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tanny! make or break year


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tanny has made some great value trades,hit some home runs in the draft,and is known as being a magician in the accounting dept.but he also has some major whiffs on his resume.last years entire draft is a huge question mark and we can only hope about this years draft with what seems like a shortened audition.seems like everyone on the jets is a free agent and the jets dont have alot of cap room.the jets have arguably 3 of the top 10 free agents on the market within days with 2 of them stating they are going after the money.tanny had better bring his a++ game to the table.chances are the jets roster is going to look alot different this year

edwards-tanny needs to approach this player first with a team friendly deal.this top 3 free agent seems more likely to deal.

holmes-goner.some team will offer him a top contract that the jets cannot afford.wouldnt surprise me to see him sign with the redskins and shortly after be suspended for 1 year for smoking trees again

cromartie-goner.jets cannot have 2 10m per cb's on their roster and i beleive some team will be in the market for him at that price.1 year second round draft pick rental

brad smith-goner.as much as i like brad smith,some team will offer him more than the jets

eric smith-jets retain him on the cheap

kellen clemens-who cares

coleman-jets retain him

pool-had a slow start but played well once comfortable with the system.jets retain him

ihedigbo-average player receives average payday from the jets

hunter-jets pay this guy above average pay for back up tackle

turner-tough call.maybe maybe not.i dont know

brunell-do they have a choice?maybe but extremely cheap.doubt the dude can still play if something happens to sanchez.mentor only but a risk

richardson-goner.time for the terminator.hopefully his pass blocking is up to par

folk-jets retain him

ellis-man i hope they can retain this guy on the cheap.i would love to see ellis retire a jet.all depends on ellis

harris-i hope tanny can work his magic on this guy.but i doubt it.i dont see why harris would accept a dime less than scott.the jets dont need 2 $8m per inside linebackers.plays 2011 season under the tag or possibly some team caughs up a first rounder.sad but true

cut players

gholston-resign him as the water boy

woody-great player.severe injury late in the season to an old player.wont play again

jenkins-why oh why couldnt this guy stay healthy.done in the nfl.i sure would love to see this guy as a 3rd down nose only

taylor-jets bring him back on the cheap.olb is mighty thin.player on the decline but no worse than thomas.let him duke it out for playing time with westerman

just my thoughts.hopefully tanny does the smart thing this year.the jets have quite a few handsomely paid great players on their roster.every position cant be pro bowlers.tanny dont **** it up

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It's hardly "make or break," for Tannenbaum - and that's good news for Jet fans, quite frankly. He doesn't have to be afraid of the moves he makes. He has the trust of the owner and the coach to make the moves he feels are best for the team. A lot of GM's out there are going to be afraid of their own shadows in this climate. Most of them will be focusing on signing their own players - just like the Jets.

You have an interesting take on "the big three." It could turn out that way, but I definitely believe the focus will be on getting Holmes signed first. Every year in free agency, the big money dries up fast. Any player looking to shop themselves around could find themselves in a position where suddenly no one's buying anymore in a hurry. If a guy like Cromartie hasn't broken the bank in a day or two, the Jets might be able to sign him to a fairly reasonable contract.

I pretty much agree with the rest of your who should/will stay or go. I think Brunell stays under his current contract - which isn't expensive. I'm pretty sure Turner is a RFA, so he'll most likely stick. I'm not interested in having Taylor back for anything more than league minimum - and even then I'm not that interested. I prefer giving a couple UDFA's a chance to see the field as pass rushers for the Jets. If there are any out there, they have to realize what a great opportunity this team gives them. I'd love to see Shaun Ellis back. Guy can still play, and is a Jet thru and thru.

Jets will see what they've got on the OL and in the pass rush department in training camp, and may wind up making offers to Woody and Taylor once they know what they're looking at.

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It's hardly "make or break," for Tannenbaum - and that's good news for Jet fans, quite frankly. He doesn't have to be afraid of the moves he makes. He has the trust of the owner and the coach to make the moves he feels are best for the team. A lot of GM's out there are going to be afraid of their own shadows in this climate. Most of them will be focusing on signing their own players - just like the Jets.

