NK's.

I lean choice a.

Problem I have is that CTM said he didn't believe JiF at first, and that they exchanged PM's to vet each other. Now, if they were put together by the mod, why would CTM doubt him? Did he suspect he was getting playing JiF as scum? And if that's the case, could JiF've given CTM a PM that looked legit, but wasn't?

So I'm far from 100% on the dynamic duo.

I'm open to suggestions from them or anyone else in regards to how they hooked up.

While you and Sharrow are a breath of fresh air, I think you are looking too deep into the dynamics of the relationship. Sharing how we "hooked up", would result in a modkill. I think its safe to say, do to the nature of the "hook up", skepticism was a natural reaction. CTM was my best town read at the time and I still wanted further confirmation...why wouldnt I if mod allowed?

The PM could have been altered, but he'd have to be very good, and everything that has transpired since is in harmony with what was shared.

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Slats can you explain why the big meet up between CTM and JIF came in the middle of a day phase while they were attacking one another pretty heavily ? Like I said before dont these things usually happen at the end or beginning of a phase ? There was no Mod post I could see mid day that would suggest what they claim happen.

I do see and fully understand why they look innocent But I think I have also pointed out reasons they may be scum as well and it was more than one hunch it was multiple reasons. I have been going back and re reading this thread to try and find something definitive that makes them look innocent BESIDES what might appear obvious an I have not been able too. If any game was perfect for them to attempt this a game with no Death scene roles would be it. You ask why didnt they just kill me and I ask you what threat am I to them ? With their powers they could kill me anytime they want to why not use me as cover ?

One other thing I dont care for is they seem to be more set on insulting because they think I dont see whats obvious . Problem Is I do see exactly whats obvious but I see underlying issues as well that I cant seem to shake. Sorry I feel that way but it certainly does not make me an idiot or stupid like they are trying to push which also makes them look scummy. I guess if they played a little less scummy earlier I would probably be on board with their innocence.

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Slats can you explain why the big meet up between CTM and JIF came in the middle of a day phase while they were attacking one another pretty heavily ? Like I said before dont these things usually happen at the end or beginning of a phase ? There was no Mod post I could see mid day that would suggest what they claim happen.

I do see and fully understand why they look innocent But I think I have also pointed out reasons they may be scum as well and it was more than one hunch it was multiple reasons. I have been going back and re reading this thread to try and find something definitive that makes them look innocent BESIDES what might appear obvious an I have not been able too. If any game was perfect for them to attempt this a game with no Death scene roles would be it. You ask why didnt they just kill me and I ask you what threat am I to them ? With their powers they could kill me anytime they want to why not use me as cover ?

One other thing I dont care for is they seem to be more set on insulting because they think I dont see whats obvious . Problem Is I do see exactly whats obvious but I see underlying issues as well that I cant seem to shake. Sorry I feel that way but it certainly does not make me an idiot or stupid like they are trying to push which also makes them look scummy. I guess if they played a little less scummy earlier I would probably be on board with their innocence.

Smash I altready said we kicked around attacking each other after meeting to see if we could lure scum into fueling an emo war from the sidelines, since it was fake, we both lost interest (and playing like a wacko to trap scum stopped working a year ago). Both jif and I have a history of making bad/ridiculuous cases to bait scum, not out of character at all..

You're focusing on such a small detail when there's major signs of innocence you are ignoring (like you and JC being alive and the wording of the death scens)

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One other thing I dont care for is they seem to be more set on insulting because they think I dont see whats obvious . Problem Is I do see exactly whats obvious but I see underlying issues as well that I cant seem to shake. Sorry I feel that way but it certainly does not make me an idiot or stupid like they are trying to push which also makes them look scummy. I guess if they played a little less scummy earlier I would probably be on board with their innocence.

Smash you have not displayed that you see the obvious. You've in fact, been oblivious to some simple stuff and have made us repeat ourselves numerous times all the while claiming we are not giving any explanations. Its very frustrating. The insults are nothing new to this game. While I think you are being incredibly thick and overlooking some obvious text book stuff, I'm just razzing you bro. Sorry if you took offense.

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While you and Sharrow are a breath of fresh air, I think you are looking too deep into the dynamics of the relationship. Sharing how we "hooked up", would result in a modkill. I think its safe to say, do to the nature of the "hook up", skepticism was a natural reaction. CTM was my best town read at the time and I still wanted further confirmation...why wouldnt I if mod allowed?

The PM could have been altered, but he'd have to be very good, and everything that has transpired since is in harmony with what was shared.

At what time? Before you found each other? Cause that is when you two were fighting no?

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Smash you have not displayed that you see the obvious. You've in fact, been oblivious to some simple stuff and have made us repeat ourselves numerous times all the while claiming we are not giving any explanations. Its very frustrating. The insults are nothing new to this game. While I think you are being incredibly thick and overlooking some obvious text book stuff, I'm just razzing you bro. Sorry if you took offense.

