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Integrity28 last won the day on January 17

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    wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time

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  1. He said I was trying to strong arm him to get out if my permaban. I said if he cannot provide my compensation as a JI VIP membership, then he needed to compensate me in cash. He went cuckoo.
  2. Yea. The logo was traded for premium membership. Once banned, I invoiced them. Then came the threats. Man babies.
  3. Same thing happened to me when I designed the JI logo. 🤣
  4. Same. I’ve been in Georgia, Indiana and Massachusetts over the past 20+ My buddy let me log into his Sunday ticket wayyyy back from my PlayStation 3. Otherwise, I’ve worked the bars (but in Mass they don’t cooperate), as well as illegal streams, IP fakes, and all of it. Fortunately with Rodgers, most games were just naturally available last year. Its a pita.
  5. Over the past 20 years, I’ve gotten used to all broadcasters talking about him constantly even in games he’s not playing. So, it’ll be interesting hearing him talk about himself constantly to ruin every single broadcast he’s part of.
  6. Glad they’re okay. I used to race remote control cars and stored all of the batteries in fireproof containers. It has always amazed me that people put these batteries 100x those for RC and have no real protection from them starting fires. At least none that I’m aware of.
  7. Yeah, I get it. Saleh should simply know better to sound so wishy washy. Just say, “I’m good with it.” Not the crap he does where he’s fence sitting.
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