You have an interesting take on "the big three." It could turn out that way, but I definitely believe the focus will be on getting Holmes signed first. Every year in free agency, the big money dries up fast. Any player looking to shop themselves around could find themselves in a position where suddenly no one's buying anymore in a hurry. If a guy like Cromartie hasn't broken the bank in a day or two, the Jets might be able to sign him to a fairly reasonable contract.

I pretty much agree with the rest of your who should/will stay or go. I think Brunell stays under his current contract - which isn't expensive. I'm pretty sure Turner is a RFA, so he'll most likely stick. I'm not interested in having Taylor back for anything more than league minimum - and even then I'm not that interested. I prefer giving a couple UDFA's a chance to see the field as pass rushers for the Jets. If there are any out there, they have to realize what a great opportunity this team gives them. I'd love to see Shaun Ellis back. Guy can still play, and is a Jet thru and thru.

Jets will see what they've got on the OL and in the pass rush department in training camp, and may wind up making offers to Woody and Taylor once they know what they're looking at.

Agree on pretty much all of this. Turner will almost certainly be back. I was surprised to see he actually likely won't be an RFA assuming the 4 year rule is put back into place (same with Ihedigbo, time sure does fly). That said, the guy does a lot for the Jets between being the primary backup at all interior line spots, playing at TE as the 6th OL and even playing goal line defense, and is far and away the most proven backup OL the Jets have left.

Ellis is also the one guy outside of the "big 3" who could cost some money to bring back that I really want to see return. He's getting up there in years for sure, but every year the guy still puts out another damn good season, and with the short time frame we're working with, the Jets young DL could certainly use him. Not to mention, you have to love that he pulled out his best game of the season for the Patriots in the playoffs.

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It's hardly "make or break," for Tannenbaum - and that's good news for Jet fans, quite frankly. He doesn't have to be afraid of the moves he makes. He has the trust of the owner and the coach to make the moves he feels are best for the team. A lot of GM's out there are going to be afraid of their own shadows in this climate. Most of them will be focusing on signing their own players - just like the Jets.

You have an interesting take on "the big three." It could turn out that way, but I definitely believe the focus will be on getting Holmes signed first. Every year in free agency, the big money dries up fast. Any player looking to shop themselves around could find themselves in a position where suddenly no one's buying anymore in a hurry. If a guy like Cromartie hasn't broken the bank in a day or two, the Jets might be able to sign him to a fairly reasonable contract.

I pretty much agree with the rest of your who should/will stay or go. I think Brunell stays under his current contract - which isn't expensive. I'm pretty sure Turner is a RFA, so he'll most likely stick. I'm not interested in having Taylor back for anything more than league minimum - and even then I'm not that interested. I prefer giving a couple UDFA's a chance to see the field as pass rushers for the Jets. If there are any out there, they have to realize what a great opportunity this team gives them. I'd love to see Shaun Ellis back. Guy can still play, and is a Jet thru and thru.

Jets will see what they've got on the OL and in the pass rush department in training camp, and may wind up making offers to Woody and Taylor once they know what they're looking at.

Thank you for saving me a long rant. Since getting the job Tanny has been one of the best GM's in the league, period. This year isn't even close to make or break with him.

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One other thing I'll weigh in on is last year's draft class. While there's definitely some proving to be done, the fact is that the Jets took a very different approach to that draft. The Jets made no attempt to even go after "immediate impact" type players, with the possible exception of McKnight, who would still only have been so as a #3 option. Every one of these guys was brought in at a position that the Jets were completely set at with starters. Wilson was the only one who even had a chance to show his stuff thanks to the shape and subsequent injury of Revis, and it definitely was a rocky start, but he also certainly improved over the course of the year. Ducasse came in as an OT into arguably the best OL in the league, with starting spots at both tackle spots unquestionably filled. The only chance he had was in a first time move to OG, in which he was battling against a second year player who was hand-picked by the OL coach who coached him in college.

Connor has gotten nothing but praise at every turn, but was behind one of the most respected veterans on the entire Jets roster and is already being given the job outright this year. Now granted McKnight's NFL start was a complete sh*tshow, but to this day I still stand by the opinion that the monumental turnaround you saw in him his rookie year speaks volumes. The guy went from this out of shape guy who couldn't get his head in the game to a phenomenal special teams playerby season's end, which is probably the one area in football that's so much more about hard work and commitment than ability. And I don't care who the opponent was, he had a hell of a nice game behind a backup OL and with an old man at QB to finish off the year.