JIF I never ever asked you to explain the obvious once. I know exactly whats happening here. You guys assume way too much and took it upon yourselves to explain the simple things. You think because I feel your scum that there is no way I can understand the simplest of things and in that respect you are dead wrong. Everything in these games can go both ways Im sure you have seen some elaborate plans in the past, some work, some fail miserably. As for the razzing and name calling I took no offense at all JIF :) just pointing out that I felt you were using them as tactics to discredit what I was saying.

What I was trying to do was look past the obvious to see if there was an agenda. You have to admit a few things look fishy maybe Ive taken it to the furthest extent but hey thats what I do, no one gets off easy. CTM knows how I play when I set my mind to something, and to be honest I have won some games using that exact strategy and I have failed really bad in others, I'm sure we all have. Im just a little more determined at times.

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At what time? Before you found each other? Cause that is when you two were fighting no?

They were fighting and pointing fingers just about the same time they had their little get together during the same day phase. They claim the fighting was a tactic I felt it was not and I flet their expalnation of said tactic was weak. If you look at the actual moves they have made and erased everything else they have played it more town than scum BUT not entirely. others are having some issues with things they have said as well including you. Its a very tough call for me and if I stop applying pressure I would feel like Im giving up when my heart tells be to keep pushing.

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So you guys think Jack is intentionally trying to mislead us with the death scenes?

Sharrow I just have issue with only one death scene pointing at a possible lawyer. Its possible the way AVM (think it was him who got the briefcase beatdown) died could have just been flavor, are lawyers the only profession who carry briefcases ? We had some doc titles game who could have carried briefcases as well.

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Sharrow I just have issue with only one death scene pointing at a possible lawyer. Its possible the way AVM (think it was him who got the briefcase beatdown) died could have just been flavor, are lawyers the only profession who carry briefcases ? We had some doc titles game who could have carried briefcases as well.

Right. So you're saying Jack is misleading us. The lawyers are killing people with surgery, and the doctor vig kills with a briefcase? That's misleading.

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Right. So you're saying Jack is misleading us. The lawyers are killing people with surgery, and the doctor vig kills with a briefcase? That's misleading.

Well lets take one thing at a time. Whats your feeling or explanation on only one for the 5 dead players dying from a lawyer Lets say 4 cause one was mod killed.

When it comes to Jack I do not think he is intentionally misleading us since we have enough to deal with Unintentionally however is a possibility

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Well lets take one thing at a time. Whats your feeling or explanation on only one for the 5 dead players dying from a lawyer Lets say 4 cause one was mod killed.

When it comes to Jack I do not think he is intentionally misleading us since we have enough to deal with Unintentionally however is a possibility

The modkill flavor kill was accurate for a mod kill given the zombie theme he was using. The lynch flavor was accurate for a lynch. Following that logic, the briefcase and surgery deaths should be accurate for the causes of those kills.

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The modkill flavor kill was accurate for a mod kill given the zombie theme he was using. The lynch flavor was accurate for a lynch. Following that logic, the briefcase and surgery deaths should be accurate for the causes of those kills.

I do get that point Sharrow... but do you discredit tha he might have put a third party in here? Who do you feel is probable for scum?

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I do get that point Sharrow... but do you discredit tha he might have put a third party in here? Who do you feel is probable for scum?

Well, if there's a 3rd party, we know who they are, and so does scum. If they aren't night killed, they'll be lynched the first time they make a kill that isn't in the town's interest (I think both the I28 and Hess kills were pro-town).

As for scum, I'm starting to get a little confused because I'm clearly the only person other than JIF and CTM that's going to bat here for what I almost 100% think are two townies. Everyone else is basically sitting on the sidelines or arguing against them. Slats has been piggybacking me on their defense, but subtly casting a little doubt here and there and withholding his vote to keep himself from being fully committed. If they're a 3rd party, I'd say he's the best bet for their other member. Him or SMC, who is also on the sidelines right now, despite, imo, picking the right side in this. I feel a lot better about him than I did earlier in the game. I'm leaning town on them though because like I said, they're on, imo, the right side of this choice.

As for the rest, I'm concerned about Pac, Verb, and JC being mostly bystanders in this discussion. JC's unvote is comforting. And since Verbal is the other lynch candidate, it's understandable. He can't really argue against CTM and JIF because it's not his game to ignore the logic, and he can't really put up an attention drawing defense of himself, because it would just put light on the fact that there isn't anything pointing to his innocence like there is for CTM and JIF, even if he is really innocent.

Smash is being Smash. This is his game, he plays outside the box as town and as scum. Not so sure about Vic, he hasn't been able to address this yet since his plate is, I'm sure, pretty full right now.

