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Paterno FINALLY retiring in 3....2....1.....


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The University will persevere, and honestly it will be an attractive place because all traces of this scandal will be gone.

Academic integrity? Sure, for now.. But from a financial aspect? I'm not so sure. The football program is the one and only cash cow for that school. The rest of the athletic department at that school loses money annually. Alumni donations are inevitably going to take a hit, estimates are already projecting at least a 25%. If money I donated had gone towards providing a man with an office that he used as a platform to rape little boys from, can't say I'd donate another dollar in the near future either. That certainly leaves open a considerable degree of probability of academic endowments being affected. And that's not even figuring in the criminal and civil legal costs that are going to come up, which are going to be astronomical if the university is found negligent.

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Penn State is making another mistake by letting Paterno finish out the year. Get him out now. Its time to put the college ahead of the football program.

This is rubbing salt in the wounds of those family members affected. Disgusting. Maybe its time for a new board as well?

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Penn State is making another mistake by letting Paterno finish out the year. Get him out now. Its time to put the college ahead of the football program.

This is rubbing salt in the wounds of those family members affected. Disgusting. Maybe its time for a new board as well?

The apparent victory lap is a bit disturbing.

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Yes, really. I'm genuinely curious as to what incidents at Rutgers are remotely comparable to another institution using funds to knowingly provide a man with an office that he used to rape boys. If there are any, I'm not aware and I'd like to know about them.

Shouldn't you be pushing buttons somewhere else?

Why don't you e-mail Jefferey Dahmer's mom, just to see how she is doing.

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Penn State is making another mistake by letting Paterno finish out the year. Get him out now. Its time to put the college ahead of the football program.

This is rubbing salt in the wounds of those family members affected. Disgusting. Maybe its time for a new board as well?

As of right now, this is only Paterno's decision. The trustees (and I hope Spanier stays out of this) has yet to say.

The easy thing for PSU to do would be to oust Paterno immediately-the public is hungry for some meat, and he would represent that.

The sad part of that is, it would not really get things to the bottom of where they need to be-Spanier

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Nov 9th 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Joe Paterno to Retire at the End of the Season

AUTHOR: Alan Schechter | IN: Jets | COMMENTS: None Yet |

Home » Jets » BREAKING NEWS: Joe Paterno to Retire at the End of the Season

The end of a legend, disgraced.

WFAN in New York is reporting that Joe Paterno, long time head coach at Penn State football, will be retiring at the end of the season, amid the sex scandal involving former assistant Jerry Sandusky that rocked the university.Tags: alan schechter, jerry sandusky, joe paterno, penn state

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You know, the more I read this, the more I have to wonder....

That on a Saturday morning in March 2002, a Penn State graduate assistant, identified by the Harrisburg Patriot-News as Mike McQueary, visited the home of his boss, Joe Paterno. The night before McQueary had entered the Lasch Football Building on the Penn State campus and was startled to hear the "sounds of sexual activity." According to a 23-page grand jury presentment, he told Paterno he'd witnessed Sandusky in a university locker room shower, having sex with a boy.

The day after McQueary visited Paterno at his home, the Penn State coach reported the conversation to his athletic director, Curley.

Curley, a former walk-on football player for Paterno in the early '70s, did not alert the police about what McQueary had described. Curley testified that he was not told about anything of a sexual nature, terming the former coach's conduct as "horsing around."

So according to the above, McQueary reported to Joe Pa that he witnessed a sexual act on the child. According to Curley, Joe Pa reported it to him as "horsing around". If Curley is telling the truth (which I doubt right now), then it would indicate that Paterno softened the incident from rape to horsing around to protect his buddy. Frankly, that would be evil to the Nth degree and if true Paterno should absolutely be in jail.

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You know, the more I read this, the more I have to wonder....