Granted these guys all still have something to prove and could all turn out to be useless in the NFL, but the fact is that the Jets were finally good enough to be able to draft for the future, so that's exactly what they did, and due to that you're not going to learn a whole lot from them based on their rookie years no matter how good they are going to be.

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Jets have been to 2 AFC Championship games... the assertion that Tannenbaum is on some sort of hot seat is absurd. He's not going anywhere, no matter what kind of fits the fans throw because he ultimately won't follow the casual fan's off-season wishlist.

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Jets have been to 2 AFC Championship games... the assertion that Tannenbaum is on some sort of hot seat is absurd. He's not going anywhere, no matter what kind of fits the fans throw because he ultimately won't follow the casual fan's off-season wishlist.

Indeed. In order for Tanny to sh*t-canned you'd have to be looking at the Jets roster falling apart for at least the next two years, with a major impact on the Jets record and complete failure throughout all of these drafts in order for him to lose his job in the foreseeable future. He's about as safe as a GM could possibly be.

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Mike Tanny >>>> T0mGayne

I used to share a lot of T0m's ideas about Tannenbaum, especially in regards to the trading of draft picks that I saw as an extension of Terry Bradway's miserable regime at the top of the organization. I still hate that guy. But result are results, and outside of Vernon Gholston (and maybe Brett Favre), I think Tannenbaum has done an excellent job with the Jets. I think a lot of GM's and fans alike tend to overvalue draft picks, but that maybe Tanny has the right feel for their worth. His trade ups for David Harris, Darrelle Revis, Mark Sanchez, etc., have all been excellent moves. The later round picks we've lost in those transactions? I don't think they've really been missed. Jets seem to have decent depth and quality special teams - which is where you expect the lack of draft picks to really hurt your team.

I think the pendulum may have been a little too far on the trading draft picks side of the equation, and that Tanny's done a very nice job of staying patient the last couple years in the draft, and acquiring quality vets on the relative cheap in the trade market. If guys like Vlad and Wilson, Wilkerson and Ellis pan out - the Jets should be in good shape for years to come.

Oh, and T0m rules and you're gay.

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I used to share a lot of T0m's ideas about Tannenbaum, especially in regards to the trading of draft picks that I saw as an extension of Terry Bradway's miserable regime at the top of the organization. I still hate that guy. But result are results, and outside of Vernon Gholston (and maybe Brett Favre), I think Tannenbaum has done an excellent job with the Jets. I think a lot of GM's and fans alike tend to overvalue draft picks, but that maybe Tanny has the right feel for their worth. His trade ups for David Harris, Darrelle Revis, Mark Sanchez, etc., have all been excellent moves. The later round picks we've lost in those transactions? I don't think they've really been missed. Jets seem to have decent depth and quality special teams - which is where you expect the lack of draft picks to really hurt your team.

I think the pendulum may have been a little too far on the trading draft picks side of the equation, and that Tanny's done a very nice job of staying patient the last couple years in the draft, and acquiring quality vets on the relative cheap in the trade market. If guys like Vlad and Wilson, Wilkerson and Ellis pan out - the Jets should be in good shape for years to come.

Oh, and T0m rules and you're gay.

Figures you'd like T0mGayne. If you're the example of people in his corner than I really dont even need to hurl any insults.

Regarding Tanny: I think he's done an outstanding job. Not only attracting talent but also managing the cap and being creative not only with trades but with players contracts as well. He actually made the NYJ's attractive prior to Rex and now Rex is just the icing and the cherry on the cake.

I'm a fan of trading picks if the value is worth it. Known quantities are better than rolling the dice. My biggest knocks on Tanny are Gholston who I was dead set against but kind of understood the pick and Dustin Keller. Till this day, I'll never understand why we traded up for Keller when were going into the season with Cotch, Stuckey and Smith. Desean Jackson should have been the pick. I remember I was doing mocks over at JI at the time and had the Jets taking him...really should have been the choice...but hopefully Keller can improve. Its not like he's useless, but we wouldnt be in this bind if we drafted the right WR that year.