I think there's a chance you're town and just have omgus blinders on because you've been pushed as a lynch as much as you have been, but you're on the wrong side here, imo. Though I would think that scum would be less likely to argue the way you have knowing that JIF and CTM might have a potential day kill to use today. Pac seems to be just going with the flow. It feels like he doesn't really cares what the right play is here. Whether that makes him scum or not, I don't know, but I think I wouldn't mind lynching him.

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I'm not really very good at reading people most of the time, so I have to lean on reading situations instead. Imo, the most probable situation right now is CTM and JIF are town. JC and Smash are uncountered, as are JIF and CTM as the vig killers, which have made 2 pro-town kills and have been represented as medical personnel in the death scenes.

After that, it depends on whether or not Verbal is scum. If he's scum, then they're probably making a stand here and throwing all their remaining votes on JIF, meaning the remaining scum is probably in the group of Pac, Nae, Verb, and Vic. If he's not scum, then it's a lot less clear. It could be any of those 4, or it could be Slats or SMC too. Personally, I had a good town read on Verbal earlier in the game. How he came back and corrected his role seemed town to me, a lot like how he made his clumsy play as a 1-time vig in the FMA game. I don't like his role though, and it's used up, so I think it's a much better choice to lynch him over JIF.

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I've said that CTM and JiF as a third party is the least likely scenario. If I have doubt, it's the possibility that JiF as scum recruited CTM, and the scum kills have been going thru him (hence the surgical scenes) since that time. It explains the lack of briefcase kills.

But it's just doubt. I lean town on them, I'm just far from 100% certain.

I also don't see CTM + JiF as town = Verbal as scum. He could be, but I also had more of a town read on him. I don't have such a read on Vic or SMC. I'm gonna...

vote: Vic

And see what happens from there.

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I'm "sitting on the sidelines" because this conversation has run it's course. Everyone is standing pat whether it be voting Verb or JiF. I don't trust the diarrhea duo. It's that simple.

I've said I'd be willing to vote JC but no one cares. This sudden trust in him is disconcerting because during the BG V JC fiasco many people (including the diarrhea duo) were fine with killing them both and going from there. One of them was lying -- without confirmation in scenes there's no way to tell which one. Meanwhile JC has been getting innocent results and no one has been dying at night.

I know you fancy your self the most logical player during this debacle Sharrow but what makes you think things are so cut and dry? What about this game has been cut and dry?

Things have been a little too convenient for our cop and masons with unlimited kills. Right or wrong that's my opinion and nothing I've seen today has made me change my mind.

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I say they were pro-town because at the time of the kills, they were among my top choices for scum. They certainly weren't pro-scum kills, because both of those players were most likely headed toward being lynched. Why not kill a townie who was in no danger of being lynched instead? Or try to use the day kill on the doc? I don't think either of them are dumb enough to waste kills like that as scum. If they're scum, they have to believe the doc claim, because they're no way Smash is on their team, so why not take a shot at him? It only makes sense if they're town.

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So...anyone up for another random spin on the scum-o-meter? It found Nolder...

Not me..

I think sharrows posts up above were good specifically the point about verbs alignment. If were trusting jc.. I'm good with getting an investigation result on verb to figure out

some other folks alignment.. In a no reveal/coroner game, there's simply no reason for scum to play games and bus one


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I say they were pro-town because at the time of the kills, they were among my top choices for scum. They certainly weren't pro-scum kills, because both of those players were most likely headed toward being lynched. Why not kill a townie who was in no danger of being lynched instead? Or try to use the day kill on the doc? I don't think either of them are dumb enough to waste kills like that as scum. If they're scum, they have to believe the doc claim, because they're no way Smash is on their team, so why not take a shot at him? It only makes sense if they're town.

I agree with the APE being a pro town kill but not Hess. Sharrow you made some good points but if CTM and JIF are scum is it not possible they are making the smart moves ? There really is no real threat or repercussion to any thing they do because we have no results. So it can go both ways. if they are going that route I would expect them to play it smart. Would'nt you ? Im beginning to lean a bit the other way but its going to take some more convincing.

When it comes to other scum Im leaning towards Verbal (like I have been the entire game) and possibly Vic. Im surprised we have not heard much from SMC he seems to be laying low for some reason.

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Not me..

I think sharrows posts up above were good specifically the point about verbs alignment. If were trusting jc.. I'm good with getting an investigation result on verb to figure out

some other folks alignment.. In a no reveal/coroner game, there's simply no reason for scum to play games and bus one


NO random spin fo me either I think Im going to change my vote to Verbal because no one seems to want to lay the Hammer on JIF and JC unvoted . Chan if you dont want to lynch verb who do you think is the good lynch candidate ? Since everyone seems stuck on the jif/verb trains its not going to be easy convincing people to move to someone else unless there is still the folks who dont believe Vic.

Unvote JIF vote Verbal

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