That on a Saturday morning in March 2002, a Penn State graduate assistant, identified by the Harrisburg Patriot-News as Mike McQueary, visited the home of his boss, Joe Paterno. The night before McQueary had entered the Lasch Football Building on the Penn State campus and was startled to hear the "sounds of sexual activity." According to a 23-page grand jury presentment, he told Paterno he'd witnessed Sandusky in a university locker room shower, having sex with a boy.

The day after McQueary visited Paterno at his home, the Penn State coach reported the conversation to his athletic director, Curley.

Curley, a former walk-on football player for Paterno in the early '70s, did not alert the police about what McQueary had described. Curley testified that he was not told about anything of a sexual nature, terming the former coach's conduct as "horsing around."

So according to the above, McQueary reported to Joe Pa that he witnessed a sexual act on the child. According to Curley, Joe Pa reported it to him as "horsing around". If Curley is telling the truth (which I doubt right now), then it would indicate that Paterno softened the incident from rape to horsing around to protect his buddy. Frankly, that would be evil to the Nth degree and if true Paterno should absolutely be in jail.

This, and the fact that Sandusky was simply told after all of this simply not to bring kids into the facilities anymore after that incident. That was literally all that happened. His emeritus status was still maintained. He was still able to do volunteer work, enabling him to abuse more kids. The report also claims that janitors had known of the acts as far back as the late 90's, yet didn't say anything because they were scared to lose their jobs. The university was clearly complicit, and the negligence caused more kids to be assaulted. The state police commissioner summed it up best: "Nothing happened, nothing stopped."

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You know, the more I read this, the more I have to wonder....

That on a Saturday morning in March 2002, a Penn State graduate assistant, identified by the Harrisburg Patriot-News as Mike McQueary, visited the home of his boss, Joe Paterno. The night before McQueary had entered the Lasch Football Building on the Penn State campus and was startled to hear the "sounds of sexual activity." According to a 23-page grand jury presentment, he told Paterno he'd witnessed Sandusky in a university locker room shower, having sex with a boy.

The day after McQueary visited Paterno at his home, the Penn State coach reported the conversation to his athletic director, Curley.

Curley, a former walk-on football player for Paterno in the early '70s, did not alert the police about what McQueary had described. Curley testified that he was not told about anything of a sexual nature, terming the former coach's conduct as "horsing around."

So according to the above, McQueary reported to Joe Pa that he witnessed a sexual act on the child. According to Curley, Joe Pa reported it to him as "horsing around". If Curley is telling the truth (which I doubt right now), then it would indicate that Paterno softened the incident from rape to horsing around to protect his buddy. Frankly, that would be evil to the Nth degree and if true Paterno should absolutely be in jail.

Yup. That is where all of this is right now-Who told what to whom. And then what did they do with it.

Regardless all of that, it is laced with bad decisions in the worst possible manner.

Rumor is that U Meyer already has land in Boalsburg

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Yes, really. I'm genuinely curious as to what incidents at Rutgers are remotely comparable to another institution using funds to knowingly provide a man with an office that he used to rape boys. If there are any, I'm not aware and I'd like to know about them.

I understand the anger but your motives as a Rutgers alum is clearly obvious to all. Before we hang the school out to dry as to what they did and did not do and who's money was paying for the office, we need to let this play out. You are making a blanket assumption that everyone had knowledge of the situation, that does not even begin to make sense, does it? We all agree that this is beyond comprehension as what is ethical and morally acceptable for human standards. There is no disputing these facts. I will not however start to compare embarrassing college moments such as video taping students having sex and posting that on the web only to see that said student jump off a bridge. Nor will I get into the countless franternity incidents where initiations have caused student deaths only to see the college turn their back.

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This just might be the most bizarre retort I've ever encountered.

When you bait people, don't quibble about the size fish you land.

Back on topic, why the silence from PSU? Someone need to take control. You can't just have a head coach announce on his own, with this swirling around, that he will finish the year.

is no one minding house now?

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When you bait people, don't quibble about the size fish you land.

Dude, give it a rest. I have no agenda here and if you think I do, you've severely misinterpreted anything I've said. If me being pissed off about a school turning a blind eye to boys getting molested is that much of a problem for you, just scroll past the posts.