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Jets have been to 2 AFC Championship games... the assertion that Tannenbaum is on some sort of hot seat is absurd. He's not going anywhere, no matter what kind of fits the fans throw because he ultimately won't follow the casual fan's off-season wishlist.

not what i intended by make or break.tanny is not going anywhere.what i meant was tanny put together a squad that got the jets to the afc champs game 2 years in a row,can he keep the jets competative with so many key free agents,new rules,not alot of cap room,and not alot of time to get it done?alot of draft picks have been thrown around the past few years(and acoupla decent players) on some very talented,but risky players.can he reap the rewards of his skills,or is he as many around the league say,went all in the past few years and now has to pay the price.point being,with all the above stated,does he have what it takes to get the jets to the super bowl?past years,tanny had some room to meneuver,this year,not so much.time will tell

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not what i intended by make or break.tanny is not going anywhere.what i meant was tanny put together a squad that got the jets to the afc champs game 2 years in a row,can he keep the jets competative with so many key free agents,new rules,not alot of cap room,and not alot of time to get it done?alot of draft picks have been thrown around the past few years(and acoupla decent players) on some very talented,but risky players.can he reap the rewards of his skills,or is he as many around the league say,went all in the past few years and now has to pay the price.point being,with all the above stated,does he have what it takes to get the jets to the super bowl?past years,tanny had some room to meneuver,this year,not so much.time will tell

Thanks for clarifying, I misunderstood what you meant by the term "make or break". I agree, this season's free agency period will be a test for him... but I can also recall him rebuilding this team one Andre Wadsworth at a time when he first took the job, and trust his work ethic will not let up now. Not when he they are so close.

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Wait a second, OP thinks we're going to lose Harris, Cro and Holmes? 3/4? LOL

i never thought the jets would intend on extending harris' contract.thats why they extended the other "3" of the core 4 and strung harris along.not saying they wont but to have 2 $8m per inside linebackers is not smart,and somethings got to give.maybe they extend harris' and cut scott?i dont know.my gut tells me harris plays under the tag this year and either scott or harris is gone next year.cro and holmes are arguably the best free agents at their position,playing well last season on a successful team last year.plenty of teams have plenty of money to throw around in a money spending frenzy.both,imo,are gone.if they do not sign prior to when free agency officially starts,they both will come away with contracts that are not in the jets cards.time will tell

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i never thought the jets would intend on extending harris' contract.thats why they extended the other "3" of the core 4 and strung harris along.not saying they wont but to have 2 $8m per inside linebackers is not smart,and somethings got to give.maybe they extend harris' and cut scott?i dont know.my gut tells me harris plays under the tag this year and either scott or harris is gone next year.cro and holmes are arguably the best free agents at their position,playing well last season on a successful team last year.plenty of teams have plenty of money to throw around in a money spending frenzy.both,imo,are gone.if they do not sign prior to when free agency officially starts,they both will come away with contracts that are not in the jets cards.time will tell

They didn't extend Harris last year because they couldn't. Their hands were tied by rule. It had nothing to do with signing the other guys longterm. It was an uncapped year. They would have preferred to lock him up last year and pay him a huge front loaded deal during a year where it couldn't impact them capwise.

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i never thought the jets would intend on extending harris' contract.thats why they extended the other "3" of the core 4 and strung harris along.not saying they wont but to have 2 $8m per inside linebackers is not smart,and somethings got to give.maybe they extend harris' and cut scott?i dont know.my gut tells me harris plays under the tag this year and either scott or harris is gone next year.cro and holmes are arguably the best free agents at their position,playing well last season on a successful team last year.plenty of teams have plenty of money to throw around in a money spending frenzy.both,imo,are gone.if they do not sign prior to when free agency officially starts,they both will come away with contracts that are not in the jets cards.time will tell

They really couldn't do anything for Harris last year because of the rules regarding contract negotiations in the uncapped year. The salary limits they would have been required to stick to would've made a reasonable offer impossible. That said, I can't imagine the Jets aren't intending on extending Harris long term. I understand your point on spending that much on your ILBs, but if they never had any intentions of keeping him around long term I'd imagine they would've been much more apt to use the tag on Holmes (reportedly their top FA priority) or Cromartie (who cost them a 2nd round pick).

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I feel MT has done a great job over the years. Can you really blame him for signing Favre? His good decisions far outweigh the bad, and you can't really judge the draft picks from last year yet. A lot of them will probably be starting this year. The only really bad pick was Gholston, but that was a fluke. It will definitely be one of the toughest off seasons yet, but I have confidence in him.

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