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Dude, give it a rest. I have no agenda here and if you think I do, you've severely misinterpreted anything I've said. If me being pissed off about a school turning a blind eye to boys getting molested is that much of a problem for you, just scroll past the posts.

I don't think anybody has said anything differently here-your approach has not been unique.

The only uniqueness that you offered was some attempted puffing of your chest with the want to compare Rutgers-aka known as At least we don't have pedophiles running loose, so we are better than you-schtick.

That and yeah, if I went to PSU, I would burn my diploma.

Other than that, you have been a shining light here.

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Never liked McQueary-I thought he was soft as a QB, never seemed to be able to deal with adversity, and these were all football aspects of him.

As I said earlier, I wondered aloud what ever made him assistant material in a program.

he is actually recruiting coordinator, which is a highly valued job.

May be because he failed to call 911 on a rape of a 10-year old boy in the PSU showers, thereby protecting Paterno's beloved football program for a few decades?

This looks a lot like the Catholic bishops who did the bare legal minimum, but never called the cops on the pedophiles, rather move'em around a bit.And same thing seems to happen when you have a leader no one will question who is in charge forever adn begins to think he is either above the law or a law unto himself. .

Paterno knew. He was PSU. They issue a campus police report wehere Sandusky agreed not to shower with children.Thanks a buNCh, coach; WTF? Words fail me here; how do you not call the cops? How do you not reach out to the victims? And Paerno is now praying for the victims, so he's conceding there were victims. he could've done so much more when this happened had he picked up a phone and called the state police.

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This just might be the most bizarre retort I've ever encountered.

bizarre is that it seems you are making this a Penn State witch hunt that you are enjoying. This whole incident is disgusting. This is not about my school vs. your school, this about little kids who were violated.Period. Penn State is handling this entire situation wrong and it bothers the hell out of me.

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Paterno knew. He was PSU. They issue a campus police report wehere Sandusky agreed not to shower with children.Thanks a buNCh, coach; WTF? Words fail me here; how do you not call the cops? How do you not reach out to the victims? And Paerno is now praying for the victims, so he's conceding there were victims. he could've done so much more when this happened had he picked up a phone and called the state police.

It was a failure at every level.

Sandusky must have thought that he would never be caught.

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It was a failure at every level.

Sandusky must have thought that he would never be caught.

In 1998, in front of the mother of a boy that he showered with, Sandusky said that "he wished he was dead"-With police on the premises as he said it.

DA Gricar declined to prosecute.

That gives you a pretty powerful feeling, I can only imagine

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bizarre is that it seems you are making this a Penn State witch hunt that you are enjoying. This whole incident is disgusting. This is not about my school vs. your school, this about little kids who were violated.Period. Penn State is handling this entire situation wrong and it bothers the hell out of me.

PSU has formed a board to gather all the facts. JoPa is leaving. Sandusky barred from the campus.

What more can they do?

Surely theyll be a statement very soon after the facts are on the table.

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In 1998, in front of the mother of a boy that he showered with, Sandusky said that "he wished he was dead"-With police on the premises as he said it.

DA Gricar declined to prosecute.

That gives you a pretty powerful feeling, I can only imagine

Makes me think that Gricar knew Sandusky.

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These PSU apologists<Manson Family

I mean its the life of a major college.... molestation doesn't happen on every campus, but a lot of shady stuff is kept in house.

With Penn St football, they just happened to go about it wearing the "we do it the right way" on their sleeve....when in reality they're the biggest hypocrites of them all. Paterno right now makes Calipari look like Mother Theresa.

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PSU has formed a board to gather all the facts. JoPa is leaving. Sandusky barred from the campus.

What more can they do?

Surely theyll be a statement very soon after the facts are on the table.

They could time travel back to 1998 and call the police when they first found out that elementary school age children were being raped on their campus.

Failing that they could resign and move to siberia.

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